Moriah's Landing Bundle
Page 53
“That was supposed to be my surprise. So, surprise.” His wry smile changed to concern and he crossed to her. “Hey, it was supposed to be a surprise, not a shock. A honeymoon is traditional after a wedding, you know.”
He’d been planning a honeymoon.
Of course he had. Those five-hundred-plus guests who witnessed their “quiet” garden wedding would expect no less. She was the only one who’d given the idea no thought.
Because she hadn’t let herself think beyond the wedding itself.
“I think…I’m too tired to think.”
He stroked her shoulder with a tenderness that made her want to cry. “I can see that. Why don’t you change out of your dress?”
“Into that?” she asked, nodding at the peignoir.
His eyes glittered. “Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind, but I warn you, if you put that on you won’t be wearing it for long.”
Maybe she hadn’t let herself think past the wedding itself, but now that’s all she could think about. This was her wedding night—and Drew was flirting with her, the way he had that day at Threads. Except now there was a hungry edge to the flirting. No more barriers. They were man and wife.
He’d planned on a honeymoon.
A tingling fire hummed its way along every nerve cell. She was exquisitely, painfully aware of Drew. His scent. The way his chest filled that shirt. The knowledge that his mouth had the power to draw the most elemental response from her.
“Come here, Mrs. Pierce.”
The husky timbre of his order weakened her knees, threatening her equilibrium. Had she moved or was it him? He lifted her chin with his knuckle.
“I’ve been horribly remiss today,” he said softly. “I never once told you what an incredibly lovely bride you made.”
He reached for the flowers in her hair, removing them one by one, dropping them heedlessly to the floor. All, save the last one. He trailed the velvety, fragrant petals down the side of her face, brushing her lips, running it down her neck, across her breasts and the nipples straining behind the fabric of her dress. Then he let it fall as well. Pulling her gently forward, his fingers threaded through her hair, discovering sensitive nerves she hadn’t even known existed. Her heart slammed against her ribs as he lowered his head to inhale the scent of her hair.
“Don’t ever change your shampoo.”
Her body quivered in uncontrollable excitement.
“All day I watched you glide around in this simple, sensual gown, and I counted the minutes until I could turn it into an ivory pool at your feet,” he murmured.
Mesmerized by his tender expression far more than his words, she stood still while his arms slid around her neck, his fingers seeking the hidden zipper at her back. His lips nibbled at her throat, the curve of her cheek, skimming over lips that craved the taste of him.
“Ah, here we go.”
He turned her around before she knew what he meant to do. Air brushed the skin of her back as he inched the zipper downward, stopping to plant tiny kisses along the way against her spine. The sensation was wildly erotic. She couldn’t control the trembling that had taken hold of her.
“Shh. Hold still, I’m not finished yet.”
“Hold still? I can barely stand up.”
Drew chuckled softly. He slid an arm beneath her breasts to support her. “I won’t let you fall.”
And her nipples puckered, achingly aware of that arm so tantalizingly close. The dress slithered over her hips, spilling over the carpeting.
“A garter! I love surprises.”
Before she could tell him the sexy undergarments had been Becca’s idea of a surprise, he placed a kiss at the base of her spine, between the bottom of her lacy garter and above the low line of her high-cut satin panties. Her belly quivered. Her buttocks tightened, and he stood, pulling her back against his body until she could feel the throbbing pulse of his arousal right through his slacks as it pressed against her bottom.
“You feel so good. Turn around and let me see you.”
Heat bathed her body as the sensual rhythm of his words stirred the torrent of suppressed desire. Embarrassed, yet stimulated by his command, she did as he asked, nearly falling as her high heels tangled in the dress. Drew steadied her, pulling the material from under her feet, pausing to kiss the calf of her leg right through her sheer nylons.
Ripples of anticipation skimmed over her. She spread her fingers through the silky strands of his hair as she clutched his head, needing support just to stand. The hot, moist breath of his mouth against her panties weakened her knees so much she was forced to grab his shoulders to hold herself upright. He deliberately brushed the length of her body as he stood, those brilliant blue eyes smoldering with desire.
“Take them off for me.”
He crushed her mouth under his. She melted into his fierce embrace, yielding to the hot, wet kiss that went on and on, destroying all possibility of rational thought. She wanted him. She had always wanted him.
“Your stockings,” he murmured against her ear, pausing to lick the lobe, sending her earring swinging. “I want to watch you peel them from your legs.”
Embarrassment was no match for the feverish longing swirling inside her. He stepped back. Breathless, intensely conscious of him, she raised her leg, resting it against the bed. His bright blue eyes watched her with a ravenous fascination that was somehow empowering. He wanted her—every bit as much as she wanted him. This would be no mindless coupling in the sand. Not even a frenzied coupling in the woods. This was seduction. Slow, simmering seduction that he intended to prolong until neither of them could take the teasing any longer.
Brie’s lips curved. She might not have any experience in seduction, but she suspected experience wasn’t necessary. Her fingers shook only a little as she released the first garter. Slowly, she stroked the nylon down the length of her leg, watching him watch her.
Drew finished unbuttoning his shirt, never once lifting his gaze from her. She was pleased to see his fingers weren’t all that steady, either. She removed the shoe and stocking together. Then she kicked off the other shoe, and repeated the process as he shrugged out of his shirt and cummerbund.
She undid the snaps holding up the garter as his hands went to his waistband. The sound of his zipper was electrifying. Her stomach fluttered madly as he kicked off his shoes and lowered his pants. He was fully, vibrantly aroused.
“I wanted to take my time, but—”
“We’ve wasted enough time.”
And he toppled her onto the bed, following her down with a greedy longing that set her soul ablaze. Her bra and panties disappeared under the magic of his mouth and fingers. Never had her body felt so vibrantly alive, so exquisitely tuned. She whimpered softly, and Drew smiled, prolonging the moment until neither of them could stand the waiting another second. She couldn’t look away from his glittering eyes as he claimed her body, just as he’d claimed her heart. She nearly blurted out the words of love that filled her mind. It was a very long time before either one of them stirred after the universe exploded and they fell over the edge of the world.
Replete in a way he had never felt before, Drew pulled back the covers, switched off the light and tugged her close to his sweat-slicked side. Her head rested against his shoulder. Her hair tickled his nose. He hadn’t needed the tightness of her body to tell him that her earlier reputation was totally unfounded. Her enthusiastic but untutored response to his lovemaking made him wonder if she’d had any lovers at all since that night on the beach. Primitive satisfaction washed over him.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
“And you’ve seen so many.”
“Does it bother you that there were other women in my life?”
“In your life, no. In your bed, of course.”
That candidly refreshing honesty of hers. It never ceased to amaze him.
“I’m incredibly selfish about
some things, Drew. I want to be the only one.”
“You are,” he promised. “We took a vow. It’s one I mean to honor, Brie.” Tension eased slowly from her body. He stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “Besides, having a wildcat in my bed is exhausting. Where would I find the energy to look elsewhere?”
She rolled over to face him and her breasts pushed temptingly against his arm. “A wildcat?”
“Hmm.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “A beautiful, fierce, sexy wildcat. And she’s finally all mine.”
Even in the dark, he saw something wistful in her expression, but she settled back against him, curling her body against his. “I should get up and take a shower.”
“We’ll take one together—in a little while.”
For a long time, neither of them moved. He thought she’d fallen asleep when she spoke, her voice thick with the tiredness that weighed on him as well.
“Do you think Claire will remember?”
He forced himself to relax. “Maybe.”
“The last time she got this upset was when Elizabeth, Kat and I went to the sanitarium. We left there feeling terrible for causing her such pain, but right after that she began to improve. It scares me to think that monster might have been one of our guests.”
He tightened his arm around her. The thought scared him, as well. “Go to sleep.”
Her voice relaxed along with her body. “I’m glad you posted guards. If anything happened to Nicole or my mother…”
“Nothing will happen to them,” he said fiercely.
“I know.” She yawed and snuggled closer. “You’ll protect us.”
And her complete faith left him staring at the ceiling long after she drifted into a peaceful, deep sleep.
CAREY KNEW WHAT EVERYONE was thinking. Cullen Ryan had questioned him until he’d wanted to hit something. How could anyone believe him capable of torturing a woman? Carey loved women. His idea of torture was to bring them to the peak of satisfaction over and over again. The idea that he might have hurt Ursula was unthinkable. Worse was the way they suggested he might have had something to do with what happened to Claire. Hell, he’d been a kid when she was kidnapped.
Okay, so he’d known her. He’d even liked her. There had been something fascinating about her—in an innocent little-lamb sort of way. But Carey had never been stupid. He preferred women like Ursula and Nancy. Beautiful women who knew the score and didn’t demand things like permanence or wedding rings.
But he could feel a noose closing around his neck. He had a feeling they’d like to take him to the town green and hang him like they had old McFarland Leary.
He left the police station and walked to where he’d parked his car. Reaching for his keys, he glimpsed a familiar figure ghosting past like an evil shadow. He crouched beside the car and watched intently. Interesting. Now what was he doing out here at this hour?
Carey knew if he was going to keep from getting arrested, he would have to discover who had murdered Ursula himself. He couldn’t rely on the police. And right there went someone with his own motive for her murder. Carey trailed in the figure’s wake.
He thought about the job Nancy had helped him find in Boston. Nancy was special. She saw right through his easygoing pretense. She got him to talk about things he never had with anyone else. It was Nancy who suggested he come to Boston and talk to some people she knew. Work had never interested him before, but this was different. Exciting. Challenging. Certainly better than selling advertising for the family paper.
The figure he was following jerked to a stop and cast a nervous look around. Carey prayed he was deep enough into the building’s shadows that he couldn’t be seen. Waterfront Avenue was ominously dark and silent. Had he given himself away? Maybe the man had heard his footfalls against the worn cobblestones. He’d have to be more careful. He should allow more space between them. He wished there had been time to change clothing. Sneaking around in a tuxedo and dress shoes was stupid, but there hadn’t been much choice. He felt foolish as he glanced behind him, checking the street at his back.
Nothing stirred.
He turned back and his quarry had vanished. Probably gone inside the strip club on the corner. Could he follow without being spotted? He hurried forward.
Something came out of the darkness as he passed the tattoo parlor, smashing against his skull with stunning force. Carey staggered back. The second blow split the skin. Blood trickled down his face. His vision blurred. He lurched against the building. Something smashed his knee and Carey fell, sliding down the jagged brick facade.
His head reeled with pain. He couldn’t seem to make his limbs obey. Something sharp plunged into the side of his neck. He felt the burn and sting even as he tried to fight against the bite of the needle. Carey tried to protest, but his mouth wouldn’t cooperate. He couldn’t focus on the face over his.
“On your feet, Mr. Eldrich. The kneecap isn’t broken—yet. We’re going to take a ride, you and I. I have a nice black hearse waiting. And it just so happens I have an empty coffin inside.”
His mind screamed in horror, but the screams never left his throat.
Chapter Thirteen
Only half-awake, Drew rolled over, reaching for Brie, as had become his habit over the past two days. But he found only empty blankets. Instantly, his eyes opened. She stood by the window watching the rain. Her hair was a disheveled flame of color against the white satin drapes. She’d pulled on one of his shirts in lieu of a robe. He made a mental note to throw out any robes she owned. He wondered if he would ever tire of looking at her. His wife.
She turned, letting the drape fall back into place. “The storm’s moving.”
“It’s supposed to hit South Carolina today.”
“I don’t think so. I think it’s coming here.”
He patted the bed at his side. She glided over but didn’t sit down.
“Even if it does, Moriah’s Landing has withstood any number of hurricanes. We’ll be okay.”
She shook her head. “Don’t you feel it? There’s a pressure in the air, like something bad waiting to happen.”
Drew slid out of the bed and pulled her into his arms. She shivered. “I knew you didn’t like storms, but I didn’t know they bothered you this much. Let’s go take a shower and warm you up.”
She lifted her face with a trace of humor. “I don’t think my body could survive another shower with you. My bones are still melted from the last one.” But anticipation flickered in her eyes. It was noon before they got around to getting dressed.
“Do you realize we haven’t left this house since the wedding?”
“Hmm. Shall we go for a record?”
“You’re all talk.”
“Not all talk.”
“I need to be sure Nicole and my mother are okay.”
“You talked to them yesterday.”
“But I haven’t seen them.”
“Ah, this is a visual need. Okay. I miss the little imp, too—and I don’t mean her cat. Let’s go over and see if they want to do lunch and take in a movie. It’s too wet to do much else.”
“We should call first.”
“We can be there in the same amount of time. You really are worried, aren’t you?”
“Not about them. I know they’re okay.”
“The storm?”
“It’s my talent. You charm people and I sense storms. And you can stop looking at me like that. My ancestor was hung because she could predict the weather.”
“Little witch. You bewitched me the first day I saw you.”
She made a face. “I was ten. You looked right through me when we were introduced.”
“Blinded by your beauty.”
“Uh-huh. Drew, if you don’t stop kissing me, we’re never going to leave.”
“What a great idea!”
Laughing, she pulled away. “Put your shoes on.”
The telephone rang as she was reaching for the doorknob
. With an apologetic look, Drew lifted the receiver.
“Drew? Cullen Ryan. Am I catching you at a bad time?”
“If this had been a bad time, I wouldn’t have bothered answering. Brie and I were just going out the door. What’s up?”
“Have you seen Carey Eldrich?”
“Not since the wedding.”
“Any idea where I might find him?”
“I gather you tried his place?” Brie came to stand at his side. Reflexively, he put an arm around her and pulled her against him.
“And the newspaper,” Cullen was saying, “and his family, and everyone else I can think of. He seems to have disappeared.”
“Knowing Carey, he’s probably with someone he met at the wedding.”
Brie frowned.
“Hadn’t thought of that. Okay, I’ll keep checking, but if you see him, tell him I want to talk to him again.”
“Cullen, you don’t really think Carey had anything to do with Claire or Ursula’s abductions do you?”
Brie inhaled sharply.
“Because you’re wasting your time. Carey would never hurt a woman. I know the man. I’d stake my life on it.”
There was a pause before Cullen said quietly, “Would you stake Brie’s life on it? If you see him, tell him to give me a call.”
Ryan disconnected. Drew was much slower to replace the receiver.
“You’re right,” Brie said forcefully. “Carey would never hurt anyone.”
Drew might not be sensitive to storms, but it didn’t take a witch to feel the oppression hanging over this town. “Let’s go see our daughter.”
But after arriving at the main house, they learned Maureen had taken Pamela and Nicole shopping for the day.
“Shopping for what? Your mother already bought us enough new clothing to last a lifetime.”
“That bothers you, doesn’t it?”
Brie nodded. “I don’t like taking charity. I like to earn my own way.”
“You married a very stubborn woman,” Anton Pierce said, coming down the hall. Drew felt Brie’s tension as they turned to greet his grandfather.
“Do you know this young woman has paid back nearly all of the money I gave her to keep her away from you four years ago?”