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Quarterback's Baby: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 3

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “Who would have thought the football kind would show up early, let alone on time?”

  “Shhh,” I say. “He can hear you.” I’m whispering frantically.

  “I can hear you, Lia,” comes Shane’s deep booming voice. I can hear him chuckling from the other side of the door.

  “Be right there,” I call out, pretending I didn’t really hear him.

  I take one more look at myself in the mirror before throwing the door open.

  “Wow,” says Shane, eyeing me up and down.

  “You ready?” I say, eager to leave my messy dorm room before he gets a good enough look at it. At least I’ve got my vibrator well hidden. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to use it today, since I ended up actually going to class after literally running into Shane. And then Jane was in the room all afternoon and I didn’t have a moment to myself.

  “Yeah,” says Shane, putting his arms around my back. His hand reaches down towards my ass. I wouldn’t tell him now, but I love it.

  “Nice to meet you,” calls Jane sarcastically at Shane.

  He gives her a little wave and we walk off down the hall, his hand on my ass.

  People actually stop and stare. They haven’t seen me with a guy, and being with Shane is a big deal on campus.

  “You have a car?” I say.

  “Yup,” says Shane. “There’s a nice Greek place nearby. I thought you’d like it.”

  “Oh,” I say. “How’d you know that?” The sarcasm is dripping off my tongue. “Maybe because I told you earlier?”

  “We don’t have to go,” says Shane. “I could take you to the Miller Dining Hall. I hear they have a great mystery meat this time of year.”

  “Sounds delicious,” I say. “Let’s do the Greek place instead. Is it the one on Archibald Drive?”

  “The very one.”

  “I love that one.”

  He leads me to his car, some kind of fancy two door classic sports car. Not that I know one type of car from the other. I have my license, but I’ve never had the luxury of actually owning a car.

  After we leave the parking lot, with the engine roaring, even though we’re driving slowly, Shane seems somewhat distracted.

  “Hey,” I say. “I barely know you, but you seem a little… I don’t know… is something on your mind?”

  He doesn’t answer for a moment. “Actually,” he says. “Yeah. I had two weird things happen to me today. But you probably don’t want to hear about it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Well, I normally don’t do a lot of talking with the chicks I go out with.”

  “I don’t think you normally take them to dinner either, though, right?” I say.

  He gives a little laugh. I love the way his voice and his laugh sound. It’s a kind of deep masculine sound that rolls out of him, making me feel warm inside.

  “That’s true,” he says. “So I guess you’ve heard a lot about me.”

  “You’ve definitely got a reputation on campus,” I say. “But I’m sure you already know that.”

  “I guess,” he says.

  “Well,” I say. “Since we can’t make out or fuck at the dinner table. I mean, at least it’s unlikely. I haven’t tried myself, but I imagine they might disprove of that sort of behavior at a family establishment.”

  He laughs.

  Does he really think I’m funny? That would be incredible. I don’t think anyone’s thought I was funny before. My sarcastic words and comic jabs usually go unnoticed, or I just get weird looks from whoever it is I’m talking to.

  “Since we can’t do that at the dinner table,” I say. “We’d better talk. At least until we get back to your dorm room.”

  “You’ve already decided you’re coming back with me?” He turns to look at me and grins.

  “Only if you behave yourself,” I say, smiling back at him. Our eyes lock for a moment. He has beautiful blue eyes that seem to sparkle with a special sexuality. I can see lust and desire in them.

  “I have a feeling I don’t need to behave myself too much,” says Shane. “I think you want me just as much as I want you.”

  “So we’re going there already?”


  “I think that’s a yes.”

  We drive in silence down the road for a minute or two.

  The sun is shining and summer is almost upon us. The leaves on the trees are a bright green, having changed over from their springtime variations. I love this time of year, when it seems like everything and anything is possible.

  “So what’s going on with you?” I say. “What happened to you today that was so weird? You had to read a book or something for school?”

  Shane laughs. “No,” he says. “I got a call from my brother.”

  He starts telling me how his brother is a drug addict, how he’s been in and out of jail and rehab houses. And now he tells me that his brother asked him for a large quantity of money.

  “You’re not going to give it to him, are you?” I say.

  “I don’t know,” says Shane. “I mean, he’s my brother and he needs my help… I’m sure I can get the money somehow.”

  “Don’t you think he’s just using you?”

  “I mean…”

  “That’s what it sounds like from my perspective,” I say. I can see that this upsets Shane somewhat. “But I’m not in your shoes,” I add hastily. “I mean, I just met you.”

  “Yeah,” says Shane, without saying anything more.

  I can tell I touched a chord with that, so I don’t bring it up again.

  “Here we are,” says Shane, killing the engine.

  “You’re sure you still want to take me out to eat?” I say. “I didn’t bother you too much with that comment about your brother?”

  “It’s fine,” says Shane, smiling at me. “Don’t worry about it, really.”

  I was surprising myself in the car with these barbs and witticisms. I actually felt funny and like I was, I don’t know… being myself. It seems that with most people I’m never really myself, but just someone else, as if I’m playing a part. But now that I might have offended Shane telling him that his brother is using him, I feel the anxieties coming back to me. I feel the real me fading away to somewhere else.

  Now I’m suddenly realizing as I sit in the seat, as Shane waits for me to get out of the car, that I’m having dinner with the famous quarterback Shane…

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  I’m way over my head with this. He’s way more accomplished socially than I am. While I was burying my head in books all year, he was out every night partying it up and living the dream life, a new woman every night.

  I’m just a nerd compared to him.

  But I know he does want me…

  And I want him… My body speaks to me, and it tells me that I’ve got to go for it. I’ve got to have his cock deep inside me by the end of the night.

  It’s always seemed to me like women aren’t supposed to really have any kind of sexual desire. We’re not supposed to really want cock or crave it.

  But that’s how I feel, and I know other women feel the same way. Why do we always have to act like it’s only the guy who desires sex and the pleasures of the flesh? It’s bullshit, that’s what it is.

  “You coming?” says Shane, waiting for me outside the car.

  “Yeah,” I say, finally getting out of the car, taking a deep breath as I do so.

  Shane doesn’t hold the door open for me and wait. I mean, he goes first, and then kind of holds it open for me.

  We sit down and order. He gets more than one gyro sandwich, and I order a salad, the kind I like full of feta cheese and whatever those pickled things are that they add to everything.

  “So tell me about you,” says Shane.

  “Not much to tell,” I say. “I’ve been studying my ass off this year…”

  “You want to be a physical therapist or something?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “But I have to get a PhD firs

  ‘Damn, I didn’t realize you needed a doctorate to do that.”

  “It didn’t used to be like that, but they changed the rules a few years ago.”

  “Sounds hard.”

  I nod my head.

  “So did I totally screw up your plans or something?”

  “Basically,” I say.

  Shane shrugs. “I mean, I didn’t want to screw with your internship or whatever it is…”

  “Work study program,” I say.

  He nods. “I just really need to get my shoulder better. Or I’m not going to be able to play next year.”

  “You use your shoulder a lot in football? I thought you guys just ran into each other or something.”

  “You’re not a big fan, are you?”


  Shane laughs. “That’s OK,” he says. “I mean, honestly, I don’t even watch much football myself. To me it’s not interesting to watch it, so I get that. But I love playing it.”

  I nod. But I don’t see how someone can love running into other dudes on a field. Plus, I’m pretty sure it causes brain damage, not to mention a host of other long lasting physical ailments. In my training and studies, I’ve learned how much can go wrong with the human body when it’s treated the wrong way, and bashing into huge dudes over and over again is definitely treating the human body in the wrong way.

  “That’s kind of weird’ I say. “You like playing, but not watching.”

  “Maybe,” says Shane. “Most guys I know love watching football.”

  “Well,” I say. “I’m sure they’ll figure something else out for me. I mean, honestly, I agree. I was shocked when that secretary told me I was going to be working with you. I need something simple, and plus, I’m supposed to be shadowing someone who knows what they’re doing. They must be really disorganized and busy… she mentioned something about a lacrosse bus. No idea what she was talking about.”

  “You didn’t hear about that?”

  “No, what happened?”

  “The amateur lacrosse club bus crashed. It was really bad.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Are they OK?”

  “No one died or anything, but they’re really pissed because like half the team has injuries and can’t play.”

  The conversation flows easily for the rest of the dinner, and we find ourselves laughing more than usual until the end of the meal.

  As agreed, Shane pays for the meal. I wonder again where I got the courage to speak to him like that. But I guess that’s just me—sort of sarcastic, craving sex. Who knows, maybe at some point women will be able to act like I am now. I think we should have the freedom to inhabit a variety of personalities. I don’t think we should be locked into the shy girl, or the slutty girl, or any of the common modern clichés.

  But that’s getting a little ahead of myself.

  Right now I know what I want, and that’s Shane’s cock. I’m determined not to end the night without it deep inside me.

  Shane’s already way ahead of me.

  As we walk out of the restaurant, he slides his hand across my ass and squeezes.

  I giggle as he holds it there.

  “I had a great time with you,” he says, his voice deep and masculine.

  I don’t answer. I just gaze into his eyes and smile. He knows what I’m thinking and I know his next move

  We pause on the sidewalk in front of his car and with his hand still on my ass, he leans down and kisses me. It’s a gentle kiss, but it keeps going, not ending, as our lips gyrate against each other. I can feel myself getting very, very wet, and he pulls me against him. Both his hands are on me. His massively hard cock is pushing against me. I want to grab it right now. I want to take it inside me. But I have to wait. Not long, though, if things go well.

  We drive back, as Shane tells me jokes and I giggle.

  “I’ve got to ask,” I say. “Do you like still being in the dorms?”

  “Not one bit,” says Shane. “It’s such a drag, with the RAs and everything. I wish they would have let us live off campus for senior year.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I mean, it’s crazy that only 10% of the kids get to. And it’s a lottery. Although I thought that maybe you would have had some kind of special influence or something.”

  Shane shrugs. “I guess it really is just a lottery,” he says. “Trust me, I tried to get allowed to live off campus. What happened was that they just finished constructing all these new buildings on campus, and they didn’t want them to go to waste.”

  “They wanted to make sure they got their money,” I say.

  “Exactly. Well, we’re here.”

  Shane parks the car. His dorm building is about a twenty minute walk from mine.

  “You’re coming in, right?” says Shane, getting out of the car.

  I want him. I want his cock.

  But I’m also nervous.

  It’s been a long time, after all, since I had sex. And actually that was with someone that I was very comfortable, perhaps too comfortable having sex with.

  Shane’s practically a stranger. I’ve never been the type of women to go around having sex with strangers, even if I’ve wanted to.

  But there’s a first time for everything, right?

  I think women should be just as free as men to have a good time, to go out and get laid, to get some cock between our legs, some nice juicy, thick, girthy cock stuffed right in our tight wet holes, feeling that pressure that causes that pleasure that is just so… makes you want to bite your lip and scream out at the same time, those orgasms that are to die for.

  I get out of the car hastily, my panties soaking and hot in anticipation. I run after Shane, who’s already to the door.

  “You weren’t going to wait for me?” I say. “It’d be hard for you to have sex without me. Unless your shoulder is better.”

  “What’s that mean?” says Shane, giving me a wry smile.

  “It means that unless you want to be jacking off all night thinking about me, wearing away at your busted up shoulder, than you better at least wait for me. And holding the door for me wouldn’t hurt, even though I know you’re really not that type of guy.”

  “I can be that type of guy when it’s necessary,” says Shane, standing aside and opening up the door for me dramatically with an antiquated flourish of his arm and hand. “My lady, he says,” imitating an ancient highfalutin’ British accent.

  “You mean when it’s going to get you laid,” I say, walking through the doorway past him.

  “Hey, you said it not me,” says Shane.

  We walk down the hall, his hand on my ass. My own breathing is getting hot and ragged. I want him so bad.

  He’s fumbling with the key, getting it into the lock, and I let my hand brush up against this raging hot package. His crotch is a hot hard mess, his cock pushing against his jeans, tightening them like crazy…

  We tumble into the room, his mouth crashing down on me.

  Our clothes come off quickly, almost savagely. I lost track of whether I’m pulling them off or he is. There’s almost no way to tell. They fly across the room, landing all over the place.

  “Wait,” I say, pulling away from him.

  “What is it?”

  “You don’t have a roommate, do you?”

  “No,” he says.

  We tumble in our underwear onto his bed, which is unmade, but at least relatively clean, like he washed the sheets sometime in the last few weeks.

  Not that I care about the cleanliness of the sheets at a time like this.

  His hands are all over me and they make me shiver with excitement. His hands cup my breasts. My bra comes off as he reaches around behind me.

  My hair is long and undone, fanning across the pillow.

  He’s on his knees beside me, his weight making the mattress sink a little. He looks down at me and grins. He looks huge and massive, muscular, like some gladiator about to fight the most important battle of his career.

  His cock juts out, making a tent in
his boxer shorts.

  He looks down at my crotch, smiling as he sees the huge damp spot there.

  I can feel the wetness. My breathing is going crazy.

  He tugs at his boxers just a little, allowing his cock to jut out from the fly.

  It’s huge. I don’t know how many inches, but it’s almost double the size of my ex’s cock, in both length and girth. Not that Johnny had a huge cock. I mean, I knew it wasn’t that big. It was fine…

  But my mouth is salivating just looking at Shane’s cock. It’s fucking beautiful, the way the head swells up away from the rest of the shaft.

  I open my mouth, pursing my lips, waiting for his cock to enter me.

  “You’re going to have to put a little more effort in than that,” growls Shane, chuckling with his deep voice.

  I pick my head up off the pillow, craning my neck to get his cock in my mouth.

  It hits my tongue. I have to keep my mouth wide to accommodate this massive member. I try to keep my teeth away from it, but I’ve heard that some guys actually like a little teeth… I don’t know, they say it adds a little extra spice to a delicious meal.

  Shane lets out a deep breath and I sense his body relaxing as I take him deeper in my mouth, pushing my head right down towards my body.

  Soon Shane is holding the sides of my head. It feels fucking awesome. I love every moment of it, especially when he starts thrusting his cock right into my mouth, fucking it like he’s fucking my pussy.

  I thrust my tongue up against his thick shaft. He groans in pleasure and doesn’t stop.

  Finally, he grunts one final time. Is he close to coming?

  Come on, I think to myself. Don’t come yet. Don’t do it. I deserve your cock inside of me. I desire your mouth against me…

  But he comes, one final thrust as his cock enters me all the way. The surge of come enters my mouth, flowing all around, thick and delicious. I drink it down. I no longer regret it. I no longer care whether he came. I do care. I love it actually. I love the syrupy concoction, vaguely salty, vaguely sweet…

  “Fuck yeah,” groans Shane.

  His cock is still rock hard, still in my mouth.

  His hand starts exploring the space between my inner thighs, working up until his hand is against the wet spot by my pussy…


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