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Forbidden Love Series (SubmissiveRomance) Complete Collection

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by Jordan, Lucia

  Copyright © 2013 by Lucia Jordan

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Table Of Contents

  Forbidden Love Book 1

  Forbidden Love Book 2

  Forbidden Love Book 3

  Forbidden Love Book 4

  Forbidden Love Book 1

  Olivia self-consciously tugged at her skirt in a useless attempt to make it longer. She cursed her boss for giving her this assignment. Of all the people who worked at the magazine who would be better suited for this, Olivia was the one who’d been stuck with it. It wasn’t fair and she was convinced that her boss was just looking for a reason to fire her. And if she fucked up this article, she would surely be in the unemployment line.

  Why on earth her boss wanted an in-depth article about the BDSM lifestyle was beyond her. Of course, thanks to the popularity of that book, Fifty Shades of Grey, BDSM was the newest fad, the next big thing. Everyone was doing it. Olivia’s boss, Tracy, didn’t want just another article about what it was; she wanted a firsthand account of what it was like to be in the lifestyle. Tracy had said that Olivia didn’t have to engage in any sexual activities, unless she wanted to, of course, but she did have to go to a BDSM club and talk to people who are in the thick of it.

  So, it was now Friday night and Olivia found herself inside Allegiant — the most exclusive BDSM club in the city. She sat at the end of the bar and refused to look around or make eye contact with anyone. When she first walked through the door, she’d seen a woman tied and bound to a cross on the wall while two men pleasured her. She’d also seen a woman with a collar and chain, like a dog, walking around on all fours. Then there was the couple in the far corner. The woman had her hands cuffed behind her back and a ball gag in her mouth as she rode a man in the reverse cowboy position. Everyone was half naked and dressed in leather. It shocked her that people would just have sex in public like that. Actually, it was quite appalling. Didn’t people have any decency? Didn’t they realize that sex was something personal, something that should be cherished and shared privately?

  She was so far out of her element here it wasn’t funny. The bartender set a fresh glass of wine in front of her. “Oh, I didn’t order another one,” she said, pushing it away.

  The bartender smiled and pushed it back toward her. “It’s from Master Dean.” He nodded toward a small round table off to the right with four comfortable looking arm chairs around it.

  Olivia’s gaze followed the bartender’s nod and she found a very attractive, very muscular man. He was sitting in one of the upholstered chairs, his arms resting on the arms of the chair, his large booted feet planted on the floor, knees bent, a glass of liquor dangling from his fingertips, and a faint smile on his lips. His massive leather clad thighs were comfortably spread, showcasing the impressive bulge in his crotch. Olivia raked her gaze over his body and landed on his face, their eyes locking with one another. His eyes were as dark as the leather of his pants and dangerous looking. The man lifted his finger and crooked it at her, motioning for to come to him. Then he gave her a smile that was wicked as sin. Her breath caught in her throat. That’s what you get for making eye contact. She should’ve known better.

  Tracy had told her to mingle, to get the inside story. So, Olivia took a deep breath and climbed off the bar stool she’d been sitting on. She slowly started toward him. She felt like a bunny wandering into a fox den and she couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. The man was a stranger for crying out loud. She stopped in front of him, and he patted his leg. Olivia looked at him with disbelief. Did he really just motion for her to sit on his lap? He patted his leg again and she noticed his eyes darkened. Holy crap that was hot. Hesitantly, she sat on his lap. He put his hand on her lower back; the heat from his touch seared her skin.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  His voice was so deep, so manly, and so full of confidence it made her body tingle with desire. “Olivia,” she said. “And yours?”

  “Master Dean,” he said, lightly grazing his fingers up and down her arm.

  Olivia nodded. That one word, Master, had made his position and his intentions clear. And the fact that she didn’t have a collar around her neck meant she was fair game to any Dom in this club, providing she wanted to be. She was a journalist. She’d done her research before she came here. In fact, she’d spent an entire week doing research and would’ve spent longer if her deadline for this story wasn’t fast approaching. One thing she’d learned: the submissives had the power to accept or deny a Master at their leisure. That was the one little fact that made her feel safe. She could be here, observe, mingle, but not have to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  “I’ve noticed you were fidgeting with this,” he said, gently tugging on the hem of her red leather skirt. “Is it bothering you?”

  “Yes,” she said her voice almost giving out. The feel of his fingers on her skin was distracting.

  “Why?” He slipped a finger up her skirt and grazed her thigh.

  She was frozen in place. The sensation of his touch was mind blowing, yet, he was a stranger. He shouldn’t be touching her like that, and she sure as hell shouldn’t be allowing it. But, she couldn’t bring herself to get off his lap either. “Uh, it feels too short. I feel like my ass is hanging out.” She laughed nervously.

  “If you ask me, it’s much too long.” Dean brought his glass to his mouth and took a drink, keeping his gaze locked on hers the entire time. Then he set the glass on the table in front of him, and lifted her legs, draping them over the arm of the chair. She sucked in a breath and waited. “You have gorgeous legs, Olivia.” The feel of his fingertips trailing up and down her leg made her shiver. All though, she didn’t know if it was that or the cool breeze she felt blowing up her skirt. “You shouldn’t try to cover them up.”

  “Thank you,” was all she managed to say.

  His fingers continued to roam the length of her legs and she could feel herself getting excited, which was so crazy. Olivia was not the type of woman who got excited by perverse, kinky, sexual acts. “This is your first time, isn’t it?”

  God, am I that obvious? “Yeah, it is.”

  “That’s okay.” He smiled and her heart fluttered. His smile was breathtaking. “Why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for?”

  “Um, I don’t really know.”

  Dean cocked a brow. “So, you came to a BDSM club, alone, and you don’t know why?”

  “How do you know I’m here alone?”

  He smiled again. “I’ve been watching you since you walked through the door.”

  “Oh.” She really didn’t know what else to say.

  “A woman as sexy as you will get picked up very easily in a place like this.” His fingers left her legs and moved to her arms. He ran his index finger up her arm and across her collarbone. “If you don’t know what you want, and you don’t know the players, you could find yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in.”

  She swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

  “Take Master Jeff over there for example.” Dean nodded toward the corner where a woman was tied up in somet
hing that looked like a harness. She was gagged, had clamps on her nipples, and he was yanking on her hair while he had what appeared to be really rough sex with her. Olivia looked away from the scene, embarrassed. It made her feel like a voyeur to watch them, even though they were in a public club. “It’s okay to watch them,” Dean whispered. “That’s why the do it out here. They get off on knowing people are watching them.”

  Olivia found herself watching them again. She couldn’t help herself. And she realized she liked watching them – it turned her on in a way she didn’t know was possible. Dean had moved his hand from her collarbone up to her chin and lips. He rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “You see, Master Jeff likes to push his subs. He gets off on their pain.”

  “Why?” she whispered, still staring at them. “That seems…mean.”

  Dean chuckled softly. “No, it’s not mean. Master Jeff is a very considerate Dom. He knows what he likes, and he only takes subs who like the same. He pushes them to their limit, but never past.”

  “How does he know their limits?” She was fascinated by all of this, and she wanted to know more, everything.

  “It takes time, but he learns through experimentation. Each time he’s with his sub, he tries something new, something different. If it works, he takes it one step further. If it doesn’t, he tries something else.” He ran the pad of his thumb over her lip again, and then he slid his hand around to the back of her neck. Then he brought her face to his and crushed her lips with a forceful kiss. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip, his tongue prodded and explored her mouth with hungry dominance.

  Beneath her, Olivia felt his erection getting progressively larger and it excited her. She put her hands around his neck and leaned into his kiss, enjoying it a lot more than she thought she would. It was a kiss unlike any she’d ever had before and it ended much too soon in her opinion. When Dean pulled away, she actually made a small moan of protest. Her eyelids fluttered open and she was met with his dark eyes. They were hungry, imploring. She licked her lips, which tingled from his kiss.

  “Then there’s Master Rob,” he continued as if nothing had just happened between them. But she noticed the way his lips were moist and swollen from their kiss. And from the size of his erection, she knew he wasn’t unaffected by it. That made her feel better about her own reaction to him. “He likes slaves, not submissives.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “Slaves live with their Master’s and are at the ready twenty four seven. Submissives are more like exclusive girlfriends who are there when their Master needs or wants them, but it’s not full time.” Dean’s lips found hers again and she kissed him eagerly, wanting more of what he had to offer. She felt like a woman starved for affection, begging and taking whatever he had to offer. “Mmm,” he said, pulling away and licking his lips. “So, if you don’t know what you want or what you like, you could end up with a Dom like Jeff or Rob.”

  Olivia nodded. That made sense. She then asked the one question she probably should’ve asked at the start of all this. “And what do you like, Master Dean?”


  Her breath hitched and her excitement skyrocketed. “I meant what do you like…slaves or submissives?”

  “You tell me, Olivia. What are you? A slave or a submissive?” He shifted in the chair and his erection pushed against her, ratcheting her desire even higher.

  “A submissive, I guess,” she said even though she’d never been a submissive a day in her life. She had no idea how to do it, but in this moment she felt like it was easier to play the role than it was to explain her true intentions for being there.

  “I like submissives,” he said, his voice dripping with promise. “In fact, I like breaking in new submissives. That’s kind of what I’m known for around here. I train new subs, teach them the lifestyle, and then send them on their way to find a more permanent Master.”

  Talk about luck. The first and only Dom she meets is the man who can give her all the information she needs for her article. And, if she decided to let things go any further with him, she’d really have an insider’s perspective. Imagine the article she could write from both the perspective of a Dom and a sub. It would surely put her on the fast track to a promotion.

  Dean nipped at her earlobe, and then nuzzled her neck. “I came here tonight to have sex, Olivia, and I’d really like it to be with you. Would you like to join me in a dungeon room?”

  “A what?” A dungeon room? That just sounded scary.

  “It’s a private room in the basement of the club.” He kissed her neck and she tilted her head, moaning at the exquisite feeling of his hot mouth on her skin. “So, would you like to join me tonight? I promise to break you in nice and easy.”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “I’d like that a lot.” She got off Dean’s lap and took his proffered hand. He led her out of the main club and down a long corridor. Stopping in front of a door near the end of the hallway, he swiped a plastic key card and the door swung open. Olivia stepped inside and looked around. The room looked like a dungeon. It was dark, with no windows and cement walls, which were lined with so many toys, whips, chains, and other things she couldn’t name, and it was mildly intimidating.

  “Do you have a safe word?” he asked as he stalked further into the room.

  “A what?”

  “A safe word. Okay, lesson number one. Don’t ever start to play until you’ve chosen a safe word. It should be something personal to you and that you can easily remember.”

  “Okay, um, how about…deadline.”

  Dean cocked a brow and laughed. “Deadline?”

  She felt her face flush with embarrassment. Was that a bad safe word? “Yeah, I always have deadlines at work and my boss is always screaming about them. I’ve grown to associate unpleasant things with that word.”

  “Deadline it is then.” He sauntered toward her, stopping only once their bodies were close enough to touch. “Lesson number two.” He held up two fingers. “When you are in the presence of your Dom, you must show him respect and obedience.”

  “How do I do that?” Unlike Dean, who was speaking in generalities, she wanted to make this personal. She wanted to get the full experience of what it was like to be a sub.

  “Get down on your knees.” He pointed to the floor. Olivia went to her knees. Dean stood behind her. He took her hands and brought them around behind her back. Then he straightened her back and gently lowered her head so that it was downcast. “Like that,” he said his voice tight. “When your Dom enters a room, you present for him just like that. And you stay like that until he tells you otherwise. Understood?”



  Olivia watched his feet as he walked back around to stand in front of her. She wasn’t sure what to do, so she remained perfectly still, waiting. It wasn’t the most comfortable position to be in, especially for a long period of time.

  “I have to say, it’s a major turn on to see a woman showing her obedience like that. And you look fantastic in that position.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  She heard him draw a deep breath. “All right, lesson number three: You will only speak when spoken to and you will always refer to your Dom as Sir or Master. Each Dom has their own preference. I like to be called Sir. That is what you will call me from this point forward. Is that clear?” Olivia nodded. “Good. Lesson number four, if you don’t do as I say, there will be punishment.”

  “Punishment?” Her voice was barely audible to her own ears, she was amazed that he heard her.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take it easy this first time. If I do anything to hurt you, or if I do something you don’t like, you call out your safe word, okay?”

  “Okay.” Nerves wracked her body and she felt nauseous.

  “Okay, what?” he said in a demanding voice.

  “Okay, Sir,” Olivia said with wide eyes. Wow. He wasn’t joking about that was he?

  “Good girl, Olivia.”
He rewarded her by bringing her to her feet and giving her a kiss that made her knees weak. “Now, remove your skirt and go lie down on the bed.”

  Olivia’s hands trembled as she unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it. Dean’s eyes were like daggers in her back as he watched her walk toward the bed and lay down. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her body thrummed with sexual anticipation. She licked her lips and waited. She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. Granted, she’d had a few one night stands during college, but she hadn’t had one since becoming a responsible adult. Add to that the fact that she was in a dungeon room in the basement of a BDSM club with a Dom who wanted to do God knows what to her? She had seriously lost her mind.

  Dean approached and stood beside the bed, his head cocked to the side, smiling. He put his hand on her ankle and slowly coursed it up the length of her body. Her flesh erupted in goose bumps and she suppressed a shudder. “You have a beautiful body,” he said.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He grinned broadly, clearly pleased with her ability to follow his rules. Dean took her hand and placed it on his crotch. She gently squeezed his erection, impressed with the size, and he groaned. “You’ve made me so hard, Olivia.” His explicit words shocked her – and made her panties wet. Dean stepped away from the bed and stood in front of a wall of toys. “Silk scarves or handcuffs?” he asked.

  “Silk, please, Sir.”

  Dean plucked two purple silk scarves from the wall and approached her again. “Spread your legs for me.” Olivia took a deep breath, and then spread her legs as wide as she could, watching with fascination as Dean tied each of her ankles to the bed post. The silk felt nice against her skin. Her panties were becoming increasingly wet and she wished he’d just get on with it already. The waiting was killing her. “Now put your hands above your head, grab the bars, and do not let go.”

  Olivia inhaled deeply and did as she was told. Dean kneeled between her legs. One by one, he unbuttoned her poor excuse for a shirt until it fell open, exposing her breasts. The combination of the cool air and the feel of his calloused fingers rubbing over her breasts had her nipples hardening. Dean pinched her nipples a little harder, eliciting a startled cry from her. Holy shit! The pain was fleeting, but the pleasure washed over her in one wave after another. She arched into his touch, wanting more of the delicious pleasurable pain he was giving her.


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