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Timeless Mist

Page 11

by Terisa Wilcox

  Suddenly, the door crashed open with a resounding bang. Kris shrieked in surprise and nearly jumped out of the tub. She grabbed for one of the drying cloths, but they were out of reach. She couldn't reach one without exposing too much of her naked self, so she sank into the water, covered herself with her arms as best she could and glared at the intruder.

  Iain stood in the doorway, feet spread, one hand on the hilt of his sword, his expression thunderous.

  "What do ye think ye are doing?" He growled, his voice low and dangerous.

  Kris tried to sink lower into the water to no avail.

  "I would think 'twas obvious, laird." Elsbeth threw him a scathing glance. "The lady Kristianna is taking a bath and I am trying to decide which of these gowns would do her justice. Any suggestions?"

  Her matter-of-fact stance shocked Kris. Elsbeth acted as if a man being in Kris' chamber while she bathed was of little or no consequence. She continued to peruse the gowns, picking one up, shaking her head and setting it back down.

  "Who said this lass was a lady? How do ye know she isnae a serf?"

  "'Tis obvious to anyone with eyes," Elsbeth announced, both her fists planted firmly on her ample hips, "that she is nay a peasant, nor a serf."

  Kris couldn't quite stifle the chuckle that escaped at the look on Iain's face.

  "I gave orders for this door to remain locked," he roared. "No one was to enter or leave. Who disobeyed me and why?" he thundered.

  Elsbeth shrugged, "your màthair instructed the guard to unlock the door. She wished to meet our guest and see that she was comfortable."

  "I gave orders that no one was to enter this room." Iain bellowed.

  "My laird," Elsbeth threw him a look that spoke volumes. "Ye must speak with your màthair about that. I am naught but a lowly servant and only do as I am bid." She raised an eyebrow at him, made a slight curtsy, and turned back to her task.

  Kris watched the entire exchange with great delight. She only wished she wasn't sitting naked in a tub that was barely big enough for her. She saw Iain's gaze sweep over her a moment before she heard his sharp intake of breath. With an anxious glance at Elsbeth, she cleared her throat to get the woman's attention. It finally worked. Elsbeth looked at her and silently handed her a towel. Kris grabbed it and covered her nakedness with the not quite thick enough linen cloth.

  * * *

  Iain let his gaze travel from Kris' eyes, to her full red lips, to the creamy expanse of her neck and shoulders. A single drop of water rolled down her neck to her chest before it disappeared beneath the towel she held tightly against her breasts.

  "Take a picture, it lasts longer," Kris grumbled. There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach caused by the very obvious double meaning in his gaze.

  "What was that?" Iain shook his head to clear the seductive images from his head.

  Kris scowled at him, "I said, when you're done staring at me, you can leave so I can finish my bath." Her voice rose to a near screech. She deliberately tried to shut out any awareness of him. Such an attraction could be perilous.

  "I beg your pardon, my lady." Iain swept his gaze to Elsie, who looked at him as if he'd lost his wits, before he looked back at Kris. He then gave her an exaggerated bow, "please forgive my untimely intrusion. I shall return when ye have finished your bath."

  He turned on his heel and slammed out of the chamber. His heart hammered foolishly in his chest. He shook his head, thought about banging it against the door several times to dislodge the insanity that had scattered his wits so thoroughly that he would think, even for a moment, of what it would be like to kiss her again. To hold her and caress that soft skin, to run his fingers through her hair and discover if was as soft as it appeared.

  He decided he needed to train for a bit. That would help dislodge whatever ailment currently held him captive. He strode off in the direction of the lists.

  * * *

  A shiver ran down Kris' spine at the heated look Iain gave her before he slammed out of the chamber.

  "Now what do ye suppose has gotten into him?" Elsbeth asked, her tone much too innocent to be believable. She turned back to picking through the gowns.

  Kris eyed her skeptically, catching the twinkle that lit her brown eyes. She said nothing, just picked up the soap and continued to wash. Then she washed her hair, twice. One more washing and a rinsing with the clean water left in a small bucket beside the tub and it would be clean enough to live with.

  "This one," Elsbeth exclaimed as Kris came up from dunking her head in the water for the second time. She'd had to drape her legs over the side of the wooden tub to accomplish the rinsing of her hair, but at least it was cleaner now. "'Tis perfect." Elsbeth continued to herself.

  Kris turned to look at the gown Elsbeth held out in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat on a gasp. The dress was spectacular. Made of what seemed like yards of emerald green silk and velvet, trimmed with a fur lined collar and cuffs, it was the most beautiful dress Kris had ever seen. Hailey would have had fits of giddiness if she'd been able to even just touch it, let alone wear it.

  "'Twill look much better on ye than on the laird's intended," Elsbeth smiled.

  "Oh? I had no idea Iain was planning to marry." Surprise colored her voice though she tried hard to sound nonchalant about it. It wasn't only because of Elsbeth's statement that caused her shock, either. Confusion clouded her mind at the perplexing emotions that ran through her. The most prominent one being that knife of jealousy that ran through her to stab her heart.

  Why should she be upset if Iain got married? After all, she barely knew the man. And it wasn't as if she'd be sticking around here forever. As soon as she discovered how, she'd be returning to her own time. Shaking off the feeling, she began to wash her hair for the last time.

  "Nay, the laird isnae to wed," Elsbeth met Kris' gaze, "no' anymore, leastwise. And especially no' to a woman who would betray no' only her betrothed husband, but her laird and clan as well."

  "Oh!" Kris gasped. "How did she betray him?"

  "She helped the Campbells in the last battle with the clan. 'Twas that battle that killed so many of the men in our clan. She showed the Campbells how to breach the keep by leading them to the bolt-hole. Most of the clan had moved further into the hills by then, but the ones that were left were all slaughtered."

  "Was she a Campbell?" Kris asked, hoping Elsbeth didn't hear the almost breathless way she asked. She had to be so careful not to give anyone a clue as to her real last name.

  "No' that we know of. She was ha'ing a tryst with the Campbell Laird's brother, Tomas, though. 'Twas why she agreed to help them. She ne'er wished to wed wi' our laird. She only agreed because Tomas asked her to. 'Twas an act of vengeance and greed. They ha'e e'er wanted our lands and will do anything to possess it."

  "How awful." Kris mumbled, knowing it was inadequate, but unable to think of anything else to reply. She shook her head. She never knew how to answer people when they suffered a loss, especially such a devastating loss of so many. Apologizing seemed so inadequate, yet what more could she say?

  "Aye, 'twas a verra sad day, that. Caitlyn disappeared around that time as well. We ha'e seen neither hide nor hair of that lass since right after we made the move to Rannoch."

  "Who is Caitlyn?"

  "The laird's sister."

  "And you have no idea where she is?"

  "Nay," Elsbeth answered a bit wearily. "She is fore'er running off looking for adventures and such. Worries her màthair and kin needlessly. But, she is a verra beautiful girl and much loved by us all. Ne'er has anything but a kind word or two for all. Full of life and spirit she is. Still, 'tis a wonder what has become of her, her being gone so long and all."

  Elsbeth looked at Kris from the corner of her eye, then lowered her voice a bit, "I think she took the opportunity to run off because her father was planning to wed her with someone she dinnae wish to be wed too. She was past old enough to ha'e been wed several years, but Lady Sorcha kept insisting she be allowed
to wait. The laird, howe'er, decided the time had come for her to ha'e a husband and was looking into possible matches for the lass."

  "Who did he want her to wed with?"

  "Blake Drummond. He was looking to gain an ally or two through a match. Caitlyn dinnae wish to be wed to the mon, though. She claimed there was a coldness too him, something she dinnae trust. The laird would hear no word against it. Neither Sorcha nor Caitlyn could sway him, e'en though rumors abounded about the mon's cruelty."

  "I can't picture Sorcha allowing such a thing to happen."

  "Och, nay, she wouldnae ha'e. But Caitlyn dinnae ha'e the patience to wait for her màthair to take care of it. The laird could be quite stubborn when he got an idea into his head and getting him to change his mind could take some serious persuading and time. Lady Sorcha would ha'e accomplished it in time," she shook her head sadly, "but Caitlyn just took it upon herself to disappear afore giving her màthair the time to see to it. Wi' the move and all the recent troubles, 'twas nay the first thing on anyone's mind at the time. Now the Lady Sorcha is concerned that her daughter may ha'e been captured by one of our enemies or e'en by Blake himself. He was verra willing to wed wi' the lass."

  "Her worrying her màthair angers you?"

  Elsbeth sighed, "Aye, I suppose it does somewhat. 'Tis more concern for the lass that irritates me though. She is a bit of a wild one, but she has such a big heart. I know she would ne'er intentionally hurt anyone. She just gets these ideas into her head and doesnae always think of the consequences or the concern she will cause."

  "Hmmm," Kris said, knowing she was not one to pass judgment on the girl for she herself was guilty of letting her curiosity rule her logic too many times. "How long as she been gone?"

  "Near to half a year now. E'er since we moved up here to the hills. She was seen during the move, but couldnae be found after. Iain has been looking for her e'er since."

  "I can't imagine what it must have been like for you all. And for Iain's own betrothed to betray not only him, but the entire clan? Has she no heart?"

  "I cannae tell ye," Elsbeth shook out the dress and laid it carefully on the bed and returned to the subject of Iain's former betrothed, "I was no' surprised about Isobel. I knew that lass would be nothing but trouble from the moment she arrived here wi' all her fancy clothes and such. Wheesht, that lass thought she was better than everyone else hereabouts because she had been to court and lived mostly in the lowlands. Her sweet face dinnae fool me for a minute."

  "I take it you didn't like her much."

  Kris giggled when Elsbeth threw her a disgusted look and snorted.

  "When she rode away wi' the Campbells, she left all her clothing behind. Lady Sorcha said we should bring it wi' us as 'twould be a shame to leave them behind and a waste as well. Isobel was a might bigger than ye are, but 'twill be an easy enough thing for me to adjust these to fit ye."

  "They are lovely gowns." Kris stood and climbed from the now cooled water. Elsbeth wrapped her in one of the warm linens then sat her down in a chair by the fire.

  "Aye, 'tis a shame to see them just hang there collecting dust. 'Tis a sin to waste."

  "Yes, I suppose it is."

  Elsbeth tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I believe lady Sorcha has an extra plaid that may fit ye." She nodded to herself. "'Twill go nicely with that gown and provide ye wi' some extra warmth to keep ye from catching a chill. It might be coming on spring, but here in the Highlands, it can still get a wee bit brisk, especially in the evenings."

  "That would be wonderful." Kris said, distracted by the warmth of the fire curling around her toes.

  "I will just go check wi' her." With a grin, she scooted out the door, leaving Kris to wonder how a woman of such girth could move so fast. She smiled to herself as she sat by the fire. The heat emanating from the blaze warmed her deliciously. Especially her toes, which never seemed to get warm. Her back to the door, she heard it swing open again.

  "That was quick, Elsie. Did you run all the…" Kris turned a bit to reach for the chamber robe that had been left on the opposite chair and instantly froze. Instead of Elsbeth, Iain stood in the doorway. Shocked, Kris jumped up from the chair and almost dropped the towel, which just barely covered her vital spots as it was. Her nightshirt had actually covered more of her. At least it was an inch or two longer than the towel.

  "Don't you ever knock?" She grimaced and tried to stretch the towel bigger too better cover herself. "Don't you have something else you need to be doing? Maybe go raid some cattle or burn a building down, a battle to fight somewhere?" She kept one hand tightly clenched to the towel while she reached for the robe with the other, afraid if she moved to much the linen would fall.

  "I saw Elsie leave and assumed ye were finished wi' your bath." Iain closed the door, crossed his arms in front of his massive chest and continued to stare at her as if he couldn't quite figure her out.

  "Yeah, well, you know what they say about people who assume." She struggled to get into the robe with only one hand, while the other clutched the towel securely around her. "What are you looking at? You know, a gentleman would be decent enough to leave until I'm properly dressed. Or at least turn around," she snapped.

  "I have a few more questions I would put to ye."

  Kris groaned. "Don't you think you've questioned me enough for one day? You're not going to get any different answers this time than you did last time. I still have no idea how I got here. Yes, I still say I'm from the future, no I'm not having delusions from the bump on my head and I haven't lost my wits. I'm not a spy, I couldn't care less about what wars you guys want to fight. I only want to get home. I don't belong here and I'd just as soon not be here anymore."

  "Besides, you didn't seem to care for any of those answers before." She finally succeeded in getting both arms into the robe. Snapping it shut, she let the wet towel fall to the floor and tied the sash tight about her waist. "I doubt you've changed your mind about them now. Not to mention the fact that you all but called me a liar." Her voice matched her rising irritation.

  "I will admit your manner of speech is passing strange and I cannae place your unusual accent. But ye are right, I still dinnae believe ye to be from the future. No' fully, leastwise."

  "Well, I haven't thought of anything I could offer you as proof yet. You said you'd give me some time. A couple of hours' is certainly not enough of it."

  "I have no' decided if I believe your tale or not. But I wouldnae put it past the Campbells to plan an elaborate scheme such as this just to try to discover any weaknesses in the clans defenses. They ha'e done the like before."

  Kris groaned low in her throat so it came out like a growl. "Did you come in here just to tell me you still don't believe me? You've wasted your breath." She stomped to the bed and back again. "You know what? I'm done. I don't really give a rat's ass if you believe me or not. As soon as my clothes are clean, I'll be outta her so fast, buster, all you'll see is my dust. Then you won't have to concern yourself about me anymore." She glared at him.

  "I know when I'm not wanted. I can't exactly say it's been fun, but it has certainly been educational. I never asked to be stuck here in the first place. I'd just as soon be home in my nice warm bed, with my nice warm comforter, my electric blanket and fuzzy slippers and a nice mug of double hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. You can just tell Elsbeth to forget about the plaid, the dress, and anything else she was going to get. You can forget about any more questions and forget about me. I'm going home!"

  "Nay." He said, before he thought better of it. Iain was a bit dizzy from her outburst. He had no idea what any of those things she'd said where, but for some reason, he knew he couldn't let her leave. He shook his head. What was wrong with him? He should have just stood aside and let her go. But his feet would not obey his command to move.

  "That's it? Just nay?" Her jaw slide down. The arrogance of the man. "You can't just keep me here forever, you know. That would be kidnapping and that's against the law."

  "Ye a
re in the Highlands, lassie; we make our own laws here."

  Rage almost choked her. "You arrogant, self-righteous beast. Who do you think you are?"

  "I am Iain MacGregor, Laird of Clan MacGregor and my word is law. Ye will remain here until I decide if ye are a spy or a threat to my clan," he paused for a heartbeat "or if ye speak the truth about yourself. Though 'tis unsure if most women e'en know the meaning of that word."

  Kris' jaw dropped at his statement. He was going to keep her prisoner here. Over her dead body. She lifted her chin in defiance to meet his belligerent gaze. Shock at his words yielded quickly to fury.

  "You are nothing but an egotistical, chauvinistic, pigheaded brute!" She crossed the room, fists raised. "I refuse to stand here and let you bully me, you overgrown, scruffy looking horses' ass. I want to go home. And you aren't anywhere near big enough to stop me."

  Before Iain knew what she was about, she swung at him with all her strength, just as her brothers had taught her. Gratification coursed through her when she heard his grunt of pain and surprise as she connected with his stomach. One more well placed swing and she heard the satisfying crunch as she connected again, this time with his jaw.

  She raised her foot and kicked him in the shin, putting all her anger and pent up frustration behind it, then brought her heel down upon his other foot, stomping on the instep. It hurt like hell because she had no shoes on, but she paid no attention to the pain. She wanted out of this room and out of this castle. She wanted to go home.

  She didn't stick around for him to regain his senses. Scooting around him, she yanked open the door and scrambled into the hallway. Only to run headfirst into a chest. A very large, very well-muscled chest.

  "Uffda," she grunted as the impact nearly knocked her on her rear end. Instinctively, she raised her fists, wishing she had a weapon of some kind.

  The man simply grinned down at her. He held her by the shoulders and refused to release her.

  "What do ye wish me to do with her, laird?"


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