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Conquered by the Captain

Page 1

by Pippa Greathouse

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  EBook Offer

  Conquered by the Captain

  The Conquered, Book One

  Pippa Greathouse

  Ruby Caine

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books®, Pippa Greathouse and Ruby Caine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

  a subsidiary of

  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Pippa Greathouse and Ruby Caine

  Conquered by the Captain

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-501-7

  Print ISBN: 978-1-61258-525-3

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  What’s Inside

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Pippa Greathouse

  Other Titles by Pippa Greathouse

  Ruby Caine

  Other Titles by Ruby Caine

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  What’s Inside

  Stiffening with pride, she stood up and marched to the area he indicated. Pulling up her skirts proved not only embarrassing, but fairly awkward. She dared not let them go too soon, lest she chance them slipping down, causing him to follow through with his promise. Still grasping the material, she bent to grab the frame, her head all but disappearing under the flow of clothing. Her eyes closed as she felt the cool air come in contact with her bottom.

  "Well, get on with it, sir." Defiance crept into her voice. "I want to go check on poor Chloe. She must be terrified with concern, now that she's been found."

  Behind her, she heard a quiet growl. "I believe, Arabella, that I would lose the defiance, if I were you. But all right. Don't move. I'll be right back."

  Bella was quiet during the moment he took to retrieve the strap from the cabinet. But she peeked over her shoulder as he turned back to her. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. A moment later, he was back and standing by her side.

  "Brace yourself, Arabella. This will be painful, but it is also necessary. Ships run by a set of rules which were established to keep order and justice in check. The first ten will be given by my hand. While you receive them, I want you to ponder of the severity of your first poor choice. Harboring a stowaway put yourself and others aboard this ship in grave danger. While Chloe appears to be an innocent child, privateers roam these waters. They sometimes have members of their cut-throat groups infiltrate ships like the Charlotte to help bring them to their doom. If you had been a crew member, this punishment would have been public and far worse," he said.

  The sound of his hand connecting with her backside registered before the sting of the impact had her wiggling to escape. "Hold your position, young lady, and don't even think about reaching back to halt your punishment."

  His iron hand connected time and again with her bottom, making Bella moan with each injustice. But was it an injustice? She thought about what he'd said. The idea of pirates had never crossed her mind. While she was certain Chloe was no pirate, the girl had told her about other men hiding below. What if one of them was evil, looking for a chance to set upon the crew and do them harm? Even Chloe hadn't felt comfortable staying on the same level with them.

  She began to let sobs escape, but still, he didn't stop.

  She was given a brief rest before the next offense was addressed. "Answer me, Arabella. How many times did I forbid you to go exploring on the lower decks?"

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  This book is dedicated to the heroes who conquered our hearts, Mr. Greathouse and Mr. Caine

  Chapter 1


  Tuesday, April 3, 1849

  The wind on the dock picked up as Arabella St. John stood waiting for the arrival of her maid. A parchment from her father was clutched tightly in her hand. He had hastily handed it to her before abruptly taking his leave.

  Life as she knew it was changing far faster than she could adjust. Less than two months before, Mr. Claude Picou had approached her father about taking Bella as his wife, moving her to America, and uniting their two powerful families. The details were worked out before she even heard of the plan. The only person more upset by the arrangement than Bella was her own dear mother. Having her young daughter move across the world to start a new life in New Orleans devastated her.

  "Goodbye, Papa," she whispered sorrowfully, as she watched the coach disappear from sight.

  Goodbye, my darling. Arabella could almost hear her mother's voice, almost see her tearful fac
e. Marie Adams St. John had been married off at a young age to a baron. While she had eventually learned to tolerate her husband, she had sworn Bella would never have to sacrifice herself in the same manner, 'to be sold to the highest bidder,' as she described it.

  Fate and Bella's father had stepped in. The baron had been seduced with the idea of being associated with the bustling success of life in America. No amount of argument set forth by his distraught wife could sway him. Marie had eventually given in. Their beautiful Bella would do so, too.

  Arabella thought of her intended. Mr. Picou was attractive, though much older than her own eighteen years. He was fit and well off, and his attire affirmed his wealth. Her friends had been captivated by him, telling her how lucky she was to be selected as his bride.

  Yet Bella found herself wishing he had chosen one of them, instead. She felt no attraction to him. As a child, her mother had filled her with hopeful stories of falling in love with a brave and heroic man one day.

  She thought of Picou. Brave? She shook her head. Heroic? That one required a truly active imagination. No, the man she was to wed failed to invoke any sort of strong passion in her. At least he did not repulse her too much.

  She shivered, in spite of herself. There was something about Mr. Picou that she didn't entirely trust.

  Bella could not fault his manners. He had taken her to the park a few times during his stay in England, with her chaperone in attendance. He'd acted quite the gentlemen, and her mother eventually seemed to adjust to the idea of her one and only daughter's new future. Mr. Picou had promised there was plenty of room for her parents to come for nice, long visits at his plantation. When she had asked if it would be possible for her to return to England to see them, he'd vaguely replied that it might be possible.

  Reading the letter her father had handed her before his departure, she wondered if she somehow misunderstood the arrangements he had set up for a lady's maid.

  Dearest Arabella,

  Your mother and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful we are to be joining our futures with Mr. Picou in New Orleans.

  She snorted, glad no one was close enough to hear her. Truly? Her mother had been devastated. But she read further.

  We envy you in your new, exciting life in America. Your intended assures me he will be anxiously awaiting your arrival in New Orleans. Arrangements for your grand wedding are being made, and the archbishop himself will preside over the ceremony.

  Until then, I hope you find your journey to your new home comfortable. The ship you will take generally only carries cargo to America, but I managed to book your passage. I have made arrangements for you to have a servant available during your journey so you will not be the only female aboard. Although young and untrained, I trust you will be able to instruct the child on her duties. Be firm, my dear. Often those below our status try to get away with being lazy. Ask one of the sailors aboard the ship to help you discipline her as needed.

  With much love from both of us,


  "Ask one of the sailors to help discipline her, indeed," Bella murmured with a frown. Her mother certainly had not imparted that bit of advice. The people who saw to their family's needs at home were devoted and more like family than servants. Were things so different in America? Had Papa changed that much? She was sure she and her lady's maid would get along splendidly. She only hoped the girl managed to arrive before they set sail. If she didn't, however, Bella was quite capable of attending to her own needs.

  She glanced around once again at the dock, managing to occupy her time. Strong men were busy loading large crates and barrels aboard the tall, impressive ship. Further upward, some were busy securing the ropes above to the masts and preparing to have the beautiful vessel leave the shore.

  Craning her slender neck upward, she regarded the magnificent ship her journey would begin with. Two men dressed in uniforms seemed to be staring down at her. The tallest man with the broader shoulders must be the captain, she thought. With dark wavy hair, dark brown eyes and a stern, uncompromising jaw, he certainly did not look pleased with her. She caught faint wisps of their conversation as it drifted gently across the wind, "…women aboard…nothing but trouble…slowing us down…distracting the men."

  Her spine stiffening, Bella narrowed her eyes at the two men. The shorter of the two, almost as handsome as his unyielding friend, gave her a wide smile. He watched her carefully as he started for the gangplank to head her way. His progress halted briefly when another carriage arrived and a woman with long red hair stepped out. She was breathtaking, and every seaman there seemed stunned by her beauty for a moment.

  "You, young man. What is your name?" she called to a crewman nearby. She flounced forward, taking control of the situation as if she was accustomed to being in command. "Kindly load my things for me. The sun is far too bright for me to stand out here very long. Have them sent to my quarters, immediately. My future husband has arranged for me to be well taken care of during this journey. He will be very disappointed if I am kept waiting."

  "Miller. Right away, ma'am," one of the crewman responded quickly. He had been attending to the ropes, but eagerly stopped and rushed to do her bidding. "Might I take your things aboard, too, my lady?" he asked Arabella, but his eyes never strayed from the redhead.

  "Thank you, sir." Bella nodded and smiled, wishing she had the confidence and manner of the other young lady boarding the ship. She was going to meet her future husband, too? It would be nice if they could pass some time aboard together. Perhaps their future husbands were friends. It would be so nice to have an ally in her new home. Even if her lady's maid failed to arrive on time, her father would be pleased she would not be the only female aboard after all.

  "Excuse me, miss." The shorter of the two men she'd seen above was suddenly at Bella's side. "The captain is eager to set sail soon. He is a man of schedules and organization, you understand. I have been ordered to escort you aboard post haste. Welcome to your new home for the next few months. The Charlotte is a beauty, even if she is a little old. But she is massive, and it's easy to get lost aboard. It is best to have a guide until you get your bearings about you."

  "Thank you, sir. Do you know if my lady's maid is already aboard? My father said she would be here to help me during the voyage."

  "A third woman sailing with us?" The man broke out in a wide grin. "The captain will be interested in hearing about this. If so, I'm unaware of it. If not, your maid may be left behind. Captain Smythe does not hold much patience with people who run late. He has been known to leave men behind for failing to show up at the appointed time."

  "Your captain sounds like a rigid man. I gather he is not very pleased to have women aboard his precious ship?"

  "Not many are, miss. It is considered bad luck. The captain is concerned your presence will complicate his duties."

  Glaring up at the arrogant captain who was still frowning down at her, Bella fought the urge to stick out her tongue at him. She sighed. That bode poorly for the long journey. She would avoid him at all costs. "Why would a grown man believe women aboard ship are bad luck? That's utter nonsense." She took her escort's arm as they headed for the gangplank.

  His warm smile made Bella feel somewhat welcomed. "Because you are quite attractive, my lady. And the sailors aboard are bound to notice."


  Captain Gregory Smythe stood on the dock glaring down at the young woman who was obviously waiting to board, as his first mate walked away to check on the loading of the cargo. He'd turned just in time to see a fine coach bearing the St. John family crest as it hurriedly pulled away, leaving the young woman and her trunks standing alone on the dock. What man would abandon his own daughter, leaving her vulnerable and alone?

  He thought of the letter he'd received from Baron St. John a week earlier, purchasing the passage for his daughter Arabella, and a lady's maid named Miss Tucker. He was to deliver Arabella safely into the care of a man in New Orleans, whom she was to marry.

frowned. Her father had not mentioned the name of her fiancée, and there was no sign of her maid. It appeared they would be sailing without her. He would not delay their departure and had been quite firm about passengers arriving on time or defaulting payment on their voyage.

  But at the same time the baron's letter had come, he'd received payment from a Claude Picou in America, for a young woman named Lily Collingwood, whom he claimed was to be his secretary. Both payments had included passage from Charleston, down to New Orleans. At first, Gregory had balked at that. Sailing from Charleston to New Orleans was quite an added distance just to deliver two ladies, even though the payment for passage had been such a goodly sum. He'd known doing it was against his better judgement. Not only was the danger from privateers greater in that area, something nagged in the back of his mind about the name Picou. He scowled, unable to remember exactly what it was.

  A muscle in his jaw ticked. He wished now he'd refused. In the last three days, he'd received news of two ships that had been attacked and sunk due to privateers. He'd heard of Jean Luc Poche, captain of the Mermaid's Revenge. He roamed the waters east of the Carolinas, making himself rich on the spoils of merchant ships.

  Gregory had written Baron St. John to tell him he could not promise safety for his daughter and offered to return the sum he'd been paid for her voyage. When there had been no response, Gregory had decided to meet the coach when it arrived with Arabella.


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