Book Read Free

A Great Idea at the Time

Page 20

by Alex Beam

  Preamble to


  Container Corporation of America

  Conversation, The

  Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

  Copernicus, Nicolaus

  Core curriculum

  Core wars

  Cousin Bette (Balzac)

  Cousins, Norman

  Cragg, Dick

  Creature from the Black Lagoon, The

  Critique of Pure Reason, The (Kant)

  Crito (Plato)

  Croquet match, St. John’s-Naval Academy (photo)

  Cross, Timothy

  Crusoe, Robinson

  Culture wars, Great Books and

  Dana, Richard Henry

  Dante Alighieri

  Danton, Ray


  Dartmouth Review

  Darwin, Charles sexuality and

  David Copperfield (Dickens)

  Death in Venice, A (Mann)

  Decameron (Boccaccio)

  Declaration of Independence, The

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon)

  Dell, George


  Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

  Denby, David

  Department of Physical Culture and Athletics (Chicago)

  Descartes, Rene

  Descent of Man, The (Darwin)

  Dewey, John

  Adler and

  Harper and

  Hutchins and

  knowledge/doing and

  philosophy of

  Progressive Education and

  Diagrammatics (Hutchins and Hutchins)

  Dialectic (Adler)

  Dialogues Concerning the Two New Sciences (Galileo)

  Diary of Love, The (Hutchins)

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, Emily

  Dictionary of 20th Century American Philosophy, Adler and

  Diderot, Denis

  Dilthey, Wilhelm

  Dink, Michael: on St. John’s

  Dirda, Michael

  Directed Studies (Yale)

  Discourses, The (Epictetus)

  Diseases of the Nervous System

  Divine Comedy, The (Dante)

  Dobzhansky, Theodosius

  Don Quixote (Cervantes)

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

  Douglas, William O.

  Dryden, John

  Du Bois, W. E. B.

  Duns Scotus

  Durant, Ann

  Durant, Will

  Dzuback, Mary Ann

  Earle, Robert

  Ecologues, The (Virgil)

  Economics Department (Chicago)

  Eddington, Arthur

  Education’s End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life (Kronman)

  Edward the Prince of Wales (Edward VII)

  Eggers, Dave

  Einstein, Albert

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  El Parthenon

  Elements of Chemistry (Lavoisier)

  Elements, The (Euclid),

  Eliot, Charles

  criticism of

  curriculum of

  Eliot, Charles (continued)

  Harvard Classics and

  Hutchins on

  Kirsch on

  reading plan by

  Eliot, George

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elizabeth, Queen

  Ellison, Ralph

  Emma (Austen),

  Encheiridion (Epictetus)

  Encyclopedia Britannica

  “Energy Policies and the International System” (Hutchins)

  Engels, Friedrich

  Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An (Hume)


  Epistemology of the Closet (Sedgwick)

  Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (Kepler)

  Epstein, Joseph

  Erasmus, Desiderius:

  Erskine, John

  on Britannica

  death of

  General Honors and

  Great Books and

  Hutchins and

  selection committee and

  shared inquiry and

  Socratic pedagogy and

  Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An (Locke)

  Essays (Montaigne)

  Essays in Sociology (Weber)

  Ethics (Aristotle)



  Everett, Russell

  Everybody’s Autobiography (Stein)

  Experimental Researches in Electricity (Faraday)

  Fadiman, Clifton

  on Benton

  criticism of

  Great Books and

  People’s Institute and

  teaching by

  Fallon, Stephen

  Fanon, Frantz

  Faraday, Michael

  Farrar, Frederic William

  Fat Men’s Great Book Class

  Faulkner, William

  Faust (Goethe)

  Faust, Clarence: selection committee and

  Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson)

  Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard)

  Federal Communications Commission, Hutchins and

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

  Federalist Papers, The (Hamilton, Madison, and Jay)

  Feldman, Sam

  Fermi, Enrico

  Field, Marshall

  Field, Marshall, Jr.

  Fielding, Henry

  Finn, Huckleberry

  Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin)

  Firing Line

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Food for the soul (New Yorker) (fig.)

  Ford, Henry

  Ford Foundation, Hutchins and

  Fortune magazine

  Foucault, Michel

  Fourier, Jean Baptiste

  Fourier, Joseph

  Frazer, James

  Freud, Sigmund


  Schur and

  Friedman, Milton

  “Friendship of Books, The” (Maurice)

  Frost, Robert

  FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

  Fund for the Republic

  “Future of an Illusion, The” (Freud)

  Gadfly, The (GBF)

  Gadfly, The (St. John’s)

  Galbraith, John Kenneth



  Game, The(photo)

  Gargantua and Pantagruel (Rabelais) (Rabelais)

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.

  Gateway to the Great Books

  Gay, Peter

  “GB Awareness Study,” 110

  GBBW. See Great Books of the Western World

  Genealogy of Morals, The (Nietzsche)

  “General Electric College Bowl” (TV show), Whitehead and

  General Honors (Columbia)

  Geometry, The (Descartes)

  Georgics, The (Virgil)

  Gettysburg Address

  Gibbon, Edward

  Gilbert, William


  Gilkey, Charles Whitney

  Gish, Lillian

  Go East, Young Man (Douglas), quote from

  “God and the Professors” (Adler)

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goldberg, Rube

  Golden Bough (Frazer)

  Graham, Kay

  Graham School, Basic Program of

  Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck)

  Gray, Hanna

  Great Books(photo) (photo)


  claims of

  criticism of

  end of

  “Founders Edition” of

  growth of

  history of

  image of

  in libraries


  Great Books Foundation

  criticism of

  cultural wing-dings by

  growth of

  launching of

  newsletter of

  problems for

Great Books groups



  spread of

  survey of

  “Great Books in Today’s World, The” (Adler)

  Great Books movement influence of interpretation and

  Great Books of the Western World (GBWW)

  history of

  poking fun at

  problems for

  profits on

  publication of

  sales of

  sequel to

  unreadability of

  Great Books selection committee (photo)

  Great Books Summer Program

  Great Books week

  Great Books weekends

  Great Conversation

  “Great Conversation, The” (Hutchins)

  Great Depression, impact of

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)

  Great Ideas(photo) Hutchins and

  Great Ideas from the Great Books

  “Great Ideas from the Great Books” (Adler)

  “Great Ideas Online, The,” 140

  Great Ideas Today, The

  Great Men’s Fat Book Class


  “Growing Vegetables” (Barr)

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)

  Gwinn, Robert

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hamilton, Ian

  Hamlet (Shakespeare)

  “Handbook” (Epictetus)

  Happiness, Death and the Remainder of Life (Lear)

  Harden, Kenneth

  on FTC charges

  sales and

  Hardy, G. H.

  Hardy, Thomas

  Harmonies of the World, The (Kepler),

  Harper, Paul

  Harper, William Rainey

  Harris, Sydney

  Hart, John

  Harty, Rosemary: on Barr

  Harvard Classics

  competition with

  reading program by

  Harvey, Michael

  Harvey, William

  “Have You Read 100 Great Books” (pamphlet)

  Heart of Darkness (Conrad)

  Hegel, G. W. F.

  Heidegger, Martin

  Heilbrunn, Jacob

  Heisenberg, Werner

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Henry Esmond (Thackeray)



  Hertz, George

  “Heterosexuals—the Silent Majority” (Call)

  Higher Learning in America, The (Hutchins)

  Highet, Gilbert

  Hilton, Conrad

  Himmelfarb, Gertrude


  Histories, The (Tacitus)

  History, The (Herodotus)

  History of the Peloponnesian War, The (Thucydides)

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hobbes, Thomas sexuality and

  Hobson, H. A.

  Hoffa, Jimmy

  Holquist, Michael



  House Un-American Activities Committee

  How to Read a Book (Adler)

  “How to Watch Television” (TV show), Adler and

  Huckleberry Finn (Twain)

  Huizinga, Johan

  Hume, David

  Hummingbird’s Daughter, The (Urrea)

  Hunt, H. L.

  Hutchins, Franja

  Hutchins, Maude(photo) book by

  criticism of

  divorce and

  poetry by

  Hutchins, Robert Maynard (photo) (photo)(photo) (photo)

  Adler and

  bravery of

  citizen-readers and

  classics and

  criticism of

  curriculum and

  death of

  divorce and

  on education

  essay by

  facts and

  Great Books and

  reforms by

  rumors about

  selection committee and

  senior-class oration by

  teaching by

  on wisdom/metaphysics

  youth of

  Hutchins, Vesta

  Hutchins Plan. See New Plan

  Huxley, Aldous

  Huygens, Christian

  Hyland, Thomas(photo) library of

  Hyman, Sidney

  on Adler

  on Benton

  Hutchins and

  Ibsen, Henrik

  Idexicon, The

  Iliad, The (Homer)

  Imitation of Christ (Kempis)

  Information Please

  Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin)

  Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud)

  Introduction to Arithmetic (Nichomachus of Gerasa)

  “Invitation to Learning” (CBS)

  Jackson, Jesse(photo)

  James, Henry

  James, William

  Janson, Jack

  Jay, John

  Jet, Adler in

  Johnson, Dr.

  Johnson, William

  Jowett, Benjamin

  Joyce, James

  Jung, Carl Gustav


  Kafka, Franz

  Kahn, Jonathon

  Kamena, John

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kass, Amy Apfel

  Keepers of the Flame, The (Hamilton)

  Kempis, Thomas à

  Kennan, George

  Kennedy, Robert

  Kennelly, Martin

  Kepler, Johannes

  Kestnbaum, Meyer

  Keynes, J. M.

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  Kimpton, Lawrence

  King of Lies, The (Hart)

  Kirsch, Adam

  Kitchen Garden Cookbook, The: Barr in

  Kronman, Anthony

  Lacy, Tim

  Ladies’ Home Journal

  Langtry, Lillie

  Lavoisier, Antoine

  Lawrence, D. H.

  Laws (Plato)

  Lear, Jonathan

  Lectures on Physics (Feynman)

  Lee, Rebecca

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Leonard, John

  Les Pensées (Pascal)

  Levi-Strauss, Claude

  Leviathan (Hobbes)

  Levin, Richard

  Levine, Jane

  Lewis, Sinclair

  Liberal Arts, Inc.

  Liberty Fund, Great Books and

  Library of Congress

  Liebling, A. J.

  Life magazine

  Life of Johnson, The (Boswell)

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lippman, Walter: on St. John’s

  Literary Humanities (LitHum) (Columbia)

  Little Dorrit (Dickens)

  Lives, The (Plutarch)

  Locke, John

  Lolita (Nabokov)

  Lonigan, Studs

  Los Angeles Times

  Lost Lady, A (Cather)

  Lowell, Robert

  Lubbock, John

  Luce, Clare Booth

  Luce, Henry


  Lyell, Charles

  Lysistrata (Aristophanes)

  MacDonald, Dwight

  Machiavelli, Niccolo

  MacKinnon, Catharine

  MacLeish, Archibald: selection committee and

  Madison, John

  Magic Mountain, The (Mann)

  Maistrellis, Nick

  Making of Middlebrow Culture, The (Rubin)

  Man in Full, A (Wolfe)

  Manhattan Institute, classical curricula and

  Manhattan Project

  Mann, Thomas

  Mansfield, Harvey

  Marcus Aurelius

  Marplan-Chicago, study by

  Martin, Everett Dean

  Marx, Karl

  “Masscult and Midcult” (MacDonald)

  Masserman, Jules

  Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton),

  Maurice, F. D.

  Mayer, Martin

er, Milton(photo)

  on Adler

  Hutchins and

  McArthur, Benjamin

  McCarthy, Elma

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCormick, Robert

  McElroy, George

  McKeon, Richard

  McLuhan, Marshall

  McNamara, Robert

  McNeill, William

  Mead, George Herbert

  Meditations (Descartes)

  Meditations, The (Marcus Aurelius)

  Meiklejohn, Alexander

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Mellon, Paul

  Melville, Herman

  Menand, Louis

  Mencken, H. L.

  “Metamorphoses” (Ovid)

  Metamorphosis (Kafka)

  Metaphysical Club, The (Menand)

  Meyer, Adolph

  Meyer, Katherine. See Graham, Kay

  Middlemarch (Eliot),

  Mill, John Stuart autobiography of

  Milton, John

  Mitchell, Stephen: Gilgamesh and

  Moby-Dick (Melville)

  Modern Language Association


  Montaigne, Michel de

  Montas, Roosevelt

  Montesquieu, Baron de

  Moorhead, Hugh

  Morgenstern, W. V.

  Morison, Samuel Eliot

  Morris, John

  Morris, Sydney

  Morris, William

  Mother Courage (Brecht)

  Mourning Becomes Electra (O’Neill)

  Moyers, Bill

  Mugged by Reality: The Liberation of Iraq and the Failure of Good Intentions (Agresto)


  Murder on the Orient Express (Christie)

  Murphy, Tim

  Murrow, Edward R.

  My Life as a Teacher (Erskine)

  Nabokov, Vladimir

  National Association of Scholars, press release by

  National Cash Register, Benton and

  National Foundation for Psychiatric Research (Northwestern)

  National Opinion Research Center (Chicago), survey by

  National Review, Great Ideas and

  National Security Agency


  New Atlantis, The (Bacon)

  New Directions Press, Hutchins and

  New England Great Books Council

  New Plan

  New Program

  New York Public Library

  New York Sun, Adler and

  New York Times

  core wars and

  on Great Books

  New Yorker magazine

  cartoon from(fig.)

  Great Books and

  Hutchins in

  Newberry Library

  Newman, Cardinal

  Newton, Sir Isaac

  Nichomachean Ethics, The (Aristotle)

  Nichomachus of Gerasa

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Northwestern University, proposed merger with

  Norton, Charles Eliot

  Notre Dame University, Great Books and

  Oath, The (Hippocrates)

  Oberlin College

  Odyssey, The (Homer)


  Oedipus cycle (Sophocles)

  Oedipus Rex Japanese film version of

  Office of Strategic Services

  Okrent, John

  Old Dominion Foundation


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