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Breathless: A Stalwart Security Series Military Romance: (Follow-up to The Alpha Company Women Series)

Page 4

by Beth Abbott

  “Joel, this lovely young lady is Mischa Mazur. Would you say hello, and possibly shake hands, now that I’ve officially introduced the two of you?”

  Sara watched Joel stand straighter.

  “It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Mischa.” He said, formally, reaching his hand out to shake Mischa’s, almost oblivious to the fact that she hadn’t spoken yet.

  Sara lifted Mischa’s hand up, and was surprised when Mischa didn’t pull away from Joel’s fingers.

  She glanced up at Tulli who was staring at the connected hands of her young sister and this sweet and gentle boy.

  Tulli’s gaze raised to Sara’s and her eyes were full of tears, as though she was acknowledging what a huge step this was.

  “I think you can let go of Mischa’s hand now, pal.” Charlie smiled at his brother. “It’s been shaken just about enough.”

  “I’m not the one who’s doing the holding on.” Joel glanced around. “I reckon Mischa needs someone to hold hands with for a little while. I’m good at holding hands. Mom said so.”

  “I reckon you’re right, Joel.” Sara slid off the bed and edged around him. “You sit there and keep holding Mischa’s hand, while I go around the other side and do a few checks. Maybe you could tell Mischa all about this show your drama club are putting on.”

  Joel did as he was told and sat in Sara’s place, while she walked around the bed, making eye contact with Gregor and Charlie. They both looked as surprised as Tulli.

  Joel instantly began chatting away to Mischa, and although the girl never uttered a sound, the calmness never left her face, and when Joel cupped her hand in both of his, she didn’t so much as flinch.

  Sara carried out a quick check of Mischa’s blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat, and satisfied that everything was in order, she nodded towards the door, letting Tulli and Gregor know that she was ready to go downstairs.

  “Joel, why don’t you stay and visit with Lara and Mischa for a little while. I’m going to have a chat with Tulli and Gregor.” She smiled at him.

  “Sure thing, Sara.” Joel didn’t turn around.

  “I’ll stay as well.” Charlie murmured. “I’ll bring him down when Mischa’s ready for some peace and quiet.”

  Sara glanced at Charlie, but he wasn’t looking at her, nor was he looking at Joel.

  No, Charlie’s eyes were glued to Lara, who, if her blush and the way she was studiously trying to avoid Charlie’s gaze was anything to go by, was entirely aware that he was showing an interest.

  Oh, jeez! Sara groaned inwardly. Like life wasn’t already complicated enough!

  Chapter 5 – Charlie

  Charlie’s attention remained vaguely on his brother’s chatter as Joel rambled on to Mischa about his drama class and his mom and dad, barely pausing for breath as he launched from one story to the next.

  Mischa, for her part, hadn’t appeared to move a muscle, but as Charlie glanced across at his brother, he noticed that the pair were still holding hands, and there was a softer expression on Mischa’s face, as though she was feeling less stressed.

  Charlie couldn’t help but wonder how Sara had come up with the idea of using Joel to help her patient. So far, at least, Mischa seemed to be responding calmly, which was unexpected to say the least from what he’d heard about Mischa’s hysterics at the hospital the day before.

  Joel seemed to be totally caught up in his story-telling, and Charlie guessed he was going to have to drag the boy away, kicking and screaming, when it was time to take Sara home.

  Talking was one of Joel’s favourite pass-times, and talking to Mischa was almost like having a captive audience.

  Charlie turned back to Lara and smiled. She was quite a petite little thing, with auburn hair and the same grey eyes as her sisters. Those grey eyes were currently staring at his brother, a gentle expression on her face.

  “You do realise he can talk for hours.” He warned.

  Lara glanced at him for the first time since they’d been left alone, and blushed.

  “She seems to be responding to his voice in some way.” She nodded, looking immediately back in her sister’s direction. “I can see her eyes, and they’re smiling.”

  Charlie sat up a little to get a clearer view, but he couldn’t see any change in Mischa’s eyes.

  “I guess you’d be able to tell something like that, what with being so close to her. You three sisters probably know what each other is thinking.” He guessed.

  “It’s not that.” Lara shook her head. “Our eyes tend to be a lighter grey when we’re happy. They darken when we get upset or angry.”

  Charlie was fascinated with those eyes. Well, to be more precise, he was fascinated with Lara’s eyes.

  Ever since he’d walked into the room and first caught a glimpse of her sitting quietly by the bed, he’d been startled by the way she had frozen to the spot. Her eyes had stayed locked on her younger sister for minutes, until she seemed to find the courage to glance at young Joel.

  “You’re right about us being close, though. Tulli is not so many years older than Mischa and me, but a world older in maturity. She gave up everything to look after our mom and help raise us, which allowed Mischa and I to stay young for longer.” Lara explained quietly. “But there are less than two years between Mischa and I, so the two of us were always close. We’ve always done everything together, and I suppose we never needed to grow up or be particularly mature, because Tulli always did everything for us.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are the two of you?” Charlie asked, unsure if he wanted to know the answer. They both looked so young!

  “I don’t know the date, exactly…” Lara twisted her fingers together. “But I think I must be twenty-four now, and Mischa must be twenty-two.”

  Charlie stared at Lara in shock. She was still almost seven years younger than him, but that was a whole lot older than she appeared.

  “Really?” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have said you were out of your teens by much, if at all. And Mischa looks like she should still be in high school.”

  He watched the blush rise on Lara’s cheeks again.

  “Like I said… Tulli taking on all the responsibility of caring for our mother, allowed Mischa and I to live life without responsibility for much longer than we should have.” Charlie watched her bite her lip. “It’s been playing on my mind for a long time. Probably since just after we were kidnapped. I regret how easy it was to let Tulli take on that burden. She should have had the chance to be young too, I think.”

  “Would Tulli have wanted it any other way?” He asked. “I mean, do you think she’s ever felt resentful of the extra responsibility she took on?”

  Lara shook her head adamantly.

  “No, she has too good a heart to resent us for anything.” She admitted. “But that doesn’t mean we weren’t selfish, allowing her to take everything on her shoulders. Mischa and I just let her do it because it left us able to be young and carefree for longer.”

  “Then I’m sure Tulli is glad of that at least.” Charlie reasoned. “Especially after what you’ve endured recently.”

  Charlie watched Lara tense, but she said nothing, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on her sister.

  He could have kicked himself for being so insensitive in bringing it up.

  “I’m sorry, Lara.” He sighed. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

  Lara turned slightly to look at him straight on for the first time.

  “Compared to some of the women there, Tulli, Mischa and I had it very easy. We fought back in the first few weeks, so much that they mostly left us alone after that.” She explained quietly. “We were the lucky ones, really. Except I don’t think Mischa could cope with everything that happened. She was standing right next to our parents when they were killed, so she literally saw everything up close. She was covered in their blood. What happened at the camp, well, I guess it just tipped her over the edge.”

  Charlie didn’t want to imagine what they’d endured
. In his years in the military, he’d been posted to some godawful places, and seen some stomach-churning sights. Whilst the sight of a man blown apart could make you lose your stomach contents in an instant, it was the violence that men showed to women that had a lasting effect on him.

  He’d seen whole African villages massacred, but whereas the men had often just felt the fast, sharp blade of a warrior’s knife, what those animals would do to a woman was a hundred times worse. And much, much slower.

  “At least you’re safe now.” Charlie knew it wasn’t the most original thing to say, and it was probably stating the obvious, but…

  “For now…” Lara nodded, seeming lost in thought again.

  “What do you mean, ‘for now’ Lara?” Charlie asked, confused by the way she’d said it. “You’re not going back there, and nobody will be coming after you.”

  Lara nodded her agreement, before turning to face him.

  “But what about tomorrow? Or next week?” She shrugged. “What will happen when we’re back on our own again? No father or brother to protect us. No jobs and no prospects. What then? Who’s going to take care of Mischa while we find somewhere to live? While we’re at work?”

  Charlie was surprised at Lara’s bleak outlook. She should at least be celebrating her freedom for a little while.

  “As far as I know, you’ll be staying here for the foreseeable future. There’s no need to worry about being homeless or finding a job just yet.” Charlie frowned. “Did nobody explain that to you.”

  Lara looked puzzled.

  “We’re staying here? Where is here? I have no idea where we are.” She stated, obviously confused.

  “Do you remember Gregor? The man who came in with Joel and Sara when we arrived? He’s Sophia’s father. This is his house, here in Philadelphia.” Charlie explained. “He’s the man who paid for the team to go down to Colombia to find her, and he’s also the man that arranged to get you back into the country. He’s said you can stay here for as long as you need somewhere.”

  “Why would he do that?” Lara countered. “He has his daughter back. Why would he allow us to intrude on his home like this?”

  Charlie shrugged.

  “I can’t say I really know very much about him. But my boss, Alex’s step-father, speaks very highly of him. He seems to be a genuinely good guy.” Charlie explained. “In case you were worrying, I don’t think there’s any ulterior motive. He just saw how Sophia almost ended up, in the exact same predicament you were in, and wanted to reach out and help you all.”

  Lara nodded, but Charlie wasn’t sure she was convinced that Gregor’s motives were totally honourable.

  A squeal from the bed had both of their heads spinning around.

  “What’s the matter?” Lara jumped up, worried that Mischa had made such a strange sound.

  “She’s laughing at my joke.” Joel grinned at them.

  Charlie stood up to see over Joel’s head, and Mischa was definitely smiling now. And while her eyes didn’t seem entirely focused yet, they didn’t seem as cloudy as they’d been earlier.

  “Really?” Lara whispered, holding Mischa’s hand.

  “Really.” Joel nodded. “It took about twenty jokes before we found one she liked, but we got there in the end.”

  Charlie smiled at his brother’s frankness.

  “Well if anyone was going to come up with a joke Mischa would like, it was always going to be you, buddy.” He clapped his brother on the shoulder before turning to Lara. “Joel devours joke books like my mom devours her romance novels. Don’t ever ask him to tell you a joke or you’ll still be there an hour later. He knows thousands!”

  Lara leaned over to take Joel’s free hand and squeezed it.

  “Thank you for your patience, Joel.” She smiled at him. “I’m grateful that you told Mischa your jokes. At least we know now that my baby sister is still in there somewhere. Mischa loves to laugh, and it looks like you just reminded her of it.”

  “I can come back tomorrow if you like, and make her laugh again, maybe?” Joel offered, seeming thrilled that he’d made a new friend.

  “I’m not sure how that fits in with everyone else, pal.” Charlie smiled. “But I reckon, if you can cheer Mischa up as easily as you did today, then Lara and Tulli might like to see you visit with her often.”

  “Definitely.” Lara nodded, a hint of a smile on her face, lightening her grey eyes.

  Joel turned to Charlie with a grin.

  “See? I told you I was a ladies’ man!” He said smugly, his eyes shining.

  Charlie couldn’t stop the chuckle that burst out.

  “Never in doubt, my man!” He smiled. “Never in doubt!”

  Chapter 6 – Tulli

  Tulli sat at the kitchen table with Gregor, Sara, and Marcy, and stared down into her coffee cup, unable to take in all the chatter and organising going on around her.

  Sara, the pregnant doctor, was once again taking charge of Mischa’s welfare, and discussing with Marcy, Gregor’s housekeeper, what care she needed, what meals they all should be eating to get their stomachs back to accepting normal food again, and what medication she would be providing to see them all back to good health.

  A year ago, if someone had tried to take control of their situation and make plans without consulting her, Tulli would probably have told them, in no uncertain terms, what they could do with their bossy interference.

  Sitting here now, listening to Sara issuing instructions, knowing the woman was only trying to do the very best for them that she could, Tulli didn’t have the heart or the energy to put a stop to it.

  In truth, Sara was the kindest person she’d met in a very long time, and if she was honest, Tulli was feeling a smidgen of hero-worship towards her.

  As for Gregor, he was just the nicest man, and between him and Marcy, they were just adding layers onto Sara’s requests, as though they were building a tower block.

  If Sara said they needed soup, Marcy would suggest they needed half a dozen different kinds, and then Gregor would insist they ordered some in from his favourite restaurant, to save causing Marcy any additional work.

  It was almost to the point of getting out of hand.

  “Would you feel comfortable doing that, Tulli?”

  Gregor’s voice broke through her thoughts, but she hadn’t the first clue what they’d been talking about.

  “I’m sorry.” She stammered. “I wasn’t paying attention…”

  Gregor smiled as she blushed, and she struggled to hold his warm gaze. He was altogether too handsome, and just holding his stare required something that wasn’t in her armour anymore… courage.

  She wasn’t strong or brave enough to engage with him in any sort of meaningful conversation, not while others were present.

  This morning in the garden, she’d caught him off guard, and one on one, she’d found it easy to talk to him.

  Here in the kitchen with the super-confident Sara, and the uber-efficient Marcy around, she just… wilted.

  “Sara was just saying that she was going over to Ryan Tucker’s place this evening, to check on Candy Tucker, Alex’s mom, but also to speak to a friend of theirs, who also happens to be the chief of the local FBI office.” Gregor explained. “He wants to take statements from Sara, and you and Lara as well, so Sara thought it would be a good idea for you to meet him in a more informal setting.”

  “I’m instructed by my beloved husband that I have to go home and put my feet up this afternoon.” Sara rolled her eyes. “But, if I do as I’m told, he’ll ‘allow’ me to go over to Tuck’s this evening to get Cole’s interrogation out of the way.”

  Tulli frowned.

  “I don’t think I’m up to an interrogation just yet.” She murmured.

  “Oh, honey.” Sara sat forward, grinning. “I was just kidding about the ‘interrogation’ part. Cole and I go back quite a few years, to when he set a team of useless FBI agents to keeping tabs on me. When I kept giving them the slip, which if I’m honest, really wasn’t th
at difficult, eventually Tuck’s team were brought in to keep an eye on me, and that was actually how I met Marcus, my husband. He was supposed to be following me at a distance when he made the rash decision to get up close and very personal!”

  Tulli tried to take it all in.

  “You have friends in the FBI, and your husband followed you?” She asked.

  “Yes, and sort of.” Sara chuckled. “Maybe we’d best come back to the whole ‘meeting the husband’ story over a bottle of wine one evening, once Marcus Junior makes an appearance and I can drink again!”

  “You’re having a boy?” Marcy asked with a smile.

  “Hell no! Well, not if I have any say, which obviously I don’t.” Sara chuckled. “I don’t know what we’re having, and we’re keeping it that way. Of course, Marcus loves to think it’s going to be a little Marcus Junior, so I call the baby Junior just to keep daddy happy. But truth be told, the idea of having another prankster in the family like my husband just scares the crap out of me. One Marcus in the house is bad enough!”

  Tulli tried very hard to remember what Marcus had looked like. She knew he’d been with his wife at the hospital yesterday, and even before that, she remembered hearing his name on the plane. But for the life of her, she couldn’t picture his face. There had been so many men around, all of them military types, dressed in black, that they all blurred into the same image.

  “So, do you think you would be up to taking a trip to Tuck’s house?” Sara repeated.

  “I think that would be Ok.” Tulli smiled nervously. “But one of us should stay with Mischa. Do you think this FBI man would mind taking my statement tonight, and then meeting with Lara tomorrow to take her statement?”

  “I’m sure that would be fine.” Gregor answered quickly. “And Marcy will be here as well, should either of your sisters need anything. Mischa will be in good hands.”

  “Then, yes. I think that would be fine.” She nodded. “But before I meet Mrs Tucker again, could someone let me know how her son Alex is doing? And the other man who was shot helping us escape? They were trying to get Mischa onto the helicopter, and I can’t help but feel responsible…”


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