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Breathless: A Stalwart Security Series Military Romance: (Follow-up to The Alpha Company Women Series)

Page 21

by Beth Abbott

  Gregor ended the call and put the phone on the side table to charge.

  “Did you want me for something?” He grinned at the brothers.

  “I was just about to put the kettle on, and wondered if you wanted a hot drink.” Kris smirked at him.

  “Yeah, right.” Gregor shook his head. “Ok, so, I’m guessing it’s something a little more serious than a hot drink. What’s up?”

  Yuri stepped into the office and took a seat across from Gregor, while Kris strolled to the drinks refrigerator and extracted a bottle of water.

  “We’ve had confirmation from Hannah that Lucky Vega and her team are already in town.” Yuri informed him. “They flew in late this afternoon, and were met at one of the small airports. They’re in the wind.”

  Gregor sat forward.

  “What is the situation with our security?” He looked between the two men.

  “We have a full team already positioned around the grounds, plus another team in and around the house. Around fifty men in all, armed with automatic weapons.” Kris confirmed. “We also have men in the attic armed with fifty calibre machine-guns. The angle of vision isn’t as perfect as we would like, as the windows up in the attic are small and flat to the walls, so we can only cover maybe two hundred and forty degrees, but it takes in the gate and the driveway, so unless they’re going to drive a tank straight through the outer wall in our blind spots, they should come into our line of sight several times.”

  Gregor nodded in agreement.

  “If that’s the worst of our problems, then I’ll take it.”

  “Gregor, why don’t you just get the hell out of here, and let us deal with this for you?” Kris asked. “You don’t have to be here at all, y’know.”

  “I know you would take care of it if you could, and I greatly appreciate it.” Gregor nodded. “But I’m hoping that by staying here it will draw them in. I can’t have this Vega woman thinking I’ve gone into hiding somewhere, or she might try and go after either Sophia, or Natalia and Serge. That’s unacceptable.”

  “I understand that, I really do.” Kris nodded. “But what if we could find a lookalike to stand in for you?”

  “Kris, we’ve looked at all of these different ideas already, and I still refuse to let anyone else make a target of themselves, just so I can stay safe.” Gregor was adamant about this. “If I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t even have our security teams putting themselves at risk. It seems immoral somehow, to say that my life is more valuable than theirs.”

  “Gregor, that’s what these guys live for.” Yuri smiled. “They’ve spent years in the military putting their lives on the line so many times that it’s like a drug to them. They’re doing it for you just for kicks!”

  Gregor simply couldn’t understand that mentality. He could understand putting himself in harm’s way to protect his family. As a parent, it was almost a given, that you would give your life to save your children.

  But to risk injury or death because it was an adrenaline rush? Nuh-uh! He didn’t care if some people thought that made him less of a man!

  “We’ve spoken to Tuck this evening, and he’s put more than half of their family into lockdown, just to be safe.” Yuri confirmed. “The rest of them are staying at his place, and they’ll use that as a base of operations for the next few days. He said something about keeping his office closed, so he’s obviously taking the threat seriously.”

  “I feel so awful that they’re even involved in this.” Gregor frowned. “They wouldn’t have been there but for me asking them to go to Colombia.”

  “Yes, they would.” Kris argued. “Once they realised that Candy’s son was involved, they would have gone down there anyway. All your involvement changed was how easy it was for them to get down to Colombia, and how much additional support they had because of the Russian military backup.”

  “Kris is right. Alex’s involvement meant that the Alpha-Stalwart family was in the mix already.” Yuri supported his brother’s argument.

  “And why was Alex involved?” Gregor asked. “Because Sophia’s step-father used his connections to get a Marine team sent in to find her. It doesn’t matter which way you spin it, guys, Sophia and our family connections are at the heart of this.”

  Gregor shook his head, trying to straighten his thoughts.

  “Sophia’s intention in going down to Colombia was to do some good, and for the villagers and the children, I have no doubt that she succeeded. For Tulli and her sisters, and the dozens of other women trapped down there, it’s beyond doubt that Sophia’s trip turned out to be a lifesaver.” Gregor acknowledged. “But, ultimately, it’s that same chain of events that led us to where we are now. So, I feel it’s my responsibility to make sure it ends with me, here.”

  “The only way it’s really going to end is with Lucky Vega’s death.” Kris pointed out. “Any other alternative isn’t really thinkable.”

  “Yeah, well, if she comes in with a full team of thugs, then there are going to be a lot of dead bodies on the lawn.” Yuri smiled. “It’s our job to make sure that none of them are Russian.”

  “We’d better make sure none of them are rabbits, either.” Kris snorted. “I’d rather face down a vengeful Lucky Vega rather than an unhappy Sophia Diminova, if just one of her furry bunnies gets hurt.”

  “Oh, hell yeah!” Yuri smiled.

  Gregor’s phone ringing caught his attention, and when he saw it was Hannah, he put the call on speakerphone.

  “Hannah? I’m here with Kris and Yuri.” Gregor announced. “How’re things going at your end?”

  “Oh, it’s all quiet on the western front.” Hannah chuckled. “Everyone knows the plan, and they’re all where they need to be.”

  “Have you got Tuck’s place secure as well?” Gregor asked. “We don’t know that Hilary didn’t give Vega information that would lead her to you.”

  “No, we don’t, which is why Tuck’s taking no chances.” Hannah laughed. “Both your place and Tuck’s are being patrolled by the Feds tonight. Plus, Philadelphia’s finest are patrolling the area as well. So, maybe you could tell your security guys not to shoot and ask questions later, if they see the same cars cruising past every fifteen minutes, hmm?”

  “I can pass that message on.” Yuri smiled.

  “Ok, then I guess we’re all set for the night.” Hannah sighed. “If anything does kick off at your place tonight, all of the Alpha Stalwart team have their weapons to hand, and can be at your house in less than ten minutes.”

  “Hannah, we have a small army here as it is, plus, as you say, we also have FBI and police back-up. We’ll be fine.” Gregor reassured her.

  “Ok, then.” Hannah still didn’t sound convinced. “I’ll talk to you in the morning, I hope.”

  “Sure thing, Hannah.” Gregor didn’t know what to say to reassure her. “Thanks for all your help. Again!”

  “Always my pleasure.”

  Hannah disconnected the call, and Gregor sat back.

  “Will we?” He glanced at Kris and then Yuri. “Will we be fine?”

  “Hell, yeah.” Kris scoffed. “It’s like I said earlier… I’d soon as face down Lucky and all her men than your Sophia if her bunnies get hurt.”

  “We’d better warn the men of the importance of not shooting Feds, police or rabbits then.” Yuri stood up. “Although, not necessarily in that order of priority.”

  Gregor nodded.

  “Bunnies first!”

  “Always bunnies first!” Kris grinned.

  Chapter 30 – Jesus

  As his phone vibrated in his pocket, Jesus Vega glanced at the woman sitting next to him in the car.

  She stared down at his crotch, knowing full well that was where his phone was and grinned, nastily.

  “You’d better get that, brother.” She sneered. “Leave it much longer and the excitement may have you making a mess in your pants.”

  Jesus bit back the name he wanted to call her, and smiled instead.

  “Just one of my ladies, ho
ping to get some Jesus loving tonight, I expect.” He winked, pulling his phone out and connecting the call. “Hey, baby. What you calling me now for? You know I’m tied up with family business.”

  “Yeah, baby, I do know that!” The deep voice of DJ, his right-hand man was low, as though he already knew that Jesus was sitting closer to Lucky than he would’ve liked. “But I got some good news that you might want to hear, too.”

  “What you say? You gonna talk dirty to me here and now?” Jesus clucked his tongue. “Do you know how inappropriate that is, baby? My sister-in-law is sitting not a foot from me! That’s just not right!”

  “Yeah, well, I found someone who can do the job for us. They’ve got an interest on the outside that we need to take care of, financially, but once they get word that we done right by them, the job can be carried out within twenty-four hours. Are you cool to pay two hundred and fifty grand into an offshore account tonight?”

  “Aww, sugar, you know I always deliver as promised.” Jesus grinned. “I’m not sure that I’ll be able to come through tonight, as the families’ plans are… well, let’s just call them ‘fluid’ at the moment. But maybe in a day or two, we’ll be able to get down and do that thing. Y’know what I mean?”

  “She’s stalling over killing the Russian?” DJ snorted a laugh. “After shooting her girlfriend in such a fit of rage over her poor papa’s death, she’s getting cold feet now? That’s fucking hilarious!”

  “Now, you know it ain’t like that, not really.” Jesus crooned, like he was talking to a favourite girlfriend. “But you know the time and the place got to be right. You gotta have the moonlight, the background… all that shit gotta be right, y’know? You and me? We’re gonna hit it real good, but we can’t rush it, baby. You know that!”

  “Well, I guess I’m finding that out.” DJ chuckled somewhere deep in his cavernous chest. “Well, as long as you’re cool with the plan, I can pay the money for you. I know you’re good for it. I’ll make the call to set things in motion down there. Are you gonna take care of things where you are personally, or have you got someone in mind to do it for you?”

  “Y’know, I don’t normally find it necessary to take care of things myself, although if the circumstances are right, it can be so fucking satisfying!” Jesus chuckled, noting the way Lucky shuddered in disgust as she turned away from him to stare out of the window.

  “Man, you’d better stop talking like that!” DJ laughed. “I’m getting a fucking boner just listening to you!”

  “Oh, that’s not what I want to hear, sugar. Anyway, I want you to be close by, so we can celebrate a successful business operation.” He smiled, knowing Lucky was hanging on his every word. “Once we take care of business here, I think I’ll take a few days to connect with a few friends and have some fun. If you want to be part of that, you just know how to come through for me, don’t you?”

  “You mean once we install you as the new and improved head of the Vega family, you’ll need to cement your alliances with the other families?” DJ snorted. “Oh, I got you, cousin. And you know I’m on board with everything you got planned. I’m just pissed that it’s taken nearly eight years to get us to this position.”

  “Aah, baby.” Jesus smiled. “All good things come to those who wait.”

  “Well, we’ve waited long enough.” DJ insisted. “Do you need me to join you in Philly, to watch your back? I can be there in around twelve hours.”

  “Yeah, that would be good.” Jesus nodded. “I really can’t wait to see you baby. You know you do things for me that nobody else ever does.”

  “Fucking hell, Jesus!” DJ groaned. “I told you, stop saying that kind of shit to me! I’m hearing your voice, but picturing Salma Hayek saying the words, and my balls are about to fucking explode, man!”

  Jesus couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Maybe you need to go and have a cold shower, to get yourself under control.” He snorted. “We’ll make sure we both get what we need in a few days, when business has been taken care of, and you and I have a chance to party hard.”

  “Yeah, that sounds pretty damn good.” DJ agreed. “Kiss the Widow-maker for me. Give her my love!”

  “Yeah, I’ll do just that!” Jesus laughed, disconnecting the call.

  “You really are disgusting when it comes to your women, Jesus.” Lucky drawled, without even turning her head away from the window. “Did you ever meet a woman you didn’t want to fuck?”

  Jesus gave his sister-in-law a hard stare, looking her over from head to toe.

  “Yeah, I did.” He smiled behind her back. “But just the one.”

  Chapter 31 – Marcus

  Marcus walked back into the bedroom, still wet from his shower, the bath towel wrapped around his waist.

  Sara was laying on her side watching him, a smile of anticipation on her face.

  “Nuh-uh!” He wagged his finger in front of him. “Don’t even look at me like that! You aren’t getting any of this hotness until we are out of this house, and back in our own bed. It’s been three days already, with zero activity. We could still be here at Christmas if Mrs Vega decides to play silly beggars.”

  Marcus stood in front of his wife, with his arms folded across his broad chest, and smiled as she watched a drop of water run across his tattoo and drip onto the carpet.

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you’re supposed to give pregnant women everything they want, except chocolate?” She smiled up at him, hopefully. “This would be a spectacular way to kill some time.”

  “Sweetheart, just say the word and we are out of here, down the road, and in our own bed within fifteen minutes, and I’ll be giving you your first orgasm within five minutes of that.” Marcus promised.

  “Then let’s just cut out the driving and the first fifteen minutes, and go for the five minutes to orgasm, here and now!” Sara suggested. “So much easier.”

  “No can do, sweet cheeks!” Marcus grinned as Sara thrust out her bottom lip in a sulk. “I’ve always said that I would follow you to the ends of the earth, and I will! But that does not mean that I have to make love to you when we get there!”

  “But we have to stay here so I can keep an eye on Mischa.” Sara protested. “She’s started to make some real progress, and I don’t want to let that slip back by not being here.”

  “Honey, you’re doing a wonderful job with Tulli, Lara, and Mischa, and thanks to the eating plan you’ve set up, and the exercise they’re getting in Tuck’s pool, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes how much healthier they’re looking already.” Marcus sat down on the bed next to her, and took her hand in his much larger one. “But if we’re being honest, and we always are with each other, the reason Mischa has been doing so much better these last few days, has got jack-shit to do with you! You do know that don’t you?”

  Sara glared at him in annoyance.

  “Yes, I do know that, thank you very much!” She grouched. “But you have to admit, it was my idea to introduce Joel to Mischa in the first place. I just knew they would hit it off from the beginning.”

  “Yes, but let’s face it, nobody could have predicted the way those two have reacted to each other.” Marcus grinned. “Joel acts like he found his long-lost sister, and Mischa giggles from the second she hears his voice coming up the stairs. Not even you would have put money on that happening!”

  “No, I wouldn’t, you’re right.” Sara shrugged, staring at her fingers intertwined with Marcus’ larger digits.

  “So, what has you so worried still, that you won’t leave them to fend for themselves for a few days? Hmm?” Marcus tugged on Sara’s hand to make her look up. “Something’s bothering you, and you’re not talking to me about it. You know that’s not how we play this game, sweetheart. Not ever. You have problems, you talk to me about them.”

  “I spoke to a friend of mine at the hospital yesterday, and I described the way Mischa was reacting to Joel.” Sara bit her lip. “He works with trauma victims, and victims of abuse, among other cases, and I tho
ught he might be able to throw some light on Mischa’s behaviour.”

  “She’s so much better than she was, right?” Marcus frowned. “I mean, we’re not having any more screaming fits, and she doesn’t seem anxious around men any more. She even let me carry her downstairs this morning, so she could go in the pool with everyone else. That’s huge progress, isn’t it?”

  “It’s good progress, yes.” Sara agreed. “But what worries me is the way she’s responding now is very childlike. When she’s with Joel, she giggles like a little girl. I mean, a very little girl. It’s almost like she’s regressed to a state where she’s acting like a six or seven-year-old.”

  “And that’s bad?” Marcus guessed.

  “It’s not ideal, let’s say.” Sara shrugged. “If we knew it was just temporary, then I wouldn’t be so concerned. But it could be the trauma has flicked a switch in her brain and this is her response. She’s gone back to a time when her life was sweet and funny, and nothing hurtful could touch her. She senses the goodness in Joel, and is responding to it the way a child would respond to a protective older brother. She adores him.”

  “And Joel treats her like a little sister.” Marcus noted. “There doesn’t seem to be anything romantic about the way he sees her, does there?”

  Sara shook her head.

  “While everyone looks at Joel like he’s a little kid, we shouldn’t forget that he’s a young man of eighteen, with all the urges any other young man might have.” Sara pointed out. “But, if you look at the way he treats Mischa, it really is platonic, and very brotherly. It’s like he understands that she’s been through something terrible and he just wants to help her get over it and make her happy.”

  “So, you’re keeping an eye on her, to see how she responds?” Marcus guessed.

  “I’ve been keeping an eye on her, looking for signs that she’s actually trying to communicate.” Sara explained. “So far, she laughs and giggles at Joel’s jokes and stories, and from the timing of her laughter, it does seem as though she’s actually laughing at the punchline, not just randomly. So, I think she is understanding what he’s saying. But so far, she hasn’t actually made any attempt to communicate back. She hasn’t spoken, or made any gestures that you would understand. It’s just a one-way street.”


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