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Mystery: Suspense: The Lazarus Phenomenon: : A Private Investigator Mystery Crime Thriller: (horror, thriller, science fiction, mystery, police, murder, ... (Marie Avalon Mystery Crime Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Josh Law

  “What are you gonna-?” Marilyn’s eyes crossed, although she felt like she might understand.

  “We’ve discussed this in some of our organ donor studies. The possibility of healing two test subjects by using our Electro-Organic Cardiac Unit (the machine he’s wearing) to pump their blood into one another. They would each be receiving the blood volume of two bodies instead of only one. It’s never been tested before and could go horribly wrong. However, with more blood to dissolve the poison and neurotransmission responding from both of them to each other’s cells…We might be able to use chemicals to reverse Nick’s poisoning and the extra blood volume to stop Alex’s cardiac arrest as we gradually unhook him from the machine.” The Nurse swallowed obviously terrified now.

  “If there’s even the slightest possibility that it can save them you’d better get to work!” Chief Riggs demanded suddenly coming on the scene.

  The woods around Lake Nighthorse had become an operation room. They all moved like gears in a clock as Time skillfully evaded them. Braxton made the scene sterile like he would do for CSI and the boys were laid in the center of plastic tarps. The mobile lab was broken into and all kinds of bizarre machinery were pulled from it.

  “These are what the Prescott Project calls neuro-transmit syndicators.” The Nurse began as she pulled out these metallic headbands that looked like something out of Star Trek. She fastened one around each of the boys’ heads and then hooked a series of electrodes like a CGI creator down their bodies. Lastly, she pulled out life support lines and needles and pierced them into Nick’s heart hooking him into the machine.

  “Okay, class is now in session. Assuming that this actually does work and that they have the same blood type, the neuro-transmit syndicator will trigger each boy’s brain to send stimulants to each other’s neurons. The effect will be that they each receive “double” the commands from the brain for natural function. The natural process of blood coagulation will be signaled in “layers” for each boy causing their individual blood cells to coagulate with each other and form one new blood. The blood pressure will then regulate itself as both of their hearts will be naturally pumping their double-volumed single blood through their bodies. With Nick’s rapid unbalanced apoptosis (programmed cell death) there will be twice the neurological activity to have to work through and signal this cellular death. The influence of Alex’s unaffected blood will also “confuse” and slow down the spread of the serum. Which will buy time for the poison to expire in potency. With Alex’s hyper-tachycardia (extremely too fast heart rate) there will be twice the blood to pump through his heart and the rate will naturally be slowed to its more stable rate.” The Nurse rubbed her hands together eager and hopeful.

  “Come on, baby!” Marilyn held her breath. This was life or death. Healing or disaster. Renee stood with a compress against her bleeding wrist.

  “Come on, Alex!”

  The death angel hovered in the air for the third time this year. This time, he would go away empty handed. They all watched for a moment as the Mad Science Nurses monitored medical equipment of the future, watching an EKG that showed the activity of multiple hearts at a time, making a note of how the poison caused some of the electronically operating donated hearts to fail. These lines gradually went flat until the neurologically syndicated braided line alone remained. Alex and Nick’s hearts beat in time and their brains worked together, somehow saving each other. Nick stopped foaming at the mouth and the Nurse wiped the bloody spit away. Alex’s convulsions slowed until they finally ceased.

  One good thing had chosen to come from the dark and twisted research in Durango. They witnessed a medical miracle that night as the two brothers blood flowed intravenously between one another and became one and whole. They began to inject chemicals in Nick that caused hydrolysis to the molecules from his poison. This also affected Alex and allowed for the excess potassium and adrenal fluids in his blood to dissolve until he was regulating under what was normal for their shared blood flow.

  The boys passed into a deep and restorative medical coma for around 12 hours. When they woke up, they were totally cured without the faintest cellular or neurological damage. The neuro-syndicator was removed and the boys were left on the IV machine until their blood cells began to “reverse coagulate” as the doctors were calling it. They had separate blood and separate brain functions once again.

  It would seem that all was well that had ended well. However, one miracle did not absolve the Prescott research program of its decades of blood-guiltiness. There was one more giant to conquer. The huge ethical question of “unsanctioned resurrection”.

  Chapter 17

  “It’s okay, son. I’ve got you.” Marilyn smiled as she helped Nick climb the steps to Santa Bianca’s.

  Renee’s wards all stood in a line around the porch smiling in awed silence at Nick. He who had been dead was alive to tell the tale. He was healed of all the mad scientific research that had been done to him.

  Alex came wobbling up the stairs behind him, insisting that he didn’t need any help. Renee reasoned that Alex was more active because resuscitating must be very draining on the constitution and Nick had done that almost three times.

  Sally and Brandon were the first to meet Nick as he came up the stairs. Sally reached out and poked Nick then took two steps back nose twitching nervously. Brandon smiled and reached and hugged him.

  “Dude, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Well, when you aren’t on TV scaring the crap out of the whole City anyway.” Brandon laughed and then looked down at Marilyn and Renee.

  “The Chief’s been here and explained everything to us. It’s hard to believe we’re all siblings, but it kinda makes sense too.” Brandon beamed with pride. He swung out both arms and laced one around Nick’s shoulders and one around Alex’s.

  “The State of Colorado has motioned to transfer all funding for this place to the local government. You guys are going to stay in your home with each other. I’m still going to be your Papa Vierra until you’re all 18 and longer if you want.” Renee folded her arms and glared at all of them.

  “The public disturbance you caused, Nicky, lead to the search warrant and arrest of all the politicians involved on the D.C. end of this crime. All of the Research team is now en route for Federal prison. The Wakers, as we’re all affectionately calling the other test victims, are being moved to a private rehabilitation and research facility in the Virgin Islands. If they can’t stay in Heaven then ,at least, they’ll make the most of here on earth.” Marilyn smiled and looked at Nick.

  “All’s left is for me to go and testify with Chief Riggs in the Federal Courts…” She nodded at Nicky and smiled.

  “When all’s done…I’m moving here to Durango. Renee’s agreed to let me have one of the upstairs rooms and fill it with frilly stuff. We’re going to be a family for the first time ever Nicky. I’m finally going to do right by you.”

  Nick was suddenly tearing up. He attempted to stifle his tears behind his palm.

  “What’s wrong?” Alex wrapped an arm around his shoulders, deeply upset to see him on the verge of tears.

  “No, it’s what’s right, finally. I never had a family before I came here. Now I have one that makes the Brady Bunch look like an economy car in comparison! Not only that, but I’m alive. I’m not…I’m not even supposed to be alive, you realize?” Nick laughed and shook his head the tears already gone.

  Marilyn studied him, weighing the odds of all of this. There were many questions which still needed to be answered. Was the act of resurrecting someone who’d been dead for so long really unethical? If it could be done without prolonged pain and horrible side effects then Marilyn was all for it. Here was her son, the perfect specimen of a bad thing turned to good.

  Still when did Science and Society go too far? The road to where they were now was riddled with bodies, blood, pain, and horror. Much of it still remained a mystery.

  Marilyn shouldered her bag lost in the questions. There would still no doubt remain a long roa
d before they were all answered. But in the wake of mad science, something had emerged that was beautiful and clean without question. Marilyn smiled watching the symmetrical motions and twin like behavior that Nick and Alex had developed as a result of their “neurological syndication”. There would now be advance research into the science of “symbiotic therapy”.

  As long as people worked together as brothers and sisters for the common right of what was best for all then Science would pursue the right ends. It was possible that love was the only thing strong enough to beat Death. The only thing that could save Society as a whole.

  Want to skip the translations and get a sneak peek of the next book in the (NEW BOOK NAME)?


  =Simplified Chinese version=



  旧的Datsun光怪陆离 的坟墓像天使般的死亡。 其 驱动程序是个36岁的女人有长头发回扫在紧凑的洋红色bandana。 “十几岁的男孩的鸟枪座他的 头俯伏、拳头压在他的牙齿。 太猛哭, 他摔跤 Olympically的泪水。

  “还好”、“好友”、说“小姐,掌声 坚定的手放在他的膝盖上。

  “我知道的。” 他耸了耸,抬 起头,翡翠的眼睛仍在淡色的颜色的勃艮第尽管他的努力。

  他们达到 的陵墓的车道。 该名男童的岔路口 第一、 偶然 的陈死的草。 该名女子滑出 完美的花束,节日的花朵在支架中,她的手臂。 她抬头看了看 天花板上的坟墓和破获 一起得意的笑容。

  “检查”,阿历克斯! 他们把灯!” 她的声音在安静的、热力四射。

  小小的白色圣诞灯灯泡浓眉 像是眨眼的天使。

  Alex嗅探,无法生效的笑声。 有一耸肩,他偶然成了暗淡的墓地。 他不查找他一起它那斑驳的。 他记忆的路径。他的最好的朋友的大理石的牙菌斑。


  "Renee!”他的声音已破裂。 震动他的刺耳的叫喊回荡的大理石和玻璃包装的墙。

  Renee飞到他的侧脸的颜色的烟灰缸。 她的眼睛转向球当她看见他。

  一块大理石碑,读“尼古拉斯·Avalon 1998-2015”躺在其一侧靠墙的。




  “杜兰戈州警察署聚集到现场。 整个陵墓笼罩在黄色警示带。 尽管新人的缔约方会议的坚持下,Renee和Alex不愿离开。

  “他的家庭! 排序的...”Renee胜作为警官试图迫使她的场景。

  “你的养主的调解人,右?”警长 格斯 抓住了青年军官的肩膀,提示她要等待的。

  “这是正确的。 Renee Vierra。”她一甩头真是不要脸。


  “小子住过。 男童的他们已经严重的抢劫是他最好的朋友。”Renee伸出她的琴,感到愤怒。 阿历克斯俯下身子在结冰的地面,嘴唇变成紫色的更多的冲击比冷。 缔约方会议发布的Renee和她掩蔽的孩子,跪在他的旁边和protectively把他包裹在她的手臂。


  法医研究人员到达。 他们的声音被掩盖他们窥视的墓地。 Alex挖他的手指伸到水泥地板上,直到渗出的血液从他的钉床。 Renee陷入他的肩部稳定的他。 一法医滑的棺材放在地板上。 他们只是检查是否损坏。 这是一宗劫案或简单的严重的 亵渎吗? 谁会想要亵渎 坟墓,一名17岁的男孩?

  在棺材的盖上盖子动摇松它的铰链。 他们缓和它开放的、与可疑的扫了一眼Renee和Alex。 孩子开始hyperventilate,尽管所有的尝试查找冷。

  沉默弥漫着。 他们望着入棺材真正的困惑。 它是空的。

  法医官布拉克斯顿的 脸变成大理岩。 他跟踪他的手指沿着盖的棺材里,眼睛越来越大第二。 他把棉签的花边的内衬底和留下的血。

  “盖子被窥探的松散的脚趾的男性的尺寸10鞋赶进。 有划痕,有痕迹的手指甲盖。 血在渗出的花边从gashes棺材中的天花板。 这 48个小时的旧衣服”。



  布拉克斯顿吞下去看不曾在Renee 和Alex。

  “这口棺材,主席先生,被折断的打开 来自内部的“布拉克斯顿的嘴唇变成了蓝色。

  “先生,那牛。 验尸官的报告为尼古拉斯·Avalon刚刚拉起的计算机。 孩子得到了冰的命中和运行 7个月前”的 一 名干事,吐口水彻底的反感。

  “想要证据证明罗杰斯? 我DNA样本!”布拉克斯顿的险恶的眼睛闪烁。 他的凶猛程度告诉他们,这不是 开玩笑甚至无能。

  他们滑落滴到卡并将其插入到计算机。 看哪! 褪色的黑白照片的尼古拉斯·出现在电脑屏幕上。






  “看在您的周围! 还有什么你需要、霓虹招牌?! 拉撒路来、 女士们、先生们。 如何和为什么? 这是我们要弄清楚的。 大家都回到火车站。 双时间。」行政长官格斯卡他的手指、放牧的观众离开现场。


  “翡翠69”的Mustang Mach 1滚成杜兰戈拉的主要街道。 这是一节中的 Santa Bianca的儿童之 家 外面的城市范围内。

  科罗拉多州的灰尘淹没了天空。 这样的人他们的大马士革的道路、 军官被蒙蔽的灰尘和砂粒被华灯的注重成果的年度报告,她的引擎。

  她flounced在驾驶室外。 她的泵挖成的灰尘。 的尾部她的皮沟大衣夹在冬天的大风和炸毁了揭示她的扎染瘦的牛仔裤。 John Lennon式的阴影掩饰了她的眼睛。

  Marilyn Avalon研究了很多,双手折叠在背后像一钻警长。 他们都在等待她要说“轻松自在”,但她从来没有说过的命令。 的她的寄托的尘土的金色的头发,她的态度, 领导的门廊。

  “是Renee Vierra那里我可以与她?」她问的萧条的金发女郎人斜靠在滑轨、一瓶可口可乐的压到她的嘴唇上。



  “你好,女士Vierra。 我们在电话上进行了交谈?」玛丽莲笑了笑。

  “右键。 你失踪的个人的私人侦探Swift博士说的是。”Renee点了点头,宽慰地看到她。


  “医管局”! 没错,这就是一种轻描淡写的说法。 吴奇隆是个好小子,永远不会伤害 一只苍蝇,但他始终是一位的极少数。 喜欢滑出了后门和喧嚣池后实行宵禁。 从未想过会有一天当他打破了自己的...他自己的乌姆...好,他的坟墓的妈”。




  “不,你听到的权利。 以为它会更容易打破这一部分到你的人。 吴奇隆...他杀害了约7个月前步行从家到学校的。 这是打了就跑。 警方称这 是 凶杀案的车辆。”她耸了耸,并采取了颤抖的呼吸。

  “走出去”的72个小时前,他...“取证的人似乎认为他...哼...爆发了。 想出他的棺材和陵墓,我们把他整双战靴”。



  “我也曾有过,相信我。 失去了他的所有的这些孩子们都喜欢我自己的,你知道吗? 您可以获得与它们相连接。 没有更多的比吴奇隆。 实在
的,我没有心情来雇用你。 没有犯罪。 但它的福音。 在儿科医生看上去后我所有的病房推荐您。”



  “肯定的。 Go Ahead”。

  “这只是,我担心Alex。 认为他可能是接壤的目前。 我想要他的承诺直到这阵风刮过”的儿科医生笑了笑,知道他是说敲响可怕的。

  “噢,不! 他会杀死我,如果我把他放在了心理学的病房!”Renee把酒一饮而尽她 试图吞下了地球。

  “不知羞耻的。 只有几天的吗?”

  “博士 迅速的,我非常感谢您的关注。 有的只是...我需要我的男孩都会与我在一起,没关系吗?”


  “理解”。 但他的坏掉。 我甚至可以说破裂、至少'til另行通知。 其余的他,知道吗? 噢,如果尼古拉斯显示周围的越早越好、易成Alex它,好吧?”


  “奇怪这。 我敢打赌我Grandad的最后一美元这可能是拉撒路的综合症。 几乎闻所未闻的,从来没有听说过,在这之后很长。 仍是只解释我可以图。」迅速攥在他的琴,眼睛远的麻烦。

  “拉撒路病?"表示"玛丽莲"飓风的灾民。 她想知道是否有一种医学术语为“任何事物和厨房的水槽”。


  “哦,你好,您必须在侦探Avalon! 我总是想要见您。 巨大的风扇,你的博客!”他被送往她的摇着她的双手。

  “啊,好谢谢。 我不知道这些人3个读卡器了。”

  他们都笑了起来。 Swift博士耸了耸。



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