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A Kiss in the Shadows

Page 17

by Marie Patrick

  “Get out!”


  “I don’t want to talk to you or see you or even…” The words died in her throat and she turned away, drawing the brush through her hair once more.

  He worried the brim of his hat between his fingers as he took another step into the room. “I’m sorry.”

  “You should be.” She tossed the brush on the dressing table, then stood, her hands on her hips, and mimicked his words. “‘You clean up real nice’? What was that?” She began to pace, the bell of her long skirts swishing around her legs and stocking-clad feet. “Am I so ugly that you cannot bear to look at me? So unattractive I scare small children? Good God, Brock, should I never be seen in public without a flour sack over my head?”

  “I…I didn’t…that’s not what I… Aw hell, Stevie, I didn’t know what to say. You stunned me. Took the words right out of my mouth. Hell, took them right out of my head!”

  He closed the door with a move of his foot and advanced on her. Not only was she angry at him, but she was hurt, too. So hurt, her eyes flashed pure blue fire that seared his heart. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to draw her unwilling body closer to him, but she remained stiff and unyielding—and who could blame her? He had opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it, boot and all, leaving a horrible taste.

  He tightened his embrace, despite the tension in her, and his voice lowered. “You are beautiful. Not just now, but always.” He ran his fingers through her hair, loving the silkiness between his fingers, then traced her delicate jawbone with his fingertip. “Even with dirt on your face, you are still beautiful. Do you know how hard it’s been to keep my distance? To not touch you? I fail more often than I succeed.”

  A sigh escaped him. How could he be telling her these things? When had these feelings started happening for him?

  “Do you know how hard it’s been not to kiss you—” He tilted her chin upward, bringing her tempting lips closer to his. Her magnificent eyes glistened. “Like this?” His mouth descended and the touch of her lips was pure heaven to his soul. He wanted more, so much more, not just this, but everything. “And like this?” His lips lowered to hers again and again, his heart thundering in his chest. The fragrance of honeysuckle surrounded him, lifting his spirits higher than he thought possible.

  He left her lips to pepper kisses along her jawline and whispered in her ear, “Do you forgive me?”

  She didn’t answer. At least not with words, but her actions spoke volumes and promised more. She pressed against him, then cupped his cheek, her thumb lightly caressing the mustache he’d become fond of, her eyes sparkling as she brought her mouth to his.

  She was perfect. Her long, lithe body fit to his as he pressed her against the wall, her breasts crushed against his hard chest, the restraint he’d maintained gone in an instant as her tongue thrust into his mouth and her fingers delved into his hair, pulling his head closer.

  Need surged within him—a need to touch her, become one with her. With one hand, he unbuttoned the row of mother-of-pearl buttons from the neckline of her dress down to below her waist, spreading the edges apart, then pulled away from her for just a moment to push the gown down her body. She stood in front of him in her short chemise embroidered with tiny flowers, plain white corset, drawers edged with lace, and white stockings, held in place with simple silk garters.

  Slow down, the words echoed in his head. Make it good for her, you ass.

  But he couldn’t slow down. Neither could Stevie. She helped him unclasp her corset, letting it fall to the floor to join her dress, then pushed his brand-new jacket off his shoulders and onto the polished wooden planks beneath them. The palms of her hands were hot against his chest through his shirt, her kisses wild and untamed and bold. She reached between them and fumbled with the buttons of his trousers.

  Brock held his breath. If she kept touching him like that, he just might lose what little control he had, and yet he wanted that with her. Wanted to lose control and forget who and what he was, if only for a moment. His trousers dropped downward, but became stuck on the top of his boots. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t about to stop, not now, maybe not ever. His arousal surged free. He leaned into her and backed her against the wall once more as his mouth took possession of hers.

  He lifted one of her stocking-clad legs, hooking it around his waist, then the other, leaving her exposed yet hidden and dangerously close as Stevie Rae tightened her grip, pulling herself closer, the heat of her nearly searing his skin and his soul. He found the slit in her drawers and his fingers traced her wet, swollen folds. Stevie Rae let out a strangled cry of pleasure and squeezed her legs tighter around his waist, trapping his hand between them while her arms encircled his head. His fingers continued to stroke her, slow then fast then slow again.

  Her hips picked up the rhythm his fingers had set and rocked of their own accord. Her breathing quickened, and she clung to him, her strong legs holding him captive, the bow on one of her garters rubbing against his skin, tickling him.

  She was ready. And so close. He knew that from the way she panted and rubbed against him, but that didn’t mean she was experienced. He wanted to be inside her—desperately—and feel her body throb around him when she reached her moment, but he didn’t want to hurt her. What if she’d never…?

  “Stevie?” he whispered as he nuzzled her neck. “I can’t wait. I have to be inside you, but…I don’t want to hurt you. Have you…done this before?”

  She didn’t answer his question. Instead, she pulled him closer, her body moving against him and nearly screamed, “Oh God, Brock, don’t stop now! Please!”

  He needed no more reassurance than her words as he moved his hand from between them and thrust into her tight sheath. He met no resistance as he sank into her depths and found the rhythm she had set.

  Stevie let out a long groan of pleasure as her body adjusted to him then and brought her mouth down to meet his, her tongue sliding against his.

  Peace. The word skittered through his brain and the feeling flowed through him as her heat surrounded him. He felt her heart beat against his chest or did he just imagine that? Anticipation swept through him. The rush of blood pounding through his veins surged faster and faster as he moved within her. Still, beneath the intense pleasure, the feeling of peace remained, like a soft blanket encircling him.

  The cadence of her breathing changed again, her breaths coming in short little gasps. She pulled her mouth from his and leaned her head back against the wall behind her. Brock ground his hips into her, his movements concise and centered until her eyes flew open and a small surprised squeak escaped her. Her body shuddered around him and he knew she had reached her peak. Now he could reach for his own release. He thrust into her over and over, changing the pace, pumping hard then slowing down only to change the tempo again, until Stevie Rae expelled another startled shout and the hot rush of his seed exploded into her, intense, powerful, as if coming from the depths of his soul.

  Breathing hard, his knees a bit wobbly, he withdrew from her, and moved away from the wall but Stevie Rae didn’t let go. Her cotton-clad legs were still wrapped around him, though not as tight as before, and moist heat radiated from her body.

  Brock shuffled toward the bed, which, thankfully, wasn’t far, the trousers around his knees and calves preventing him from taking longer steps. Gently, he laid her down on the soft mattress. For a moment, she clung to him, the muscles in her thighs strong from years of riding, her arms wrapped around his neck.

  She said nothing as she finally released him. He studied her and smiled. The blush on her face, neck, and chest started to fade, but wonder and curiosity still sparkled in the depths of her eyes. For reasons he couldn’t explain—or perhaps didn’t want to—that wonder made him want to shout to the rooftops. He knew a satisfied woman when he saw one. Instead, he asked, “Are you all right?”

  • • •

  Stevie Rae nodded as he tenderly caressed her face with the tips of his fingers. Her body still pulsed, bu
t her heartbeat was beginning to return to normal. That didn’t last long as Brock leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. The swirl of emotion, the taste of him, the thought of what he could make her feel, had her blood surging through her veins in an instant.

  He smiled, kissed her again, then rose to his feet and stepped away from the bed. She smoothed a ribbon from her chemise between her fingers, but her gaze remained on him. A satisfied grin spread her lips. If she had been alone, she would have stretched and purred like a kitten. Or maybe giggled. Stevie Rae never giggled, but she felt like it now as a new thought swept into her head.

  So that’s the “wild ride” Ruby’s girls always talked about but very seldom got.

  Relegated to the kitchen while her father treated the girls at Ruby Wheeler’s house, Stevie Rae had heard the ladies talk. No topic was sacred and the women who lived and worked at Ruby’s spoke about everything…from the size of a man to whether or not he could give her a “wild ride.” She remembered the girls blushing when they realized she had been within earshot, but at the tender age of twelve, though curious, Stevie had had no idea what any of it meant. And no one bothered to explain it to her. Not Ruby’s girls or her mother, whose face flamed with embarrassment and who told her young ladies had no business even asking about such things, or her father, who stammered out a dry lecture and refused to look her in the eye.

  Lucas hadn’t explained either, nor had he shown her. But now…maybe she did know what those girls had giggled about long ago. And God help her, she wanted to go for a wild ride again. And again.

  A sigh of satisfaction slipped from between her lips as Stevie Rae released the ribbon and rolled to her side, propping her head up on her hand. She watched Brock as he shrugged out of his shirt and tossed it toward a nearby chair, then sat on the edge of the same chair, right on top of his shirt, and pulled off his boots and trousers.

  His eyes were on her, though, the soft gray seeming so much softer, and then he flashed the smile she adored, the one she had seldom seen before but seemed to be seeing a lot more lately. Anticipation curled low in her belly.

  He rose from the chair in all his naked glory and slowly walked toward her. His body was how she’d imagined it would be—perfect—and she let her gaze roam over him. She took in his broad shoulders and muscular arms, the dusting of dark hair covering his chest just begging to be touched. A blush crept up her face and her heartbeat picked up its pace as her gaze dipped lower. Her eyes widened. Earlier, she hadn’t seen him, had only felt his hardness with her fingertips as she unbuttoned his trousers.

  Now? Now, she got an eyeful of his fully aroused state. It took every ounce of willpower to suppress the giggle building in her throat. Ruby’s girls would have been impressed!

  And she wanted him, more than ever, but he didn’t move. He stood beside the bed and simply looked at her. She felt the warmth of his gaze as it traveled from her legs still clad in stockings to her lace-edged drawers covering her most precious secrets to the chemise that revealed more than it hid. His gaze finally settled on her face and her cheeks heated as a flush rose from her chest upward. The expectation swirling in her belly increased. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

  Wasn’t he ever going to speak? She’d become comfortable with his long silences while riding through the countryside, but now? She needed to hear his voice, needed to…

  She never had a chance to finish her thought as Brock grabbed her leg at the ankle and twisted gently, rolling her onto her back. A squeal of surprise erupted from her.

  He didn’t release her ankle, but held it in his big hands, his thumb gently caressing her skin. “I think it’s unfair you’re still dressed,” his voice was soft and slow, like warm honey, “while I’m standing here in the altogether.” He grinned that wicked grin, then plucked the ribbon of her garter, dropping the pale peach lace and silk band to the floor. He rolled her stocking down her leg, from her thigh to her foot, his fingertips brushing against her skin as he did so. His gaze never left hers and a sweet wonderful ache began to build within her as he repeated his action with her other leg.

  He dropped the stocking to the floor and shook his head. “You’re still wearing too much.” He held out his hand. Stevie slipped her hand in his and warmth surrounded her as he pulled her to a standing position beside the bed, one bare foot on the rug, the other on the cold floor. Brock’s arms slid around her and his mouth covered hers in a kiss she felt down to her toes. He stopped kissing her, just long enough to pull the short chemise over her head. Seconds later, her drawers slid down her legs to puddle on the floor.

  He took a step back and a lazy smile twitched the mustache covering his upper lip. “That’s much better.”

  Stevie Rae let out a squeak, caught between embarrassment and excitement. She hadn’t been naked in front of another person since she’d developed breasts—not even when she’d been with Lucas, and he’d certainly never looked at her as Brock was looking at her now, with desire smoldering in his dark gray eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her breasts from him, then realized what she left exposed and lowered her hands to shield the secrets of her womanhood. But it was too late. He’d already seen and touched and loved. “Don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” he asked.

  His gaze roamed over her, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and everywhere in between and Stevie Rae trembled, her body shaking on the inside. She felt…feverish and breathless and oh so wanted. “Look at me like that.”

  “Why not?” He took a step closer, pushed her hands away, and raised her chin with his finger. “You’re beautiful. Perfect, in fact.” He lowered his lips to hers and kissed her in such a way, she felt as if her bones melted and it was a miracle she could still stand on her own two feet. Her body responded to the sweet onslaught of his mouth, the heat of his arms around her as he pulled her closer, the feel of his steely arousal pressing against her. Blood surged through her veins, thundering in her ears. Moisture gathered between her legs as the folds of her sex swelled and the heady smell of musk filled the air.

  Did that make her wanton? Did that make her like the girls in Ruby’s house or the other houses they’d seen in Taos? Lucas had always implied…and why was she thinking about Lucas now? She had a handsome man in her arms and he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Pushing all thought from her mind, giving over entirely to emotion and just feeling, Stevie Rae drew him down to the bed, every inch of her flesh touching his. And yet, it wasn’t enough. She needed to be closer. She brought his lips to hers, kissing him deeply, and felt bereft when his mouth left hers. His tongue and lips seemed to singe her skin as he placed gentle kisses along her jawline, neck, and collarbone on his journey farther south.

  Stevie Rae nearly came off the bed as his mouth covered one nipple, suckling gently, his tongue swirling and rasping against one sensitive nub then the other then back, again and again, leaving a trail of wet heat on her skin. When she thought she’d go mad with wanting and couldn’t bear much more of his teasing, his mouth descended to hers as his hand trailed over her stomach and hips before blazing a hot trail along the outside of her swollen sex. He parted her flesh and Stevie Rae sucked in her breath and held it as his fingers slid through her curls. She released her held breath in a groan of intense pleasure, then moved her legs, opening herself to him more fully.

  “My little wildcat,” he whispered in her ear, causing shivers to run up and down her back and her hips to rise off the bed as he slowly caressed the very core of her. And she was close, so close, to the same feeling as before, when the world went dark for a moment then brightened with colors that danced before her eyes, when her body pulsed around him, her mind blanked, and she thought of nothing except how wonderful she felt. Her body seemed to tighten even more, the coiled spring close to shattering from tension and need.

  She couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her as he stopped caressing her nor the groan that erupted from deep in her throat when he settled between her thighs and pus
hed into her and began to move. And a new set of sensations surged through her.

  Stevie Rae found the rhythm quickly, the same rhythm as before, and moved against him, her legs tight around his hips to pull him closer, her heels digging into his backside.

  “Easy,” he whispered in her ear as he deliberately slowed his pace, pushing into her then pulling out nearly his entire length before filling her again, leaving her on the brink. “There’s no need to hurry.” He chuckled, but the sound wasn’t mocking in the least. It was happy and filled with joy. “We have all the time in the world.”

  Though she knew that wasn’t true, she didn’t care. In the world beyond this bed, danger lurked in the shadows and a madman killed for enjoyment, but here, within these walls, within Brock’s arms, she felt safe and cherished. Stevie Rae closed her eyes and gave herself over to those feelings…and so much more. Sounds became more defined as he moved in her…she could hear her own heartbeat, his heavy breath, and the rasp of skin against skin. Sensation became almost unbearable…the crispness of his chest hair teasing her sensitive nipples, the weight of his body rocking against her. Colors danced behind her closed eyelids as anticipation built within, coiling, twisting, spiraling….

  She opened her eyes as Brock picked up his pace, moving in her faster and faster, then slowed his rhythm and pressed deeply into her, his body stiffening, his arms locked on either side of her head as he rocked against her. Perspiration made his face shine and his lips twisted into almost a grimace as he spent himself inside her, spinning her out of control until her world darkened. She screamed at her release and clung to him, pulling him closer still as her hips continued to move against him and he pressed tighter, deeper into her. Unbelievable sensations skittered through her as her body pulsed around him and her world brightened once more with vibrant colors.


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