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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 16

by Weston Parker

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive,” she said. “I didn’t want to give the setback. It got so many compliments at the party, and it looked so nice on my table.”

  “I’m glad you’ve got a photographic memory when it comes to tea sets,” I said. “So, that would mean Sierra could be mine, right? I’m not just grasping at straws or speaking out of line?”

  “No, it’s entirely possible if you slept with her.”

  “Yes, I totally did. Remember, I took her to prom?”

  Blaine walked into the kitchen to join us as the girls gathered their game up and took it to their room.

  “You totally did what?” he asked.

  “Slept with Allison on prom night,” Missy said, rolling her eyes. “And now, he thinks that Allison’s little girl is his daughter.”

  “Holy shit, does she look like you?”

  “Yes, and you too.” Missy crossed her arms and rested against the counter.

  He held up his hands. “I never touched Allison. She was way out of my league.”

  “And I’d have broken your neck,” I said.

  Blaine and Missy belted out laughter that echoed off the kitchen walls.

  “You’re still so into that girl,” Blaine said. “I’m surprised you didn’t marry her already.” Blaine gave me a pathetic look, and I gave it right back.

  “What?” he asked. “You do love her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, of course, I do. I never really stopped over the years. I just pushed the idea of us to the back of my mind, thinking it would never happen. But now, she’s in my life, she’s still fucking amazing, and you should meet the kid. She’s perfect in every way, and everything I’d ever want my kid to be.”

  “Sounds like you’re in love with her, too.”

  “I am. It’s going to gut me if I’m wrong.”

  “Have you asked Allison about it?” Blaine asked.


  “Oh yeah,” Missy said. “He screwed up pretty badly on that one. All but accused her of hiding it from him.”

  “Wow. That’s harsh, but did she know?”

  “No way.” I pulled the pie close again, raked my fork into the cream, and licked it. Then I took another bite.

  “You going to eat that whole pie?” Blaine asked, eyeing it.

  “Yes. Missy said it was mine.”

  He turned to our sister. “Why does he get all the pie?”

  “Yours is on the table in the tin. I was going to let you take it to Elk Grove later, but since you’re going to whine about it.” Missy took the pie out of the carrier and slid it in front of him.

  I opened the drawer and passed him a fork.

  Blaine smiled. “This is the life. God, I’ve missed you, sister.”

  “Likewise, but once that’s gone, there is no more. The other pie is for the girls, and Kevin’s is the coconut one.”

  “Coconut?” I glanced over at Blaine and grinned. We both loved coconut, especially Missy’s coconut pies.

  “Don’t eat his pie,” she said. “Guys, I’m warning you. I’ve got to get ready and get this hair dried before I freeze to death.” She turned and walked away, and I listened to make sure she was up the stairs.

  I smiled at Blaine, who shook his head. “No way. I’m just back in her good graces. I’m not going to eat Kevin’s fucking pie.”

  I thought of how the guy had cheated on my sister and walked over to the table, spotting a pretty coconut pie. The delicious aroma hit my nose as I lifted off the lid. “It sure does look good.”

  “Does it?”

  “Yeah, you know Missy was telling me a story about Kevin the other day. About something he did a long time ago.”

  “You mean the affairs? She told me. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Yeah, I know. Me neither. You know, our sister’s been good to him. Look at this house. Look at this fucking pie. I bet you had a feast yesterday, too.”

  “Yeah, we did. You know, Miss. She goes all out.”

  “I know she does.” I brought the pie over to the table between mine and Blaine’s. We exchanged a look and then stared down at the pie.

  “You first,” Blaine said, giving me a nudge. “He was talking about saving his fucking pie for later, just last night after dinner.”

  I smiled and stuck my fork through the perfect meringue topping and into the creamy coconut filling. “Oops.”

  “How does it taste?”

  “You know what they say, revenge is sweet. If this is all I can do to pay him back for screwing around on my sister, it’s worth it. But I’ll have my eye on the fucker from now on.”

  Blaine joined me in eating the pie, and we were nice enough to leave Kevin one slice, the same way our father left him breathing.

  “So, are you going to tell Allison how you feel about her?”

  “I think eventually I will. I mean, I know I want to, but I need to find the right time to approach her. She looked like she wanted to punch me the last time I saw her. I can’t blame her. It was a real dick move, what I did. I was just so pissed off at her ex. He showed up talking shit about me being around Sierra. He talked bad shit about Allison, too, and how I couldn’t buy everything in life. I fucking hate the guy.”

  “He was an asshole in school,” Blaine said. “I remember him. He always talked down to the underclassmen.”

  “Yeah, he’s a real douchebag. He tried to hit me. I blocked it, though. I wanted to lay waste to him, but I held back. Maybe if I had, then I wouldn’t have been so angry and snapped at Allison.”

  “Well, take it from me, don’t wait forever to mend things. She’s a good girl. She’s always been head over heels for you. I remember that time she wanted to buy you something for Christmas, and she made me try and figure out what you’d want. Me and Missy both were asking you a hundred and one questions, and all you kept saying was a radio for your car. Well, we both knew Dad was getting you that, so we told her you wanted a pocket knife.”

  “I still have that thing, too.”

  “Of course, you do. Because you love her. Go to her, man. Make this shit right, and get your girls. What are you waiting for?”

  I knew he was right. I put the slice of coconut back in the tin and then pulled him in for a hug. It was funny that even my little brother, who didn’t care about much of anything just days ago, only wanted me happy now. And I hoped his days of darkness were over.

  I headed out, knowing I had to figure it out soon.

  Chapter 26


  I slept in and woke up at my mother’s house to the sound of my father and Sierra laughing. I hadn’t expected to stay another night, but with our nap taking so long, my father said decorating the tree could wait.

  I went downstairs to find them already busy working on the tangle of lights that had always been the first task after the tree was put together. Mom had bought the artificial tree years before when I was younger, and even though it was growing a bit lopsided from being packed in storage year after year, it was always beautiful when it was done.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Mom held a box of ornaments as Sierra carefully took one.

  “Hey, Mama.” Sierra walked the glass ornament over to the tree and hung it on the front branch.

  “Be sure to put some in the back, Cupcake,” my father said. “Or one side will be heavier, and it will fall over.”

  “Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” I had been thinking a lot about what happened and knew I needed time to think things through.

  Mom placed the box on the chair and went into the kitchen with me. “What’s the matter, honey? Are you still stressing about yesterday?”

  “Yeah, I know I need to talk to David. I was just hoping to have a little more time to myself to think things through. Do you think Sierra could stay here another night or two?”

  “Certainly. Your father was hoping we’d be able to take her down to the apple orchard to pick apples.”

  “That would be perfect.”
/>   “He loves you, Allison. I’ve known that since he was a little boy. He used to be so protective of you, and he’s always been a respectable person. I know he didn’t mean anything by what he said. Talk to him, and work this mess out.”

  “I will.” I pulled her in for a hug and was so grateful I had parents who didn’t mind helping with my child. I’d won the lottery when it came to parents.

  I gathered my things and made sure that Sierra had everything she needed, and since Doug had brought her bag, she did. I headed out to the diner and was relieved when Katrina was there.

  I walked in, and the guys in the back all shouted out to me. I waved. It was nice knowing they’d all missed me. Katrina laughed and came over, pulling out her pad and pen. “Are you going to order something, or is this a social visit?”

  “Both. Give me some strong black coffee and all the sugar in this place.” I liked to load it up myself.

  “Nothing to eat? Did you get things worked out with David?”

  I shook my head. “Not yet. Mom and Dad are watching Sierra for a few days, so I hope to give him a call and see if he wants to talk. I just don’t know on what level he wants to handle this. I want to have a test, and I think that’s what he’s getting at, but I’m not sure if he wants a daughter and a girlfriend or wife, too.” I let out a deep breath and raked my hands through my hair. “I’m still not sure how to handle Sierra finding out.”

  “You’ll do fine. All of that will come to you in the moment. Just call the guy. You two can work all the details out from between the sheets.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “Please, girl. You got a sitter. You’re going to have a couple of nights by yourself, and I know you don’t like to be alone.” She laughed, and I asked her to lower her voice a little. I didn’t mind my personal stuff being blathered to the diner, but now that it concerned a DeVant, I thought it best that we keep it down.

  She turned and headed to the counter to fill my coffee order, and she brought herself a cup too and slid across from me. “I’m taking five, Mindy.”

  Mindy smiled and continued wiping the table across the room.

  “Is she my replacement?” I asked.

  “She’s one of them. It took two to fill your shoes. I’m gunning for three, but I’m afraid it will cut my hours. We’ve been doing okay, but it’s sadly not as busy as usual.

  “People are staying in with family.”

  “I guess.” She let out a long sigh and stretched her arms up over her head. “Sierra’s going to be okay, Allie. Worst case scenario, she’s stuck with Doug as a father. She’s a tough kid. Call him.”

  “I am. I’m not about to wait until Monday to see him. Talk about awkward. No, we need to get things worked out. I think I’m going to go home for a bit, though, clean some house while I don’t have Sierra, and call him. Maybe I’ll text at first, just to feel him out. I told him to leave. I should be the first to text, right?”

  “Yeah, and make sure to tell him you’re all alone and how much you want him.” She sipped the last of her coffee while I was still stirring in sugar to taste.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be a bit subtler about it than that.” I gave her a wink.

  “Well, I know you’re sick of hearing me say it, but I still want your life.” We shared a laugh and talked a bit more about how she could have it, housework included.

  I headed home about an hour later, after making a quick stop for a few groceries on the way, and once I settled into the house and adjusted to the warmth, I got up from the sofa and cleaned a bit. I started with the intention of doing some light dusting, but it turned into cleaning everything, including the light fixtures. I got down on my hands and knees to wipe beneath the coffee table and saw my old photo album.

  I opened it to see a ton of old photos from when I was growing up. Pictures of me and Katrina on our first day of college, and graduation day when I thought the entire world was mine. I hadn’t thought about those dreams in forever. I’d wanted to go to business school, but I’d also kicked around art school for design. Once I found out I was pregnant, one goal seemed like too much.

  I kept sifting through and found a picture of David and me at prom. The black and silver backdrop, along with his dress blues, made his blue eyes pop. I traced my fingertip along his face and wanted to cry.

  I’d been keeping myself busy the entire day, cleaning, washing, scrubbing; anything to keep me from calling him. But it was no use. I couldn’t take it. I had to hear his voice. I got up, and on my way to the kitchen to get my phone from the charger, someone knocked at the door.

  I checked out the window to see a black Cobra parked in my driveway, and my heart sank. He’d beaten me to the punch.

  I opened the door and stepped aside as he rushed in.

  “Allison, I know I fucked things up big time, and I’m sorry if I upset you, but I only got so upset because I care, and dammit, Allison, I’ve always loved you.”

  I rushed into his arms and kissed him, full and deep on the mouth. But he pulled away after a moment.

  “I’d never hurt you intentionally,” he said.

  “I know.” I cupped his face in my hands and ran my fingers through his bristly beard.

  “I should have used some tact and not snapped at you.”

  He was going to keep on apologizing until I shut him up, so I captured his mouth again and held him captive. He relaxed against me for a moment, and just when I relaxed as well, he lifted me off my feet and into his arms.

  “I’ve wanted you so badly, baby.” He carried me to the couch where he sat, pulling me across his lap. He held onto my waist and stroked me there as his hand slipped up beneath my long t-shirt.

  “I’ve been cleaning all day,” I said. “Trying to find the courage to call you.”

  “I know. I’ve eaten an unhealthy amount of pie doing the same thing.”

  I ran my hands up the rippling muscles of his abs and slipped them around to his back beneath his shirt.

  “Where’s Sierra? Is she sleeping?” He kissed my mouth again and then let me take a breath to answer.

  “She’s at my parents’ house until tomorrow. I needed a little time alone.”

  “Looks like I came over at the perfect time then, right?”

  He pushed my top up over my head and then he tossed it to the floor. Then he teased at my waistband and kissed me, his mouth trailing down my chin, my neck, my collarbone, until he stopped at my breasts. I didn’t have a bra on, having pulled it off when I’d gotten home. I thanked myself for that habit, and from the way David’s mouth went down on my nipples, nipping and tugging, sucking and squeezing, I was sure he was thankful, too.

  Heat blossomed between my legs, and I shifted to not only face him but to straddle his legs. I sat astride him, and he cupped my ass to grind me against his hard length. Something caught his attention, and he reached forward around me and found the prom picture on the coffee table.

  “You still look the same, baby. You were so beautiful that night. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. And then, when you let me kiss you, I knew I had the only thing that mattered to me in my arms. I told you I loved you, hoping you felt the same for me. And I’d wanted to ask you to wait for me so badly, but I was too afraid of holding you back.”

  “I would have waited,” I said. “I should have. We’re both at fault for not calling, for not trying, but I didn’t have to run to him. I waited two weeks. I hoped you’d call me the whole time. I didn’t know where they’d sent you or how to call you.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “I’m not sorry I have Sierra. I’m not ever going to be sorry for that, even if she is Doug’s girl.”

  “I know. I know.” He closed his eyes tightly and then crushed his lips back against mine, kissing me hard and deep. He pulled away. “Regardless, I should have waited to talk to you. I just had to know, and that guy made me so fucking angry.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now, David.” I was brea
thless and aching with desire. I needed him. I’d needed him for far too long to waste another minute worrying about anything other than being together. Like Katrina said, the rest would work itself out

  He brought his mouth down to my breasts, which one hand kneaded. The other landed between my thighs. I brought my hand down from his strong shoulders to his lap, where I stroked his cock and tried to undo his pants.

  “Do you want to go to your bedroom, or stay in here?”

  “Take me to bed,” I whispered against his neck as I kissed my way across his flesh.

  I felt his hands slip around my waist, taking hold as the other cupped my bottom, and he stood, holding me close. I was a bit disoriented as he pushed the door open and then spun us around, but then he laid me down on the bed and went straight for my waistband, which he tugged down with one hard pull. I slipped my legs and feet free, and he stood over me, looking down at me; his eyes bore into me with so much lust that I ached for him to take me fast and hard.

  His hands moved to undo his pants, and he stepped out of them, along with his boxer briefs, and he gripped his rigid cock and gave it a pump with his fist. I loved to watch him stroke himself, and I knew when he met my eyes, he was ready to give it to me.

  Chapter 27


  She eyed me as I stroked my cock. I hadn’t intended on her pleasuring me, but she sat up, and I held it out for her to taste. My eyes rolled back in my head, and she let her tongue slide down my veiny shaft and then flicked it against my balls, which were heavy from the week before. I’d been too busy punishing myself to find a release, and my throbbing cock was leaking a bit from the tip, which she gathered with her tongue and spread around on my head as she took it deeper.

  I ran my fingers through her hair and sighed. I knew I wanted to bury my cock deep inside of her, but at that moment, I didn’t care where, as long as she was enjoying herself.


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