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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 37

by Weston Parker

  I'm headed back today. I'll be at Dad's before dinnertime. Be there.

  She sent back a short message: Fuck you? No, fuck me?

  He shot back a smiley face, and the world fell into place. Bethany flopped back on her bed, groaning loudly. He had her trapped into thinking about him and needing him without reservation. The slightest movement in his emotions sent her off one end of the spectrum or the other.

  "Great ..." she muttered and got up, taking a quick shower and diving back into her sheets until her mom poked her head in the open door.

  "You up?"


  "You respond well in your sleep then." Her mom laughed and walked in. Bethany rolled over and curled up, smiling at the beautiful woman before her.

  "I'm brilliant in all forms. What can I say?"

  Her mom popped her butt and shook her head. "And filled with humility to boot."

  "What's up? We missed you last night. Matt and I went to get Mexican food. Wish you would've come with us."

  "I went to get some new outfits for our wedding trip. I'll show them to you later." Her mom yawned, covering her mouth. "Anyway. Kent called from Seattle and said to tell you to pack up. He wants you to come up on Sunday afternoon so you can see the audit firsthand."

  "I have to be on campus Thursday and Friday. I can't miss the first week, Mom." Bethany moved to sit up, the news causing worry to sprout.

  "I told him that, baby. He's aware. He just wants you there Monday through Wednesday. You can fly back Wednesday night."

  "What about Damon?"

  "He's flying home today and will fly back out with you tomorrow."

  "Are you coming too?"

  "No. Kent wants me to, but I have too much to do. We leave for the wedding in twelve days. I have to get a few packages shipped to the hotel for the decorations and stuff."

  "I thought it was going to be a small wedding."

  "It was, until Kent's sister, Allison, got ahold of the information. Now there are a good number of people joining us. I guess when your friends are wealthy they can drop everything and go to Jamaica in the middle of the week." Her mom chuckled and stood, reaching over to kiss the top of her head. Bethany leaned into it, emotion tugging at her.

  "Mom ... would you love me if I did something terrible?"

  Her mom moved back, tilting her head to the side. "I would love you with all my heart no matter what you did. I know you to be a girl that makes good choices, but if one day you don't ... I'll be there to help bury the body."

  Bethany laughed and fell back in her bed. "I love you, Mom."

  "Me more. Now get up, and I'll feed you. I know you love me only second to a good meal."


  The morning turned to afternoon, Bethany padding around the house waiting on Damon most of the day. She changed into her bathing suit, the full-piece white suit making her feel beautiful. It cut in deep on her sides and pressed her breasts up. Damon would love it.

  She walked out into the early afternoon heat and found a reclining chair. Sliding down in it, she pulled her sunglasses from her hair and sighed softly. Matt must have still been asleep or back at his place. They had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning watching movies together. He had helped her to bed, his actions brotherly and loving.

  A smile brushed across her lips at the thought of how easy it was going to be to fall into familial love with him.

  "What's the smile for?"

  Damon's voice jolted her. She pulled her sunglasses off and sat up, squinting as she glanced up at him. The dark gray suit he wore brought out the tan of his skin. Long black eyelashes and full lips catching her attention next. She wanted more of him.

  "Matt and I watched old movies all night. I was just feeling blessed to have him as a brother." She shrugged and stood, unsure of whether to approach him or not. Matt's confessions the night before left her on shaky ground, her actions sure to push Damon away or pull him close.

  "Glad he's all you've ever wanted."

  "In a brother," she finished his sentence, catching on quickly to the pinched tone of his voice. "What's wrong? Something happen?"

  "Yes. It did." He turned and walked into the house, his movements stiff and unnatural.

  Chapter 20

  Sickness washed over her as she grabbed her towel and walked quickly to catch up to him.

  "Damon. Talk to me." She pulled at his arm as they moved into the living room. The house was quiet, the only sound being their breathing.

  He turned, his face a mask of anger. Bethany backed up a step, not sure how to respond to his glare. She had done something to set him off, and yet she hadn't seen him since they held each other all night on Thursday.

  "I just got a call from our lawyers that one of my interns broke another intern’s nose. The intern that's in the hospital is looking to sue my firm because of it. Did you not want to mention that before I had to stand condemned for shitty management skills before the lawyers? Do you think that lying is the way to build a business relationship with me? What else haven't you told me? Care to confess now?" he barked at her, running his fingers through his dark hair and beginning to pace in front of her.

  Bethany pulled the towel closer, suddenly feeling young, childish ... exposed.

  "I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you in person."

  "How old are you? Do you think punching someone in the face is good business practice?" He stopped and pressed his hands to his hips, leaning toward her menacingly.

  "No ... I'm sorry. I just lost control of my temper. She goaded me one too many times, and that was it for me."

  "Yes, well, I'll send you the bill when she sues us. Oh, wait, you're broke. I guess I'll do with you what I do with everyone. I'll clean up your mess, and you just go have a good time being irresponsible and doing whatever the fuck you like."

  He growled loudly, his fist clenched, his jaw set in a strong grimace.

  "Fuck you." Bethany turned and walked to her room as tears filled her eyes. He had no idea the life she had lived. He was hurt from his past, and everyone who got close to him would be his punching bag. If he gave two shits about her, he would have asked how it all happened. She would beat herself up later over not telling him about it.

  "I'm not done talking to you." He stormed after her, only to get a door in his face. He beat on it a few times. "Bethany, open the door."

  "Go away. I'm not taking this shit from you. You aren't my father, and you're sure as fuck trying to act like it." She dropped the towel and pulled her suit off as his voice softened, but only slightly.

  "I know that. I'm pissed that you didn't tell me. Why? Why wouldn't you call?"

  "I didn't think you wanted to talk to me, Damon. You went down on me Thursday and left Friday without a word. I'm not interested in looking like you matter if you can't return the favor. Go away. I don't need this shit, and I don't need you."

  She walked into the bathroom, the sound of him hitting the door hard shaking her to the core. She turned on the shower and got in, her sobs painful and redemptive. He was a mistake. He was damaged goods and her brother. She pressed her head against the cool shower wall, a flood of emotion dragging over her in waves.

  The hot water held her attention for more than an hour, her skin properly wrinkled by the time her tears were flushed and her resolve set. She would pay for the lawsuit. She would pay for her schooling. Being broke was something that was part of her past. She could work at another firm and take care of her own shit. It would just take longer to get somewhere in life, but she would do it on her own.


  Bethany pulled on a T-shirt and jeans before walking into the living room. Her mom held up her phone, a smile on her face.

  "Looks like that cute boy from the office is calling. Tell him not to bite you again, hmmm?" Her mom laughed, tossing the phone to her, seemingly unaware of Damon sitting on the couch. He looked up at her, his head tilting to the side as if questioning her. She shrugged and took the phone in her room, no intention at all of callin
g Philip back until she read his text message.

  Call when you can. Lost my job this morning. Hope you're okay.


  She dropped the phone on the bed and marched out to the living room, her blood on fire. Stopping in front of Damon, she reached to take the changer from him and turned the TV off.

  "How dare you. Who do you think you are, fucking with people's lives? Philip is a great employee to you and insanely smart."

  Damon stood, his motion causing her to stumble back.

  "My company. I run it as I see fit. Your ass is next on the chopping block, so watch it."

  "Why would you let him go? He was perfect for the firm. He's the one that stayed and cleaned up that mess I caused."

  Her mother stuck her head in the room, her eyebrow lifted. "You guys okay?"

  "Sibling fight. Stay out of it," Bethany barked. She turned her attention back to the delicious bastard before her. "Why?"

  Damon took a few steps toward her, pressed himself against her and tilted her chin up to him as he whispered.

  "I'm in charge. I make the rules. If you don't like them, then leave."

  "He didn't deserve what you did, and you know it." She jerked her face from his soft hold, the faraway look in his eyes causing her heart to hurt. He was beyond damaged, lashing out at anyone and everyone. How could anyone help mend that? Why would they want to, only to be left bruised and beaten by his attacks?

  "He needed to learn his place, Beth. You do, too. He wanted to swing his dick around my office and fuck around with my girl? You're lucky all I did was fire him. Beating his ass was next on my list." Damon moved back to the couch and sat, his motions heavy and filled with whatever battle he was fighting.

  "Fucking around with your girl? What are you talking about?"

  "Your mother told me you two had gotten together, Beth. She was going on and on about how great he sounded, about how much you seemed to like him ..." He paused and pressed his hand to his eyes, his teeth grinding together. "About how you spent the night with him. And then I get a text from Sadie saying the same damned thing. What the fuck, Beth?"

  "I'm not your girl, and it wasn't him I spent the night with. It was you, asshole. I would never do that to you, but you, on the other hand, seem to be bumping into every blonde in the city. So let’s make this easy for both of us."

  He stood up and walked toward her as she held her hand out, her voice low and commanding.

  "No. Don't come near me. You're my boss. You're my brother. And that's all the fuck you are." She turned on her heel and walked to the bedroom. Stars danced along the side of her vision, her emotions far too painful to accept.

  "Beth. I didn't know ... She said it was Philip." He walked after her, his tone changing but only slightly. Bethany turned just before walking into her room, her gaze blocked by the warm liquid of regret.

  "No, you didn't know. You don't know anything about me. You don't know how much Sadie hurt me, or how much it stabbed my confidence that you left without a word. That you didn't make love to me Thursday. You don't know how much I want you and that I can't stop thinking about you. That I'm a good person and would never do anything to lose trust with someone I love."

  "You love me?" He took another step and stopped, his face losing color.

  "Loved. Past tense. A fleeting moment of maybes. Philip learned his place, and now you learn yours. Don't come near me."

  "Beth ..."

  "Oh, and fuck your internship. I quit."

  She closed the door behind her and fell on her bed, the ache of loss drowning and damning.

  Chapter 21

  She half expected Damon to break the door down, the loud pounding of his fists dying off much too soon. Bethany lifted her head only for a moment before letting it drop back on her hands.

  "Pathetic." What did she want from him? Why did she have to be so fucking childish?

  I quit? A long sigh left her lips as she rolled on her back. Her phone buzzed beside her. It was Philip again. She answered it, stifling the pain and confusion that sat heavy on her.


  "Hey. You doing okay?" His voice was much more chipper than she expected it should be.

  "Yeah, just fighting with our boss."

  "Your boss."

  "Yeah, that guy." She groaned as she sat up. Philip snickered, the sound causing her lips to turn into a smile much to her displeasure.

  "Enough about him. How about you come have dinner with me tonight? I meant to ask you out since we met last week."

  A silence sat between them for a few moments, Bethany knowing quickly that having dinner or anything with Philip wasn't the answer. The fact that her emotions had unraveled so quickly in the living room had everything to do with her loving Damon and nothing less.

  "I don't think dinner is a good idea, Philip. I'm trying to figure a few things out right now, and getting involved wouldn't be fair to you or me." She shrugged, rolling her eyes at herself. As if he could see her shrug.

  "Okay. How about coffee between friends? I want a relationship with you. I'm willing to take a friendship over nothing."

  Would coffee turn into something more? She scoffed internally at the thought. She wasn't boy crazy or a whore like some of the girls on campus. She had just turned into a nymph thanks to the right man stepping up and tugging hard at her strings. She stood up from the bed, wanting to go find Damon to see where they stood. He was probably over whatever was starting between them.

  He had accused her with proper evidence as far as he was concerned. She knew his past and all he had been through, and yet her only response to him had been extremely defensive and rather childish. She pressed her hand to her head as Philip's voice filled up the line again.

  "Hey, if you don't want to see me again, just tell me. I don't want to push at all. Just wanted to see you and check up on the Sadie event." A snicker from him had her smiling again.

  "No, it's okay. I'm just trying to figure out what to do." She looked over at the clock. It wouldn't be time for dinner for another few hours. She could go with him and be back in time to try and smooth things over with Damon.

  "Totally up to you."

  "Yeah, let's do it."


  "Yes. I'll meet you at the Starbucks by the office?"

  "That sounds perfect. I'll see you in twenty minutes or so."

  Bethany slipped her phone into her jeans pocket, wondering if she had just made yet another mistake. Slipping on her flip-flops, she paused to wonder what her next move with Damon should be. She had told him to take the job and the budding relationship and smoke it. A growl left her lips as she quietly opened her door and looked around into the living room. Empty.

  A quick walk to the kitchen had her heart racing, and her stomach turned into knots. Why couldn't she have just responded like an adult to his accusations?

  Simple. She wanted him to trust her without her having to put any effort into it. She was a trustworthy person and deserved the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someone who hadn't been crushed by lies and deceit as a kid wouldn't have a problem with that. Damon was different, and now he most likely thought she was seeing Philip too.

  Were she and Damon seeing each other? No.

  What about all of the other women in his life? Doubtful that they had been dismissed. Bethany felt anger burn in her chest again. She walked into the kitchen with her head held high. She hadn't reacted exactly the way she would have wanted to, but he’d reacted pretty shitty, too.

  Her mother looked up from a magazine, a tall glass of tea sitting on the table in front of her.

  "Well. You want to tell me what's going on?" Her mom set the magazine down and tilted her head to the side.

  "Just a fight over a few things from work."

  "You punched someone in the face?"

  "Yes. They got into my records. The girl made sure to rub poverty and a druggie father in my face." Bethany crossed her arms over her chest, the desire to fight with her mom rolling over her too. "What wou
ld you have done?"

  "Punched her in the face." Her mom stood and walked toward her.

  Bethany's eyes filled with tears again. Concern over Damon mixed with spikes of anger left her raw and emotionally beat.

  "What happened with Damon, Beth?" Her mom pulled her close and kissed the side of her head. Bethany wrapped her arms around her mom's small waist and rested her face on her shoulder.

  "He's mad that I didn't call, which I understand. He's pissed about me acting inappropriately with Philip, who's a coworker."

  "That's none of his business. I shouldn't have mentioned it in front of the ass. Forgive me." Her mom squeezed her again before moving back. "You don't have to go up to Seattle if you don't want to. I'll just tell Kent that you're not feeling well, that you've come down with something."

  She patted her mom's hands before pulling out of her grasp. "It's okay, Mom. I'm going to go up there and show them how smart and mature I can be. It's an opportunity to make things right between all of us."

  "Well, if you change your mind."

  "I'll let you know, Mom. I'm going to go have coffee with Philip. I'll be home in time for dinner. I need to pack."

  Her mom nodded and moved back to sit down at the table. "If you're going home with him, just let me know, so I don't worry."

  "Nothing to be worried about. He and I are just friends." Bethany shrugged and turned, walking toward the door, her eyes scanning the house for Damon.

  It wasn't until she reached her car parked in the front of the house that she realized he was gone. She pulled out her phone and texted him before getting into the car.

  I'm going with you to Seattle. You were wrong about a lot of things you accused me of, but I'm sorry for overreacting.

  She dropped the phone in her purse, praying silently that she would hear the subtle ding of it, letting her know that he had responded. No such luck.


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