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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 83

by Weston Parker

  "I'll hold my breath." He smiled and turned toward his computer, ignoring her as she huffed and slammed the door. She'd no doubt say a few things to the team about it, but it was all part of the show she'd put on. He would correct everyone's thinking before heading back to the hotel that night.

  Some part of him wanted to invite Beth back to give Delilah hell for how she'd treated her, but he knew Beth well enough to know that she wasn't the type of woman to take an eye for an eye. Her demeanor and testimony at Krista's hearing the day before made that more than obvious. Had she grown up in the last few months, or had she always been that mature? He wasn't sure, but it made him even more proud that she belonged to him.

  He picked up the phone, needing to check on Kendal before getting lost in his work for the next few hours. By the time he packed up, it would be well past midnight.

  "Hey, buddy." Kendal's voice was more solid than he expected it to be.

  "Hey. How are you?"

  "I'm as good as can be expected."

  "You alone?" Damon leaned back in his chair, knowing that the answer wasn't really any of his business. Oddly enough, it would have been comforting to hear that Dana was over there with Kendal.

  "Yeah. Dana wanted to come over, but I'm just not sure where I am with all of that."

  "Really? Why does this have to be so damn difficult? Do you care about her?"

  "Clearly, asshole."

  "Good. Then make an adjustment. You don't want your gravestone to read that you were an incredible and ethical accounting professor from UT, right?"

  "No, Damon, but this isn't that simple. The school has strict rules. I'm not allowed to date a student. Period."

  "Then wait until she's not a student. Just be friends with her until she's graduated. She's doing work at the hospital, so she has to be a resident, right?"

  "Yeah. She's in her senior year."

  "Good. Then be a close friend this year and when she graduates in May, take it to another level. If you care about her, you need to make sure you don't let her slip through your fingers. I'd never in a million years expected you to let someone hold you like you did today. All I'm saying is that she obviously means something."

  "She does." He let out a soft sigh. "I'll think about it. I don't want her changing the path that she's on to suit me, which is what she wants to do. That's not fair to her."

  "If she's falling in love with you, then she's being quite sensible in her thoughts. I'd do anything to be with Beth. That's what love does. You know this. Look at what you did for Ana, what you almost gave up."

  "And that's the distinguishing factor right now. I care about Dana, and I like her a lot, but I'm not in love."

  "And you shouldn't be. You've known her a few weeks?"

  "Something like that." He cleared his throat. "My career is my passion. It's my identity. I almost died six years ago when that shit went down with Ana and the school threatened to let me go. You know how hard and how long I worked for this position. It's everything to me."

  "Right, and until a woman means more than your job, you'll never be fulfilled. You're too much like me. Having a relationship with a good woman that loves a frequent romp in the sheets is what makes life worth living."

  "I'll agree with that. I'm just not there yet, man. Until I get there, I have to follow what my heart's telling me to do, and right now, that's to keep my distance. I'll maintain a friendship with her as long as I can. I figure that won't last long though."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because I'm attracted to her. She's beautiful, and I've already slept with her. She's passionate and giving in the bedroom. I'm also totally into her because of the way she took care of my sister. She wasn't just that way with Mandy. She is that way with everyone on the floor. She's a great woman. Someone that deserves a great man."

  "A man like you." Damon stood up and pressed his free hand to the desk.

  "You're a little bias." Kendal snorted.

  "Yeah, but it's truth."

  "Thanks, man. Have a safe trip home, and thanks again for being here for me. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. You know that, right?"

  "I do. I'll check in on you this week, but call if you need me."

  "Will do."

  Damon dropped the call and set the phone on his desk before lifting his arms toward the ceiling and stretching. A knock at the door caused him to drop his hands.

  "Come in," he called out.

  Ben stuck his head into the room. His blue eyes were wide with what had to be surprise.

  "Um, boss?"

  Damon chuckled and motioned for him to come in. "Did Delilah come down there and blow up?"

  "Yep. Something like that." He crossed his arms over his chest and walked into the office. "She just told everyone down there that you were engaged to your sister."

  Damon nodded. "And?"

  "And I thought you wanted that kept secret."

  "I did, but it would seem that our lovely senior manager wanted to throw one last punch." Damon shrugged and walked around the desk toward Ben. "It was a shitty thing to do, but she's a shitty person. I fired her, and that was the best retaliation she had against me. Shame."

  "Do you want me to tell them that she was full of shit? They'll believe that she was lying. Hell, half of them can't stand her."

  "No. I don't want to lead them to believe something that's not true. Beth is my fiancée and my step-sister. It's a dicked up situation, but I wouldn't deny that she belonged to me in front of anyone. We're not blood, and it's a little unconventional, but I love her with everything inside of me." He patted Ben on the back as he walked past him and took a sharp left turn down the hall. "She still down here?"

  Ben caught up quickly. "No, sir. She grabbed her computer and got out of here."

  "Good." Damon glanced over at him and offered a tight smile. "Contact our IT guys and have her access codes shut down. A woman scorned is always a bit dangerous."

  "Hell yeah, they are." Ben opened the door to the staff conference room as Damon walked in.

  "Guys, let me have your attention for just a minute." He paused as everyone turned their attention on him. There was far more weariness on the team’s face than condemnation. They were beyond worn out from working so much over the last few days. "I know Delilah just came in and said a few things that were less than appropriate in a working environment. She's headed home shortly and won't be joining us again, so please disregard her behavior here before she left. Her information was correct, but like most personal things in business, it's no one’s concern but my own. If you'd like to discuss any of it, come talk to me, otherwise, enjoy the rest of your weekend here in Florida and expect a nice bonus from the firm for your efforts."

  A cheer went around the room, and the craziness was forgotten in lieu of something much better - money. It worked every time, and where it wasn't his intent to divert their energy with him sharing the information about the bonus, it sure as hell didn't help.

  He winked at Ben as he walked out of the room and turned to head back to his office. A few more things and he was headed to the hotel to be where he should be - with his woman.

  Chapter 16

  The evening with Matt was just what she needed. The conversation and laugher were innocent and never once turned to her relationship with Damon or his lack of relationship. By the time they'd had their third round of beers, Bethany was feeling the weight of exhaustion. Between the trial, the funeral and traveling to Florida, she was spent. A hot bath and bed sounded far better than anything else she could imagine.

  She hugged Matt's neck, walked into the room and pressed her back to the door, letting out a long sigh. Having Damon there with her would have had intense benefits, but in the state she was in, she wasn't sure she would have enjoyed any extra attention at all.

  After her bath, she snuggled down into bed and texted him to let him know that she was thinking about him. She passed out before he responded, slipping into the world of dreams and resting peacefully.

  The touch of someone's hand on her shoulder caused her to jolt up.

  "It's just me, baby," Damon whispered softly and pulled her back down.

  She turned and snuggled against his naked body, pressing her lips against his neck and breathing him in deep. His smooth, tight skin felt good under her fingers.

  "I missed you," she mumbled with sleep in her voice.

  "Good. I missed you more." He rolled on top of her, pressing her to the bed with the weight of his perfect body. "Moan for me a little while I make love to you."

  She nodded and ran her feet up the outsides of his strong legs before wrapping her legs around his waist. The groan that escaped her as he pressed himself into her was low and shook her to the core. Pleasure stretched out of her center like the rays of the sun, warming her and waking her up.

  "God, you smell so fucking good, Beth." He ran his nose up her neck and rocked against her until he was fully tucked inside of her.

  "Too much," she mumbled and ran her hands over the muscles of his back down to his ass, squeezing softly as he chuckled and began to work her.

  "No, baby. You've got all of it inside of you. It's just enough for you." He licked at her throat and slipped his hands down between her and the bed, cupping her ass and groaning softly against her ear. "And you love it, don't you?"

  "Yeah." She rolled her hips, wanting to massage him as best she could. "I love you too."

  He chuckled and sucked her ear into his mouth as he picked up his pace, pumping in and out of her until she cried out and dug her nails into his lower back.

  "Damon," she panted softly as the orgasm pulsed in her lower stomach. "So good."

  "Mmmhmmmm, you are, Beth. You're so insanely good." He moved up to kiss her hard, stealing her breath and leaving her heart to race in her chest.

  She forced her eyes open to catch a glimpse of him as he pressed his hand into the bed beside her head and rolled his sexy hips. She lifted her legs, pressing her feet against his chest as he moved up to his knees and gripped the front of her thighs. The position was deep and as per usual, left him in complete control. It's where he thrived, and she was more than willing to hand over control in the bedroom. The man was a god.

  Now if he could just behave outside of it. She reached up and grabbed the headboard as he let himself go, working her long and hard until he clenched up and his breathing got off kilter.

  "I'm gonna come. You want me to find a condom?"

  "No. I want everything you have to give." She reached out and slid her legs down to wrap around his waist again as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around her.

  "Such a greedy little bitch." He smiled and pressed his lips to hers, consuming her completely as he tumbled over the edge of ecstasy. It was a feeling she wanted in her life every chance she got.

  Something told her that he wouldn't be one to deny her of anything though, least of all, lust.


  "So she told everyone that I was your sister and your fiancée?" Bethany cringed at the news of Delilah getting in one more punch the night before. She reached for her coffee at the small cafe her and Damon were having breakfast at before they got back on the plane to head home. After knocking on Matt's door more times than seemed necessary, Damon made her leave him alone. They'd pick him something up when they were done.

  "Yeah, but it's all right. The bitch probably did us a favor. I needed to get the word out that we were together. She just did it for me." He shrugged. "I should have nipped the situation in the bud when it happened."

  "Which one?" Bethany reached for her coffee and sat back in her chair, studying her handsome man from across the table. He had to easily be the most beautiful thing she'd ever had the pleasure of seeing, much less holding or making love to. Lucky didn't describe the way she felt sitting there across from him.

  "Both." He picked up his coffee and took a quick sip. "I should have told everyone at work about us the minute we got back from Jamaica. Asking you not to wear your ring was a huge mistake, and again, I'm sorry. I was trying to protect us more than anything, but last night I realized that I don't need to protect us from anything. People are going to have their opinions and will talk all they want. At the end of the day, I sign their paychecks, and it's a business I run, not a family. They'll do their jobs and keep their opinions to themselves where my personal life is concerned, or they can work somewhere else." He shrugged and gave her a cocky smile.

  "And with Delilah? What happened there?"

  "I knew the minute I found out that Dad hired her that it was bullshit. She has a great track record in the accounting field, but I felt a little slighted that he didn't talk to me about it first. I'm CFO, yeah, but I run the day to day business for him and have for years now. He's made a few errors in decision-making in my opinion lately. Delilah is just one of them, but how do I confront him with that? I should have taken care of her the minute she got there. I guess I was just hoping that she would be a friend and want nothing else. I was wrong. The small problem grew into a huge one, and as the owner of M&B, I deserved her blow up last night. I'll talk to Dad about all of it and get it figured out, but she's not going to be working for us anymore either way."

  "That's a relief." Beth smiled, feeling good about the fact that Damon was willing to talk to her about not only his mistakes but what he'd learned from them too.

  "She's coming into the office next week to sign all the final exit paperwork. If you want to come kick her in the tit or stand by with a smug look on your face, I won't blame you one bit." He set his coffee down and smiled. "She deserves it."

  "No, I'm good. She's got issues, obviously. I used to get really upset when someone would treat me like shit, and I still do, don't get me wrong, but now I try hard to let it go. She doesn't matter to me. Now, if you or Matt, Mom or Dad treated me like that, we'd have a problem, but Delilah doesn't matter. She's nothing to me." Bethany stood up and lifted her hands toward the light blue sky. "You ready to get out of here?"

  "Absolutely." He stood and moved around the table, reaching for her hand and pulling her to his side. After dropping some money on the table, they took the long way back to the hotel. Damon glanced down at her as she looked up at him. "Do you want to move in with me?"

  "Do you want me to?" Nervousness swirled in the pit of her stomach. It was the next step she'd been waiting for with him. Why was she so nervous about it?

  "Yes. I want you to right away, actually. I don't want to spend another night without you in my bed next to me." He rubbed his thumb over her fingers softly. "I wanna wake up next to you every morning as well."

  "You leave awfully early. No waking me up, okay?" She chuckled as he gave her a wry smile.

  "What if I wake you up the way I did last night? That change your mind any?"

  "Yes. Wake me up anytime if you're naked and willing to make me moan."

  "Fuck, that's all the time." He released her hand and held the door to the hotel open for her. "I'll go get Matt up. You pack up your stuff, and we'll head home. Let's see if we can have a family dinner tonight the way we're supposed to have them."

  "With all of us there?" She walked toward the elevator with him beside her, his fingers brushing over the top curve of her rear as she moved.

  "Exactly." He waited until the door to the elevator closed. Pulling her into his arms, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. "Forgive me again for all the bullshit we've been through. You're the only woman I want in my life, and I want you forever. You're stuck, did you know?"

  She smiled and lifted up to her toes, kissing him until she had to pull back for a breath. "I'm happy to be stuck, and I'm sorry for my part in all of it too."

  "Still no talking you into coming back to the firm?" He ran the tip of his nose by hers.

  "I'm not sure yet, but I'll give it some serious consideration. When are you talking to Kent?"

  The elevator opened, and he moved back, taking her hand and walking out into the hallway.

  "Tonight. I gotta get some of
this stuff off my chest." He let out a sigh. "I just hope I can do it. I keep trying to tell myself that it's for the best, that he needs to know."

  "He might not need to know, but one thing is for sure... you have to get it off of your chest. You can't keep carrying this secret around. It's toxic to you and everyone else. Your dad will love you no matter how it goes. You know that." She squeezed his hand and released him as he paused before walking toward Matt's room.

  "I know he will. I just hate to hurt him. He's in a good place right now with your mom."

  "And he'll always be in that place. Tell him all of it, Damon, and then love on him. Mom, Matt and me will love on you both. Let's just get it out and over with."

  "All right, but tell your mom and my brother to keep their paws to themselves. I'm only interested in one person loving on me." He wagged his eyebrows and turned to walk down the hall.

  She chuckled under her breath and enjoyed the view. The man had a fine ass if nothing else.

  "You checking me out?" he called over his shoulder.

  "Every chance I get," she muttered and turned to walk toward their room.

  Moving in together was a huge step, but one she was ready for. Next it would be time to plan the wedding.

  The sooner, the better.

  Chapter 17


  "Wow. Everyone is finally around the table. The apocalypse must be coming." Matt glanced around as he reached for the mashed potatoes.

  "Naw, Bethany and I just decided to forgive each other for any and all offenses. I think I got off lightly." Damon reached over and took Beth's hand into his as he smiled at her. "We're going to move things along now too."

  "Oh yeah? How so?" Karen asked, giving him a look that he wasn't quite sure how to decipher.

  "We're moving in together," Bethany spoke up. "In the next week or so. I still have my lease through December-"


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