Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Page 86

by Weston Parker

Nothing was better than the sound of her panting, the feel of her trying to catch her breath because of something he did or said. It was power they shared. He just hid the side effects a little better.

  Beth pressed her hands to his chest and took a step back, breaking the spell. "It's almost five. Stop flirting and teasing me and let's get this place packed and go home and make dinner together."

  Home. Together. Weird.

  "You sure you still want to do this?" He turned and walked back toward the apartment, forcing air through his nose and out his mouth. He had to calm down before he stripped her bare and licked every inch of her in the parking lot.

  "To move in together?" She gave him a quirky smile and slipped her arm into his. "We're getting married in May. I think seeing if we're capable is important."

  "Hmm... trying out the goods before you buy? I like it." He opened the door and moved back, letting his eyes move down her back, over the steep curve of her rear. She hated it, and yet he couldn't imagine anything more sensual.

  "Brother..." She walked into the apartment.

  "Speaking of brothers, when is ours coming home again?" He stopped by the kitchen to tape up a few more boxes and tried hard not to think about the fact that Bethany was his step-sister. No blood relation, and yet, everything would be out in the open soon at the firm. They were engaged, and he'd fucked up pretty badly over the last month or so by not letting her wear the ring or tell anyone. Fucked up badly enough that she'd left the firm. Probably for the best.

  "No clue. After his showing a few weeks ago, I'm pretty sure he's not coming back home for anything more than a visit." Beth ran her fingers through her long chestnut hair, causing her breasts to bounce a little.

  Damon licked at the corner of his mouth and stifled a growl. "Did he talk to you about him and Erica?"

  "A little. Not much. He's gotta finish patching things up with her, but you know Matthew. He'll win her heart back with his humor if nothing else." She moved around the large boxes in front of him and reached for the tape. "It's weird packing up Krista's stuff. Do you think she's okay?"

  He took the tape from her. "She's in the mentally insane ward of the prison, baby. I think she's okay in that no one is going to hurt her there, but she's around people who are far gone mentally. How much interaction is she getting? That would be my question."

  Beth let out a soft sigh as her head dropped. "I don't know. I should go see her."

  "I'll go with you." Damon leaned in and touched the bottom of her chin. "Next subject. I'm going to get emotional pneumonia. I was ready to fuck in the parking lot; now I feel like I need to find some Kleenex and a bucket of ice cream for us to share."

  She laughed, and the room brightened a little. "You don't mope around and eat ice cream."

  "No? Okay." He pulled at the tape, ignoring the way she watched him.

  "Do you?"

  "According to you... no." He gave her a cocky smile and taped up the box.

  "Wait... do you?" She knelt down and cut the tape with a knife. The angle had her looking up at him, which jolted his hormones again. It didn't take much with her.

  "You'll never know, pussycat." He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and gave her a look he knew she would understand. I want you.

  She pushed at the box, moving it away from them before motioning for him to come closer. "I know that look."

  "Such a good girl, Beth." He reached down and ran his fingers through her hair as she leaned in and brushed her cheek past his erection. A growl bubbled up inside of him, and he tightened his fingers on her silky locks.

  "Your girl," she whispered and nipped at him.

  He stiffened and smiled. She'd come out of her shell a lot over the last year, and yet something told him there was still more to explore. "My woman."

  "That too." She ran her hands over his arousal, squeezing his head as she glanced up and licked at her pretty mouth. "Go lock the front door."

  "No. Getting caught is half the fun. Stop talking and do what you want to do. I'm all yours. Have at me." He brushed his thumb across her lips as he kept his tight grip on her hair. The look in her eyes had his balls tight, his pulse spiked, every part of him on guard for what was coming.

  "You think I don't know your tricks?" She reached up and unzipped his fly, leaving his pants buttoned.

  "You know them well, but they're for you, and you like it." He reached down and pulled his cock from his jeans, tilting it toward her and running the tip down her tongue as she extended it to lick at him. "No, I take that back."

  "What?" She glanced up in confusion as she wrapped her hand around the base of his swollen flesh and swatted him away.

  "You don't just like it." He winked and pulled at the back of her head, pushing himself into her mouth a little. "You love it."

  She mumbled something, but he was lost to the delicious sensation of having the most beautiful woman in the city on her knees before him. She would be his wife in seven months, but for now, her being his woman was far more than enough.

  Closing his eyes, he let his head drop back as he released his hold on her and reached back to grip the counter behind him. The sound of her moaning against his flesh, the wet wicked-hot pull of her mouth on his cock, all of it, every sensation from it left him driving toward orgasm faster than he'd ever experienced.

  An unfamiliar voice sounded behind him at the door. "Hey there. You guys need some help?"

  Beth started to pull back, but Damon reached down and gripped the side of her face carefully, keeping her in place as he undulated his hips. No way he was letting her go without tasting his release.

  He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "Naw, man. Close that door too, please. I must have left it open." He stifled the need to groan as she sucked hard, pulling at his skin, begging him to come.

  "Yeah, no problem. You sure? It looks like you're all by yourself." The guy pressed his hands to the doorframe and looked around.

  "I'm good. Shut the door." Damon turned his attention back to Beth, glancing down and watching her enjoy the exhibitionist moment. The girl played good for everyone else, but she wasn't as proper as her momma thought she was. "So beautiful, baby. Tug on my sack. Bring me over."

  She mumbled her compliance and petted him, tugging carefully and then harder as he groaned loudly. So cool. Too close. The need to glance over his shoulder rode him hard, but he ignored it. Dude would have closed the door or gotten a show. What the fuck ever. The kitchen counter hid them well enough.

  "You're so damn big," Beth mumbled as she dragged her lips down his thick shaft. "I want you inside of me."

  "Good. Finish the job, and we'll get the fuck out of here. Inside of you is the only place I plan on being tonight." He ran his fingers down her cheek. "Drink me."

  She nodded and used both hands and her soft mouth to bring him over the edge violently. Stars burst in his vision, and he reached back and gripped the counter tightly as his beautiful woman feasted on him. Everything about the moment locked into his mind's eye. All the shit they'd been through, and his fuckups in the relationship over the last few months. All of it. Gone. Nothing mattered but her belonging to him.

  Step one was her moving into the house, and step two was the wedding. He was halfway there and surprised himself with how much he was ready to wrap up the deal and sign the papers. Whatever they had to deal with as a result of her being his step-sister and soon his bride. Fuck it, they'd deal with it together.

  Chapter 21


  "Why do you keep watching me like that?" Beth glanced over at Damon as they walked through the grocery store later that afternoon. Everything hurt from moving hers and Krista's stuff out of their old college apartment. She and Damon had finally decided to move in together, and where she was excited, she was a little nervous too. They were just getting back on track with their relationship, but being in each other's space all the time had to help facilitate that bonding faster. At least she hoped it would.

  "Like what?" He ran his hand
up her back and gripped the back of her neck as she leaned over the shopping cart.

  "Like you're going to consume me? You scare people with that look." She turned down another aisle and glanced down at the buggy, finding it a little humorous that Damon liked Cheetos and ice cream. He was beyond fit, his body tight and muscular, and yet the snacks were all his idea.

  "I am going to consume you." He released her and reached up to grab a packet of beef jerky, tossing it in the cart and moving up behind her. The firm press of his body to hers had her standing up straight and stiffening. He wrapped his arms around her, brushing his fingers over her breasts, teasing her. "You want me to start here or at home?"

  "You wouldn't," she whispered and turned her head a little to catch a glimpse of him in her peripherals. "There are people everywhere."

  "And?" He slipped his hand down the front of her jeans, brushing his middle finger through her folds as he breathed in deeply and bent down to kiss her.

  She swatted at him and moved away, her body aching, her cheeks and chest burning with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. "Damon. Jeez."

  "What? No one was around." He grabbed a bag of popcorn and tossed it into the buggy before licking at his fingers. "I want more of this."

  Pleasure danced in her stomach. Would their relationship always be so sexually charged? Something told her that Damon would have it no other way.

  "Good. You can have anything you want if you can just behave until we get back to the house. They have cameras here." She put the popcorn back. "Too many snacks in this cart. We're going to go broke, and you're going to get fat."

  He tossed the popcorn back into the cart. "We're wealthy, baby girl, and I'll work off anything I eat in one way or another." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders from the side. "You're my favorite playground to get sweaty on. You know that?"

  "You have other playgrounds ?" Beth knew he didn't, but teasing him was a rare opportunity. He was almost too on-the-ball.

  "Yep. The gym, the track, the beach, you name it, I can get a good workout from it." He kissed the side of her head and released her. "How was Kendal this last week?"

  A change of subject. Thank God.

  "He's doing okay. I'm not sure what's going on with him at home because he keeps to himself, but the bags are gone from under his eyes." Beth shrugged. "Maybe you should make time to take him to lunch or out for coffee."

  "Yeah. I'll do that. I've been putting all my spare moments into you and trying to help facilitate this move, but I'm sure he could use a friend." Damon slipped his hands into his pockets. Concern moved across his face, but he didn't say anything else, and Bethany didn't push him.

  Kendal was Damon's best friend, and most days, his only friend. The poor guy had been through hell with losing his sister and then realizing that after not dating for years, he was dating someone with an unknown tie to his past. He just couldn't catch a break.

  "Did you find out what happened with that Dana chick he wanted to date?" Damon pulled at the front of the cart, forcing them toward the checkout.

  Beth glanced down into the cart. "No, but I'll ask him soon if you don't. Where are you going? We have snacks and soda like we're throwing a ten-year-old's birthday party. We need veggies and something to cook for dinner."

  "Oh no, I got that covered." He glanced back and smiled, melting her. The man was hotter than sin itself, his dark brown eyes filled with mischief.

  "Got it covered?" She stopped pulling back on the cart and let him lead the way. After being raised to take care of herself and stand alone on her own two feet, she was ready to hand the reins over to a strong man that loved her. That was Damon without a doubt.

  "Yep. Trust me." He reached down and pulled out a few items, laying them on the belt as Beth moved up beside him.

  "Let me help." She reached down but stopped as he glanced over and gave her a look.

  "No, woman. I got this." He continued to unload the cart as she moved by him, making sure to squeeze his perfect rear as she did. The soft grunt she got in return was delicious. He wasn't the only one with the power to make someone moan.

  "Hi, there," the cashier mumbled and glanced up, the boy's smile growing a little wider. "Find everything you need?"

  "We did." Damon's voice surprised her. "I'm paying, baby."

  "No, I got it." She reached into her purse for her wallet.

  "Nope." Damon extended his card. "Here you go, man, and stop eye-fucking my girl. Get your own."

  "Damon!" Beth's cheeks burned for the third time that day. Were men always so straightforward with each other? It was beyond embarrassing.

  "I'm sorry, sir... I-" the cashier started.

  "I know what you were doing. Charge the card and stop trying to fix it." Damon handed him the card, and Beth walked off, not sure if she were mortified or turned on by Damon being the alpha asshole he'd always been. Some part of her knew that would never change, but did she really want it to? No. Not in the slightest. He made life fun, entertaining, sexy.

  "You ready, baby?" He moved up beside her with a few bags in his hand and his other one extended toward her.

  "Yes." She grasped his hand and tucked herself against his side. "That poor guy wasn't eye-fucking me. He was just being friendly."

  Damon laughed sardonically. "You're so innocent. I almost want to put you across my knee and spank you for being blind to what the moron was up to. You gotta protect yourself from other men trying to get your attention, lest I beat up the whole damn city."

  "Protect myself?" She stopped beside the truck, a little weary as she took in all of the boxes piled in the back. Their evening didn't look at all like it was going to be a relaxing meal, good wine, hot bath and love making. It looked like they'd be unpacking her shit for hours.

  "Yes, Beth." He reached for her, tugging her close and capturing her against his chest with his strong arms. "Philip tried to get your attention, Ben, hell, I'm sure Matt or Kendal would have tried if they didn't know you were mine. You're beautiful, baby. Sexy and feminine." He tightened his hold.

  "Can't breathe," she squeaked out, trying to be funny.

  He smiled and leaned down to kiss her hard. The soft press of his tongue against her lips had her opening up and tilting her head. The world melted away as he made love to her mouth, his expertise in kissing leaving her knees weak, her chest filled with the fluttering feeling of love.

  "Protect yourself for me, all right?"

  "Anything you want," she mumbled and pulled him down for another kiss.

  "You keep promising that, but what if I want something naughty?" He licked her lips before releasing her.

  Beth tried to get a hold of herself as she walked to her side of the truck and opened the door.

  Damon got into his side and leaned over, offering her a hand. "Answer the question, Beth."

  "Then I guess you get it." She took his hand and hoisted herself up into the truck. "What exactly were you thinking?"

  "I don't kiss and tell. You want my fantasies? Come after them." He started the truck and pulled out of the grocery store parking lot. "You like fish, right?"

  "Yeah. Anything sounds good." She buckled up and pulled her legs into the seat, letting the peace of belonging to him roll over her. He would be a great husband, and she would learn to help support him in his obsession at work while still forcing him to spend time building the business and their family life together.

  His phone buzzed as if on cue. The radio from the truck came to life, the voice electronic. "Caller Mitch Roberson from McKenzie and Bryant."

  Damon reached out but didn't press the button to pick up the call. "I'll call him back later."

  "What?" Beth was a little surprised by his actions. "You can get it now, baby. I'll just be quiet, and he won't know that I'm here. Unless you had something confidential to talk about?"

  "No. I just want to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with you." He put his hands back on the wheel and shrugged. "It's Saturday, and if it were a
n emergency, he would have called my father. No big deal."

  It was a small gesture, and yet it meant everything to her. She wasn't going to be the only one working to make their lives all she wanted it to be. He would be changing and shifting right beside her. Warmth filled her chest and tears burned her eyes, but she turned her face toward the window beside her and forced herself to calm down. Funny how it was never the big things, but the small, seemingly insignificant things that caused her heart to swell.

  "Hey, I know we've talked a little about you moving to my place, but it's your place now too. So redecorate however you want to, okay? I don't give two shits about the colors, the decorations or anything else. Make it home for you, baby. I'll hire someone to come and do whatever you want, so have fun with it." He reached out and squeezed her hand as a few tears trickled down her face. "Beth? You all right?"

  "Just overwhelmed." She pulled her hand from his and wiped at her face. "I'm sorry. I just can't help but feel grateful because of all of this." She forced herself to look his way. "By you. I wasn't sure we were going to make it."

  He reached over and brushed his fingers down the side of her cheek. "I wasn't sure either, but I knew without you in my life, happiness would be a thing of the past. I've never really been in love before. Shit's scary." He smiled, and she laughed.

  "Yeah. It is." She cupped her hand over his and kissed his palm. "We'll figure it out together."

  "I like the sound of that." He pulled his hand back as he turned into their driveway. A white Toyota sat in the far-left corner of the circle drive. Martha?

  "Is that Martha's car?" Bethany unbuckled as he parked and got out of the truck, not waiting for an answer.

  "Yeah. She's helping me with your welcoming party. It's just you and me, but you know I can't cook as well as I'd like to." He shrugged and reached for her hand. "Let's eat and then we'll unpack. We can just take our time and enjoy the night together."

  "You had Martha come over to cook dinner for us?"

  "Something like that." He walked to the door and opened it, moving back to let her in. "My lady... your new house and our new life."


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