Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel Page 87

by Weston Parker

  Bethany swallowed the emotions rising up in her. Seven months and she would be a Bryant in the only way she wanted to, as Damon's wife, not his step-sister.

  The smell of garlic, butter, and fresh bread filled her senses, and her stomach growled loudly. "It smells like heaven in here." They turned the corner for the kitchen to find the table set and the food on the stove. "Where's Martha?"

  The sound of a car starting and pulling out of the drive at the front of the house gave her the answer she was after.

  Damon moved up beside her and handed her a wine glass. "To this next step together. It's just the first of many."

  She hit her glass against his and took a sip of the tart wine. "Does this have anything to do with your naughty desires, or are you talking about our wedding and having kids together?"

  He laughed and pulled her close. "All the above, baby. All the above."

  Chapter 22

  Seven Months Later


  "James, come on in." Damon moved back and smiled at Linda, his secretary. "Hold all of my calls for the next thirty minutes."

  "Not a problem, Mr. Bryant." Linda returned the smile and glanced down at her desk.

  She was a beautiful older woman and should have been married. Crazy how many people had been handed a shitty situation in life and yet seemed to still get up and smile in the face of all of it. He needed to give Linda a raise or take her out to lunch soon. The poor woman put up with a lot of shit, his in particular.

  "How are you, Damon? You look good. Last time we saw each other, you were having lady problems if I recall." James unbuttoned his coat and sat down, the CEO of Zarpeth looking much better than Damon had seen him look in months.

  "I'll always have problems if a lady is involved. It's just the natural evolution of things. You know this." Damon sat down and pressed his forearms to his desk. "Beth and I are getting married in a couple of weeks. Did you get the invitation we sent to you?"

  "Sure did." The older man leaned back in his chair, clasping his hands together over his stomach. "I'll be there for sure. My whole family will, actually."

  Damon lifted his eyebrow. "Including your wife?"

  "Yeah." James' smile told Damon all he needed to know. "Everything is going great between the two of us. I wasn't sure love was enough, but it seems like it is."

  "I'm not sure I agree with that." Damon leaned back in his chair, studying his client and good friend.


  "Love pushes you to do all the things you're doing to mend the relationship. Without loving your bride, you would just walk away and find someone new. That's probably the easier answer."

  "True." James nodded. "Love is the instigator, but it's also the thing that's fixing, binding, reviving our relationship. I still stand by my statement. Love is enough. It's all you need to push yourself into action."

  Damon ingested James' thoughts and nodded. "Maybe so. Either way, we both look better and thank God our love lives are back on track. Leaves us more energy to rule the world of business."

  "Speaking of... You know I'm walking away from Zarpeth. June first is my last day with the company." James' expression was hard to read. Relief? Sadness? Numbness?

  Damon couldn't help but dive into his thoughts for a moment. How would he feel leaving M&B? A sickening feeling rolled across him, but he forced it back down.

  "My father told me about your departure around the holidays. I wanted to wait until we had a chance to talk face to face before bringing it up." Damon ran his fingers through his hair and studied James. "You know that we can help get everything in line with your firm, James."

  "It's not that. I have more money than God. I'm going to retire a little early and spend my time with my family. They deserve it. I've reached the top, which was the place I was after."

  "And how's the view?" Damon couldn't help but ask.

  "Beautiful... and lonely." James winked. "You don't want to traverse the mountain alone."

  "I don't think I'm going to have to, though Beth still hasn't decided if she's coming back fully. She's working on a special project down the hall, which is far more than she was willing to do back in October when we reconciled and got back together."

  "It's a start." James leaned down and pulled something out of his briefcase. "I own fifty-one percent of the shares in Zarpeth, so I was hoping I could twist your arm to recommend a private accountant that would help me with my personal affairs. I'm willing to pay top dollar."

  Damon snorted. "You came all this way to try and mooch one of my staff off of me?"

  "Not one of them. Your best." James extended the packet. "Here are the details of my personal assets and liabilities, as well as the offer I'm extending. I don't want to interview anyone. I just want you and Kent to help me find someone." He lifted his hand as Damon started to speak again. "I know you're not in the HR business. I get it, but you've been good to me and my firm. Give me someone that I can trust and that will do things the M&B way."

  "Are you still wanting us, the firm, to do your personal taxes and investment accounting?" Damon wasn't quite sure what to make out of James' request. It wasn't too surprising, but it wasn't every day that a client showed up wanting to poach one of Damon's staff members.

  "Absolutely, and the new accountant doesn't have to live in Florida or Seattle where I live throughout the year. They can stay here and work remote, maybe have an office here with you guys that I can reimburse you for?"

  "Let me look at the rules of engagement before I say yes. We're still your auditing firm." Damon tapped the desk in front of him as his mind moved through who would be good for James as well as who it would be nice to get rid of. Philip's face popped into Damon's head, but it would have been for selfish, silly reasons.

  The kid had a crush on Bethany or did at one time.

  A knock at the door surprised him. "Come in."

  Beth poked her head in and smiled. "Sorry to bother you. Linda wasn't out here, so I wasn't sure if you were alone or with a client. I'll come back later."

  Beth. Bethany didn't want to work for him, and yet she wanted to be close to him, to be an extension of his company.

  Damon motioned her to come closer. "No, it's fine. Come on in, Bethany. Let me introduce you to James Talling. He's the-"

  "The CEO of Zarpeth. I'm aware." She gave him a cute smile and extended her hand as James stood up and turned to greet her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Talling. I enjoyed your article in Entrepreneur last year. It was brilliant."

  James chuckled. "Well, that's nice to hear that someone enjoyed it. I swear I had to up my security measures. People in my generation don't like the idea of remote working arrangements and employee ownership plans. It's the way of the future, but it's going to be like pulling teeth to get some of the old guys on board."

  "We just need more trendsetters like you to lead the way." Beth shook his hand, her expression soft and welcoming.

  Damon studied her, falling even more in love with her. She wasn't just his woman, but could one day become his partner at the office if he played his cards right. It was a simple exchange between her and James, and yet every company initiative he'd worked up over the last five years centered around excellent customer service. She got it, without even trying.

  "I like her." James glanced back and winked at Damon.

  "Well, don't like her too much. I'm quite protective of her." Damon walked around his desk and pulled Bethany to his side, leaning over to kiss the side of her head. "This is my fiancée."

  "What?" James put his hands on his hips. "You're marrying this scoundrel? A beautiful, intelligent, young woman like you? Brother. What is the world coming to?"

  "I am, and I can't wait." Beth turned and wrapped her arms around Damon's waist, making him feel like the only man in the room. "He's brilliant, bold and everything I've wanted my whole life."

  Damon chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. "Your check is in the mail."

  "Well, I'll be at the ceremony. I love t
hat Damon's found someone. He is a good man." James reached out and patted Damon's back. "Now, isn't Beth here a CPA?"

  "She will be soon, but it's Bethany." Damon released her and turned to face James. "She's graduating with her master’s in a week or so."

  "From UT here in Dallas?" James smiled.

  "Yes, sir. It's been a long five years, but I'm almost done with my master’s." Her smile caused Damon to smile as well.

  "She's got a 4.0, James. Not only is she beautiful, but brilliant as well." Damon reached over and ran his hand down the back of her hair. "And bossy as hell too."

  "Hey!" She popped him in the chest and extended her hand to James again. "It's nice to meet you. Don't let him tell you any lies about me."

  James shook her hand. "Something tells me that he wouldn't dare try."

  Bethany gave a soft laugh and turned, walking out and leaving Damon staring after her. It was weird to feel so many things at once, especially in the middle of his office. It was the only place he was steady, secure, strong. The other parts of his life, it appeared he was that way, but it took a lot of effort to keep up the facade. At the office, he was simply himself. Beth was unraveling that.

  "I like her." James patted him on the back again. "How about when she gets her CPA certificate, we talk about her being my accountant? It's not healthy for you two to work together at M&B, but maybe she can work for me and still be right down the hall from you. What do you think?"

  "I'm not sure yet, but I think she would love the idea. Let's get through her graduation and the wedding and revisit it. I'll bring it up with her soon too and see what she thinks." Damon extended his hand to his old friend. "Anything else I can do for you?"

  "Nope. You've done enough already. Take care of that one. She seems like a keeper." James shook Damon's hand and walked over to get his briefcase.

  "She is... and let's hope that love is enough."

  "Let's not hope, let's just acknowledge that it is. That's the greatest bit of wisdom I could drop on anyone." He patted Damon's shoulder. "Love is enough. Believe it."


  "Boss?" Linda stuck her head into the office a little later that afternoon. "You free for a minute?"

  "Of course." Damon finished typing the letter he was working on and stood up from his seat, lifting his hands in the air and stretching. "What's up?"

  Linda walked in with a notepad and pen, tapping it frantically as she sat down across the desk from Damon. "You know we're having Ben's promotion party on Friday night, right?"

  "Yeah. I'll be there for sure." Damon crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Linda to trickle out the news, the issue, the whatever that had her a nervous wreck.

  "Right, well, the restaurant we were going to use is closing down because of something with the owners. I'm not sure what, but do you have another place in mind? I know you wanted this to be special because it's Ben, and he's been with you for a long time."

  "Hmm..." Damon walked to the windows in his office and let his eyes move out across the city. "What would Ben enjoy doing?"

  "Office party instead? I could get it catered."

  "No, that's so overdone." Damon reached up and pressed his hand to the glass, trying to mull through all of the events Ben had scheduled for the interns over the last few years. Some of them were simply because the interns were young and wild and enjoyed crazy team building activities, but some of them were because Ben enjoyed those activities and wanted friends to join him in doing them. "Let's reserve the top floor of Masquerade. It's a night club downtown that I know Ben enjoys. He tries to get the group to go all the time. Hell, he tries to get me to go all the time."

  Linda chuckled. "I love that place too. I doubt they're going to have the top floor available, but I can check."

  Damon glanced over his shoulder. "Offer them more than they’re asking for it. Make it happen for us. For Ben."

  "Okay. Will do." She stood up, her shoulders straighter, her nervousness gone.

  "Linda," Damon called after her as he turned to face her. "You okay? You seem a little off today."

  "I don't know. There's just so much change lately. I just hope everything goes okay." She shrugged and walked to the door.

  "What are you specifically worried about?"

  "Anything. Everything." She opened the door and turned, smiling. "It's nothing. I just hope that you're making the right decision with Beth."

  "You don't think I am?" He'd never had Linda voice a concern about Beth and was a little surprised to hear she had any concerns at all.

  "I think it's a good decision for you, but she's young. People change, Damon." Linda shrugged again. "I married young, and it didn't work out too well for me."

  "When is the last time you went out?"

  She seemed stunned by the question, but Damon didn't backtrack. Linda had never mentioned a date or a boyfriend or anything. "I don't know. Two years."

  "Why?" Damon tilted his head, studying her.

  "Because it didn't work the first ten times. Why would it work now?" She crossed her arms over her chest, her voice growing tight - defensive.

  "Because the next guy isn't the first ten guys. Take off this afternoon and get on a dating site. By tomorrow morning you need to tell me the name of three guys you're going to have a casual date with. It's required." Damon turned back to the window, trying to hide his smile. He loved her as a friend, and she'd been beside him for the entirety of his career. She needed truth in her life. He could be that truth.

  Time to give back to a few people.

  "Um. Yes, sir?" Her voice was unsteady.

  "Perfect. Close the door behind you." He waited until she left to grin like the tomcat he was. Everyone deserved love, even him.

  Chapter 23


  There was something about James Talling that Bethany liked. He seemed almost like a warm, fatherly figure.

  "What's that smile for? Looks like trouble." Ben glanced up from the large conference room table where he, Philip and Sadie were gathered around his computer.

  "What?" Beth forced her smile to fade - a little. "I just met Mr. Talling. I like him."

  "Should we inform Damon?" Sadie gave a shit-eating grin. "Kidding."

  Bethany chuckled. "No, but if we're going to lunch and still trying to make the Accounting Controls meeting at UT this afternoon, we need to get a move on. Who's driving?"

  "Damon coming with us?" Philip stood and twisted his torso as he swung his arms around.

  "No, he's still talking with Mr. Talling, I believe. I'll text him where we are, but he could probably lead the meeting or discussion this afternoon." Bethany reached down and grabbed her purse. "Sadie, you coming with us?"

  It was almost comical to watch the way the girl's eyes lit up when Bethany spoke directly to her. She had to have been the biggest bully in the whole damn company when Beth started as an intern. The old adage must have been true - smack the bully back and they become your best friend.

  "Yeah, I think so." She stood and picked up her purse. "I'm going to dinner with a new guy tonight at six. You think we'll be done by then?"

  "A new guy? Jeez. What's he, the fifth one this week?" Ben winked at her and stood, walking to the door. "I'll drive."

  "Fifth one? You on a dating spree?" Bethany followed after Ben, ignoring the way Philip's eyes lingered on her. They could have so easily moved into having a relationship, but the sexy Aussie became the friend she needed instead. She still wasn't sure how he felt about her and Damon moving forward, but he was playing the supportive friend role from the side.

  She was grateful. The last year had been more drama than she wanted to think about.

  "Yeah." Sadie moved up beside her and brushed her thick red hair over the shoulder. The girl was beautiful and knew it. "I don't know... I'm just tired of being alone."

  "I second that." Ben lifted his hand in the air. "However, I've decided to turn a new leaf."

  "By doing what?" Philip moved up on Beth's other side as they stopp
ed at the elevator.

  "By being true to myself." Ben pressed the button and turned to face everyone. The tight expression he wore left Bethany a little concerned about what he was going to confess.

  "Keep going..." Sadie walked into the elevator and turned to face them. "Stop leaving breadcrumbs and spit it out. You're gay, aren't you."

  "Sadie. Shit." Beth rolled her eyes and walked into the elevator. "Ben isn't gay."

  "Yeah, I am." Ben shrugged and joined the group. "Time to stop living a lie. I hate myself every day I get up and think, 'today I'm going to ask a woman out.'" He visibly shivered. "Gross."

  Bethany laughed and reached up to clamp her hand over her mouth. "Sorry."

  "Good for you, man. I'm not gay, but I'm proud of you." Philip reached out and patted Ben's back. "There's nothing worse than wearing a fucking mask all the time."

  "Here. Here." Sadie waved her hand around. "I'm just going to stop dating if this guy tonight doesn't work out. I keep thinking the next one is going to be the one , but it's just not happening."

  "Can I be honest?" Philip spoke up, his eyes on Sadie.

  "Oh hell," Ben muttered and pressed his hand to his face. "This is never good."

  Bethany crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against the wall behind her, waiting for the show to start. Philip was a ballsy guy, and Sadie was a firecracker.

  "Yes. Please do." Sadie turned to face him, her expression growing tight.

  "You throw yourself at guys, and where you think that they want that, in fact, they don't. Play hard to get. You're worth the chase, Sadie. Don't run after the next guy that takes you out. Let him come after you." Philip gave her a knowing look, and Bethany held her breath.

  The look on Ben's face said that he was bolting the minute the door to the elevator opened.

  Nothing but silence. Tense, thick, uncomfortable silence.

  The door opened, and Ben jogged through. "I'll get the car. Meet you guys out front."


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