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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 89

by Weston Parker

  "Sounds like a deal."

  Bethany worked on the wine as her mother went on about graduation and the wedding, just the sound of her voice a complete comfort.

  "Do you think Dad will show up at the graduation?" Bethany turned and lifted her eyes as her mother glanced over her shoulder.

  "Your father or Kent?"

  "My dad." Beth picked up two wine glasses and handed her mother one as the older woman turned around.

  "No, baby. I haven't heard from him since the day before he left." She reached out and touched the side of Bethany's face. "Don't count on that, okay?"

  "No, of course not." Bethany scowled. "It's not like I want to see him anyway. He abandoned us."

  "He did." Her mom lifted her hands and glanced around. "And as much as I hate to give him any credit, because of all he did... we ended up here. It sucks to high heaven, but a lot of times our brokenness becomes a mosaic of beauty, if we let it."

  "Wow. Did you come up with that yourself?" Bethany poured them both a glass of wine.

  "What? Hell no. I read it on a plaque at the mall today."

  They both cracked up and lifted their glasses, toasting the past, the present and the future. Together.

  Chapter 25


  "You came back?" Ben glanced up as Bethany walked into the office the next morning. Sadie and Philip were huddled at one end of the table together, deep in conversation about something work related.

  "Of course I did. I don't have another job right now." She smiled and set her briefcase down. "Have you seen Damon this morning?"

  "Yeah. He was in a meeting earlier this morning, but I'm sure he's out by now." Ben turned his attention back to his computer.

  "Hey, guys." Bethany walked down toward Sadie and Philip. "Everything okay?"

  "Couldn't be better." Sadie smiled, but couldn't seem to take her eyes off Philip. "We've decided to try dating."

  "Workplace romance." Bethany put a hand on her hip. "They're a little tricky. Let me tell you. I know from experience."

  "You know what?" Damon's voice surprised her.

  She turned and let her eyes move across him. Perfection. His dark slacks hugged his hips, his light blue button-up shirt looking as if it were made for him.

  "I know you." She turned on her heel and walked toward him. He wasn't one for letting business and pleasure mix, but things changed. People changed. She stopped in front of him, whispering softly so only he could hear. "I missed you last night. And the night before."

  "Same." He reached out and touched the side of her face. "My office. Ten minutes." He turned and walked down the hall, his broad shoulders stiff, his chin up. As if he owns the place. And me.

  "All right. We're going to have a conference call with the partners this morning. You down?" Ben stood as Bethany turned to face him.

  "Nope. You got this. I'm going to work on a few details with Damon on the event tonight." She wagged her eyebrows. "You excited?"

  "About a promotion? No. The money that comes with it? Hell to the yes." Ben smiled and shut the top of his laptop. "Any clue on where we're going?"

  "Nope. Damon and Linda have been tight-lipped on it. I know it's a surprise." She walked out into the hall and Ben joined her. Sadie and Philip seemed to be lost to their own world, which was odd. Almost too odd. "Have they been like that all morning?"

  "Yes, and all day yesterday when you were out." He rolled his eyes. "I almost wish they were still at each other's throats. I walked in after lunch yesterday, and they were making out. I had to have a serious chat with Philip last night. He's lucky it was me that caught them. Damon would have kicked both of them out."

  "True." Bethany stopped beside Damon's door. "I'll find you later."

  "Ride with me to the event tonight? I'm a little nervous."

  "Nervous about what? You've been here forever. Everyone loves you." She reached out and squeezed Ben's shoulder.

  "I know, but still. I hate surprises."

  "Me too." She released him. "I'll drive. Meet me down in the lobby at six."

  "How are you going to drive if you don't know where we're going?" Ben gave her a look and walked off.

  Damon moved up to stand beside her, just inside of his office. "Ben still trying to drag the info out of someone?"

  "Of course he is." Bethany walked into his office and turned to face him. "Close the door."

  "That's my line." He winked at her and closed the door, locking it as he watched her like the predator he was. "You know we're going to have to hire a few more people up here if I ever expect to be at home."

  "Then hire them, because I'm tired of sleeping alone and it's been two days." She reached out and slid her hands up his strong chest and over his shoulders. "I love that you wake me up in the middle of the night to snuggle me, but I'm greedy. I want more."

  "What more do you want?" He smiled and gripped the back of her head, pulling her in for a long probing kiss. They were both panting by the time he released her. "Just ask, and it's yours."

  "You cooking dinner with me." She pressed her hand to his chest and pushed him back step by step. He smirked. She was only in control because he allowed her to be.


  "Cleaning up with me."

  "Maid service. Don't be silly."

  She laughed. "Watching TV on the couch after dinner."

  "How about I work on my laptop, and you snuggle up beside me. No woman should ask a man to watch never-ending reruns of The Bachelor . It's pure hell." He reached up and gripped her wrist, squeezing softly as his back hit the wall behind him. He used his hold to spin her. "What else?"

  "Taking a hot bath with me." She gasped as he pressed his hips against her, his erection thick and hard as it lay trapped between them.

  "Shower please." He leaned in and nipped at her mouth as his hands raced down her sides and around to cup her ass. "That way I can have access to every part of you."

  "Then we make love in the bed for hours." She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as he rolled his hips and ran his nose up the side of her neck.

  "In the shower, then the hall, the living room, the kitchen, and then maybe if you're a good girl... the bed." He licked at her ear, and she shivered.

  "Define good girl." She lifted a leg, wishing like hell she'd worn a skirt instead of slacks. Damn complicated washing machine at Damon's place.

  Our place.

  "You, lover." He gripped the back of her thighs and hoisted her up, pinning her to the wall and pressing his mouth to hers. The slow thrusts of his hips left her aching in all the right places.

  "Let me get my slacks off," she whispered roughly against his lips.

  "Not a chance. You have graduation rehearsal at two. There's not nearly enough time to do all I want to do to you." He brushed his nose by hers. "Tonight I'll be home. I swear it."

  "Lies." She held back her disappointment. He was right. She had graduation rehearsal, and then they had Ben's party. She'd simply come back up to the office, and they could fuck on his desk if he didn't come home after Ben's celebration.

  "You know I hate lies." He moved her away from the wall, holding her tightly to him.

  She clasped her hands behind his head and leaned in for a few more kisses as he moved them to his chair. He sat down, and she rocked against his arousal. "Are you sure we don't have time?"

  "Not even close." He leaned back and ran his hands down her shoulders, over her collarbone and down to knead at her breasts. "I can smell your perfume mixed with your lust."

  "I haven't been with my man in the better part of a week. It sort of causes a girl to go nuts when he's near." She pressed her hands into his chest and let the feel of him between her thighs drag her into depravity. He could so quickly do it.

  "I owe you some attention for sure." He moved his hands up and cupped her throat carefully. "Get up and take your slacks off. I'll clean up that mess you've made in your panties."

  "No. It's okay." She moved off his lap and took a step back, o
nly to have him reach up and grab her wrist.

  "I wasn't asking, baby. Do what I said." He tilted his head to the side, watching her intently.

  Her pulse spiked, and she nodded, unbuttoning her slacks and glancing back toward the door. Had they locked it?

  "It's locked," he mumbled as he pulled at her waistband.

  The slacks dropped to the floor, and she stood there, not quite sure what to do. Sex in Damon's office always threw her off a little.

  "I can make sure." She reached for him as he gripped her hips and pressed his face to her panties, breathing in deeply and groaning.

  "Hush talking. No one is coming in. I locked it already." He nodded toward the desk. "Get on the desk unless you want me on my knees."

  The thought was almost too much. "No... I might come just seeing that."

  He chuckled. "Naughty self. Get up there and try not to scream too loudly. I don't want to scare anyone."

  She ignored his comment and leaned over to clean off the papers scattered on his desk. Her white g-string was useless against him as he popped it in several places and tossed it across the room.

  "Hands and knees on the desk, baby. Then shift back so I can taste you." He gripped her waist and helped her onto the desk.

  "I feel like-" Her voice shook.

  "Like a woman who's about to make her man's week. Good." He ran his hands over her ass, squeezing soft, then harder. "Goddamn, you're fine, Beth. I'm the luckiest bastard ever."

  "Shut up and taste me." She tensed as he ran his finger down her folds before replacing his hand with his mouth. She couldn't help but cry out as he took his time, licking and sucking at her while his fingers took turns encircling her ass, dipping in, but only a little.

  She moaned loudly and tucked her hips as he pressed his thumb inside her tight slit, opening her up and beckoning her toward release.

  "Slow down." She let her head drop, the idea of someone coming into the office all but gone. She didn't care who walked in. As long as he didn't stop.

  "Who's in charge?" He sucked her clit into his mouth and assaulted her with the strong flicking of his tongue.

  "You are." She whimpered and pressed back on his fingers, accepting the pleasure he so readily offered her. "God, you are."

  "And I always will be." He licked her a few times before gripping her ass tightly and burying his face in her wetness.

  Bethany cried out and gripped the edge of the desk as the room exploded. A myriad of colors moved around her vision as pleasure rolled through her center and out to touch every part of her. She rocked against him, riding the high for as long as she could before pulling away.

  "Not yet," he grumbled and pulled her back down, licking at her in a slow, methodical rhythm. "I wanna taste it."

  She whimpered and gripped the desk tighter. Never in a million years would she understand a man like him wanting a simple girl like her.

  "Enough," she whispered and pulled forward. "You keep it up, and this isn't going to be enough."

  "It never is." He gripped her hips and helped her off the desk. "Lean forward."

  "What? Why? I need to get to-" She leaned forward as his hand pressed the top of her back, forcing her down.

  "Because I thought I could be good with drinking you and letting you get on with your day. I was wrong." His voice sounded as if he'd chewed on broken glass. "Tell me if I hurt you. It's been too long."

  She moaned loudly at the sound of him unzipping his slacks. "God, yes. Don't stop until you explode."

  "You first, baby girl." He gripped the back of her neck and pressed into her, his thick shaft opening her up wide.

  They cried out together as pleasure rolled through her stomach. Nothing felt better than having him completely tucked inside of her.

  "I love you so much," she mumbled and pressed back, wanting more of him.

  "You have no idea, Beth." He gripped the back of her left leg. "Knee on the desk. I want in deep."

  She lifted her leg and pressed her knee to the desk, ignoring the bite of the wood against her flesh. His thrusts forced her to focus on nothing but him. His fingers pressed into her upper back as he reached around and squeezed one of her breasts.

  "Feel good, baby?" He pressed his face against the side of her hair, fucking her slow and hard. "Tell me you enjoy it. That you crave it."

  "I crave every part of you." She pressed back and rolled her hips, smiling as he growled.

  "Good, because we're just getting started." He slid his hand holding the back of her neck to the side of it, forcing her to turn her face a little as he leaned over farther and kissed her. "You know where I want."

  "I do. Soon." She kissed him as the world exploded again, her body his to play with, to train, to enjoy every night for the rest of their lives. He wanted her to open up fully, and she would. Soon.

  Chapter 26


  The smell of Beth clung to him, leaving the rest of the day difficult to get through. Focusing wasn't usually an issue at all, but he wanted more, so much more of her. Something had to give.

  After kissing her goodbye, he closed himself in his office and muddled through a few more projects until it was time to head over to Masquerade for Ben's party. Bethany had promised to get Ben over to the club and to blindfold him just for shits and giggles. Everyone would be there. Ben was one of the beloved members of Damon's staff.

  A knock at the door caused him to glance up. "Come on in."

  Surprisingly enough, Damon's dad stuck his head in the office. "You got a few minutes?"

  "Of course, Dad. You don't need to knock." Damon leaned back and let out a sigh. "What's going on?"

  "You're going to Ben's promotion party, right?" His father gave him a stern look.

  "Of course I am." Damon snorted. "You should be too."

  "I am, but only for a few minutes." His father dropped down in the seat in front of his desk. "I learned a long time ago that getting home to the pretty woman waiting on me is far more important than anything else. Weddings are a maybe, but funerals are a must."

  "Wait. What?" Damon brushed his hand down his face, trying to clear his mind. The scent of Beth on his fingers caused his cock to swell. Not now.

  "The old saying, ‘Weddings are a maybe, but funerals are a must.' You've never heard that?" His father seemed amused.

  "No, I haven't. Do you mean, literally, I should go to all of the funerals I'm invited to, but none of the weddings?"

  "Basically, but it could be said for business too. Drop in for a quick hello at the parties and celebrations, and be at the office when the shit hits the fan, but only then. I messed up with your mother. I was never there." Kent shrugged and reached up to run his fingers through his hair. "She made the decision to cheat, but I can honestly tell you that I don't blame her much for it. She must have lived a lonely life. I was never there, and I mean never."

  "Dad. Cheating is a choice."

  "So is abandoning someone, Damon. I've thought about it a lot over the years." He leaned back. "The things I would have done differently. My mistress was this place."

  "Are you in here like the ghost of Christmas past to warn me?" Damon smirked.

  "Something like that. I know you've been here a lot lately, and I honestly appreciate it, but your happiness is far more important to me than this place. Karen went over last night to have dinner with Bethany, and they had a good girls’ night together, but I know your soon-to-be bride misses you, son. That's not a good way to start your marriage."

  "I understand that." Damon nodded and tried to take his dad's advice for what it was worth. No need to get defensive or explain his actions in being at the office half the night, though he wanted to. His dad was only trying to help. "I'm working on it."

  "No, you're not." Kent rubbed his chest and watched Damon. "But you need to be. Why don't we talk about bringing in a few more senior executives when you get back?"

  Damon chuckled. "Right, because your selection of people has been stellar lately."

; "Okay, so I deserved that." Kent smiled. "But, you can interview them when you're back from your honeymoon. This place can't be your mistress, or you're going to repeat my mistakes, and that's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy."

  Damon nodded. "All right. We'll bring in some more people, but for now, get out of here. I need to finish a few big projects before the wedding next week. I'm running out of time."

  "You're horrible at delegating. Have Linda help you. She's not." His father stood up and walked to the door. "See you at Ben's event. Don't be late."

  "I won't." Damon waited until his father left to get back to work, his focus spot on and desire to get out of the office stoked. Had his father just picked up some of the blame for his parents' divorce?

  He had. Interesting.


  "Is everyone in place?" Linda glanced back and smiled, her excitement almost palpable. Ben had made an impact on everyone's life at the firm. It was obvious by the hordes of people gathered on the third floor of the club. "Here he comes!"

  Damon pressed his hand to his mouth as Ben stumbled out of the elevator with Bethany holding on to him, Sadie and Philip behind them. Ben was blindfolded and less than happy about it.

  Damon's father pressed his shoulder against Damon's. "Whose idea was the blindfold?"

  "Who knows." Damon chuckled.

  Beth caught his attention, and he winked at her. She'd found time to go home to change into a pretty black cocktail dress and heels. She looked like a goddess. One he wanted to spend a long time worshiping.

  "You ready?" Beth called out, but poor Ben must have thought she was talking to him.

  "Yes. Can I please take this damn blindfold off? I feel like I'm in an S&M nightmare," he barked, and everyone laughed as she pulled it off.

  "Surprise!" the group yelled, and Damon joined in. It was nice to be around everyone in a different setting, but he couldn't stop himself from wanting to throw Beth over his shoulder like a caveman and take her home. They'd fucked off and on for the last few weeks, but making love was overdue. It wasn't about grinding body parts, but connecting in a way that reminded her that he was her man, her number one fan, her future.


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