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Mister Big Stuff_A Single Mom Friends to Lovers Novel

Page 92

by Weston Parker

  "Absolutely. I'm not complicated. I just want you to love me with your heart," he reached up and touched her chest, "your mind," he touched the side of her head and groaned as she bobbed on his cock, "and your beautiful body."

  He gripped her hips and jerked her down, filling her up before rolling them over and pressing her to the bed. "That sound like something you might be interested in?"

  "How long is the job?" She wrapped her legs around is taut waist and tried to still her racing heart. It didn't take much attention from him, and she was panting and shaking.

  "Well, that's the catch." He lifted up and glanced down the length of her body. "Open your legs wide. I wanna watch you take me."

  "There's a catch?" She moaned as he pressed down into her, taking his time, inch by inch.

  "Always a catch, baby girl." He glanced up, his eyes dark with desire. "It's a job that lasts forever. You think you can handle that?"

  He drove into her again as she dug her nails into his sides and cried out in pleasure.


  "Answer me." He pulled out, rubbing the tip of his dick along her center. "Now."

  "Of course I can handle that, and much more." She pressed her heel into the bed and rolled them back over to gain the upper hand. "Now, stop teasing me. I'm supposed to be at the spa in forty minutes."

  "Smelling like sex and candy?" He smiled and gripped her hips again, fucking her fast from below. "Better?"

  "Much." She pressed her fingers against the strong muscles of his stomach and whimpered as he brought her over the edge. "So good."

  "You are so good, Beth. You should see how well you're taking this big dick. It's fucking hot." He pulled her down and kissed her hard as she jerked against him. "But, it's my turn."

  He rolled them back over and reached down to grip her hands before pulling them far above her head. He took both of her wrists in one hand and pinned her down. "Milk me before you go, lover?"

  "Hell yes." She jerked her hips, working him as he rolled his body, fucking her fast and deep. His eyes fluttered shut a few minutes later, and she enjoyed every second of watching him lose himself above her. His groans filled the air, accompanied by the delicious scent of their sex and her panting.

  "Damn, woman." He collapsed on top of her. "Remind me why we're just now finding each other."

  "Because you're old and I'm not?" She laughed as he came to and gave her a look of challenge.

  "Old is relative. Let's see who can keep up and who's lagging behind."

  "That's about experience, and I'm not exactly running with the champs on sexual experiences."

  "I like that about you." He leaned down and kissed her a few more times. "Lock the bathroom door behind you."

  "Why? You leaving?" She ran her fingers through the damp hair at the side of his head.

  "No. I'll follow you in there if you don't. Then you'll be late, and I'll have to hear it from Erica and your mother." He kissed her again and rolled off.

  She rolled off the other side and walked to the bathroom, wagging her ass for him. "And what if I want to be late."

  "Lock it!" He leaped over the bed, looking like a sex god as he barreled toward her.

  She yelped and slapped the door behind her, locking it before laughing hard. It felt good to belong to him in the bedroom, but even more so, out of it.

  "You almost got me." She pressed her forehead to the door.

  "Almost? Woman, you underestimate me." The sound of the lock popping had her screaming in delight.

  It was going to be a long morning, in a good way.


  "Hi, baby!" Bethany's mom stood up from a chair in the lobby of the spa. "Erica got in this morning. She'll be here any minute."

  "Hi, Mom." Beth smiled at the attendant to her left. "We're here for the Bethany Bryant spa day?" Why her mother had forced her to put it in her soon-to-be name was beyond her, but there was something right about it."

  "Of course. We have everything ready for the three of you. Did you want to wait for the other member of your party?"

  Bethany pulled her mom into a quick hug before turning her attention on the attendant. "Yeah, I guess we should. Do we all go into a room together?"

  "No. The first part of the spa day is for each of you to get an hour and a half massage of choice. Then we'll put you in a private room in the back for lunch and send in our nail and hair specialists one at a time. Are you the bride?"

  "I am." Bethany felt odd even saying it.

  "Good. So it's up to you what you'd like to do." The lady smiled and glanced over toward Bethany's mother.

  "I think we should go back. They'll put Erica in a room as soon as she gets here, and we'll go from there?" Bethany's mom wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "We'll be good and relaxed before she even shows up."

  "I like the sound of that." Bethany shrugged. "Okay, so let's get started then. Oh, wait. Is Aunt Patty not coming in today?"

  "No, but she'll be here tomorrow for your bachelorette party. Who all did you invite?" Her mom turned to face her, reaching up to smooth down her hair.

  "It's just a fun night out with dinner and drinks. I'm not interested in doing anything too adventurous."

  "I understand that but who's coming? Is it all right if Patty and I come, or would you rather we just stay at the house? It won't hurt my feelings at all."

  "It's me, Erica, you and Aunt Patty. There's no way I would ask you to stay at home. You guys will be the life of the party." Bethany smirked before turning to follow the attendant toward the back. "I wish Krista were with us, but that's not going to happen."

  "No, baby. It's not. Don't even focus on it. We'll have a good time together tomorrow just like we will today. This is about you and Damon. No one else."

  "You're right." Bethany let out a long sigh, releasing the tension in her shoulders and letting her mind wander through the events of the last year. Life had been a whirlwind of activity and not all of it good, but it ended up being incredible.

  "Just get undressed and on the table and one of our masseuses will be with you shortly. We'll knock before we come in." The woman smiled and opened a door, moving back to let Bethany in.

  "Great. Thank you." Beth walked into soft music and a barely lit room. Exhaustion tugged at her, and she happily stripped down and got on the bed. She couldn't remember having a massage before in her life, not one that wasn't followed up by someone's stiffy poking her in the back in expectation.

  Memories of her and Damon’s first meeting rolled through her mind as her eyes grew heavy. She didn't even hear the door open and close before she slipped into the darkness and let sleep take her.



  "You fell asleep?" Bethany's mom chuckled as they sat across a small table from each other, Erica sitting to Beth's left.

  "I did too." Erica lifted her hand. Her thick blond hair was in a messy bun on top of her head, but she looked incredible regardless. Bethany wasn't sure the woman ever had a bad hair day in her life. It was part of her charm.

  "See? Thank you, Erica." Bethany lifted her hand toward Erica before leaning back in her chair and studying her mom. She was aging some but still looked like a million bucks. "I'm glad you guys are here with me. It's been a weird year, losing my best friend to her being locked up for attempted murder and having to survive Kendal, Matt, and Damon."

  "Yeah, one is bad enough, but all three?" Erica picked up a roll from the basket between them, her robe sleeve dipping into the olive oil. "Damn. It never fails. Matt and I have a joke about who's going to end up covered in the meal first. Him or me."

  Bethany and her mother laughed. "Kent and I do the same thing."

  After reaching for a roll, Beth shrugged. "Damon and I have our quirks too, but getting messy at dinner isn't one of them."

  "So tell me what else we need to get done. Anything I need to do for tomorrow night? Is Dana, Kendal's girlfriend, coming with us? Or Sophia, Matt's best friend?" Erica asked.

  "Shit. I did
n't even think about them. I've been out of it." Bethany ran her fingers through her hair. "I need to invite them both."

  "I'll invite them," Erica offered. "I've met them both and know Sophie thanks to Matt."

  "I don't know her too well, but I've been around Dana quite a bit this year because of Kendal."

  Erica took a big bite of her roll and tried to talk around it. Bethany was grateful that she wasn't the only one assured to get in trouble for talking with her mouth full. "It's been a rough year for everyone."

  "No talking with your mouth full." Bethany's mom raised her eyebrow.

  "Ha! I knew you were going to get busted." Bethany pointed to Erica. "I love it."

  "I was kidding. Do what you want." Bethany's mom chuckled. "I just didn't want to let Bethany down. She thinks I'm so damn predictable."

  "Well, let's just prove her wrong tomorrow night at the bar. It's bachelorette party time." Erica lifted her hands in the air and danced to the music which had to be playing in her head. Her moves didn't match the soft, serene music pumping out of the speakers above them.

  "Oh Lord." Bethany rolled her eyes. "It's just dinner and some drinks."

  "And strippers?" Erica cocked her head and smiled.

  "Yes. We must have strippers." Bethany's mom clapped her hands and bounced in her chair.

  "That's it. I'm dreaming. I'm still on the table lost in a dream." Bethany glanced between her mom and Erica. "I'm going to wake up any minute."

  "Sure, it's a dream." Her mother laughed. "Seems like it might be more like a nightmare!"

  Chapter 30


  Damon waited until Bethany left to meet up with her mom and Erica to take a long hot shower. He'd been honest about her locking the door. Something about wanting more of her rode him the hardest after just having her. It was like an addiction. One he didn't mind at all. As long as his need to feel her against him didn't get out of control, he'd be good. She'd accused him in the past of using sex to settle hard emotions between them, and truth be told, he had. It was his love language and the deepest way he knew how to connect with her.

  Maybe that would change over the future, but for the time being, he was happy with who he was and thrilled with the woman she was becoming.

  He took his time in the shower and let his mind wander through his life, enjoying each and every part of it as he focused on his relationship with Beth, then with friends, then work and then family. Everything was in place. Now all he needed was to enjoy the next few days celebrating a new life with his almost-bride. Hanging out with Kendal and Matt would be a blast. The two of them apart were great, but together? He was in for a wild ride. They would egg each other on, and him as well, until they all ended up knee-deep in trouble. Maybe the three of them having women now would change things.

  "Doubt it." Damon reached up and turned the knob on the shower, cutting off the water flow. He dried off and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt before dropping down in front of his computer. Matt and Kendal wouldn't be by to pick him up for another hour to play a round of golf. He'd use the time to get through a few more e-mails. Where he was trying like hell not to focus on the firm during their wedding week, he didn't have a choice on some matters. He'd hit those up and let the rest rot in his inbox until he could get to them.

  The sound of someone beating on his front door had him groaning. Matt was early. "So much for getting anything done." Kendal would have plopped down on the couch with a magazine, or the TV for entertainment, but Matt would want attention, and rightly so. He wasn't living in Dallas anymore. His time with Damon was limited, and this week was promised to be focused on fun and family.

  "I'm coming, you big oaf." Damon pulled the door open and moved back as Matt and Kendal walked in. "You guys are early."

  "Yep. We figured it would be better to bring breakfast over and interrupt your work time than have you think you got away with something. Cause ya didn't." Matt poked him in the chest and carried a few boxes to the kitchen. "Come eat. We emptied out the Kolache shop down the road. Freaking Washington doesn't have Kolache. What the hell?"

  Kendal smiled and followed after Matt. "Maybe that means you and Erica should get hitched and move back here. We have art galleries in Texas, Matthew. Hello."

  "Not like Seattle." Matt turned as Damon walked into the kitchen. "You ready to get your ass handed to you in golf today?"

  "Not happening." Damon moved past his brother and opened one of the boxes, grabbing two large Kolache out and shoving half of one in his mouth. "And you and Erica belong in Seattle. In Texas, we're interested in business and making money."

  "Oh yeah?" Matt snatched the extra Kolache from Damon's hand. "You're trying to tell me that you don't miss me?"

  Damon popped him in the stomach and grabbed the Kolache as Matt let out a groan and bent over. "I miss you every day, but you moved up there for a reason. Your dreams are up there. Keep living them."

  "Oh, brother." Kendal rolled his eyes. "Living your dreams is overrated. The minute you get it, you gotta come up with a new dream. With something bigger or better. It's exhausting."

  "No, you don't." Damon turned to face his best friend. "And you're really one to fucking talk right now. You got the girl you wanted."

  "Against all the odds." Matt threw in his two cents. "Pretty fucked up situation and shit."

  "Yeah. That." Damon nodded toward Matt. "And you're teaching at the college that you wanted to teach at. Tell me you're not living your dreams."

  "I am, but I can't help but think I need to start looking for a new dream." Kendal shrugged and took a bite of his breakfast. "Not another woman or career, but something more. Something bigger."

  "Not this shit again." Damon walked toward the living room. "You talked yourself out of being content in college too, bro. That's why every relationship before Ana was a struggle."

  "And after her?" Matt followed Damon, Kendal taking up the rear.

  "I didn't date after her." Kendal leaned against the door frame at the entrance of the living room. "Enough of this girlie bullshit. Get your shoes on and let's go play golf. I need to get some aggression out."

  "Aggression out?" Damon snorted and dropped down on the couch, enjoying his breakfast. He lifted one of the half-eaten Kolache in the air. "Thanks for breakfast. I love these things."

  "I'm not sure golf is the right sport for you if you're looking to let off some steam. Maybe boxing?" Matt offered and sat down beside Damon, leaning back and putting his feet on the coffee table.

  "Or fucking more often?" Damon shoved the rest of his meal in his mouth and worked on his shoes.

  "We fuck all the time. She's far more woman than I deserve, but she's giving, and I'm not. Maybe I should find a charity to get involved with, you know?" Kendal finished his breakfast too and wrapped his arms around himself. "Do you guys do charity work?"

  "No. I hang out with the two of you. That's charity enough." Damon stood up. "Let's go. Ben's meeting us out there, or that's the last thing I heard from him last week."

  "He's coming. I texted him this morning." Matt stood up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing the boxes. "We taking these in the car?"

  "As long as we're riding in something besides my Mercedes. You both eat like ten-year-old boys. I don't want greasy fingerprints on my shit." Damon gave them a look.

  "Yes, your highness." Matt popped Damon in the chest and walked to the front door.

  Damon got a running start and jumped on his brother’s back, wrapping his arms around Matt's neck. "Watch it, or I'll make sure Erica catches the flower thing this weekend."

  "She already did at Dad and Karen's wedding. You don't remember?" Matt opened the door and walked out. He was struggling, but Damon wasn't relenting. Not yet.

  "I got it. Just tote his childish ass to the car." Kendal smiled at both of them and took Matt's keys. "We can take my truck. I grew out of the need to be fancy a long time ago."

  Damon snorted and slid off Matt's back as they reached the car. "Speaking of fancy," D
amon started, "did you guys get your shoes polished and your suits fitted for Saturday?"

  "Yep. All done." Kendal nodded and got in the driver’s seat.

  "Yeah, about that," Matt mumbled and jumped back as Damon grabbed for him.

  "Matt. You know Bethany wants everything perfect for this wedding. You dick it up and-"

  "I got it done. Jeez. She's my sister too." Matt smirked and got in the back of the truck as Damon walked to the other side.

  "Oh fuck." Kendal glanced Damon's way as he got into the truck. "What's the deal with telling the office that your sister is now your wife? So risqué."

  "That is a great tagline for your Time Magazine feature." Matt snorted.

  "Keep it up, and you two will find yourselves tied to some random girl's bed with your own underwear in your mouth as a gag tomorrow night. I'm not beyond roofieing you and paying someone to play along... or are they playing?" Damon glanced back at his brother.

  Kendal lifted his hand in the air and flipped Damon off. "Promises, promises."

  "Naw, I'm good. I'll shut up." Matt lifted his hands in the air. "I wouldn't put anything past you. Sick bastard."

  "Just don't tell Bethany he's one." Kendal chuckled.

  "She already knows." Damon shrugged. "It's one of the things she likes most about me."

  Damon couldn't help but laugh as both Matt and Kendal gave him shit for the next twenty minutes on the drive to the golf range. Beth might know his secrets, but she certainly didn't like them. No woman in her right mind would. Beth wasn't just any woman.


  "So, James Talling got back with his family? That's crazy." Matt walked beside Damon down the fairway as Kendal stopped to pick up his ball.

  "Yeah. He cut back on everything at the office and made sure his wife and kids knew they were first." Damon shrugged. "As much as I enjoy my work, I'm going to have to do the same. Dad's looking at bringing in a few more executives this year to help balance things out. I think he and Karen realize how much I'm working, and where it wasn't that big of a deal in the past, it is now."


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