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Stars Asunder

Page 40

by Tao Wong

  Effect: 1000 Mana Damage done to all enemies, structures and vehicles within the maximum 25 meter column of attack

  Mana Cost: 500 Mana

  Eyes of Insight (Level 1)

  Under the eyes of a Paladin, all untruth and deceptions fall away. Only when the Paladin can see with clarity may he be able to judge effectively. Reduces Mana Regeneration by 5.

  Effect: All Skills, Spells and abilities of a lower grade that obfuscate, hinder or deceive the Paladin are reduced in effectiveness. Level of reduction proportionate to degree of difference in grade and Skill Level.

  Eye of the Storm (Level 1)

  In the middle of the battlefield, the Paladin stands, seeking justice and offering judgment on all enemies. The winds of war will seek to draw both enemies and allies to you, their cruel flurries robbing enemies of their lives and bolstering the health and Mana of allies.

  Effect: Eye of the Storm is an area effect buff and taunt. Psychic winds taunt enemies, forcing a Mental Resistance check to avoid attacking user. Enemies also receive 5 points of damage per second while within the influence of the Skill, with damage decreasing from the epicenter of the Skill. Allies receive a 5% increase in Mana and Health regeneration, decrease in effectiveness from Skill center. Eye of the Storm affects an area of 50 meters around the user.

  Cost: 500 Mana + 20 Mana per second

  Vanguard of the Apocalypse (Level 2)

  Where others flee, the Paladin strides forward. Where the brave dare not advance, the Paladin charges. While the world burns, the Paladin still fights. The Paladin with this Skill is the vanguard of any fight, leading the charge against all of Erethra’s enemies.

  Effect: +45 to all Physical attributes, increases speed by 55% and recovery rates by 35%. This Skill is stackable on top of other attribute and speed boosting Skills or spells.

  Cost: 500 Mana + 10 Stamina per second

  Society’s Web (Level 1)

  Where the Eye of Insight provides the Paladin an understanding of the lies and mistruths told, Society’s Web shows the Paladin the intricate webs that tie individuals to one another. No alliance, no betrayal, no tangled web of lies will be hidden as each interaction weaves one another closer. While the Skill provides no detailed information, a skilled Paladin can infer much from the Web.

  Effect: Upon activation, the Paladin will see all threads that tie each individual to one another and automatically understand the details of each thread when focused upon.

  Cost: 400 Mana + 200 Mana per minute

  Domain (Level 2)

  Details not revealed as yet.

  Grand Paladin Skills

  Grand Cross (Level 1)

  Details not revealed as yet.

  Junior Administrator Skills

  System Edit

  A core Skill for System Administrators.

  Effect: Make trivial to minor amendments to System processes

  Cost: Variable (HP & MP)

  Other Class Skills

  Frenzy (Level 1)

  Effect: When activated, pain is reduced by 80%, damage increased by 30%, stamina regeneration rate increased by 20%. Mana regeneration rate decreased by 10%

  Frenzy will not deactivate until all enemies have been slain. User may not retreat while Frenzy is active.

  Cleave (Level 2)

  Effect: Physical attacks deal 60% more base damage. Effect may be combined with other Class Skills.

  Cost: 25 Mana

  Elemental Strike (Level 1—Ice)

  Effect: Used to imbue a weapon with freezing damage. Adds +5 Base Damage to attacks and a 10% chance of reducing speed by 5% upon contact. Lasts for 30 seconds.

  Cost: 50 Mana

  Instantaneous Inventory (Maxed)

  Allows user to place or remove any System-recognized item from Inventory if space allows. Includes the automatic arrangement of space in the inventory. User must be touching item.

  Cost: 5 Mana per item

  Shrunken Footsteps (Level 1)

  Reduces System presence of user, increasing the chance of the user evading detection of System-assisted sensing Skills and equipment. Also increases cost of information purchased about user. Reduces Mana Regeneration by 5 permanently.

  Tech Link (Level 2)

  Effect: Tech Link allows user to increase their skill level in using a technological item, increasing input and versatility in usage of said items. Effects vary depending on item. General increase in efficiency of 10%. Mana regeneration rate decreased by 10%

  Designated Technological Items: Neural Link, Hodo’s Triple Forged Armor

  Analyze (Level 2)

  Allows user to scan individuals, monsters, and System-registered objects to gather information registered with the System. Detail and level of accuracy of information is dependent on Level and any Skills or Spells in conflict with the ability. Reduces Mana regeneration by 10 permanently.

  Harden (Level 2)

  This Skill reinforces targeted defenses and actively weakens incoming attacks to reduce their penetrating power. A staple Skill of the Turtle Knights of Kiumma, the Harden Skill has frustrated opponents for millennia.

  Effect: Reduces penetrative effects of attacks by 30% on targeted defense.

  Cost: 3 Mana per second

  Quantum Lock (Level 3)

  A staple Skill of the M453-X Mecani-assistants, Quantum Lock blocks stealth attacks and decreases the tactical options of their enemies. While active, the Quantum Lock of the Mecani-assistants excites quantum strings in the affected area for all individuals and Skills.

  Effect: All teleportation, portal, and dimensional Skills and Spells are disrupted while Quantum Lock is in effect. Forceable use of Skills and Spells while Skill is in effect will result in (Used Skill Mana Cost * 4) health in damage. Users may pay a variable amount of additional Mana when activating the Skill to decrease effect of Quantum Lock and decrease damage taken.

  Requirements: 200 Willpower, 200 Intelligence

  Area of Effect: 100 meter radius around user

  Cost: 250 + 50 Mana per Minute

  Elastic Skin (Level 3)

  Elastic Skin is a permanent alteration, allowing the user to receive and absorb a small portion of damage. Damage taken reduced by 7% with 7% of damage absorbed converted to Mana. Mana Regeneration reduced by 15 permanently.

  Disengage Safeties (Level 2)

  All technological weapons have safeties built in. Users of this Skill recklessly disregard the mandatory safeties, deciding that they know better than the crafters, engineers, and government personnel who built and regulate the production of these technological pieces.

  Effects: Increase power output from 2.5-25% depending on the weapon and its level of sophistication. Increase durability losses from use by 25-250%.

  Cost: 200 Mana + 25 Mana per minute

  Temporary Forced Link (Level 1)

  Most Class Skills can’t be linked with another’s. The instability formed between the mixing of the aura from multiple Mana sources often results in spectacular—and explosive—scenarios. For the 02m8 Symbiotes though, the need to survive within their host bodies and use their Skills has resulted in this unique Skill, allowing the Symbiote to lend their Mana and Skills. (For more persistent effects, see Mana Graft)

  Effect: Skill and Skill effects are forcibly combined. Final effect results will vary depending on level of compatibility of Skills.

  Cost: 250 Mana + 10 Mana per minute (plus original Skill cost)

  Hyperspace Nitro Boost (Level 1)

  When you’ve got to win the race, there’s nothing like a hyperspace boost. This Skill links the user with his craft’s hyperspace engine, providing a direct boost to its efficiency. Unlike normal speed increases for hyperspace engines, the Nitro Boost is a variable boost and runs a risk of damaging the engine.

  Effect: 15% increase in hyperspace engine efficiency + variable % increase in efficiency at 1% per surplus Mana. Each additional 1% over base raises chance of catastrophic engine failure by 0.01%

  Cost: 250 M
ana + (surplus variable amount; minimum 200 Mana increments) per minute

  On the Edge (Level 1)

  Shuttle racers live their lives on the edge, cutting corners by feet and dodging monsters by inches. There’s only one way to drive a ship with that level of precision, and no matter what those military Pilots tell you, it’s with On the Edge.

  Effect: +10% boost in ship handling and maneuverability. +10% passive increase in all piloting skills. +1% increase per increment of surplus Mana

  Cost: 100 Mana per level + (surplus variable amount; minimum 100 Mana increments) per minute

  Fate’s Thread (Level 2)

  The Akashi’so believe that we are all but weavings in the great thread of life. Connected to one another by the great Weaver, there is not one but multiple threads between us all, woven from our interactions and histories. Fate’s Thread is but a Skill expression of this belief. This Skill cannot be dodged but may be blocked. After all, all things are bound together.

  Effect: Fate Thread allows the user to bind individuals together by making what is already there apparent. Thread is made physical and may be used to pull, tie and bind.

  Duration: 2 minutes

  Cost: 60 Mana


  Improved Minor Healing (IV)

  Effect: Heals 40 Health per casting. Target must be in contact during healing. Cooldown 60 seconds.

  Cost: 20 Mana

  Improved Mana Missile (IV)

  Effect: Creates four missiles out of pure Mana, which can be directed to damage a target. Each dart does 30 damage. Cooldown 10 seconds

  Cost: 35 Mana

  Enhanced Lightning Strike

  Effect: Call forth the power of the gods, casting lightning. Lightning strike may affect additional targets depending on proximity, charge and other conductive materials on-hand. Does 100 points of electrical damage.

  Lightning Strike may be continuously channeled to increase damage for 10 additional damage per second.

  Cost: 75 Mana.

  Continuous cast cost: 5 Mana / second

  Lightning Strike may be enhanced by using the Elemental Affinity of Electromagnetic Force. Damage increased by 20% per level of affinity

  Greater Regeneration (II)

  Effect: Increases natural health regeneration of target by 6%. Only single use of spell effective on a target at a time.

  Duration: 10 minutes

  Cost: 100 Mana


  Effect: Create a firestorm with a radius of 5 meters. Deals 250 points of fire damage to those caught within. Cooldown 60 seconds.

  Cost: 200 Mana

  Polar Zone

  Effect: Create a thirty meter diameter blizzard that freezes all targets within one. Does 10 points of freezing damage per minute plus reduces effected individuals speed by 5%. Cooldown 60 seconds.

  Cost: 200 Mana

  Greater Healing (II)

  Effect: Heals 100 Health per casting. Target does not require contact during healing. Cooldown 60 seconds per target.

  Cost: 75 Mana

  Mana Drip (II)

  Effect: Increases natural health regeneration of target by 6%. Only single use of spell effective on a target at a time.

  Duration: 10 minutes

  Cost: 100 Mana

  Freezing Blade

  Effect: Enchants weapon with a slowing effect. A 5% slowing effect is applied on a successful strike. This effect is cumulative and lasts for 1 minute. Cooldown 3 minutes

  Spell Duration: 1 minute.

  Cost: 150 Mana

  Improved Inferno Strike (II)

  A beam of heat raised to the levels of an inferno, able to melt steel and earth on contact! The perfect spell for those looking to do a lot of damage in a short period of time.

  Effect: Does 200 Points of Heat Damage

  Cost: 150 Mana

  Mud Walls

  Unlike its more common counterpart Earthen Walls, Mud Walls focus is more on dealing slow, suffocating damage and restricting movement on the battlefield.

  Effect: Does 20 Points of Suffocating Damage. -30% Movement Speed

  Duration: 2 Minutes

  Cost: 75 Mana

  Create Water

  Pulls water from the elemental plane of water. Water is pure and the highest form of water available. Conjures 1 liter of water. Cooldown: 1 minute

  Cost: 50 Mana


  Allows caster to view a location up to 1.7 kilometers away. Range may be extended through use of additional Mana. Caster will be stationary during this period. It is recommended caster focuses on the scry unless caster has a high level of Intelligence and Perception so as to avoid accidents. Scry may be blocked by equivalent or higher tier spells and Skills. Individuals with high perception in region of Scry may be alerted that the Skill is in use. Cooldown: 1 hour.

  Cost: 25 Mana per minute.

  Scrying Ward

  Blocks scrying spells and their equivalent within 5 meters of caster. Higher level spells may not be blocked, but caster may be alerted about scrying attempts. Cooldown: 10 minutes

  Cost: 50 Mana per minute

  Improved Invisibility

  Hides target’s System information, aura, scent, and visual appearance. Effectiveness of spell is dependent upon Intelligence of caster and any Skills or Spells in conflict with the target.

  Cost: 100 + 50 Mana per minute

  Improved Mana Cage

  While physically weaker than other elemental-based capture spells, Mana Cage has the advantage of being able to restrict all creatures, including semi-solid Spirits, conjured elementals, shadow beasts, and Skill users. Cooldown: 1 minute

  Cost: 200 Mana + 75 Mana per minute

  Improved Flight

  (Fly birdie, fly!—Ali) This spell allows the user to defy gravity, using controlled bursts of Mana to combat gravity and allow the user to fly in even the most challenging of situations. The improved version of this spell allows flight even in zero gravity situations and a higher level of maneuverability. Cooldown: 1 minute

  Cost: 250 Mana + 100 Mana per minute


  Hod’s Triple Fused Armor

  The product of multiple workings by the Master Blacksmith and Crafter Hodiliphious ‘Hod’ Yalding, the Triple Fused Armor was hand-forged from rare, System-generated material, hand refined and reworked trice over with multiple patented and rare alloys and materials. The final product is considered barely passable by Hod—though it would make a lesser craftsman cry.

  Core: Class I Hallow Physics Mana Engine

  CPU: Class B Wote Core CPU

  Armor Rating: Tier I (Enhanced)

  Hard Points: 9 (6 Used—Jungian Flight System, Talpidae Abyssal Horns, Luione Hard Light Projectors, Diarus Poison Stingers, Ares Type I Shield Generator, Greater Troll Cell Injectors)

  Soft Points 4 (3 Used—Neural Link, Ynir HUD Imaging, Airmed Body Monitor)

  Battery Capacity: 380/380

  Active Skills: Abyssal Chains, Mirror Shade, Poison Grip

  Attribute Bonuses: +93 Strength, +78 Agility, +51 Constitution, +44 Perception, +287 Stamina and Health Regeneration per minute

  Note: Hod’s Triple Fused Armor is currently under limited warranty. Armor may be teleported to Hod’s workshop for repairs once a week. All cost of repairs will be deducted from user’s account.

  Skills in Hod’s Armor:

  Abyssal Chains

  Calling upon the material connection to the shadow plane, chains from the abyss erupt, binding a target in place.

  Effect: Target is bound by shadow chains. Chains deal 10 points of damage per second. To break free, target must win a contested Strength test. Abyssal Chains have a Strength of 120.

  Uses: 2/3

  Recharge rate: 1 per hour

  Mirror Shade

  Mirror Shade creates a semi-solid doppelganger using hard light technology and Mana.

  Effect: Mirror Shade create a semi-solid doppelganger of the user for a period of ten minutes. Maximum range of doppelgan
ger from user is fifty meters. Doppelganger has 18% physical fidelity.

  Use: 0/1

  Recharge Rate: 1 per 4 hours

  Silversmith Jeupa VII Anti-Personnel Cannon (Modified & Upgraded)

  This quad-barrelled anti-personnel weapon has been handcrafted by Advanced Weaponsmiths to provide the highest integration possible for an energy weapon. This particular weapon has been modified to include additional range-finding and sighting options and upgraded to increase short-term damage output at the cost of long-term durability. Barrels may be fired individually or linked.

  Base Damage: 787 per barrel

  Battery Capacity: 4 per barrel (16 total)

  Recharge Rate: 0.25 per hour per GMU

  Ares Platinum Class Tier II Armored Jumpsuit

  Ares’s signature Platinum Class line of armored daily wear combines the company’s latest technological advancement in nanotech fiber design and the pinnacle work of an Advanced Craftsman’s Skill to provide unrivalled protection for the discerning Adventurer.

  Effect: +218 Defense, +14% Resistance to Kinetic and Energy Attacks. +19% Resistance against Temperature changes. Self-Cleanse, Self-Mend, Autofit Enchantments also included.

  Silversmith Mark VIII Beam Pistol (Upgradeable)

  Base Damage: 88

  Battery Capacity: 13/13

  Recharge Rate: 3 per hour per GMU

  Tier IV Neural Link


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