The Limousine
Page 8
Brenda was a little annoyed that she woke up early the next morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. She heard Kristi bustling around in the living room and kitchen, washing the dishes and the like. But mostly what kept her from falling back asleep was the sensation of the collar around her throat, and the intense feeling of submission it gave her. She took off her shoes and lay there on the bed, collared, imagining that she was the Master’s pet. She played with herself until she was close to coming, fantasizing that the Master was on top of her, entering her and then fucking her slowly. Brenda took her vibrator out of the nightstand—the plug-in model this time—and got herself off quickly to an image of the Master mounting her, fucking her until they both came. This time she didn’t moan, though, since Kristi was in the kitchen and probably couldn’t hear a thing. Brenda stretched and yawned, deciding she may as well get up. She rose and took off the collar and shoes. She put on her silky robe and went out to cook breakfast.
It was still uncomfortably hot in the apartment, though Kristi had opened the windows. Kristi was seated at the kitchen table, eating cereal and reading an old Glamour. She was still wearing the tap pants and cranberry camisole. The outfit became her, but it didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination, showing much of her cleavage and revealing the buds of her nipples through the thin satin. Kristi had great tits, Brenda had to admit. They weren’t quite as large as Brenda’s, but they were gorgeous just the same. Brenda was particularly proud of her breasts, which were larger than average and very pretty, she thought, but she could appreciate how attractive Kristi’s were, too. And Kristi wasn’t normally very modest about showing them, preferring to go about the house without a bra, wearing tight white T-shirts and tank tops, letting her breasts show through the thin material. Brenda had seen Kristi’s breasts plenty of times, certainly enough times to have a strong opinion about them. But then, Kristi was even less modest than usual lately, as if she was enjoying showing herself off to Brenda. But then, Brenda wouldn’t have worn this skimpy robe so casually on a Saturday morning a few weeks ago, so she figured the feeling was mutual.
“Morning,” said Kristi, and Brenda thought she detected a smirk on her roommate’s face. “Eventful night last night?”
Brenda couldn’t stop herself from laughing and blurting out “No more eventful than yours, I guess!”
Kristi feigned innocence, then finally gave in. “Oh, could you hear that? I guess I forget how thin these walls are.” She shrugged in a way that told Brenda that Kristi most certainly had not forgotten how thin the walls were. “I just couldn’t get back to sleep after you woke me up. I guess you started me off. It sounded like you were having fun, all right.”
“Well.... yeah, OK, it was fun.”
“But right after you came back from your date?”
Brenda poured herself some cereal as she thought about how she should answer. “Well ... he just got me thinking ... and I figured, since I wasn’t tired....”
“You didn’t disturb me,” said Kristi. “I was having my own fun. Are you going to tell me all about it?”
Brenda sat at the table opposite Kristi, aware—but pretending not to be—that her robe had fallen slightly open, revealing the edge of one nipple. Brenda took a little time before she corrected it, and she knew that Kristi saw. This seemed a little strange, but it was getting to be fun. Brenda had never thought of herself as having sexual feelings toward other women, but everything seemed to be changing. She certainly didn’t want to go to bed with Kristi—that would complicate things too much—but they were already lovers of a sort, with the way they shared their servitude to the Master, and after all, Brenda knew plenty about Kristi’s sexual habits and had probably listened to her come more times than any single lover she had. There was a delicious kind of intimacy between them, and Brenda was enjoying playing with it. She wondered how far they were going to take it.
“Well,” said Brenda, playing hard-to-get. “Maybe not all about it.”
“Oh come on!” said Kristi, leaning forward across the table, which gave Brenda a perfect view of the deep valley between her breasts. “Tell me everything! Please?”
Brenda looked a little longer than she meant to at the sight of Kristi’s delicious cleavage. She blushed a little.
“All right. He picked me up in the limousine—you saw what I was wearing.”
“Uh-huh,” said Kristi, her eyes wide with excitement.
“He drove me around and wanted me to masturbate for him again. Only this time he had this....”
“Oh yes,” said Kristi. “Go on?”
“This dildo.”
“Did you play with it?”
Brenda was turning red. “Uh ... well ... YES.”
“Mmmmmm. Sounds like fun. Go on.”
“While I was doing it ... he showed me this videotape...”
“Uh-huh,” said Kristi, with a more mischievous tone to her voice.
“It was of you. You made it in the bedroom.”
“Oh, that one,” said Kristi, pretending to be casual about it. “Did you like it?”
Brenda nodded. “You looked great. It was ... pretty impressive.” She could feel her face flushing hot, and then she started to laugh uncomfortably. Her robe slipped a little, and she was very aware that Kristi was watching it as it inched open. Brenda didn’t pull it closed for longer than she should have, and she didn’t pull it all the way. She knew that Kristi could see the twin mounds of her breasts, if not all of them. She was getting incredibly excited by this blatant flirtation.
“Now he wants you to make one,” said Kristi quickly. “Is that what you were doing last night?”
Brenda’s eyes went wide. “No! I mean ... well, not exactly. I tried the camera out, but.... I wasn’t making it for him. I just wanted to play.”
“You taped yourself last night?”
“Well.... yes.”
“Can I see it?” blurted Kristi out, her hand snaking over to touch Brenda’s. The touch was electric, and Brenda suddenly felt very embarrassed.
“I don’t know. I kind of promised myself I wouldn’t show it to anyone.”
“All right,” said Kristi, plainly disappointed. “But if you want to, I would love to see it some time.” She went back to eating her cereal.
There was an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. Finally Brenda said, “well, maybe I can show it to you. Can I think about it?”
Kristi smiled broadly, knowing she had won. “Sure. Whatever.” She ran her fingers through her long hair, and when she lifted her arm Brenda saw the side of her breast, which seemed deliciously enticing. “Did he do anything else with you?” asked Kristi.
Brenda was silent for a little while, blushing, while they ate. Then, she said: “He made me take all my clothes off. And...”
“Yes?” said Kristi, leaning forward alluringly, showing Brenda even more of her breasts this time. Brenda’s robe had fallen partway open again. She shifted uncomfortably, pulling it tightly closed, wishing she’d put on something less revealing.
“He made me take off my clothes ... and throw them out the window.”
Kristi seemed genuinely shocked. “Oh my God ... you did it?”
“Well ... yes. I ... I didn’t know what else to do.” She was breathing a little heavily, feeling the texture of her arousal flood through her body under Kristi’s curious gaze and insistent questioning.
“It sounds like it must have turned you on,” smiled Kristi, “Or you wouldn’t have done it. Am I right?”
“Yeah,” said Brenda. “I guess so. I mean, yes. It did turn me on.”
“So how did you get home? Without any clothes, I mean?”
“He had a coat there for me. I put that on and buttoned it up when he dropped me off.”
“Oh my God,” said Kristi, surprised. “You walked up here naked except for a coat?”
Brenda knew that her robe had fallen open again—not all the way, but enough to show Kristi the edge of both her nipples. She felt t
he stiffening against the satin, moving it visibly. But she didn’t move to close the robe. It was almost as if she couldn’t.
“Oh my God,” said Kristi. “That’s so totally hot. You’re making me wet just telling me that.”
Brenda’s stomach churned and her ears seemed to be ringing. She shrugged slightly and felt the robe slipping more, until her breasts became exposed so that both nipples were plainly in view. Kristi was watching, all right. Brenda watched Kristi eating, spending more time on each spoonful of corn flakes than was strictly necessary.
“Did you enjoy it?” Kristi finally asked.
“Yes,” said Brenda, with some difficulty, acutely aware of her revealed nipples. “Can’t you tell?”
“Yeah,” said Kristi casually. “But I just wanted to ask.”
She got up and went to the sink to wash the breakfast dishes. The spell was broken, and Brenda’s paralysis seemed to dissipate. She pulled her robe closed and looked longingly at her roommate’s ass in the thin, silky shorts. This was getting too intense for her, but she felt powerless to stop it. At least the tension of the moment was gone. But Brenda was more turned on than ever. And she wanted to push the flirtation even further, to see what would happen.
“I was thinking of going shopping today,” said Brenda. “He wants me to buy some things.”
Kristi quickly turned around, smiling excitedly. She lived to shop. “Did he give you a credit card? Oh man, I would love to shop. Want to go shopping together?”
“Sure,” said Brenda, a little tentatively.
Kristi looked slightly nervous and then said, “Or if you’d rather go alone...”
“No,” said Brenda, too quickly. “I would love to go shopping with you. Where do you want to go?”
“Well ... I want to go shopping for naughty things.”
Brenda smiled. “Then let’s go to Next to Nothing. It’s my favorite.”
“Next to Nothing? Brenda, that’s for cheap sluts.” She laughed. “I’m sorry, I’m just kidding. The Master likes me to shop at Bonne Femme.” Brenda’s eyes went wide—their prices were through the roof, but their lingerie was incredibly beautiful—and way more slutty than Next to Nothing. It was a store for incredibly horny rich women, Brenda always thought. Not only that, but half of their store was devoted to “alternative designer” clothing—fetish had reached the runways of Paris, and the kinkiest outfits were commanding unbelievable prices in high-class shops like Bonne Femme. She felt strange agreeing to go shop there—but if the Master was covering it...
“All right,” said Brenda. “Bonne Femme it is.”
“That’s the spirit,” said Kristi. A dark look crossed her face. “I ... need to get some new stuff anyway. I’m going to see him tonight.” For the first time, she seemed to be concerned about whether her roommate would be jealous. “Does that bother you?”
“Not at all,” Brenda lied—it bothered her just a little bit. It wasn’t just that she was jealous of Kristi for her time with the Master—she was starting to get a little jealous of the Master, for his time with Kristi. Brenda had never imagined she would have these feelings, but here they were, and she was surprised to find she was as enticed by Kristi as she was by the Master.
“Great, then,” said Kristi. “We’ll go to the mall, check out Next to Nothing. They always have good stuff.”
Brenda sighed, knowing that the die had been cast. She and Kristi would now spend the day together. And if anything would bring them closer than they already were, it was shopping for lingerie. And if they made it through the afternoon without ending up in bed together, Brenda would be a little surprised. But she was more than a little surprised that the prospect didn’t bother her one bit. As she stood up to wash her own breakfast dishes, she felt her robe slipping open again, all the way this time ... and she didn’t move to close it, but let the tie fall to the floor and left it open as she washed her dishes. The tension as Kristi watched her was almost unbearable. Then Kristi gave Brenda a spontaneous, friendly, almost chaste kiss on the cheek and said “dibs on the shower!” ***
As Brenda stood washing dishes alone, her hands almost took on a mind of their own. The steam from the hot water seemed to make her skin electric. Brenda’s hands crept up to her breasts and she began to play with her nipples. Her pussy was incredibly wet. She couldn’t even hear the shower running yet—Kristi could walk in any minute. But she couldn’t stop what she was doing. She slipped her hand between her legs and began to stroke herself hungrily, feeling the wetness in her pussy dribbling out onto her fingers. She heard the water running, heard Kristi splashing around, and knew she was safe. Brenda turned and went out of the kitchen, forgetting the tie of her robe, still touching herself as she rushed down the hall. She went into her room and quickly closed the door—but left it open a crack, acutely aware that her roommate was in the apartment naked. Brenda threw off the robe and tumbled onto the bed, frigging herself crazily as she thought about what Kristi might be doing to herself. Lathering up her naked body. Washing her beautiful hair. Directing the shower head between her parted pussy-lips, as Kristi had told Brenda she sometimes did. When Brenda came, she bit her finger hard to try to stop the loud moans of pleasure.
Bonne Femme was almost an obscenity in itself, the lingerie more expensive than some used cars and the fixtures and fitting rooms stunningly opulent. At Kristi’s coaching, Brenda had to stop looking at price tags and just pick the things she liked. After being a student and then a working girl for so long, she was getting a little wet just thinking about how much money she was going to spend.
“What do you think of this one?” asked Kristi, holding up an almost obscene merrywidow which looked like it had less fabric than a handkerchief.
“It’s slutty,” giggled Brenda.
“Good,” was Kristi’s answer, as she put it over her arm. “He likes me slutty.” Kristi had at least ten outfits over her arm, and Brenda figured that she intended to try every one of them on. After all, the Master was picking up the bill. Kristi winked at Brenda as she went over to the salesgirl to get a tag for the fitting room. “Meet you in there?”
Kristi disappeared into the fitting rooms. Brenda found herself breathing heavily as she picked out another few outfits to try on. She had selected fairly conservative lingerie so far—it was all white or rose-colored, and most of it, while very sexy, wasn’t all that revealing. Kristi, on the other hand, had picked the most daring outfits she could find. In fact, Kristi liked to look like something of a slut. In lingerie, Kristi liked luxurious reds and blues, garish leopard-prints and tiger-stripes, and black. Brenda was a little jealous that Kristi was so daring. So, without letting herself think about it, Brenda grabbed the two outfits she had been eyeing—the red corset-and-garters ensemble, and the black teddy with the snap crotch that showed almost everything. At the last minute, she decided to grab the black rubber bra-and-panties she’d been eyeing—it seemed so decadent, so bizarre. She felt sure Kristi would approve. Brenda went into the fitting room.
Kristi had already stripped down and was looking at herself in the three-way mirror with her first outfit—a black seethrough bodysuit. The thing was totally slutty—and looked great on Kristi.
Kristi saw the black rubber bra-and-panties, and smiled at Brenda knowingly as Brenda headed into her own changing room. “Brenda,” she said with mock disapproval. “Even I’m not that much of a slut.”
“That’s incredible,” said Brenda. “It looks great on you.” She was having some trouble keeping her eyes off her delicious roommate.
“You think so?” said Kristi, unconvinced, as she turned around and looked over her shoulder to see how the bodysuit looked on her ass. Because of the big sign on the wall—we respectfully inform our patrons that underpants must be work when trying on our fine clothing—Kristi was still wearing her panties underneath. True to form, she wasn’t wearing much in the way of panties in the first place, just a tight black thong—but even, so it was hard to tell how it would
fit her ass without the underwear.
“Yeah,” said Brenda breathlessly. “It looks wonderful. It really makes your breasts look good.”
Brenda giggled as she closed the door. She stripped off her cutoff shorts and tank top. She hung them neatly on the hook provided and unhitched her bra, easing the sweaty material off of her breasts. She looked at her body in the mirror, admiring the way her breasts looked flushed under the fluorescent light. It was a hot day, but that wasn’t it. Brenda knew she was flushed because she was buying lingerie, something she dearly loved to do and could rarely afford to do. The excitement was overwhelming, and the heat flowing through her body showed it.
Brenda looked through everything she’d picked up. Then she took down the black teddy, which was the sluttiest of the whole lot, no matter what Kristi said. She climbed in to the skimpy garment slowly, leaving her panties on, pulling the thin material up over her breasts. It was almost totally see-through except for black satin over the crotch. It left Brenda’s dark pink nipples in plain view through the sheer material. It was also sheer over the crotch, and a little of Brenda’s pubic hair would be visible—except that she had shaved it off, which she remembered with an acute awareness of the tingling and slight itching of her bare, smooth pussyflesh. The teddy was skimpy in the crotch, so it would no doubt tug up between her lips, and it plunged so low in back that it would reveal the crack of Brenda’s ass, though her slim lace panties hid that for now. But there wasn’t much to the ass of the garment anyway—it was French-cut and revealing, and there was a snap crotch, too. That’ll allow easy access, Brenda thought nastily, less time on preliminaries. Then she felt embarrassed that she had even thought something so brazen and slutty. She wondered what it would look like without anything underneath, how it would look on her bare ass. Both she and Kristi had bitched before about the fact that you had to wear your underwear when trying on lingerie—you couldn’t really see the way it looked on you. But health laws were health laws.