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Teaching Bettina (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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by Louisa Neil

  Teaching Bettina

  When Bettina Jenkins was sent back to her mother, Phoebe, she had no idea what the Gentlemen's Club was. Getting caught spying on the acts between Phoebe's "women" and the men who pay for their time wasn't her plan, but this man intrigued her.

  Gaston Duvall pays Phoebe for the privilege of punishing Bettina, yet he doesn't hurt her. She begins to dream he'll take her away permanently. When that dream comes true, she accepts his business partner, Stewart Jahan, is part of the deal. Having only two men to service was better than being purchased repeatedly for Phoebe's financial benefit.

  They teach her nothing between consenting adults is taboo. Her fantasies involve being spanked by them. She embraces their fantasy when she experiences the orgasms their sucking her nipples provide. Learning their final secret, Bettina accepts their willingness to give her control occasionally is a trust she never thought of and now can't live without.

  Genre: BDSM, Historical, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 75,782 words


  Louisa Neil


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2014 by Louisa Neil

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-177-6

  First E-book Publication: February 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  1789, Providence, Rhode Island

  When Bettina turned twenty-five, the workhouse she’d been ordered to couldn’t avoid her true age and, considering her an adult, had set her out on the street. They didn’t consider any of the reasons she originally became a ward of the state of Rhode Island, only that she was twenty-five and they were overcrowded. She’d kept to herself all those years, doing her job, and the matrons had turned a blind eye to her real age. If she hadn’t looked so young, she’d have been turned out at eighteen, but she made a point of making herself useful with the babies in the nurseries. She’d hoped they’d keep her on as a matron, but they already had enough matrons.

  Knowing no one on the outside to turn to for help and having no money, she had no place else to go but back to her mother. She wasn’t exactly sure what business her mother was in, but she’d heard rumors that the matrons quickly hushed. Rumors she hadn’t fully understood. After arriving at her mother’s place of business, she was banished to the basement doing the manual labor of a slave. She’d had one meeting with her mother, who she had no memories of since she was sent away at age five, and was instantly cursed at for calling her Mother. Phoebe never wanted hear that word again under any circumstances. She studied Bettina with a strange look and then a smile that Bettina understood was cruel and cynical.

  “You will never call me Mother, do you understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I don’t want you here, but you’ll do as a maid. Step out of line and I’ll put you to the streets.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Bettina didn’t like the way her mother was staring at her. She tried not to fidget, but it was difficult with Phoebe eyeing her, especially when her features changed from angry to reflective.

  “You know I don’t want you here, and now I’m stuck with you again. I thought giving you to the state would be enough, but now they’ve sent you back here.” Phoebe leaned forward and told her to turn around.

  Bettina turned in a small circle before her mother.

  “I figured when you didn’t come back at eighteen I was through with you.” Phoebe paused. “How many children do you have?”

  “None, ma’am.”

  “Don’t lie to me Bettina, I’ll find out.”

  “I’m not lying. I have no children.”

  “Any lovers?”

  “No, ma’am.” Bettina looked down at the floor, feeling her face heat with embarrassment at the intimate question.

  “You’d have me believe you’ve been untouched for twenty-five years? It’s not possible.”

  “I worked in the nursery, ma’am. I didn’t venture far from the babies. I’ve never…” Again she paused. “Never been with a man.”

  “How old are you now?”

  “I’m twenty-five now, ma’am.” She didn’t add that her mother gave birth to her so she should know her true age. She wasn’t prepare
d for Phoebe to stand and slap her face.

  “No. You’re no use to me at that age. From now on you are twenty-one, do you understand? Anyone who asks you must tell you are twenty-one.”


  “Would you rather take your chances on the street, penniless?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Then tell me how old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-one.”

  “And when is your birthday?”

  “At the first of the New Year.”

  “Fine, we’ll keep that. I’ll get a better price for your virginity if the men think you’ve been cloistered.”

  “I don’t understand,” Bettina said, holding back tears.

  “Men pay handsomely for a virgin. You are a virgin, aren’t you? Has any man touched you? You must tell me the truth. I’ll have a doctor check you. If you’re lying I will turn you out.”

  “No man has touched me.”

  “I’ll make sure of that. You will stay and be one of the maids. When the New Year comes, I’ll present you to my clients and sell you to the highest bidder for your first time. Until then, everyone must think you’re twenty-one, only turning twenty-two at the first of the year.” Phoebe gave Bettina yet another head-to-toe look that made her feel ashamed by the perusal. “I’ll market you as an oddity, the twenty-two-year-old virgin. Men will pay for that. They won’t consider they have to be gentle with you at that age, rather they’ll want to start enjoying your services immediately.”

  “Why? I don’t understand. I’m still a virgin and don’t know any ways to please a man.” Bettina wasn’t prepared for the second slap to her face.

  “Because, you sniveling snit, it’s the way I want it. Nobody, under any circumstances must know your true age. You’re small and waif-like, you’ll pass for twenty-two.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Of course you don’t. But it doesn’t matter. You may be twenty-five in real life, but in my establishment, you are twenty-one until the New Year. Tell anyone or hint at it to anyone and you’ll be sorry. This way I might recoup some of my expenses for you. Now how old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-one, turning twenty-two the first of the New Year.”

  “Good. Just remember when I sell you, you can never tell any man the truth. Whatever happens in the future, you’ll always be younger.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Not a word to anyone. I’ll know if you tell, Bettina, and you won’t like the consequences. Now go to Josie in the kitchen, and she’ll tell you what your chores are. You are not to be seen upstairs during business hours, ever.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Don’t make me sorry I took you in.” Phoebe let out a harrumph noise. “Why did you come back to haunt me? I swear I should have gotten rid of you before you were born. But it’s my cross to carry that I didn’t. Now get out of my sight and don’t let me see you upstairs. In fact, don’t let me see you at all.”

  Bettina ran from the plush room and headed to the back of the house, hoping to find the kitchen and a woman named Josie. Bettina was assigned chores that included cooking, washing, and pressing the other ladies’ clothing and, when the business was closed, cleaning the house and private rooms. Under Josie’s supervision, she did whatever the housekeeper needed done. In those first days she learned just what Phoebe’s true business was. She was appalled by the concept that Phoebe meant to turn her into a prostitute.

  She came to wonder what it would be like to wear the gowns her mother’s women wore, or to have the handmade underclothing they paraded in front of the customers wearing. They all had beautiful silk dressing gowns they wore over those underclothes when the men were in the parlor choosing their woman for the acts they paid for. She never allowed any of the women to see her longing for beautiful garments. Instead, she cleaned their rooms with downcast eyes so as not to bring any attention to herself. Bettina was warned if she were caught peeking at the customers, her mother would tan her hide. But she’d been so curious. In her younger days, the staff had protected her from the truth. Only when she came into her teens they didn’t feel the need to hide the truth. The staff and other children had made it abundantly clear what her mother did for a living, but she’d never quite understood the implications until now. Phoebe’s Gentlemen’s Club was a private bordello.

  Apparently, it was no secret to the rest of the Providence residents that the establishment was a house of prostitution. It was, in fact, the only business a woman could privately own and run without the backing of a man. It had taken a few years for her to actually figure out what that meant. Yes, she understood men paid for sex. But what kind of sex? The hushed whispers she’d grown up with never specified what sex was. So here she was, acting as a housemaid in her mother’s business with no real clue as to exactly what went on.

  Even now, months later, it was apparent her mother was not happy with her presence. She’d overheard the grumbling about the cost of housing and feeding her. Ultimately, sending her to the basement to pay for her keep turned out to be a blessing of sorts for Bettina. The few times she did see her, Phoebe made it quite clear that she was an imposition and therefore not entitled to the miniscule wages like the other maids. Instinct told her not to push the point, so she learned to stay out of the way, spending as much time in the basement as possible. It was also made abundantly clear that she would get no special treatment because of their relationship and didn’t deserve one afternoon off each week as the other maids enjoyed. Instead, she was expected to work seven days a week, without complaint or the need to experience life beyond the confines of the house and club. She never told a soul about her real age, not even Susan, the other maid she befriended. Phoebe’s wrath was worse than keeping a secret. It never struck her at the time that she could have walked away. She had no money and had never been on her own. Bettina saw no alternative in those first months.

  What struck her most was her mother’s emphatic rule that she never leave the basement during business hours. That meant she was only allowed upstairs during the hours of five in the morning to noon. By then, the doors would be thrown open to any customer who could afford the fee. With time, Bettina realized her mother oversaw all the business. She was always dressed as if she were going to a grand ball, with new gowns, her hair styled, and a smile on her ruby lips. Not that it was always a friendly smile, more of an expected pleasantry for the men who visited and handed her money for the use of one of the girls.

  After their required pleasantries, her mother would lead the man across the hall to a closed room to complete the financial transaction. If they were good paying customers, which meant they came often and paid a lot of money for sexual favors from the women, they were allowed to view them in a private room to make their choices. The men chose a scantily clad woman who was expected to satisfy his needs. The women never dressed in street clothes. Instead, they waited in the piano room wearing only undergarments covered by their elaborate dressing gowns. Once the man made his choice, Phoebe would show him to an appropriate room determined by the money he spent.

  Bettina learned quickly that there were different prices and times for each act, and only some of the women would agree to some indecent acts. Ultimately, she’d learned the political officials who visited were never charged. It dawned on her this was how the business stayed open. Phoebe offered free sex to the men who could shut her down. It seemed to be working, because when she was sent to the workhouse at age five, the business was thriving then. In the beginning she couldn’t understand why she was taken away since her mother lived in a beautiful home and had money. Early on, her innocence was destroyed when she learned Phoebe initiated the process which took her from the home. Children in a whorehouse weren’t good for business.

  Now, months later after her arrival, she still cleaned up after the evening parties, kept the rooms clean, and helped ready meals for the staff and the patrons. Yet she was never allowed past the basement stairs when the doors opened. In her mind, Be
ttina realized she had several options. She was twenty-five, of age, and could just walk away. But to where, and how? She had no money, no merger wages her mother might pay to save toward her leaving. She would never have any money to save for her escape.

  She knew there was only one thing that made her valuable to Phoebe. She was a virgin. Her body shook each time she remembered the horrible event. When she first came home, her mother made her let the doctor examine her. She didn’t like being naked in front of a strange man, didn’t like the way he pinched and touched her breasts. She remembered how he twisted her nipples between his fingers. Both he and her mother had smiled. She knew the smile was because they were taunting her, but she’d come to learn that women with raspberry-type nipples were more in demand.

  Then she’d been forced to lie naked on the cot in the basement and let the doctor touch her belly and her legs. Ultimately, after much crying and begging, her mother held her shoulders and arms down while the doctor pushed her legs apart. She didn’t like the sandpaper feel of his fingers on her private place. She screamed when he pushed two fingers inside her. He only went so far and soon was withdrawing them.

  “Yes, she’s intact. If I were you, Phoebe, I’d keep her away from the clients until you find one with enough money to make her virginity pay off.” The doctor gave her a leering look, and her mother nodded her acknowledgment.

  While embarrassed, she thought it was over. But she’d been wrong. They turned her over onto her belly and the doctor squeezed and pinched her backside. Again her mother held her down when he pushed his fingers in her other hole. Bettina tried to get away, but he kept pushing his fingers deeper inside her and pulling them out. After several times, he declared her fit for virginal status. When she was left to dress, her mother and the doctor watched her every move. She tried turning her back to them, but even that was still humiliating. They talked as if she couldn’t hear them. The old man told Phoebe if she played her cards right, she could get another large fee for Bettina’s anal virginity and, with some finessing, maybe another for her virgin mouth.


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