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The Last To Know - What I did while we were Engaged

Page 11

by Bridy McAvoy

  There was a soft knock on the door.


  “We thought we heard something. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a bit.”

  Of course, there was no lock on the bedroom door and if Frank—I think it was Frank—had opened it, he’d have caught an eyeful. My breasts were fully exposed out of the top of the corset, while my underwear and stockings were exposed down to my knee. Okay, it would have been a profile view, but there were the mirrors to give him other views.

  “Okay, just checking.”

  At least he’d been gentleman enough not to open the door. I allowed my racing heart to calm down, then finished removing my shoes and the jogging bottoms. As I stood up I realized I had to do something about the Merry Widow, and pulled it back up. I did notice my nipples had hardened on exposure, or with excitement, or both, but I tucked them back inside the top and reached for the dress. Unzipping it, I stepped into it, pulling it up to my waist. The dress was a little tight under normal circumstances, but it wasn’t a dress I’d ever worn a corset with. As a result it was quite loose around my body, until I pulled it up to my breasts. Simply tugging the obstinate thing into place nearly popped my breasts free again.

  I had to pull the straps of the dress up my arms, then adjust the dress before I could pull and push the recalcitrant corset and my misbehaving breasts back into place. I did manage to step into my white high heels without mishap and, after a quick flick of my hair brush to tidy up around the bun, and another application of lippy, I was ready.

  I hadn’t really planned the evening from this point. That might very well depend on how they reacted to my change of attire. One thing, though, was certain. I hadn’t gone to this trouble to simply give them a chaste peck on the cheek as I waved them goodbye. I was going to open that bedroom door with the intention of getting fucked. I didn’t care if it was one on each end, or one at a time—that depended on them—but I wanted some cock, their cocks to be precise.

  I took a deep breath and opened the door, moving into the doorway and striking a pose. You know the one. One leg ahead of the other, but bent at the knee, flaring out the skirt, one hand by my side, the other above my head, resting on the doorframe for balance, my back arched and pushing my chest out. I’d perfected that pose then and, as you know, I still use it now.

  Both men did a classic double–take. They had no idea what I’d gone into the bedroom to do; they certainly hadn’t expected me to change into something so quickly. Both mouths dropped open, but quickly closed as they rose to their feet. I checked the drapes were shut as I’d asked, but I noticed they’d left the lights on full—not tried to dim them at all.

  Frank stepped toward me, took my hand and raised it to his lips. He planted a series of lightning fast, tiny kisses on the back of my hand then looked me in the eyes. He made sure he kept my hand in his, only inches from his face. “You look wonderful, Sammie. Adorable.”

  Ric came up beside him and I lowered my other hand. He took the hint and grabbed that, repeating the same motions as his brother. “I agree. You are such a sexy woman.”

  I smiled. I mean, what woman doesn’t like being paid a compliment, especially when she’d gone to a lot of trouble to prepare herself? They had no idea how much trouble I’d gone to—they only knew about the dress. “Thank you, guys.”

  Frank had a serious look on his face. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I nodded, broadening my smile. “I’m sure.”


  I giggled. He was asking me how I wanted them to seduce me. The question was absurd but, given the situation, I guess it was to be expected.

  Ric nudged his brother. “Put some music on, Frank.”

  My eyes widened in fake surprise. “I’m not going to dance for you. Nor am I stripping.”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not suggesting you do. I am suggesting you might like to dance with us. Any undressing can be safely left to us.”

  “Oh, are you sure about that?”

  His voice dropped a full octave. “I’m very sure.”

  My voice caught in my throat as Frank moved across to the stereo I had in the corner. I’ve upgraded that since, but it was good enough for its purpose. Some nondescript rock music filled the room and then he pushed a couple of pre-sets on the radio, and found a slower station, one playing a ballad. Ric pulled on my hand and guided me to the middle of the room. That’s when I noticed they’d moved the couch a couple of feet backward. Obviously, the conversation I’d tried to overhear had been about how they wanted to proceed. That was fine by me. I loved to dance and the idea of being handed off as each of them cut in on the other was exciting for me.

  Ric pulled me in to him, his arms going around my back. By instinct, my arms went around his neck as we started to sway to the music. I felt my breasts move inside the Merry Widow, but they didn’t lift all the way out, only a little. I wondered just how risqué the show would become once the dress was removed, but decided that didn’t matter. By the time my dress was off, the corset would only turn them on more, irrespective of it covering or merely lifting my breasts.

  We danced around in a circle then, with my back to his brother, Ric lowered his face to mine, pressing his lips against mine. I’ll give him credit. He didn’t go for an immediate tongue twirling type of kiss. He just moved his lips over mine, never still, questing. The passion ignited and my fingers curled around the back of his neck, pulling him harder against me. My lips parted and I pushed my tongue out tentatively. His hands slid up my back, pulling my upper body tighter against him. I noticed the moment he jumped slightly, and I guessed that was the point where he realized I was wearing a corset rather than a strapless bra. His tongue met mine and a moment later thrust into my mouth.

  I felt a presence behind me, and then another pair of hands started to gently caress my ass. I’d misjudged the two of them; they weren’t going to change off and one watch while the other danced with me. They were both going to dance with me at the same time, making me the meat in the sandwich.

  That thought sent another wave of heat into my core. Frank pressed against me from the back and again I could feel the moment he found out I was wearing a Merry Widow. In each case the discovery made the press harder against me.

  I loved every second of it as both of them lavished their attention on me. Just me. After a couple of minutes of Ric kissing me, he untangled my arms from around his neck and spun me around into Frank’s arms. As soon as his brother started kissing me, Ric started playing with my ass through my dress. Frank brought one hand up into the slight gap between us and started gently running his hand over my breasts, feeling the outline of the Merry Widow.

  He broke the kiss. “I bet you look spectacular in this.”

  “Well, there’s only one way for you to find out, isn’t there?”

  “Ric, help me lift the dress off her.”


  He was taken aback and the movement behind me stilled. “No?”

  I smiled. “Not that observant of you. The dress goes down, not up.”

  “Oh, I see. I’m sure we can accommodate you that way.”

  He backed off a few inches, and behind me Ric did the same. Frank’s hands rose to my shoulders as I lowered my own hands to my sides. I smiled as I watched him—he was concentrating. I wasn’t sure what Ric was doing behind me, but I guessed I’d find out when he joined his brother in removing my dress. I tried not to shiver in anticipation. My nipples were screaming for me to let their distended engorged presence free from their confinement. Lower down, my pussy was screaming for a different kind of attention.

  Frank slipped the spaghetti straps off my shoulders and down onto my arms. This time I couldn’t suppress the shiver. He chuckled, and I felt Ric’s hands touch my arms, sliding down and snagging the straps, pulling them down past my elbows. In front Frank was watching my chest as the dress was dragged down, revealing more and more of it to his eyes.

  “Enjoying t
he view?” I giggled.

  He licked his lips. “I will be in a minute. Did you say her tits were out of this world, Ric?”

  The sudden reminder of the fact Ric had seen them before that fateful Friday last week, and was looking forward to seeing them again, was like a shower of water hitting my face. But rather than douse my ardor, it seemed to fan the flames. The dress caught on the top edge of the corset and stuck there for a moment. Ric’s hands were almost level with mine now, the straps about to pass over my wrists.

  Frank lifted his hands to the center of my chest and gently plucked at the dress, stopping it snagging. As soon as he’d freed it he let go, and the pull from Ric was enough to cascade the white cotton down to my waist. I glanced down and gasped. The Merry Widow was caught on a line only just above my nipples. Almost half of my areolas were peeking above the top of it, a dark stain on my breasts that drew Frank’s eyes.

  “Wow. That was a brave way to wear it.”

  I chuckled. “No. Every time I raised my arm, the corset slipped. I had to adjust it twice just putting the dress on.”

  “Don’t worry about adjusting it again. You really don’t need to. You were right, bro, her tits are fantastic.”

  Usually the cruder terminology would be a big turn-off. For some reason, that wasn’t true that night. Each time one of them described a part of me I quivered in reaction. My panties were soaking, and I was getting close to needing relief. The straps had fallen clear of my hands and Frank spun me around so Ric could see the view his brother had been admiring.

  “Fuck, Sammie, you are beautiful. Fantastic rack, baby. Fantastic.”

  His words made me shudder and I felt Frank’s hands at my waist as he started to ease the dress all the way off. The top bit was the hard part where the corset pushed my breasts out, making the dress tighter. Conversely, it pulled my waist in and that made it easier for the dress to come off my bottom half. Within seconds my feet were surrounded by a circle of white cotton and, for the first time, they could feast their eyes on my naked thighs above the stockings, the garters cutting down the side accentuating the tone of my skin.

  “Wow! You seriously know how to dress sexy. It’s a good job Dad’s never seen you like this—he’d have a coronary.”

  I fought down the embarrassment—if only they knew. I guess I only partially succeeded, but they read it a different way—embarrassment at the thought, rather than the deed.

  Frank’s hands returned to my ass and I pushed it back into him as Ric started to kiss under my ear—little fleeting butterfly kisses that drove me wild. I gasped, hung my head back and allowed him access. He continued to move down from just under my ear, along the line of my jaw and then to that sensitive point in the hollow of my neck. Frank’s fingers were pinching and pressing now, not just fondling, and I was getting really hot.

  Ric kissed across the top of my left breast then, straightening up, nodded to Frank. This time they only turned me part of the way—they could both work on my front with me standing between them. They pressed against my hips and my hands dipped, pushing them away a little. Then my fingers curled around their hard cocks, one on each side. Their heads moved onto my chest, both of them raining kisses down on the upper slopes of my breasts, moving ever closer to the exposed half-moons of my areolas.

  Their hands weren’t idle either. Each had a hand on my ass, while the other hands stroked the front of my thighs, working closer and closer to my soaking wet pussy. They were obviously experienced at working on a woman together, and I idly wondered if I knew any of the girls who’d experienced this particular form of heaven before. My eyes shot wide open as I thought about one particular possible recipient. I knew their Dad was sexually perverted but—could they, would they—could they have done this with Sarah? Was that why there was so much friction between them and their sister—they’d been practicing incest?

  That shocking thought brought a gasp from me, and at the same time their fingers reached my pussy. As I felt the pressure of them pressing against my slit through my panties I came. I’m not sure if it had been the forbidden licentious thoughts, or their contact with my very core, but I orgasmed and squealed as they both started to rub on the front of my underwear—my wet underwear.

  As I came down from the high of my climax I could see they’d stopped kissing my breasts and were staring at them now. Their hands moved to the bottom of the corset and they pulled it sharply. I gasped as it slipped down, my breasts popping out of the top.

  “Magnificent, Sammie. Magnificent.”

  Then two mouths fastened on a nipple each. Two tongues bathed my little rock hard buds, and two sets of teeth bit down on them. I writhed under the onslaught. Their free hands moved to my hips, thumbs hooking into the waistband of my panties and jerking them down onto my thighs. A moment later the scrap of wet lace joined my dress on the floor.

  “Shall we take this through to the bedroom, baby?”

  I nodded, unable to speak as tremors ran through my body.

  Frank was nearest the door. He just leaned against it, pressing it open. I’d left the light on in there, ready for when the three of us moved through. With one leading me by the hands, the other following me, his hands rubbing my naked ass, they maneuvered me into the bedroom and then onto the bed itself. I collapsed on my stomach, my head turned to one side to watch. Frank stood in front of me as he quickly stripped off his T-shirt. Similar sounds came from the foot of the bed and I knew Ric was undressing too. They weren’t shy about being naked in front of each other, confirming my thought that this wasn’t the first time the brothers had double-teamed a girl.

  I twisted my head to watch as Ric unzipped his fly and lowered his jeans, then turned my attention back to Frank in time to see him drop his boxers to the floor. His cock was no bigger than average, but thick and, given the way they’d positioned themselves, he was going for my mouth. I remembered then what their father had said. Ric had only had my mouth that Friday night which was why he was at the foot of the bed—he wanted first crack at my drooling pussy. A quick glance confirmed he, too, was naked, hard and ready, but his cock wasn’t as thick around as his brother’s—same sort of length, just not as thick. Neither of them measured up to the dildo their father had made me use earlier in the day—neither as long nor as thick. They didn’t measure up to their father either.

  I felt the bed shift as Ric climbed up behind me, then again as Frank climbed on in front of me. I concentrated on catching my breath as they prepared themselves. Frank reached out and grabbed my arms, pulling me to the middle of the bed, then gently lifted me onto my elbows. Behind me, Ric did something similar, twisting and moving me until I was on my knees as well. I felt his legs brush against the inside of my thighs, then I felt his fingers on my pussy, holding me open so he could guide himself into me. I moaned in anticipation. This was what tonight was all about—everything up until now had been just the appetizer.

  I could feel my legs trembling as he pushed the end of his prick against my outer lips, then in between them.

  “She’s so fucking hot for this she’s shaking.”

  “Just fuck her, Bro. I want her mouth around my cock, and I want it in her throat.”

  I groaned and, opening my mouth, hung my head down as Ric eased himself in. I was so wet I could probably just have taken him all the way with a single thrust, but he was being careful, making sure I was ready. I was more than just ready for him—for them. I wanted it all, and I wanted it now.

  I lifted my head as Ric slid all the way in and stared into Frank’s face. “Feed me that fucking cock.”

  I leaned my head back and opened my mouth wide. Frank moved forward and positioned his cock in front of me, letting the end tap on my lips. The analogy of him knocking on the door filled my mind and I almost giggled but suppressed it. Ric was waiting for me to do to his brother what I’d done to him and two others the week before.

  Without giving Frank warning, I opened my mouth as wide as possible and then pushed down on him. I swallo
wed his cock whole, despite his thickness. One moment his cock was touching my lips, the next the end was in my throat.


  How I loved to get that reaction.

  “I told you she was the best cock-sucker I’d ever had, didn’t I?”

  “Wow! Baby, you’re fucking good at that. Fucking great.”

  I held him there for a few seconds then felt Ric pull out. As he pushed forward I pushed back at him, lifting my head off Frank so that only his end was in my mouth. He filled it even so. It was that thick my tongue was squashed right against the bottom. Ric started to pull out and I dropped forward again.

  I guess they both got the idea because, within a very short space of time, we’d established a rhythm. It was fantastic, I’d felt nothing like it. Those two times in the bar, and the week before in Jim’s flat, the men hadn’t worked together, not properly, and not with me fully cooperating with them. Sure, I’d fucked them. I’d moved and I’d enjoyed it, climaxing repeatedly. This, though, had taken things to a whole new level. Within a couple of minutes I was cumming, and a couple of minutes later I came again.

  Four climaxes later, Ric started to speed up and I could feel Frank’s cock swelling in my mouth. I stopped moving my head, just holding his end in my mouth as he fired off several streams of cum to fill my mouth. I had to swallow to stop it running out, and Frank slipped his cock free and rolled out of the way. I dropped my head to the duvet, leaving my ass in the air as Ric grabbed my waist with his hands, using that as leverage to use me like a fuck doll. It was an incredible experience and I think I came again before he finally filled my pussy with his hot cum and he too rolled out and away.


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