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Hawk: Jagged Edge Series #3

Page 8

by A. L Long

  The last thing I needed was another male to deal with. Hawk was enough for me. As cute as Victor was, there wasn’t anything that could convince me to have dinner with him.

  By the time we made it to the apartment it was midnight. After we left Merrill’s office, Merrill began quizzing us about what had happened at the pool tables. There really wasn’t anything that I could tell him, other than my opinion on the whole matter. One thing I did tell him was that testosterone and liquor didn’t mix.


  Saying our good nights, Nikki made herself as comfortable as possible on the couch, while I went to my bedroom. Slipping under the covers, I was beginning to think about the guy at the bar. Then I began to think about Hawk. I couldn’t believe I was thinking this, but I wondered what it would feel like to be taken by two men at one time. I knew that it was something I would never do in real life, but still, it had been something that I had fantasized about.

  As I laid on the bed, I began to think about Hawk and how much I missed him. Then I began to think about Victor and how attracted I was to him even though I shouldn’t be. Rolling over on my side, I closed my eyes. The only thing I saw was Hawk and then Victor. “How could I possibly be attracted to two men who were completely different from each other?” I thought to myself. Reaching under the covers, I could feel the wetness of my panties as I slipped my hand underneath the silky fabric. I couldn’t believe how aroused I was thinking about these two men. Spreading my slick folds with my index finger, I began gently rubbing my finger between them, feeling the pleasure that it made. With my thumb, I found my clit and began applying circular movements on the hard nub. My body began moving, grinding against the feel of my finger. Needing more, I dipped my finger inside my vagina.

  There was only one thought in my mind: the fantasy I knew I would never experience in reality. Just the thought of being taken by two men at one time had my mind spinning and my body on fire. Continuing in my fantasy world, I placed the index finger of my other hand in my mouth, covering it with saliva, and lowered it to my nipple as I began swirling it around the taut peak. All I could see was Victor’s mouth, sucking and licking my breast, while Hawk’s mouth was on my pussy working wonders on my clit. Imagining being pleasured in this unheard of way had my body expelling the most intense release that it had ever felt. Feeling guilty for feeling such pleasure from a desire I knew I could never have, I rose from the bed and went to the shower to remove the remnants of my naughty thoughts. This experience, I knew, I would never be able to share with anyone.



  Tossing and turning, all I could think about was the way Paige looked when she and Nikki went through the back entrance of the bar. I wanted to take her right then. She was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. When I saw that guy walk over to her table while Nikki was playing pool, I just about lost it. I knew I needed to keep my cool, especially considering the last time a guy laid his hands on her. So just like a fly in a corner, I just sat back and watched. Whatever he was saying to her was making her face light up with delight. I wished that I could have gotten close enough to hear what was going on.

  Unable to stand it anymore, I got up to get something to drink. It was killing me knowing that there might be another man that could give her more than I could. One thing I did know was that I needed to find out who this guy was. I was glad that I was smart enough to pull my phone out and get a quick picture of him. One way or another, I was going to find out who this guy was.

  Knowing that sleeping would be a lost cause, I decided to get up and go for a drive. Maybe some fresh air would clear my head. Grabbing my keys, I headed out the door. Putting the Mustang in reverse, I backed out of the parking space and headed south to Boomer Lake. It was early in the morning and the sun still hadn’t made its appearance. I knew that it was late enough that the lake should be fairly deserted. Most of the high school lovebirds should be long gone.

  When I reached my favorite spot, I looked out the windshield and admired the moon shining on the glassy water. Everything was so different here. It was like being in a whole different world. No stress, no pressure, just me and the quietness. As I sat on the rock, everything began playing in my mind. From the time I was a teenager dealing with all the shit that happened, to when I was in Iraq, living yet another kind of hell. If it hadn’t been for my brothers who served with me, I might have been a statistic just like all the other vets who either committed suicide or were committed to a nuthouse.

  Then there was Paige, the one thing that I felt was good in my life. The only thing was, it felt like even that was slipping away. If she knew what I really desired, she would be gone forever. I needed to make sure that if I was going to take things to the next level with her, I didn’t reveal what I truly wanted. What I truly craved.

  Watching the sun come up in the distance, I decided I needed to get back to town. I was totally exhausted even though I was unable to sleep. That didn’t change when I got back to the motel. My only other option was to take the one thing that I tried to avoid taking. Drugs weren’t my thing, but when my body was beyond exhausted and I needed to have some rest, it was the only thing that would help. After popping two pills in my mouth, I stretched my body on the lumpy mattress and closed my eyes.


  When I woke up the next morning, or rather afternoon, my head ached like I drank a full bottle of Jack. Even though the narcotic drug I took helped me sleep, I didn’t like the way it made me feel when I woke. I didn’t like not having a clear head. I wasn’t sure what was the worst of the two evils, being totally exhausted or having a headache the size of the Grand Canyon.

  Pushing from the bed, I headed to the bathroom for a cold shower. Maybe that would alleviate some of the pressure in my head. Stripping off my jeans and t-shirt, I turned on the water to the shower. As the cool water hit my body, I could already feel the pressure lessen. Now the only thing to worry about was the erection I was sporting. Thoughts of Paige had been the only thing on my mind from the minute I took the diazepam to when I woke up. Everything in between was a complete blank. All I knew was that she was the cause of the hardness of my cock. Lowering my hand, I wrapped it around the shaft and began stroking it up and down, trying to relieve the pressure that had been building. I wish that it had been Paige satisfying my urge to spill. Closing my eyes, I did the only thing I could do, relieve myself.

  Once I finished with my task. I got dressed and headed out the door to Paige’s place. It was a short drive from where I was staying. Pulling around Hell’s Gate into the alley, I parked the Mustang at the foot of the steps leading to her apartment. Taking the steps two at a time, I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer. The only thing I could see was Nikki’s face as she pulled back the curtain. Opening the door and stepping to the side, I tipped my head to her and asked, “Is Paige here?”

  “Yeah, she’s in her room. I’ll go get her,” Nikki replied.

  “No problem, I know where it is at,” I said.

  Walking toward Paige’s bedroom, I noticed the empty bottles of wine sitting on the small table in front of the couch. The girls must have had a fun time last night after they left the bar. Turning my head back to the short hall, I headed to her room. Knocking lightly on the door, I heard a faint, “Come in,” from the other side. The minute I opened the door, I could smell the hint of jasmine and vanilla in the air. Paige wasn’t in her room, which only meant she had to be in the bathroom. Trying not to step on the mounds of clothing that were spread across the floor, I made my way to the slightly opened door to the bathroom. Pushing the door open, my heart began to race as I took in the perfect scenery of Paige laying in a bath full of bubbles with some sort of gel mask across her eyes.

  Hearing the creak of the door, she lifted the mask from her eyes and looked over at me. The expression on her face told me that she wasn’t expecting to see me standing at the door. “What are you doing here, Hawk? Don’t you know how to knock?” she said, surpri

  “I did knock, you told me to come in,” I reminded her.

  “Yeah, well, that was only because I thought you were Nikki. Can you please turn around while I finish?” she demanded, raising her hand and making a circle with her index finger.

  As I began turning so my back was to her, a small smile framed my face as I thought how nice it would have felt to climb in that tub with her and give her what she wanted. There was a small chair in the corner of the room, which I turned and sat on with the back facing the door and my arms resting on it while I straddled the seat. Taking a deep breathe, I began my interrogation. “So, tell me how much you know about Nikki?”

  “Why would you want to know about Nikki?” she asked, as the water began sloshing around her.

  “Everything that has happened over the past couple of days began the minute she got to town. Seems kinda odd, don’t you think?”

  “If you are talking about that SUV that showed up at the lake, yeah, it seems kind of strange,” she replied.

  “It’s not only that, Paige, It’s the scene she caused with her shoulder. Did you know she is some sort of contortionist and that she wasn’t hurt at all?” I argued.

  “What are you talking about, Hawk? She was really hurt.”

  “No, not really. Spoke with the doc. Nikki is double jointed in her shoulder and was able to pop it out of place just long enough for us to think she was hurt,” I admitted.

  “I can’t believe that,” Paige countered.

  “There is something you should know. The SUV that showed up at the lake belongs to some international diplomat. I had one of the guys check the plate number for me. Do you know if Nikki has any ties or family overseas?” I questioned.

  I wasn’t sure if Paige was surprised to hear what I just shared with her, or if she was thinking about her friend. “Paige, did you hear what I just said?”

  “What? Yeah, I heard. There is no way she would or could be involved with anything like that. I personally think it was a coincidence. Maybe whoever was in the SUV was sightseeing or something,” she replied.

  I tried to keep my eyes peeled on the bathroom door as I heard Paige release the plug in the tub. I knew that soon she would be standing and her beautiful body would be on display. Taking a chance. I turned my head slightly, watching her climb out of the tub and hunt for a towel. Little did she know that it was currently under my ass. I knew I should have laid it on the counter so she could grab it and cover herself once she finished her bath, but I wanted to see that gorgeous body of hers. Lifting my ass from the chair. I picked up the towel and walked over to where she was still looking for it. With her back to me, I wrapped the towel around her small frame and spun her around. As we looked at each other, I could see the desire she had in her eyes. Moving a stray hair that had fallen over her eye, I lowered my head and gently kissed her on her soft lips. When her mouth opened, letting me in, I knew that she did indeed desire me and what I was offering. Swirling our tongues together in perfect unison, I deepened the kiss and clutched her tight ass in my hands, squeezing the creamy flesh.

  There wasn’t enough room in the bathroom to do what I needed to do to her, so I lifted her body from the floor with my lips on hers and my hands cinched tightly on her ass. I walked out of the bathroom to her bed, which was also covered in clothes. Releasing one hand from her body, I swung it across the bed, sending her clothes flying across the room. Placing her gently on the mattress, her eyes fell closed and I began unbuttoning my 501’s. Paige’s arms stretched above her head. God, how I wanted to tie them to the headboard at that moment. As I pulled down my jeans, I noticed a blue scarf on the floor just calling my name. Grabbing it, I went to the head of the bed, took hold of her wrists and wrapped the silky material around each wrist. Securing her to the spindles on the headboard, I took in the sight of her gorgeous body. Her breasts were pulled tight with her nipples at full attention, just waiting to be caressed.

  Kneeling beside her, I lowered my head to her taut nipple and began kissing and sucking, making circular movements with the tip of my tongue. God, how I loved the sight of her breasts. So perfect in every aspect of the word. Feeling the arch of her back, I grabbed the condom that I laid on the nightstand before I grabbed the scarf. I wanted to worship her until every inch of her body was completely sensitized with my touch. Taking her by the ankles, I quickly flipped her body over, exposing her luscious ass. My hands slowly moved down her soft body until they reached the apex of her ass. Taking my index finger, I parted her cheeks and glided it down to the entrance of her vagina, where I found her hot and wet, ready to be taken. Not just yet though, I wanted to play with this tantalizing body just a little longer. Bringing my finger to my lips I stuck it in my mouth, tasting her, enjoying every drop of her sweet nectar. “God, you have the sweetest pussy I have ever tasted,” I breathed as I finished cleaning my finger.

  I could hear her moan into the pillow as her hips began rising off of the bed, sending her perfect ass my way. It took everything I had to hold back what I wanted to do to her body. Placing my finger between her folds, I once again lapped up her juices, spreading her sweet honey along her backside until I felt her tiny pucker. I wanted so badly to take her there, but I knew she wasn’t ready. I was well blessed and I didn’t want to hurt her. She needed to be prepared before I entered her tight ass. Leaning over her arched body, I whispered softly in her ear, “One day your tight little ass will be mine.” With my finger still moving up and down her slick folds, I felt the onset of her release coating my already soaked finger. Finding her sweet entrance, I slipped my finger inside her, reveling in the tightness of her pussy as it gripped my finger.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. My cock was throbbing and needed attention before I exploded before I even had a chance to get me some of that hot pussy. Ripping the wrapper off the condom, I placed the lubricated latex over my cock and expertly rolled it on with one hand. This was something I perfected over the years. Being able to fuck a chick fast and hard gave me the inspiration to perfect that technique. Within seconds my cock was sheathed and pushing its way inside her. Making slow movements, I began working my dick inside her while my finger made circular movements around her anus. All I could think about was how nice it would be to have a butt plug in that tight ass of hers while fucking her tight pussy.

  Pushing deeper inside her, her hips lifted higher. I needed to go deeper. Being in the perfect position, I reached around her body with my free hand and lifted her from the bed while commanding her, “Wrap your sexy legs around my waist, baby.”

  She did as she was told, giving me the deepest penetration possible. With each thrust of my cock inside her, I could feel the walls of her pussy tighten around me like a vice-grip. Every pull of my cock sent me to a whole new world as she held on to me, squeezing and pushing against me. “Oh God, baby, your pussy is driving me crazy,” I yelled, feeling the juices of her vagina coat my hard cock. With her moans of release, I lost all control and spilled my own juices inside the confines of the latex rubber. Falling over her, I rested my head against her shoulder and listen as her breathing began to even out. I have fucked so many women in my lifetime, but none would ever compare to what she just gave me. Pure Heaven.



  Looking around the room, I wasn’t sure what got into me. My room looked like a tornado hit it. I must have pulled every article of clothing that I owned from my closet and my drawers. I still didn’t find what I was looking for. Now more than ever, I needed to find it. After what Hawk said about the SUV, I knew it was only a matter of time before he would find out the real truth. Nikki had no ties to that SUV. It was just a coincidence that she showed up in Stillwater just about the time things started getting weird. I needed to let her know what was going on.

  Pushing to my feet, I looked back over to Hawk, who was still sleeping like a baby. “God, he’s gorgeous,” I thought to myself as I headed to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I finished, I went to the kit
chen to begin brewing my fix of caffeine. Nikki was snoring away on the couch like an old man. I had never in my life heard such an awful sound come out of such a pretty face. With everything ready, I turned on the coffee maker and walked over to Nikki. Leaning over her. I pinched her nose with my thumb and index finger. I almost peed my pants when she started to slap air. I had never seen anything like in in my life.

  Removing my fingers, I heard her gasp for air. I felt really bad the minute she sat up and a look of terror spread across her face. “Don’t you ever, I mean ever, do that again, Paige,” she yelled, spilling tears from her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Nikki. I didn’t think it was going to cause such a reaction in you. What is going on with you? I’ve never seen anyone react like that.” I asked.

  “Well, you would react like that too if someone cut off your air,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  Sitting next to her, I held out my hand and said, “Truce.”

  I knew she forgave me as she reached out and shook my hand. Patting her on the knee, I advised, “Coffee’s done. Do you want a cup?”

  “Hell yeah, I want cup,” she said.

  Pushing up from the couch, I walked back to the kitchen and poured each of us a cup of Java. Walking back to her with two cups of coffee in hand, I handed her one and took a seat beside her. As she sipped her coffee, I knew this was as good a time as ever. “Hawk thinks that the SUV at the lake had something to do with you. He got information that it belonged to an international diplomat, which could only mean one thing. They found me.” I started, taking a sip of coffee. “I need you to do me a favor, Nikki.”


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