Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3)

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Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3) Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  He touched her arm as soon as he opened the door. “I want to take you over the threshold.” Before she could say no he had lifted her effortlessly and strode purposefully towards the master bedroom putting her down onto the bed. He was not even breathing hard! “I have been training my whole life for this,” he bent before her and took off her shoes passing his hands over her thighs gently before sliding upwards. He went on his knees before her and slipped the dress over her head. “I love you so much that it hurts,’ he admitted as he cupped her full generous breasts. “Every day with you is like the first day of the rest of my life and I want to thank you for coming into my life,” he blinked, his green eyes bright as he fought the emotions crowding inside him. “I never knew about trust in another person until I met you. I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you that I mean every word I say. I am home baby and I want you to remember that.”

  “You are overdressed,” she told him shakily reaching down to unbutton his shirt and spreading her hands over his chest feeling the springy expanse of hair there. “I love you Jeffry and I always will. You have shown me that there is hope in this world and that good men still exist. You have showed me that love does not have to be commonplace, it can be extraordinary and I am going to spend the rest of my life being faithful to you and loving you with a passion that I cannot put words to.” The shirt fell from him and onto the carpeted floor.

  “I want all of you,” he told her thickly as he ran his hands over her skin causing her to tingle. “I want to plant my seed inside you,” his hands ventured down to her stomach. “I want to see you growing with my child and I am going to cherish you for the rest of my life.”

  “How about starting now,” she touched his face tenderly.


  “It is not official yet but I do believe that I am pregnant.” She told him whimsically.

  “Diana,” he reached up to hold her face between his hands. “Say it again.”

  “I am pregnant with your child my darling,” she whispered running her fingers through his hair. “I think it happened the night you came to find me at the apartment and you never let me sleep. I started feeling woozy and certain kinds of food turns me off. I did not think about it because of the rush of preparing for the wedding.”

  “Christ baby! I don’t think I can take anything more.” He took her lips with his suddenly, his mouth rough on hers then gentling. He stood up suddenly and got undressed coming beside her on the bed. “I just want to hold you for a little bit,” he whispered huskily as his arms closed around her. “My wife and the mother of my child. I just want to hold you.” And he did allowing the tears to fall!

  The end... but wait:

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  Her Billionaire Client

  Can she protect the man she's falling for?

  A complete story, brought to you by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Since her husband and son died in a car accident three years ago, Christina has never been the same.

  Now working at her brother-in-law's security firm, she takes each day as it comes, just content to get by.

  That is, until the firm's new client walks through the door.

  Billionaire Nathan and his son are under threat, and they need help to stay alive.

  And despite an early disagreement and Christina wanting to dislike him, she soon finds her self attracted to her new client.

  Soon the two embark on a passionate relationship, one that helps both move forward with their lives and hang ups.

  But with Nathan's issues putting both of them in mortal danger, will they survive long enough for their relationship to fully form?

  Find out in this sexy, hard hitting romance by respected author Erica A Davis.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll want your own billionaire hunk.

  Copyright © 2015 to Erica A Davis and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  The day started badly for Christina Maudsley when she turned into the parking lot outside her workplace. A large black BMW surged in from the opposite direction, appearing out of nowhere, and cut in front of her, missing her front bumper by mere inches. Putting the brakes on sharply she brought her old car to a halt and slapped the steering wheel with her fist.

  "You bastard!"

  She watched as he pulled in fast across two spaces further down the lot. Fury boiling, Christina moved her car to her usual space and climbed out, grabbing her bag. She was going to have it out with him. She was not going to end up in a twisted lump of metal again. The scars had barely gone from last time.

  Barely stopping to lock up, she charged down the sidewalk towards the driver of the BMW, who had climbed out and was locking up. From the back he was black-haired and the cut of his suit was upwards of twenty grand. Typical. A rich guy who thought he owned the road.

  She planted her hands on her hips and glared at his back.

  "Would you watch where you're going?"

  The driver turned and Christina faltered. Oh, my. Of all the people, the driver to cut her off had to be handsome. No one deserved to be that good-looking. The black suit, white shirt and dark blue tie all cost more than Christina's monthly salary. It fit his slim frame like a glove, not hiding the muscular contours of his body. Christina's mind momentarily wandered to the dark and dirty part in her brain, wondering what else on his body looked good. His black hair was immaculate, not a hair out of place, a natural tan with dark eyes that regarded her in surprise.

  "Excuse me?"

  Christina shoved her dirty thoughts away and gave him a dark scowl.

  "You heard me. Are you blind? You cut me off and I nearly lost control of the car."

  If she was expecting an apology she didn't get it. He merely shrugged and adjusted the sleeves on his shirt.

  "Then you should've taken more driving lessons." He said offhandedly.

  Christina's temper flared. She couldn't believe his attitude. He was acting as if she was beneath him. People saw her dark skin and her simple, tatty clothes, and assumed that she was not even worth their while.

  Then she saw something in the back of the car and her blood went cold. He didn't drive like that when...surely?

  She focused back on him.

  "Maybe you should join me. We could both learn something and you might even keep your kid alive."

  That had the desired effect. His face darkened and he approached her, standing on the sidewalk as he towered over her. At five-nine, it wasn't often men towered over Christina but he certainly did. Christina pushed aside her momentary thoughts of how good his cologne smelled and locked eyes with him.

  "What did you say?" He growled, his expression furious.

  "I noticed the child seat in the back. If you're going to drive like that, be prepared to say bye-bye to them. Because you'll crash and end up dead and if your child is with you they'll end up dead as well because they won't have a chance in hell of surviving a high-speed crash."

  Flashbacks of that night three years ago came back to haunt her. Little Alex's face floated across her mind's eye and Christina immediately shut him out. Now was not the time.

  His fists clenched as if he wanted to hit her but he just made do with stepping in close, his chest almost brushing against hers. His voice was low when he spoke, low and dangero

  "Don't you tell me how to be a parent."

  "Then don't drive like a damn lunatic." Christina snapped. Having him standing that close was doing something to her body that made her want to blush. "You want to drive like that, go find a race-track. Don't do it on public roads."

  His eyes flared and they flickered down to her lips and then back up again as a look of disgust passed across his face. Christina thought for a moment he had wanted to kiss her but then realized where his thoughts were going.

  "You deserve to be spanked, young lady."

  An image of her lying across his thighs as he smacked her backside with his hand shot into Christina's head. She blushed as arousal bubbled in her stomach and glared at him, shoving him in the chest enough to make him step back.

  "Try it and I'll knock you on your ass." She glanced in disgust at the BMW. His parking was just as atrocious. "Drive safely and you'll be able to see your kid another day."

  Then she turned away before he could answer and stormed off. Fury argued with desire in her body and she was sure if she stayed any longer she would either punch him or kiss him. Neither of them sounded like a good idea; he would probably sue her for what she had just said to him. It would be wise to get out of there while she could.

  She was still seething as she climbed the stairs to the suite of offices the security firm she worked for owned. It was going to take a while before her temper calmed and she needed to bury herself in her work to forget.

  It had been three years since her accident and it was still raw in her mind. And work was only just taking the edge off.

  Her boss was in the main office area talking to one of his employees when Christina banged through the door. He raised an eyebrow at her entrance.

  "You okay, Chris?"

  "No. Got cut off by a flashy guy in a flashy car." Christina caught herself from calling the driver hot in time. "He thought he owned the road and had the gall to tell me I needed driving lessons."

  Leo Connor chuckled.

  "And you handed his balls to him on a plate, did you?"

  "Very nearly." Christina tugged her hair tie out and gathered her tresses into a tighter ponytail. "What have we got on today?"

  "It's very quiet right now. I've got a meeting with a client in a few minutes so I'll be busy for a bit. Would you finish off your report and have it on my desk by midday?"

  "No problem."

  Christina went to her desk and dropped her bag on the floor. She plopped down into the chair and switched on her computer. This was her domain. As the computer expert, she was much at home with electronics. They were her baby now. It wasn't much of a replacement for Alex but it managed.

  She heard the door to their offices open as she logged in and heard Leo greeting the visitor. Evidently this was the client he was waiting for.

  "Nathan, good to see you again."

  "And you, Leo."

  Christina froze. That voice. She knew it too well. She looked up and her eyes locked with the man she'd had a confrontation with a moment before downstairs. Her breath caught in her chest. No. He wasn't Leo's client. He couldn't be.

  He was looking at her curiously with a raised eyebrow. A twinkle flickered in his eye and a sardonic smile touched his lips. Leo looked between them in slight confusion before ushering him towards his office closed off at the back.

  Christina watched them go the whole way. The minute the door closed she slumped in her seat, rubbing her hands over her face.

  "You have got to be kidding me."


  Nathan watched Christina through the half-open blinds. Her head was bowed as she typed furiously at her computer, large librarian-type glasses propped on her nose. Her hair was long, barely contained by her hair tie as it trailed down her back like a black curtain. It was kept away from an oval, petite face that defied her height, her dark skin looking as smooth as marble. He wondered if it was soft to the touch.

  Being confronted by her had been an experience. No one challenged him, not even women. Especially not women; they usually flocked around him, draping themselves over him. The ones he knew were in for the big haul were the ones who weren't put off by the fact he had a three-year-old son. But even then they balked eventually.

  Not this one. She had stood up to him, pure fire in her eyes. If they had been passing in the street, her worn clothes would not have awarded her a second glance. But on closer inspection Nathan saw she was a beautiful woman.

  The animation and passion in her scolding would have been amusing if not for the content. After last night, it struck a nerve.

  He should be angry at her and tell Leo to fire her for her behavior. But he couldn't stop staring at her.

  "I take it you've met our resident computer tech Christina."

  Nathan turned. Leo was sitting behind his desk, boasting a big grin. Six-seven and black as ebony, Leo was an impressive sight. He couldn't hide that he was ex-Special Forces, not with his build and military-style haircut. Even in civilian clothes he acted as if he was still in the military.

  "She's got a mouth on her." Nathan ventured.

  Christina. He liked the name. It suited her. And it suited her that she was a computer expert; she looked the part. In his experience computer experts tended to be geeky and eccentric and they could get away with wearing anything.

  He wondered if she could get away with wearing something a little sexier. Immediately his mind cast an image of Christina lying across the hood of his BMW in a little white lingerie set that left little to the imagination.

  "What did you do to get up her nose?"

  Nathan remembered where he was and coughed, forcing the image away. Now was not the time to be thinking about another conquest.

  "I apparently cut her off when I came into the parking lot." He sat in one of the two leather chairs across from Leo. "Then she started telling me if I kept driving the way I did I was going to kill my kid." He snorted. "She had a nerve."

  The only woman who was allowed to tell him off was his mother. Right up until she died of breast cancer the year before, she was the only one who Nathan allowed to scold him. No other woman, not even his sister, was even given the slightest permission to try.

  Christina broke all the rules. Nathan admired her courage but didn't like that she had used his son as an example, trying to play the guilt card.

  "Maybe's she's right." Leo said. "You do drive too recklessly."

  "Never with Jack in the car."

  "But if you die in a collision, who is going to look after Jack?"

  Nathan groaned.

  "Don't tell me you're taking her side."

  Leo leaned forward, his expression stoic but Nathan saw the warning glow in his eyes.

  "Chris was a victim of a car collision where the culprit was driving too fast and lost control when he overtook her on the freeway. She lost her husband and son in the crash and spent two weeks in a coma." He pointed a finger at Nathan. "People driving like you do are a sore spot with her so a little respect might be in order."

  Nathan was stunned. Then he remembered seeing pain in Christina's eyes when she had talked about Jack. He had wondered about that but knowing now why it had appeared made a lot more sense.

  His heart clenched; he couldn't imagine losing a child like that. It would tear his heart out if Jack died in that situation.


  It was all he could say and it certainly wasn't adequate enough.

  "Exactly." Leo sat back and the warning light disappeared. He was more jovial now. "Okay, now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

  Oh, yes. They were here for a reason. Nathan shifted and forced all thoughts of Christina out of his mind.

  "I was going to hire you but now I'm not so sure."

  "Bull. I'm the best out there and you know it."

  "And you do owe me a favor."

  Leo winced.

  "I wish I hadn't said anything now."

  But he was right. He was the best in the business. Nathan ha
d known Leo since high school and even then had recognized that Leo was going to be the best in his field. He had gotten top honors in the army and he ran one of the best security firms in Seattle.

  Nathan needed that now.

  "I've been getting death threats." He said simply. "There have also been attempts to sabotage my company."

  "You think the two are connected?"

  "Absolutely. I thought my last security team could handle it." Nathan's gut twisted as he remembered the events of the night before. "But then someone got into Jack's room. I found this on my bedside table this morning."

  Hands shaking, he pulled out his wallet and took out the photograph of Jack sleeping peacefully in his bed. There was no written message - there didn't need to be. The message that they could get to his nearest and dearest was clear. He passed it across to Leo, whose jaw tightened when he saw the Polaroid.

  "My God." He frowned at Nathan. "I thought Jack had a nanny."

  "He did."

  "Then how did someone get in to take this? She would've known."

  "She was in my chief of security's room on the other side of the house." Nathan's mouth twisted grimly. "I'll give you three guesses as to what they were doing."

  The image of finding his bodyguard on his back in bed with his son's nanny riding him vigorously with screams enough to tear the house down were still fresh in his mind. Bonny as she was, Nathan didn't want to see that much of her. Or his bodyguard.

  "Needless to say, both of them have been fired. So have the rest of that team. So I now need a new security team and a nanny."

  Leo nodded, looking thoughtful. Without sitting up he reached for his diary and began to flick through it.

  "My sister is in charge of a qualified agency of nannies. I can ask her for a replacement."


  The response was out of Nathan's mouth before he could stop it. He didn't want an agency nanny. Nathan stood up and strode to the window that overlooked the rest of the office, pointing a finger at Christina, who was still typing away, her fingers flying across the keyboard.


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