Men of Steel (Book 1)

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Men of Steel (Book 1) Page 3

by Fields, MJ

  “Yes Carly, my Mom owns a little shop on the boardwalk. She also does tattoos.” Jase smirked at me, “I had your name tattooed on my ass.”

  “Really, that’s interesting,” I picked up a board and started walking away.

  He grabbed my arm, “Wanna see?”

  “No thanks, I will pass,” I pulled my arm away.

  “I am serious Carly. I need to make sure it's spelled right,” Jase laughed and stood in front of me.

  “How does your girlfriend feel about that,” I was calling his bluff. Pretty proud of myself too, I smiled obnoxiously at him.

  “I broke up with her last night, had the tattoo done today,” Jase smiled back.

  I scowled at him, and he laughed, “Care to place a bet?”

  “No,” I looked past him.

  “If your name is not on my ass I will leave you alone. If it is you have to let me…paddle you out and teach you some moves,” he laughed.

  “How about we save the embarrassment and just leave it alone,” I looked down.

  “Nope, I need to know it was spelled correctly Carly,” Jase was not budging, and it was starting to draw attention. A crowd had gathered to witness this already awkward moment.

  “Fine Jase, it’s your ass, not mine,” I smiled and rolled my eyes at the on lookers.

  “Okay you all heard it right?” Jase smiled and looked at me, “If your name is on my ass you have to let me take you out there.”

  “Yes Jase fine.”

  Jase unbuttoned his pants and looked at me,

  “You said your ass Jase, maybe you should turn around,” I laughed and looked at Josh who stood next to me.

  He turned and dropped his pants, completely unashamed and in front of everyone. He had a very nice ass, and a great tan line.

  I laughed when I saw it, and so did everyone else. Jase bent over and pulled his pants up, turned around and smiled, “A bets a bet Carly.”

  “You’re right,” I smiled.

  He took the board from me and walked into the water, and I followed. A bet was a bet.

  “Hop on I will push you out,” Jase held the board still as I pulled myself up and straddled it. He smiled, closed his eyes, and laughed to himself.

  I smacked him in the back of the head, “Lets go.”

  “Hey what was that for?” he smiled and looked down at the board and rubbed it gentle.

  “For that man whore,” I smacked him again and we both laughed.

  “Man whore huh?” Jase chuckled as he pushed the board out into the water.

  “Yep,” I laughed, “Anyone who gets the words Your Name tattooed on their ass just so they have an excuse to drop their pants in public has to be a man whore.”

  Jase jumped up and sat behind me on the board, “It’s a nice ass though huh?”

  I didn’t answer, and he laughed, “So your Mom does tattoo’s?”

  “And piercing,” he pushed my hair off to the side and pulled me back against him.

  “Easy there tiger,” I said but I made no attempt to move away.

  “I don’t have a girlfriend anymore Carly,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Aren’t you out here to teach me some moves?” I attempted to sit forward, and he pulled me back against him.

  “I am trying my damnedest,” he kissed my neck, it sent shivers down my spine, and he kissed it again.

  “Okay… just stop…please,” I am sure I wasn’t trying to lean back into him, but I did.

  He kissed lower down my neck and stopped and rubbed his lips up and down slowly. It was torture. Seriously if I could have pulled away I would have, I am sure I wanted to but it felt so good.

  “Turn around,” he whispered, “I have been dying to kiss those lips Carly.

  I shouldn’t I really shouldn’t, but I was…I really was…

  I stopped and slid into the water, when I surfaced he smiled, “That bad huh?”


  “No?” his smile did things to me, his voice did things to me.

  “No,” it must have sounded as unconvincing as it felt because he was in the water in seconds.

  I pulled myself up and sat on the board, head one, who who zip. Take that who who!

  “What are you doing up there?” Jase smiled.

  “You are drunk,” I whispered as if anyone could hear us we were out much farther than I thought.

  “Buzzed yes, drunk no,” Jase held onto the board and kicked his feet taking us out further.

  “I don’t want my first lip action to be with a boy who is drunk,” I whispered again, what was I whispering for…I don’t know. My head was spinning looking into those damn eyes. My body was doing its own damn thing, and he was smiling, stupid smile.

  “Okay that’s fair,” he slid himself up on the front of the board looking up at me, damn he looked so good, wet, and smiling that smile... He pulled himself up further, less than six inches from me and rested his head on the board. To close, toooo close.

  He took my hand and kissed it, “This okay?”

  “You should get up,” I whispered looking behind us hoping no one would see his head between…

  “I am up, so laying here is giving me just a few second to calm back down,” he groaned and banged his head on the board lightly. I laughed, and he looked up at me and smiled, “Not funny Carly.”

  I rubbed his hair, a very bold move on my part I must admit but hey, he had great hair. He moaned when I lightly scratched my nails across his scalp, “That feel damn good Carly, but it’s not helping.”

  I stopped quickly when I realized what it meant, and he looked up at me and caught me grinning. He laughed and slide down the board into the water.

  He was gone for a long time, and I was starting to panic, “Jase!” he didn’t answer, “Jase!” I said louder.

  He popped up behind me and hugged me from behind, “All better?”

  He laughed, “Yay.”

  “So your Mom does tattoos?”

  “When my dad was still here they had a little restaurant. It didn’t make enough money for her to be able to raise four boys.”

  “You have three brothers?”

  “Yes, I am the second.”

  “That’s cool,” he pushed my hair aside, and I looked up and over my shoulder at him, “Go on.”

  “Oh yay. So she turned it into a piercing place and then it evolved into a tattoo parlor.”

  “That’s cool.”

  “You say cool a lot,” he kissed my neck again, millions of little goose bumps came out strong, head tilting giving him more room to roam, head not in control and I don’t give a damn, pull away Carly pull away.

  “What the hell…is that,” I moaned loudly and immediately sat forward embarrassed, confused, swooning, definitely swooning holy hell!

  He laughed, “Get back here.”

  I didn’t fight him I let him wrap his arm around me and pull me back. I stopped just shy of turning around and climbing on his lap.

  “Tongue ring,” he licked up my neck slowly.

  “Nice,” escaped my mouth. I cleared my throat, “How did I miss that?”

  “Well you haven’t let me kiss you yet Carly,” He laughed.

  “Oh right, so is it much different than kissing without one?” I asked curiously willing myself to sit up.

  He smiled and rubbed his head, “Damn you ask a lot of questions. Yay I guess, but that’s really not the point.”

  I looked back at him, “Then why do it?”

  “It’s for pleasure Carly,” he smiled and shook his head uncomfortably.

  “How does that work?” I didn’t get it at all. Why would a man pierce his tongue to gain pleasure, oh right.

  I looked up at him, and he laughed, “You get it now, not for my pleasure Carly.”

  Change the subject, mayday mayday CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

  “So what’s up with the nipple ring,” I asked as if writing a paper on it.

  He let out a deep breath and laughed, “Nipples are sensitive. It’s for my pleasure.
But it also looks cool.”

  “So why don’t you have any big old holes in your ears or a nose ring,” I giggled.

  “Three piercings are enough,” He crinkled his nose and smiled.

  “Three?” I asked and looked around making him laugh out loud.

  “You wanna see it?” he smiled broadly still laughing.

  “Yay,” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

  He stopped laughing and smirked and raised his eyebrow, “You sure Carly?”

  “Oh. My. God,” I almost shouted, “Didn’t that hurt?”

  “Like hell,” he laughed and shook his head from side to side.

  “Then why?” seriously think before you speak!

  “Started as a dare, then my Mom told me no way in hell, so I went to another shop and go it done,” he smiled, “Rebelling I guess.”

  “Why don’t you get rid of it?”

  “Carly, please baby don’t make me talk anymore about this,” he laughed.

  “Jase are you embarrassed. You said you were going to show me.”

  “Oh Carly, sounds like a dare.”

  “Not a dare…”

  “You could turn around it’s peaking out at you now,” he laughed hard and kissed my neck harder than before.

  I felt something against my back and jumped causing us both to fall in the water. When I finally surfaced he was laughing a full out loud, “Pig!”

  He continued to laugh his eyes sparkling in the moon light he looked amazing, but I couldn’t smile, so I scowled, “That was my finger Carly, gotcha,” he laughed more and so did I.

  We heard someone yelling his name from the shore, “Awe damn it!”

  “Uh oh,” I tried to stop laughing, and he smiled.

  “No big deal, we could stay out here she will eventually go away.”

  “You broke up with her right?”

  “Yep but she is a crazy bitch. You know how many times I have broken up with her,” he laughed, and I looked at him, “Carly?”

  “What?” I asked looking away.

  “I broke up with her so we could spend time together. I am not a cheater, and either are you. Climb up on the board, we will deal with her together,” Jase patted the board, “Tick tock baby. I wont let her hit you Carly.”

  “Hit me!”

  “Told ya she was crazy, probably should have said psycho but…”

  “Jase your freaking me out.”

  “No big deal I promise.”

  “I don’t want her to know,” I swear it freaked me out thinking about a crazy girl wanting to kick my ass, to many lifetime movies maybe but still it’s scary shit.


  Pam screamed Jase at the top of her lungs.

  “That’s why,” I shuttered.

  He smiled at me, “I get it, that’s fine. Not what I want but fine.”

  “Jase, I am not here much longer.”

  “Yay that sucks,” he smiled and winked at me and started pushing the board towards shore, “Now when we get closer you should dive off and swim like your life depended on it. I will try to get to her before she tries anything.”

  “Are you serious,” I hissed at him.

  He laughed, “Just messing with you, your kind of hot when your scared.”

  “That’s so messed up Jase how the hell hot!”

  “Oh yay it’s really not, but pissed is very hot on you.”

  “Could you possible be serious and focus here. Dear God, some crazy freak wants to kick my ass because of you.”

  “It’s not me baby it’s Prince Albert,” he laughed and winked at me.

  Who the hell is Prince Albert, who the hell cares, “Are you nuts to?”

  He stopped and looked at me and smiled sweetly, “I am nuts about you.”

  I looked at him and tried not to let him see the bright sunshine trying to burst out of my chest, that was so kindergarten crush stuff, and it worked it actually worked. The book club is right girls are freaken idiots. Must be …

  “What I get nothing back Carly?”

  “That was cute.”

  “I will take that,” he smiled broadly

  “Your cute.”

  “Awe shucks Carly, your going to make me blush.”

  “Arrogant ass,” I whispered.

  “Hot little ass,” he smiled, and I smiled. He laughed as he pushed me to shore. I laid back and relaxed, and he kissed my cheek sweetly. Right until I heard splashing and what sounded like a wild boar screaming at Jase.

  I sat up quickly, and he chuckled, “Focus!”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  She was almost out to us and flipping out flailing hands cursing loudly I swore I could see spit flying out of her mouth, “You kissed that mouth?”

  He smiled, “Shut up girl.”

  “You had sex with her?”

  “You better be nice, or I am going to let her get you.”

  I gasped, and he laughed, “Not funny.”

  “A little funny you should have seen your face.”


  Chapter 5

  Pam ran into the water and lunged at Jase. He positioned himself in front of me to block her rabid dog attack.

  “I knew it. You’re a liar,” she screamed, barked, and then sounded like a wild boar.

  He held her hands so that she could not hit him anymore. Seriously arms flailing like…

  “Carly go. Pam enough!” he snapped at her and she looked past him at me, that look was the worst than any ugly girl cry I had ever seen. I wish I had a mirror so I could show her how preposterous she looked.

  “Are you insane?” I snapped at her, pissed that she was hitting him.

  “You’ll see insane bitch,” Pam tried freeing herself from his grasp.

  I am not a fighter, At. All. But she was pissing me off, no one had the right to act like that.

  “Jase let her go if she hits me I will call the cops,” I was unquestionably feeling bad ass.

  Until he yelled at me, “GO!”

  I had not noticed the crowd gathered watching it all go down until someone grabbed me around the waist, “Hey sweetheart, you done with your lesson?”

  Then Josh’s lips were on mine, and he held my hand and pulled me to shore.

  Jase let go of Pam and his jaw tighten.

  “Awe that’s to bad Jase. Looks like your out,” Pam pulled her hands away and shoved him before she walked away.

  I stood next to Josh on the beach completely in shock, “Sorry Carly. Abe took off for awhile, and no one else was moving. I could not think of anything else to do.”

  “Well it worked,” I searched the crowd for Jase, and when I saw him he was undeniably pissed off.

  I stood holding Josh’s hand until Pam and her girls left the beach. As soon as they were out of site I dropped his hand, “Thanks.”

  “No problem I just didn’t want you to get your attacked,” Josh laughed

  Jase walked to the water and stood with his back to us for what felt like ever. When Abe finally came back I walked out to Jase.

  “Hey,” I shoved him lightly with my shoulder.

  He didn’t look at me, he didn’t say anything.

  I turned and walked away. I was not going to stand there when he was obviously upset about…I have no clue what about.

  “Abe, I am going to take off,” I forced a smile.

  “You not feeling alright?” he asked me.

  “Just tired,” I lied, now I am a liar great.

  “I will give you a lift,” Abe started walking next to me.

  “No stay, I really like to walk,” I lied again, yes I am going to hell.

  “Call me when you get in?”

  “Of course.”

  Why was he mad at me? What did I do? Maybe he was insane just like she was. Or was he mad at Pam, or…oh he misses Pam. Great.

  “Slow down,” I heard from behind me.

  I turned and saw Jase running towards me.

  “Hi,” he said when he finally caught up.

  “Hi,” I re
plied unable to hide the fact I was confused.

  “Listen I am sorry about that,” he looked up at the sky avoiding my eyes.

  “No, don’t be sorry I get it, I think. If you love someone..”

  “That was not it at all,” Jase continued looking up at the sky frustrated, “He kissed you.”

  “He was trying to…”

  “I know, but you didn’t stop him, you held his hand Carly,” I noticed his hands forming fists, “Do you like him?”

  “No, I was trying to avoid getting my ass kicked you …jackass!” I turned to walk away, and he grabbed my hand stopping me abruptly.

  “I don’t want you fighting my battles Carly. And I don’t want you kissing,” he stopped as I was looking at him, “I have tried to…fuck it!”

  His hands were in my hair and lips on mine before I knew what was happening. And no I did not pull away, hell no! His lips were soft so soft, and I was going to enjoy the hell out of it. I felt his tongue slowly sliding across my lower lip, and I breathed out slowly. He kissed me softer slower, sweeter and then pulled his lips from mine. I kept my eyes closed, I don’t know why but I did. His thumb skimmed across my lips and then back again.

  His voice was deeper, “Did I over step?” I shook my head no keeping my eyes closed.“You okay?” I shook my head yes. “Will you open your eyes?” I shook my head no. “I am going to kiss you again Carly until you tell me to stop. I want to taste your mouth feel your tongue rubbing against mine. I will not stop until you tell me to.”

  His tongue lightly rubbed around my lips, his hot breath smelled so good, minty. My head started spinning as his tongue traced the opening and I breathed out as his tongue teased my lips even more. My stomach flipped as he stroked my tongue with his, slowly, softly, and very sweetly. He closed his lips around mine and his hands were on my face lifting it gently to the side. Kissing me again, tracing my mouth, I opened wider for him. His tongue traced mine harder this time, unexpectedly, and I whimpered when I felt the smooth ball on my tongue. I was ready to pull away embarrassed when he licked harder. My God it felt so good. One of his hands left my face and took my hand. He placed it on his shoulder. My finger stroked the back of his neck, not me, my fingers. I swear it was an out of body experience. And I am sure the other hand was just confused when it found its way to his chest. It was intoxicating, his tongue massaging mine, licking me, and tasting me. My tongue decided to participate and met his gently, and he groaned into my mouth. There see it was not just me, thank God it was not just me. I pulled his head tighter to mine, and we kissed harder but just as slow we explored each other, savoring each other. I needed to breath, I was sure I was going to pass out, heads spinning, knees buckling. He must have known I have had enough because he pulled away and I looked up a him. If I could have touched his eyes I know they would burn my fingers, so heated.


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