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A Seasonal Moment

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by Palvi Sharma

  A Seasonal Moment


  Palvi Sharma

  Copyright© 2013 by Palvi Sharma

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.


  Images courtesy of

  Other Books from Author

  Published by Club Lighthouse Publishing:

  Repeated Lives

  Repeated Lives Book II: Talia’s Return

  Francesca and Eliza

  Awakened One Night

  Amazon Kindle:

  The Ensnared

  Tina’s Gimmick

  Unraveling the Darkness

  Her First Dance

  The Bell Tower

  Horror Story

  Broken Glass

  Author Blog:

  Twitter: @Palvi_Writer

  Author's Note: Thank you for choosing this ebook.

  I know writing reviews can seem like a tedious task, but I would appreciate it if you take the time to write a few words to tell me what you think of the story and the writing. I look forward to reading your opinions.

  Thanks and have a nice day.

  A Seasonal Moment

  Nina put on her blue puffy jacket and sneakers and rushed out her house, slamming the door hard behind her. She stomped down the sidewalk, enjoying the sound of snow crunching beneath her soles. Putting her hands in her pockets she gazed around the neighborhood.

  All the houses in the street were decorated with lights and Christmas decorations. A large house at the end of the street even had a large decorative reindeer on its rooftop. Every house was decked up with the colors of Christmas- except hers.

  Turning around, she frowned heavily at her house and then spun on her heels and went back to stomping down the sidewalk. She saw a snowman built in front of a house and stopped.

  The snowman looked uneven, had a black top hat, stones for eyes, a carrot for a nose and small pebbles lined up for a lop-sided smile. The snowman even had a red and green scarf.

  Why does a snowman need a scarf? She glared at it and then bent down to scoop some snow in her hand. As she turned it on her palm, she kept staring at the stupid grin that snowman bore. She hated it- she hated him! It was as if that stupid snowman was making fun of her and her predicament.

  Well, not for long!

  Using all her force, she threw the snowball at the snowman and watched happily as the carrot was knocked off.

  "Hey!" she heard someone call.

  Nina froze and started to back away when a girl stepped out from behind a tree and put a hand on her hip.

  "You did this?" she asked, her long dark hair brushed back by the wind. Her brown eyes stared into hers, waiting for an answer.

  "Uh...."Nina kept telling herself to run away, but this girl, Alisha, knew who she was and where she lived and no doubt, she would complain to her parents.

  Alisha shook her head and then pulled her trench coat tighter around herself, shivering.

  "Uh....what?" she asked.

  "I...I am sorry." Nina said, looking down at her shoes. She gazed at Alisha's black boots and wondered when she would be old enough to wear them. She liked Alisha's black ankle boots and black stockings over a purple and white checked trench coat.


  With her head still bowed, she looked up with wide eyes. "I'll rebuild it again."

  Alisha tossed her hair back and looked at the snowman. "Well you only knocked away his nose." She walked back picked up the carrot. "My kid bro made it."

  Nina chewed on the inside of her lip. She knew Jay- Alisha's little brother. He was two years younger to her and a real mischievous boy for a ten year old. He and his friends would run down the streets screaming at the top of their lungs, disturbing everyone's sleep early in the mornings and there was a time when Jay had broken one of their windows while playing a ball game.

  Alisha pushed the carrot back again in the snowman and made a sound. "Kind of dorky looking. Just like my bro."

  Nina smiled and then when Alisha looked at her, dropped it immediately.

  Alisha went over to her and then bent down with her hands on her knees. "Why are you so mad, kiddo? It's almost Christmas. Shouldn't you be at home decorating trees and wrapping presents?"

  Nina looked away, pouting.

  "Ah, well..." Alisha straightened. "You know, by knocking off the nose, you just about annoyed Frosty the snowman."

  "Who's that?" Nina asked. "Is that what you named him?"

  "No, no." Alisha said. "He's a character from a popular cartoon. Though I think there was a song written about him before?" Alisha tapped a finger on her lip. "Well, never mind."

  "A cartoon?" Nina asked. "What was it about?"

  Alisha went to her porch and sat down on the stairs. "It was a story of a bunch of kids and a magician who loses a hat."

  Nina looked at the black top hat the snowman was wearing. "Okay...."

  "The kids build a snowman and find the magician's top hat which they put over their snowman." She said. "Then lo and behold, the snowman comes to life."

  Nina came forward and put her hands back in her pockets to warm them. "Then what happens? Was the snowman a nice guy?"

  Alisha laughed. "Sure. He became their best friend. But no story is complete without an antagonist and conflict."

  "What do you mean?" Nina asked. Alisha shifted and Nina went over to sit beside her.

  "The magician wanted his hat back and went after the children." Alisha said. "The kids managed to dodge him, but winter was getting over and Frosty was starting to melt, so they decided to take their beloved friend to the North Pole."

  "Because it's always cold there? And also where Santa Claus lives."

  Alisha smiled. "Yup. After a lot of troubles, Frosty is taken to the North Pole, but then one of his friends starts to freeze and Frosty takes her to a house with a fireplace."

  "Fireplace? That means Frosty..."

  "He melted." Alisha said.

  "That's a sad tale. And people narrate this story during Christmas?" Nina asked.

  "No. It's a beloved kid's tale. Frosty is made of snow, remember? " Alisha said. "And guess who comes to his rescue?"

  "The magician?" Nina shrugged.

  Alisha laughed. "Nope. Santa Claus. The snow in the North Pole is magical, so the cold winds bring Frosty back to life."

  "Then he's fine and they all lived happily ever after." Nina finished.

  "Hmm...actually, Frosty has to permanently stay in the North Pole and the kids have to go back home. But Frosty promises to visit them whenever it's cold and it's Christmas time." Alisha said. "With Santa Claus."

  "That's some story." Nina said and stared at the snowman in front of the house. "Imagine if that one came to life."

  "He would be annoying just like my bro." Alisha laughed.

  "So Frosty could feel everything?" Nina asked, narrowing her eyes.


  Nina got up, walked over to the snowman and kicked hard at the bottom giant snowball. "Think he felt that?"

  Alisha got up. "You're a brat, aren't you?"

  "Ooh, I'm scared." Nina said.

  Alisha strode to her and Nina put up her chin to show her defiance though inwardly she was a little scared. Alisha was eighteen years old and no doubt she would complain to her parents now or...punish her herself.

  Alisha stood tall before her. "Now you pissed off Jack Frost as well."

  Nina blinked. "What?"

  "You've never heard of him either?"

  Nina started to say yes then thought Alisha might ask her and she
would have nothing to say. "I am twelve, I haven't heard fairytales from a thousand years ago."

  "Right." Alisha nodded, thoughtfully. "Jack Frost is a boy who is responsible for winter. He turns your nose and toes cold."

  Nina snickered. "Okay..."

  "He's a pretty nice boy, but when provoked...." Alisha said, bending down, "Like when he's kicked...."

  "I kicked the snowman." Nina said.

  "No, you kicked the snow, a huge part of winter and therefore you kicked Jack Frost as well." Alisha said.

  "And what will Jack Frost do?" Nina said, crossing her arms.

  Alisha grinned. "He pelts you with..." She scooped up some snow and flung it at her. "Snow."

  Nina stepped back but not before the snow fell on her hair. "Hey!"

  "That's not my doing." Alisha shrugged.

  "That wasn't Jack Frost that was you!" Nina yelled.

  Just then a lump of snow from the roof came down and plopped on her head. "Ow!"

  Alisha laughed. "That wasn't my doing." she said, putting up her hands. Nina looked at her well-manicured nails and sighed. Her Mother would still not let her apply nail polish.

  "Jack Frost doesn't scare me." she said. "So he threw a little snow on me, so what?"

  "That's because you were naughty." Alisha said. "Jack Frost is a pretty decent guy otherwise. He makes sure that everyone has a white Christmas. He brings joy in the form of snowflakes."

  "And therefore he saves Christmas."

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