What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 35

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Tom glanced at Tess, pulling his lip back to grin at her. She smiled tensely in return, so he stood behind her, resting his hands on her shoulders.

  “Your villa is absolutely beautiful,” Tess chimed, shaking off her nerves, comforted by his touch.

  “Thanks, it took forever to finish,” Benny stated.

  Tom’s phone rang. “It’s for you,” he smiled at Tess, answering the call. “Hey, did you get my message?” Tess could hear JC squealing in the background. “You liked my picture, didn’t ya?” He asked sarcastically. “Yes, I think she’s still in shock. We just got here fifteen minutes ago. She’s right here, I’m sure she’s dying to talk to you. You’re welcome. Hi Tracy. Yep. Okay. I understand. Of course, I promise. You’re welcome. Here she is.” He handed Tess the phone.

  She asked Lisa. “Do you have someplace private I can talk? I’m sure this will take a few minutes.”

  Lisa waved her hand toward the guest hallway. “Sure. Pick a room. Take your time.”

  Obviously, Tom needed to talk to his friends. They seemed more shocked than her girls were. She entered the first room and shut the door behind her. “Hey, Tracy, how’s your trip?”

  “Mom, are you by yourself now?”

  “I am. How’s your trip going?”

  “We don’t want to talk about our trip. What the hell is going on?” Tracy exclaimed.

  “I’m not even sure where to start.” Tess plopped down on the bed, swinging her feet like a little girl.

  “From the beginning would be nice.” Cynicism sat on the edge of every word.

  “Details Mom!” JC yelled in the background.

  “Tracy, I need to know something before I tell you about Tom.”

  “Yes, I’ve been keeping JC out of trouble, but she has kissed a few cute guys and exchanged numbers…a lot. What else do you want to know?” She informed curtly.

  “I….I need to know that you’re not going to be mad at me.”

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” Tracy huffed harshly. “What do you expect, Mom? Do you know anything about him? Let me tell you, we Googled him, and it didn’t paint a pretty picture.”

  “I know that he’s been wonderful to me,” Tess answered quietly. “That’s all I care about.”

  “Do you have any idea who he’s dated or how many?” Tracy warned. “Did you expect us just to say, Right on Mom!, just because he’s famous?”

  “I understand your concerns.” Tess sat silent for a minute contemplating Tracy’s attitude. “None of that matters to me. I don’t care if he’s famous or not. It’s not fair for you to judge Tom without knowing him.”

  “So what? Is he your boyfriend now? Or…or are you merely hooking up with him for a couple weeks?” She spit out tersely, on the verge of yelling at her mom. “From what I saw online, quick and easy seems to be his style.”

  “I’m not sure what this is. I’m going to enjoy my time with him. I don’t care if it’s three weeks or three months.” Out of all the different reactions she might’ve expected from her girls, this was not it.

  “And then what? Are you gonna come home and go back to bed for eight months?” Aggravation and fear saturated Tracy’s voice. “We’re leaving for college. Who’s gonna be there if you fall apart again? I’m not coming home from school to take care of you if Tom Clemmins breaks your heart.”

  Tess’ throat constricted, absorbing her daughter’s brutal honesty. “That’s not fair Tracy. Don’t you dare compare this to your father’s death, and I never asked you to come home when he died. You have no right to talk to me this way.” Anger welled up inside her. “This is my life, and I’ll deal with the consequences of my choices however I see fit. I sure as hell don’t need you beating me up about this. I’m doing a good enough job of that on my own. The guilt is…horrible.”

  The dampness of her tears burned as they dripped down her face. Tess could hear JC in the background asking for the phone and telling her sister she was out of line. Tracy snapped back at JC informing her to wait her turn.

  “I’m sorry Mom.” Tracy sighed with a touch of regret. “We didn’t know if you would ever date again, and the first guy you meet happens to be a complete womanizer!” She sounded as if she were sniffing back her own tears. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. That’s all.”

  “It’s not as if he’s giving me false hope for the future with him.” She admitted candidly, even though it hurt to say out loud. “But, h-he’s actually very nice. For what it’s worth, I think you’d like him and I’ve been really h-happy the last two weeks.” Tess sniveled, wiping her tears on the back of her hand. “I never thought I’d feel this way again. I’ve already made up my mind. I’m going to enjoy whatever time I have with him.”

  After a long silence, Tracy sighed somberly, “Please be careful. I love you. JC wants to talk to you.”

  “Hey Momma.” JC chimed with endearing tenderness. “Are you okay?”

  Heat flushed her face at JC’s understanding tone of voice. Tess couldn’t answer, but nodded with a sniffle.

  “Great. Are you crying?” JC scolded her sister with a growl, You made her cry Tracy.

  “I’m fine. Are you having a good time baby girl?” Tess wanted to change the conversation.

  “Yes Momma, I’m having a great time, or at least I was, until Tracy turned into Cruella De Ville.”

  “It’s all right. I understand why she’s concerned. It’s just…he’s wonderful, and this is my choice, but I don’t want you to be disappointed in me.” Her voice steadied and she let out a small chuckle. “You’d really like him JC. The two of you could have an entire conversation about commitment issues.” Her youngest daughter swore she’d never get married.

  “Maybe he could help me write a couple chapters in my Dating Rulebook.” JC laughed. “Seriously though Momma, we would never be disappointed in you. You’re with Tom Clemmins in Italy with the Levi’s. Have fun, it’s good for you. Do we get to meet him?”

  “I don’t know if you’ll get to meet him. I’m not even sure when I fly home. I told him I wanted to be home in time to pick you up at the airport.”

  “Well for the record, I hope so. Look Momma, I’m not going to give you a hard time, but I do have one question. Are you having safe sex?” JC’s impish laughter filtered through the phone.

  “That’s enough out of you missy.” Tess snickered. “Love you. Be safe.”

  “No, you be safe.” JC let out another playful giggle. “Love you too. Have fun.”

  Tess hung up and tossed her phone on the bed. She stood up and stared out the window into the darkness. Catching a glimpse of her tear-streaked reflection in the window, she blotted the dark smudges beneath her eyes.

  Tom knocked lightly and cracked open the door. “Hey, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” She answered, without turning to face him. “I just need a few minutes.”

  The door shut. Her eyes closed and she exhaled heavily, thankful he’d left her alone. She rubbed the tension gathered in the nape of her neck. Tess flinched when Tom rested his hands on her shoulders.

  He brushed a soft kiss to the top of her head and gathered her into his arms. “So, it went that good, huh?” he asked gravely, turning her to face him.

  She nodded and rested her cheek on his shoulder, unable to see through a slick of tears.

  “I wasn’t sure if they’d approve of you being with me,” Tom admitted quietly.

  “It’s not that they don’t approve. JC certainly did.” She sniffed out a chuckle. “Tracy has…questions and concerns.”

  “What kind of questions.” He swayed a little bit with her as he stroked her hair.

  “Questions I don’t have answers to.” Her frayed emotions began to calm, wrapped in the reassurance of his warm embrace. “Relationship questions. Tracy’s not thrilled that her mother’s hooking up. Apparently they’ve spent their spare time on the computer doing research about you.”

  He stiffened. “Tess, I-”

okay Tom. I don’t care about yesterday’s or tomorrow’s.” She nuzzled into his neck, resting her lips against the rasp of his stubble. “I don’t expect anything more than today.”

  “Most of that stuff online is complete bullshit. I wish I could’ve talked to her. I don’t want her to worry about you.” He began to sway again. “What can I do to make it better?”

  She clung to him, taking in the scent of his skin, the comfort of his strong arms, and the rise and fall of his breath. “This works perfect for me.” It was true, she was completely at peace.

  After a few minutes, Tess placed her hands firmly against his chest, pushing away to see his face. “Did Benny and Lisa know I was coming here with you? Because they seemed completely shocked to see you with someone.”

  “They were shocked,” he smirked contently. “They aren’t upset, Tess, they’re happy you came with me. It’s just that I’ve never brought anyone here before, that’s all.”

  “Oh,” she stammered in surprise. “You could’ve warned me who I was meeting.”

  “I was worried you’d say no, so I thought surprising you would be best. That way you would only freak out for a few minutes, not three days.”

  “Even though I hate to admit it, you’re probably right.” Tess grinned as they walked out the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Tom led her down the hall into the enormous dining room. Stone covered the walls and a massive dark wooden table big enough to seat twenty sat in the center of the castle-like setting.

  “This can’t possibly be where they eat dinner every night,” Tess questioned curiously.

  “No, I only wanted to show it to you.” Tom drew her close, easing her tension with a kiss.

  Benny cleared his throat, smiling from ear-to-ear. Lisa peered at them from over his shoulder.

  “You did an amazing job restoring this place,” Tess said in admiration.

  “Thanks.” Benny replied, still grinning at Tom.

  Lisa walked directly toward Tess, licked her thumb, and gently wiped away some remains of tear-stained mascara. “How are your kids?” Her head tilted to the side with a hushed sigh of empathy. “You okay?” she asked, rubbing Tess’ arm.

  Tess nodded dabbing the corners of her eyes. “They’ve been in Europe while I was in Bora Bora. We were, we were just catching up.” Tess floundered and glanced at Tom, unsure of what to say.

  “Her girls have been online,” Tom responded honestly with raised brows.

  Benny and Lisa both cringed. “That doesn’t sound good.” Benny shot Tom a sympathetic look of discouragement.

  “Oh shit. Did you tell them not to believe everything they read?” Lisa asked Tom.

  “I didn’t talk to them.” Tom reached down taking hold of Tess’ hand.

  “They’re fine now.” Tess knew as the words left her mouth, they didn’t sound remotely believable.

  “Where are your kids?” Tom asked, changing the subject.

  “They had a busy day and crashed early. Kim can’t wait to see her Uncle Tommy, so be prepared. She’s been talking about you for two days.”

  Benny and Lisa took them on a tour of their villa. The aged architecture mixed with modern elements intrigued Tess. Current paintings of Italy adorned the walls, fitting perfectly with the design of the villa. Everything was on such a massive scale; the rooms were big, the furniture built large, even the marble tiles were cut in huge squares. However, the fireplace made a statement all by itself and instantly became her favorite piece. It was original to the villa and encompassed an entire wall, built of massive light colored stones and a huge wooden mantel.

  “Your place kind of reminds me of an incredibly nice wine cellar, it has the same character. I love the aged stone exterior mixed with a rustic modern interior.” All three of them stared at her again. “Not the size of a wine cellar, but the ambiance of a wine cellar,” Tess clarified.

  “That’s exactly what Lisa wanted it to feel like,” Benny said in amazement. “We were vacationing here in Tuscany, visiting a few vineyards and wineries. Lisa loved it here, so we wound up buying this villa and restoring it to have that same vibe.”

  “It’s beautiful. I love the hand hewn beams and the mantel, too.” Tess dragged her hand over the dark wood.

  Tom’s brows furrowed. “I didn’t realize you knew anything about architecture.”

  “I used to do quite a bit of design work. I love old architecture though.”

  “I knew I was going to like you.” Lisa put her arm around Tess. “Don’t look too surprised, Tommy. How much can you truly know about her? You’ve probably had her in bed for two weeks.” Her blue eyes sparked playfully as she winked at Tess.

  “Actually, I think it was the other way around,” Tom muttered.

  Lisa and Tess wandered into the kitchen. “It sounds like a great trip. Tommy seems really happy he went.” The bright lighting exposed faint freckles covering Lisa’s nose and cheeks.

  “I am, too.” Tess smiled, finally able to unwind.

  “I hope it doesn’t upset you, but when you were on the phone Tommy told us that you lost your husband. It must’ve been horrible for you?” Lisa said quietly.

  “I don’t mind. It’s been very difficult, almost brutal, but the last three or four months have been a little bit better.”

  “How long were you married?”

  “Twenty-five years.”

  “Twenty-five years? Shit, that’s a long time” Lisa’s eyes were full of sadness.

  Tess had seen the familiar expression so many times over the last year. “It’s been hard.” Tess admitted openly, feeling an instant bond with Lisa.

  “What do your kids think about you being Tommy’s girlfriend?”

  “Well, my youngest daughter JC was fine, but Tracy acted like I was running off with Lucifer himself.” Tess rolled her eyes. “Last year was horrible for all of us.”

  “Tommy worried that they might be upset. I don’t mean to be nosy, I’m just curious. Tommy hoped your conversation would go well.”

  Tess realized immediately it was Lisa’s personality to say whatever was on her mind. “She’s concerned and all of my kids are very protective.”

  Lisa’s eyes narrowed into a squint, as if contemplating Tess’ situation. “So, have you dated anyone else since you lost your husband?”

  “No.” Tess shook her head.

  “Are you telling me that you haven’t been with another man in twenty-five years until you met Tommy?” Lisa asked candidly.

  It was beginning to feel like twenty questions. Tess figured Lisa wondered what Tom was getting himself into. “Nope.”

  “Wow.” Lisa filled their wine glasses. She raised her glass to Tess. “I hope they give Tommy a chance. He’s a great guy. And he obviously cares about you.”

  Unable to utter one word, Tess’ gaze drifted to the counter. She didn’t want to assume anything from Lisa’s opinion, cares about you. No doubt she looked pathetically confused as she took a long sip of her wine and then another. She eventually raised her eyes, only to see Lisa staring at her with a wide smile. It suddenly became very apparent to Tess that their vacation was completely outside the norm for Tom.

  “Let’s go in the other room.” Lisa draped her arm around Tess, leading her out of the kitchen.

  The four of them hung out in the living room for hours talking about work and what roles they were looking at. Tess and Lisa chatted about her restoration project. Tom and Benny were discussing agents and publicists. Tom sounded unhappy with his. Tess curled up next to Tom, almost falling asleep on the couch, so they said good night.

  Tom held her hand as they walked outside to a private cottage at the back of a beautiful hidden garden. The guesthouse came complete with a gorgeous rock fireplace tucked in the corner and a wrought iron headboard with grapevine scrolls running through it.

  They undressed and climbed into bed. “Did you have a nice time tonight? I knew you’d like Lisa.”

  “I had a great time and I do like her. She�
�s very outspoken. You and Benny seem like brothers. Lisa called her boy Tommy. Is he named after you?”

  Tom smiled proudly. “He is named after me. I love their kids. Benny’s closer to me than my brother is. We met on set about sixteen years ago and we’ve been friends ever since. I’m sorry about your girls. I don’t want this to be a problem for them, or for you.”

  “My kids will be fine. I think my biggest problem is me. I feel so damned guilty sometimes.” Relief flooded over her as she said the words out loud.

  “I can tell when you’re feeling bad,” he said despondently, delicately tracing the curve of her face with his fingers. “I see it in your eyes, Tess.”

  “Tom, please don’t be upset if I’m struggling with this, with us. It doesn’t have anything to do with my feelings toward you.” Tess smiled, biting her lip. “I’m enjoying myself with you.”

  “I’m enjoying myself too, but I don’t want you to feel guilty when you’re with me. You try to hide it with your smile. As a matter-of-fact, you’re doing right now.” He touched his hand to her heart as they laid on their sides, staring at each other. “I can feel your sadness.”

  “Sorry. I’m not very good at hiding my emotions,” she admitted.

  “For the record, I’m not very good at sharing my emotions. Although, I seem to have no problem being open and honest with you. Our discussions over the last two weeks are probably the deepest conversations I’ve had in I don’t know how long. Maybe ever. All I’m saying is that I want you to be happy with me.”

  “I am happy.” Tess blushed, pausing as she played with his fingers. “It’s more as if I never expected to date again. I thought I had my good luck. I never expected to find anyone who even turned my head. After being married for so many years, sometimes it feels like I’m being unfaithful. Like I’m cheating on Richard. Believe me, I don’t want to feel that way, but I can’t help it.”


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