What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 36

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Tom wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. “Richard was a lucky man.”

  She nuzzled his neck, taking in the scent of his cologne. “Thank you for understanding.”

  Tess’ eyes were getting heavy, but she wanted to ask him about the girlfriend comment. She sat up and turned on the light, wanting to see his eyes. Her arms folded across her chest, waiting for an answer to a question she hadn’t even asked yet.

  “What?” Tom said innocently, struggling not to smile.

  “You know what I want to know. Don’t act all coy with me. You know exactly what I’m thinking.” She couldn’t hide the playfulness that filled her heart.

  “What?” he repeated, sitting up beside her.

  “Your poor friends, I thought I was going to have to pick their mouths up off the floor myself. They probably think you’ve gone mad from extreme heat in Bora Bora.”

  “Do you mind if I introduce you as my girlfriend?” he asked with a sexy grin as he unfolded her arms, holding her hands in his.

  “No, I rather like it. I don’t think they were ready for it.”

  “Tess, I feel like you’re my girlfriend, and you’re right, I’m sure they were never expecting you.”

  “Tom, can I ask you something?”


  “Have you ever dated anyone with kids?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  She hesitated, unsure if she wanted to hear the answer to her next question. “Do you date women my age?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t in a long time, but I don’t want it to hurt your feelings. Your age doesn’t matter to me. Look at you. You look fantastic. I find you incredibly sexy, not to mention witty, sarcastic, smart, athletic and adventurous, but as we learned tonight there’s obviously a lot I don’t know about you.” Tom gazed into her eyes. “You’re younger than me, Tess. I’m forty-nine.”

  “I don’t mind being forty-four. I’m feeling exceptionally good about myself at the moment. Besides, I’m much better now than I was in my twenties or my thirties.” They snuggled in each other’s arms, drifting off to sleep.

  Tom was up early and out of the guesthouse. When Tess woke up she headed over to the villa and could hear music playing down a long stone corridor. As soon as she got close enough, the thumping music sounded familiar. Lisa and Benny’s kids were playing Rock Band. Tess loved to play with her kids and their friends. It dawned on her, they hadn’t played in over a year. When I get home, things are going to change.

  Tess peeked into the room. Tom, Tommy, and Kim each had their stage roles down. Tom jammed out on the guitar, Tommy sounded good on the drums and Kim stood on the sofa singing, swinging her long black wig around. Tom wore a pink headband, which she assumed Kim put on him because she was dressed in a rock-and-roller costume. Probably something she wore on Halloween. It was comical and a side of Tom she didn’t know existed.

  Tess caught Tom’s eye as she stood in the doorway. Without missing a stroke on his guitar, he motioned her inside, introducing her to Tommy and Kim. Tommy resembled Benny with blonde hair and blue eyes, but Kim sported Lisa’s long blond hair and freckles on her nose and cheeks. Tom held Kim’s hand as she jumped down off the sofa. Tess smiled at the little girl when she beamed up at Tess batting her long dark lashes.

  “Come rock out with us.” Tom snickered as if it were a challenge, assuming she wouldn’t play along.

  “I’m usually the vocals at my house. Only because I can’t play the drums or the guitar,” she admitted.

  Kim handed Tess the controller and she picked her favorite classic rock song. The little girl jumped up on the couch next to Tess to share the microphone. They sang together and Tess showed Kim how to beat the tambourine by tapping the microphone. Tess’ heart melted when Kim climbed up on her hip so they could dance while they sang.

  They were rocking out to their third song when she noticed Benny and Lisa standing at the doorway. Both looked completely stunned and very amused. The song ended and Benny and Lisa clapped loudly, mainly for Kim’s benefit. Tom teased Tess about her lovely vocals, calling her ‘superstar’ and Tess applauded his mad guitar skills. Tommy took a bow while Kim jumped on the sofa.

  Tess grinned, shaking her head at Tom. “I can’t believe you don’t have kids.”

  From the corner of her eye, Tess saw Benny and Lisa each glance at Tom for one split second and then carry on clapping.

  Tess wasn’t sure what it meant, but there was definitely an unsaid glance shared between them. She acted as if she didn’t see anything, but curiosity saturated her thoughts. Maybe he does have a child. I never asked if he had children. I just assumed he didn’t have kids.

  After finishing their last song, Tess gave Kim a piggyback ride to the end of the hallway. The little girl squeezed her around her legs before bolting down the hall.

  Tom and Tess sat in the kitchen with Benny and Lisa. “Do you have plans today, Tommy?” Benny asked.

  “I might take Tess shopping.” He looked her over nicely. “She came prepared for Bora Bora not Italy.”

  “I thought the same thing when I was getting dressed this morning. I didn’t even pack any jeans, only shorts, tank tops and flip flops.”

  “Shopping? I’ll take you shopping. I love this great little boutique I found about thirty minutes from here. You’ll love it!” Lisa offered.

  Tess’ face showed a hint of disappointment, and Lisa didn’t miss it.

  “Jesus, Tess, I promise we won’t be gone all damn day. I’ll have you back in time so you can have him for dinner,” Lisa scoffed.

  “Thanks.” Normally Tess never got embarrassed, but she blushed. She didn’t want to give up a day with Tom. Tess tried not to count how many days until she went home and longed to be with him as much as possible.

  “I’m going to hop in the shower,” Tom said.

  “I’ll change.” Tess chimed, holding his hand. “Lisa, I’ll be ready to go-”

  “In about three hours.” Tom cut her off as they walked out the door.

  “Fine, but you better not be too worn out to go shopping with me, Tess.” Lisa and Benny laughed.

  Tom and Tess strolled back to the guesthouse. As soon as the door shut behind them, Tom pressed his body tightly to hers, pinning her against the wall. His lips fastened around hers, stealing the breath from her lungs. He raised her arms above her head, holding her wrists tightly with one hand. The pleasure of it sent her pulse rocketing through her veins.

  He released his grip on her wrists and fervidly tugged at her clothing. “Were you afraid you’d miss me today?” he whispered before bearing his mouth down over hers.

  Caught up in the heat of his hungry lips, she couldn’t answer, but nodded yes. She gently stroked his face with her fingers and kissed him deeply in return. Tom buried his face in her neck and she could feel him trembling beneath her fingers. Moans climbed from her throat and he greedily took her cries of longing into his mouth.

  His dark eyes locked on hers and he grasped her upper arms, holding her to the wall. “I want you,” came a possessive growl from deep within him. His words spoken so powerful, it was as if he were trying to tell her something.

  To her own surprise, the strength of his intense desire, flooded her with a fierce wave of arousal. She vehemently gripped the hair at the nape of his neck. “Then take me.”

  Glancing at the bed, she stretched her leg to the side, her toes searching for the bedside table for support.

  “We’re not going over there,” Tom flirted in a low rumble.

  Clutching her firmly by the ribcage, he bent down taking hold of her nipple tenderly between his teeth and drawing it into the heat of his mouth. She balanced on her tippy toes as he squeezed firmly along the outside of her thigh, grabbing hold of her leg and drawing it up over his hip.

  She fumbled blindly with the button of his jeans as his kisses became tender, brushing over her cheek, neck and throat. “I want you,” he whispered again, softly this time.

  The gentle
ness of his voice made her tremble even more, making it nearly impossible for her to get his jeans off. “I’m trying.”

  One brow bent into a touch of a frown as if she didn’t understand what he was trying to tell her. He reached down to help her with the fastening of his jeans. He nudged his hips forward and the hard length of him slid along the wetness of her skin, only teasing her with his ridge.

  On the edge of peaking, she whimpered softly, “Please.”

  He did it again and again, sliding against that one throbbing spot. Holding back, paying no attention to her pleads for more. “Not yet, Tess.” His deep sexy voice rumbled low in his chest.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she lifted her other leg around his hip, sinking onto him fully. Hot kisses trailed up her neck as he grabbed her ass. The strength of his hands and vigorous thrusts made her cry out with pleasure, securing her hands behind his neck for support.

  Tess felt a connection with him like no other. Tom handled her tenderly, yet powerfully at the same time. How can this be? Oh God. He touches me just right and his mouth tastes so fucking good. I’ve never felt like this. I didn’t think it could be so good. Kiss him, Tess. Kiss him like you want to.

  Letting go of her fears, guilt, and the sheer desire she’d been holding back, Tess planted her lips on his and kissed him with passion and hunger. Plunging her tongue deeper as she played with his, she ignited a new energy in him. The louder she moaned, the more dynamic he became, driving deeper into her very soul. A tear spilled down her cheek as she crested her peak again. Tom kissed her tenderly as his body convulsed and slumped heavily against her.

  He wiped the tear from her cheek. “What’s wrong, Tess? Did I hurt you?”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I’m sorry. You should’ve stopped me.”

  “Stopped you? Are you kidding me! No, Tom. I’m not hurt. I just….I don’t even have the words. It keeps happening again and again and again.”

  “I’ve never felt like this.” He pulled her onto the bed with him. “You are amazing.”

  “I’m still shaking all over. My ears were ringing so loud I thought I might pass out.” She kissed his shoulder that glistened from sweat, tasting the salt on his skin.

  He touched her body intimately, tracing every detail of it. “You’d better get ready or I’ll never hear the end of it from Lisa.”

  She was getting dressed when she heard Tom say, “Tess.”

  She waited for him to finish but he didn’t say anything. “Yes, Tom?”

  “Nothing. I…I just wanted to say you look beautiful.”

  It seemed as if he had something else to say, but again he held back.

  “Thanks, I’m probably glowing.”

  They ambled toward the door. “I want to give you some money to go shopping.” Tom handed her a stack of one hundred dollar bills.

  Tess glanced at the money in shock. “No, thanks. I have my own money.”

  “Tess, I’m not going to take no for an answer. I want to do this for you. Please take it. I had every intention of taking you shopping myself, but there’s no way Lisa will step aside.”

  “Your money doesn’t matter to me. I don’t want you to think-”

  “Tess, I understand what you’re saying, but I already know you’re not using me for my money.” A smile crossed his face. “You’re using me for my body!”

  “Well, at least you know where you stand.” She grinned playfully. “That’s a lot of money, Tom.”

  “I know Lisa and you’ll probably need it. Please take it! I want to do this for you. Get whatever you want. Okay?”

  “Thanks, but I still feel strange taking it.”

  “One more thing, Tess, don’t let Lisa pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to. I love her to death, but she can be a little overbearing sometimes. She may try to bring you back with new lips, new boobs and a new ass,” he said, grabbing her butt.

  “Hey, I like my boobs!”

  “I do, too. And your lips and your ass. That’s why I’m warning you. I like you just the way you are.”

  Benny and Lisa lounged on the sofa when they reemerged. “Bout time, I thought I might have to come down to the guest house and get you myself,” Lisa teased Tess and winked at Tom.

  “I’m ready,” Tess said.

  “Um hmm, I bet,” Lisa scoffed.

  Chapter Ten

  Tess and Lisa headed out the door, shopping for new attire fit for Italy. Restaurants, shops and boutiques lined the streets of the charming village, as well as several specialty shops. Tess bought a couple of pairs of jeans, several cute tops, and heels too. They enjoyed lunch at a great little sidewalk café and then ducked into the lingerie boutique across the street.

  When they returned to the villa late in the afternoon, Tom and Benny were playing football in the yard with the kids. The different time zones were taking a toll on Tess. She needed to crash for an hour. Tom followed her to the guesthouse, telling her about his day playing with the kids and catching up with Benny.

  “I love coming here. I can’t believe it’s been eight months since I’ve seen them.”

  “Why did you wait so long to visit?”

  “Work. My agent’s been keeping me too busy. Benny and Lisa do it right, they take time off. I haven’t had this much time off in years, probably since I first started in the business.”

  “Why? I mean if you want time off, why not take it for yourself? Life’s too short Tom. You should enjoy it. I never wanted to wait until I retired to take time for myself. Vacations are much more fun when you’re able to get around without your wheelchair.” Tess grinned, thinking about JC.

  “It’s not that easy sometimes. Anyway, enough about work. How was shopping?”

  “Great!” She cupped her boobs. “Still the same, no changes. I’m teasing. I had a great time.” Tess handed him back his change, kissing his cheek. “Thanks for taking me shopping. Lisa mentioned something about the four of us going to dinner.”

  “Yep. You don’t mind, do you, Tess? I have plans for us in a few days, but I like spending time with them. We don’t get to see each other very often.”

  “No, I don’t mind at all. I like them. They seem normal. Kind of like you.”

  “Are you going to show me what you bought?” he asked in a wishful sort of way.

  “Nope, maybe later,” she yawned.

  Tom wrapped his arms around Tess and they both fell asleep.

  Later that evening, Tess was about to slip into her black strapless dress. She could feel Tom watching her from the bedroom.

  “You’re not really going to put that dress on, are you?” Tom sauntered into the bathroom and stood behind her.

  “What’s wrong with the dress?”

  Peering into the mirror, he wrapped his arms around her, skimming over her abs and dipping his fingers into her panties. “I like the dress. However, I love your new black lace thong and the heels, too. I’m so used to seeing you naked, I didn’t realize how good you’d look like this.”

  “You’re going to have to hold that thought. We’re already late.” Tilting her head to the side, she smooched his neck.

  “I will.” Tom teased, slipping the dress over her head and zipping the side as he fondled her breasts.


  “My pleasure.”

  Tess loved the way Tom looked that night in casual dark jeans and a light gray sweater. They enjoyed a scrumptious dinner at a quaint, romantic Italian restaurant. She had never eaten authentic Italian food before, and the wine from a local vineyard was the best she’d ever tasted. It had been a long time since she’d been on a date with another couple and Tess had a great evening. All of them had a passion for skiing, so they laughed and joked and shared their best stories.

  Returning to the villa, Tom and Tess said goodnight, then meandered back to the guesthouse. “They like you,” Tom said.

  “I like them, too. They’re gorgeous together.”

  “That’s funny. Lisa
said the same thing about us.”

  “Thanks for bringing me here.” Tess let out a big yawn.


  “I think it’s all the wine. Maybe the pasta too, but yes, I am tired.”

  Tom lay next to her propped up on his elbow, touching the outline of her body with his fingertips.

  Tess drifted off. The next time she opened her eyes, Tom lay in the same position, staring at her and gently tracing her curves.

  “Morning. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” She slid her leg around his waist.

  “You don’t need to apologize to me. I knew you were tired. I have to run an errand. When I get back we’re going to have some fun today.”

  “Do I have time to go run?”

  “Yep.” He grinned ear-to-ear.

  Tess knew he liked to surprise her, so she wouldn’t ask where they were going. She threw her hair in a pony and walked over to the villa. The sweet aroma of muffins filled the kitchen.

  “Morning, Tess. Are you hungry?”

  “Morning. I’m going to go for a run before I eat. Is there a good direction to go or a trail I can take?”

  Lisa smiled her wicked little smile, “Tess, you go down the second hall to the last door on the right. If you can give me five minutes, I’ll work out with you.”

  “Sure. I’m going to see if I can get a hold of John first. I’ll be back as soon as I’m off the phone.”

  Tess went back to the guesthouse to call John, dialing the house phone first. It rang and rang, so she started to leave a message, but he picked up.

  “Mom! Hey, hold on. Let me turn the machine off. What’s going on? I can’t wait to talk to you.”

  “I wanted to call you again. Did you get my message?”

  “Yes, I’ve talked to Tracy and JC, too. So…you’re in Italy with Tom Clemmins?” he taunted. “I don’t know what to say. I knew you’d call me back and I had fifty questions to ask you, but I just can’t believe you’re with him.”

  “You mean because he’s Tom Clemmins or because I’m with a man?”

  “Well, both, I guess. The girls told me the whole story of how you met, and JC forwarded me some pictures of you with him and with Benny and Lisa Levi. Is she as gorgeous in real life as she is in the movies?” His voice full of envy.


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