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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

Page 37

by Lauren Hawkeye

  “She’s prettier actually and they’re very nice, too.” Tess chuckled.

  “I miss you, Mom. You sound great! So where are you anyway?”

  “Somewhere in Tuscany. I’m not sure exactly. I’d have to look at a map. I miss you, too.”

  “Sure you do. Do you want me to pick the girls up at the airport?”

  “I should be home by then. Tom cancelled my flight, so I’m not sure when I get home.”

  “Do you think maybe you could get me Lisa Levi’s autograph?”

  “Sure, I’ll try.” Tess laughed.

  “I don’t want to upset you, Mom, but how did it go with Dad? Do you feel better?”

  “It went perfect. It couldn’t have been a more beautiful spot. I’m happy with my decision.”

  “Dad would’ve wanted to be there. All right, my friends just walked in the door and they’re standing here staring at me.”

  His friends yelled in the background. “Hi Mom!”

  “Mom, promise me you’ll be careful with this guy. Have fun, but be cautious, okay?”

  “I will. I promise, but I don’t need to be careful John. He’s wonderful. And tell your friends hi for me.”

  Lisa was waiting for Tess when she returned to the villa. “Wow! This is an entire gym. I expected a tread mill.” The gym came complete with every weight machine imaginable. Two bikes, two treadmills, two elliptical machines and a flat screen TV with surround sound.

  Lisa smiled. “What’s your favorite?”

  “I like to run, but I do Pilates, kick boxing, yoga.”

  “I usually spin. Do you want to box after?”

  Tess got the feeling she missed something by the haughty smirk covering Lisa’s face, but she agreed. “Sure.”

  After they finished their cardio, Lisa asked, “Do you do the Wii?”

  “I know what the Wii is, but I’ve never played it.”

  “Do you want to try it?” Lisa flashed her devious grin.

  Shrugging off the distinct feeling she was about to get pummeled “Don’t kick my ass too bad.”

  Lisa snickered, giving her instruction. Tess began to get the hang of it, but Lisa had done this before, a lot. Tess was down two rounds, and covered in sweat from the intense workout. They were getting ready to start another round. Tess had caught up and Lisa wasn’t very happy about it, mumbling something about, Sure you’ve never played.

  Tess noticed Tom and Benny standing at the doorway. Tess smiled at Tom, motioning him to come into the room. She raised her eyebrows, holding her fists up in the boxing position. “Come on in, Tom. You wanna play?”

  Tom and Benny laughed their asses off. “I don’t think so,” Tom said.

  Tess motioned to him again, laughing aloud while he shook his head no.

  Lisa waited impatiently. “Let’s go, sweet cheeks.”

  Tess couldn’t quit giggling while trying to finish their last round. Lisa beat Tess and jumped up and down like Rocky, thrilled to have won. Tess recognized right away Lisa was extremely competitive.

  “I knew you were going to kick my ass. I could see it written all over your face. You totally set me up!”

  Lisa huffed. “I thought I might lose for a minute there at the end.”

  Benny chimed in. “Tess, if I would’ve known she was bringing you in here, I would’ve warned you. Seriously! I hate to play with her because if I win, she gets so mad. But I usually lose, which is even worse because then I have to listen to her gloat for days.”

  It felt wonderful to laugh so much. Tess thoroughly enjoyed her new friends.

  Heading back to the guesthouse, Tom flipped her ponytail through his fingers. “I liked watching you box, Tess. I had no idea you worked out like that. Very impressive.”

  He made her feel on top of the world when he complimented her. “Lisa’s pretty good.”

  Tom narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You let her win didn’t you?”

  Tess chuckled.

  “You did let her win!”

  “Please don’t tell her. Don’t tell Benny either. He’d probably rat me out one day when she was kicking his ass at boxing.”

  “That’s awfully nice of you to take the loss.”

  “Yeah, well I sure as hell don’t want her mad at me. She would’ve been pissed if I’d beaten her.”

  Tom watched her step into the shower.

  “Are you getting in here with me?”

  “Nope. Not yet.”

  Tess showered, dried her hair and did her make-up. She threw on dark jeans with a white shirt and a pair of cute wedges.

  “I like your outfits.”

  “Thanks. This extremely attractive man bought them for me.” She kissed him appreciatively.

  “Let’s go,” Tom scoffed.

  The peaceful ride put Tess at ease. She stared in awe out the car window. The landscape appeared as if it came straight out of the pages of a fairytale. Several art galleries and shops offering gourmet foods, wine and cheese lined the streets. Tess loved the paper mache masks adorning the windows of one of the specialty shops. The dramatic dark green, red, purple, and gold masks resembled exquisite theater masks.

  An abundance of historical richness filled the small village. Friendly locals came with their own special blend of character, too. People recognized Tom, but only waved, calling out, “Hey, Tommy!” in their Italian accents. Tess chuckled every time.

  Tom and Tess spent the day at a charming vineyard, tasting delicious wines, warm bread, and scrumptious cheese. They held hands and meandered through the grounds, admiring perfectly aligned rows of vines covered with flawless grapes.

  Tom arranged an early dinner in a cellar of the winery. Tess was blown away by the ambient scent of earthy spices mixed with a smoky hint of oak exuding from the dimly lit cellar. Stone covered the walls, curving into a barrel arch ceiling and bottles of wine wrapped an entire wall at the far end of the room. Dinner tasted delectable and the wine was by far the best she had ever had.

  They left the vineyard driving on a quiet dirt road, zigzagging their way to the top of a hill where a modest villa waited for them.

  “Where are we?”

  “We’re staying here tonight. It’s an old farmhouse turned into a bed and breakfast and supposed to be great for watching sunsets. We only have a few minutes.” Tom held a bottle of wine in his hand and handed her two glasses to carry. He clutched her other hand, quickly heading up the spiral staircase leading to the rooftop overlooking the valleys below.

  They cuddled on a gliding loveseat, watching the sunset in silence. Low misty clouds came in and lay between the valleys of each rolling hill below. As the sky darkened, villas dotting the hillsides came to life as twinkles of light cast out from their windows.

  “This is one of the most beautiful moments I’ve ever experienced. Top ten for sure,” she said in a soft voice. “It’s mystical, like a fairytale.”


  “Umm hum.”

  “You know the other morning when we were playing rock band?”

  “What about it?”

  “You said to me, ‘I can’t believe you don’t have kids’.”

  “I remember.” She tilted her head, searching his eyes as he stared past her.

  He sighed, furrowing his brows deeply. “I can’t have kids, Tess.”

  Her brows creased, making the same frown. “I’m sorry, Tom.”

  “Me too, sometimes,” he replied despondently, avoiding her gaze.

  Her heart ached with sadness. Tess rose to her feet and stood behind him, tenderly running her hands through his hair, massaging his neck and shoulders.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while, since the day on the boat when you said goodbye to Richard. I felt such a strong urge to confide in you, but I couldn’t make myself. I wanted you to know that day that I understood a little bit of the pain you were feeling.”

  “I’m so sorry, Tom, I had no idea.” Tears stung her warm cheeks, sensing the hallow affliction hidden in his heart.

p; “I haven’t had anyone close to me die, but for a long time and still sometimes now, it feels that way. Like I’ve lost someone or as if somebody has stolen something away from me.”

  “Have you always wanted kids?” she asked poignantly.

  “Maybe when I was younger. All these people around me were having kids and I couldn’t. When I was in my thirties, I started drinking too much because I was angry and frustrated. I didn’t know how to handle my emotions. When Benny and I were making our first film together, I got drunk one night and I told him I couldn’t have kids. I didn’t even remember my liquor induced confession, but he did and we’ve been like brothers ever since. Benny helped me through a lot of shit back then. He forced me to deal with my anger and resentment. He helped me try to make sense of it. Benny and Lisa are the only people who know. I’ve never told anyone else.”

  “Does it bother you that I have kids, Tom?” Tess knew this hurt him deeply.

  “No.” He chuckled softly, tugging on her fingers so she would sit beside him again. “I like the fact you have kids. I like everything about you.” He gazed into her eyes. “Do you remember when you asked me if I believe everything happens for a reason?”

  “I do.”

  “Good or bad?”

  “I remember. I’m not a very religious person. I think some people refer to it as His plan. I prefer to think of it more as luck or fate or destiny. It makes more sense to me if I look at it that way,” Tess said sorrowfully. “That’s how I had to look at it when Richard died. I was lucky to have him as long as I did, but for some reason, he had to go.”

  “I felt like I had been ripped off, short changed. You know what I mean? Why me? I had so much going for me except this huge flaw. Why wasn’t I supposed to have kids? Was there something wrong with me? Would I have even been a good father? You know, all those inner demons that feed off your insecurities. I definitely had my share when I was younger. I’d date women and within a week, they were hearing wedding bells and wanting babies. I wasn’t even sure if I liked them yet. It seemed like everyone around me was either having babies or wanting babies. Women just did not want the right things from me. I couldn’t deal with it. It used to freak me out. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I think that’s why I never wanted to get married.”

  She nodded trying to understand his pain and hurting.

  “Benny told me those exact words, ‘Everything happens for a reason Tommy, good or bad’,” Tom said quietly. “It helped me see things in a different light. For whatever reason, kids weren’t in the cards for me.”

  Tess affectionately placed her hands on his face. “You are not flawed. Some things just aren’t meant to be. I know you would’ve made a great father.”

  “I think so, too. I can tell you’re a good mom. I haven’t even seen you with your kids, but your girls seem crazy about you.”

  “Well, I’d like to think I’m a good mom, but they sure as hell didn’t come with instructions or a manual. Most of the time, I felt like I was doing a great job, but other times I felt like a complete failure. It’s not easy raising kids into fun, responsible, well-rounded adults. It’s a lot of work, and you never know if the decisions you make are the right ones.”

  “I can’t picture you being a failure at anything. Did you enjoy staying home with your kids?”

  “It was a difficult adjustment for me. Even though I’ve been lucky enough to be home with my kids, I don’t want that to be what defines me as a woman. I’d like to think there’s more to me than being a mom. Right now I’m just not sure what that’s supposed to be,” she said softly.

  “Oh, I think there’s a lot more to you than being a mom.” Tom slipped his finger into her shirt, skimming the lace on her bra.

  “I hope there’s more to me than that, too,” she smirked.

  “I’m teasing you, Tess. You have a lot of good in you. You’re a strong woman, but very playful, and you’ve been very passionate with me. The last three weeks have been more than I ever expected. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  “I don’t remember being quite this passionate ever. Seriously, you drive me crazy,” Tess admitted.

  “I feel the same way,” Tom agreed.

  “Speaking of that, you said we’re staying here tonight?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “Are all my things miraculously here already?”

  “They’re in the trunk of the car.” He grinned immensely.

  “Oh, man, did you pack my stuff?” She hoped to surprise him with the lingerie she bought.

  “As soon as Lisa found out we were coming here she gave me strict instructions. ‘Don’t touch or even think about peeking into a white bag with pink ribbon on it.’”

  “You didn’t peek did you?”

  “Nope. I wanted to though. I’ll get our things from the car for you.”

  Tess reached for his hand. “Hey, Tom, thanks for sharing that with me tonight. It means a great deal to me that you trust me.”

  They smiled at each other as he repeated the words she said to him earlier. “If I’ve trusted you enough to give you my body for the last three weeks, don’t you think I should trust you with this?”

  Tom retrieved their things from the car. After rinsing off in the shower, Tess stared into the mirror nervously adjusting her boobs and panties, wanting to look perfect in her skimpy midnight blue negligee. It seemed silly because Tom had already seen every inch of her body, but she wanted to impress him.

  Tom sat in a chaise on the rooftop sipping wine. She quietly snuck up behind him, bending down to nibble on his ear. He leaned his head back, she kissed him softly, gently tugging on his bottom lip. Releasing his lip from her teeth, she raised her head and stood in front of him.

  Through the darkness of the night, moonlight exposed her taut nipples and perfectly manicured tuft of dark hair through the sheer negligee. He admired her, not saying a word. Her heart pounded violently, waiting for him to say something, hoping he’d like it. His jaw tightened as he swallowed hard, sending a shiver over her skin.

  “Damn.” He paused, swallowing hard again. “You look beautiful.”

  Tom tried to stand up, but she laid her hand on his hard chest. “I like it up here,” she purred.

  She straddled him, sitting backward on his lap. He caressed her back, unraveling the tension in her spine. He reached around to fondle her breasts through the sheer material. She drew in a hissing breath and whimpered at the soft tug on her nipple. Dropping her toes to the floor, she unzipped his jeans and slipped her fingers into the waistband. Tess arched forward, seductively removing his jeans with her hands and teeth.

  His searing breath tickled the small of her back. She moved out of reach of his wandering tongue, repositioning herself to face him.

  “Do you remember what you told me our first night together?” she asked, leaving a trail of wet kisses down his neck.


  Her lips pulled to a smile as her tongue slid over her lips. “Tonight is all about you.”

  Her mouth descended and she dragged her tongue over the taut bands of his rippling stomach. She explored every contoured detail, before wrapping her lips around the full length of him. Teasing him with delicate, moist strokes and flicks of her tongue, she peered up to find his dark eyes locked on her. She grinned going down, taking in inch-by-inch until she heard a low groan in his chest as he tugged at her arms.

  Working her way back up to his mouth, she kissed him passionately. Her emotions rose to the surface and she stared through the darkness into his shadowed face, wondering if she had ever felt so powerful before. She didn’t know if it was the novelty of a being intimate with someone new, or the exploration and discovery of sensual need she thought would be gone forever, but this man unlocked something deep within her, a fervent connection that was empowering.

  Tom’s long tapered fingers firmly gripped her hips, seeking admittance. She sat up high, wanting to make him wait, needing him to desire her as much as she craved to feel him.
Her long hair fell down around her face as her eyes fixed on his. He stared at her in a way that made her feel as if he saw clear down into her soul. Her chest ached with a longing and the need to open up to him, but she couldn’t even explain her feelings to herself. She feared that if she tried, he’d disappear.

  Tess knew she shouldn’t do it, telling herself repeatedly, he’s just a vacation. He’s just for fun. He’s just for incredibly good sex. She wouldn’t deny it anymore. She wouldn’t waste one more minute pretending. Tom wasn’t just a rendezvous and it wasn’t just sex. The passion and desire she felt for him was too intense. Tess made love to Tom. She knew it would cause her pain in a few days, but at that moment, it was perfect.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tess slept face down on the bed. Tom gently slipped the sheet back kissing the back of her thigh moving up to the small of her back.

  “That tickles so much. Do you want me to put my outfit back on?” She twitched and giggled until goose bumps covered her skin.

  Tom laid his body on top of hers, nuzzling her neck with his unshaven face. “I’m quite fond of it, but we have to get ready, sleepyhead. I have a meeting I need to take care of, so we need to get out of here. We can’t be late, Tess.”

  A permanent grin covered her face as they drove toward the airport. She had no idea where they were heading and didn’t care, as long as she was with Tom.

  “Are we leaving Italy?”

  “We are.”

  “I should’ve said goodbye to Lisa and Benny,” she said regretfully.

  “You’ll see them again, I think. Otherwise, we would’ve both said goodbye.”

  “Oh, I’m not meeting anyone you should warn me about, am I?”

  “No. I need to take care of some business, so we’re going to have a quick lunch and then leave again.”

  Tess thought Tom seemed a bit anxious boarding the plane. He fidgeted with his fingers and rubbed his knuckles over his jaw. “Is this really the first time you’ve taken off work for a long vacation?”

  “For the most part. I take a week here and there all the time, but I needed to get away.”


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