What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 106

by Lauren Hawkeye

  When the jacket covered me I was engulfed in a heady scent I’ll never forget. The smell of man and leather. Sexy man and leather. I felt like I was already drunk as we headed inside with his arm wrapped around me.

  I gulped as Jase pushed open the door and I got my first glimpse of the home of the life changing world of the outlaw motorcycle gang. I’d only known the tattooed man with his arm wrapped around me for a few hours, but I already felt like I belonged to him. We’d been through so much in such a short time it seemed.

  A handsome looking man with an English accent approached us, “I was worrying about you Jase.” Cute.

  Jase laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “It’ll take more than a couple of methaholics to bring me down Lonnie.”

  “Oh I didn’t mean that, I meant her,” he said nodding his head at me.

  What does that mean?

  “Very funny.” Jase turned away from his friend back to me. “C’mon lets get something to warm you up.” Jase pushed me towards the other side of the dimly-lit room to where a bar appeared to have been set up.

  As we walked across I surveyed my surroundings. There were tables and chairs scattered about and a few booths along the walls. Towards my right was a pool table. Presumably the pool table on which Lucy had been playing with a different kind of balls to what were currently being cannoned around the table by two long-haired and leather-jacketed men.

  My eyes widened slightly when I saw what appeared to be two girls around my age passionately kissing while two guys cheered them on. Of course I’d seen girls doing similar things to impress the boys at frat parties, in fact Lucy had even made me do it with her once much to my embarrassment, but it seemed strangely much more erotic in this den of bikers. It seemed more real. These were people with real jobs and lives doing real things, not like the fake bubble of living that most students at Farmington College surrounded themselves in.

  Jase saw me looking around. “It’s usually a pretty fun time here on a Saturday night. Or a Friday. Or I guess any day really.” I wasn’t sure if Jase was proud or embarrassed. I got the impression that he didn’t necessarily think it was all as fun as it looked.

  “Yo, BK!” Jase called to the pledge working behind the bar, “Do us a couple of hot toddies. The lady here is cold.” I don’t think I’d ever been called a lady; at least not since I was a little girl in trouble getting called young lady in a disapproving tone.

  I smiled at Jase. “Sit down,” he said. So I did. Yes sir. I climbed up on to a barstool and was pleased when he pushed another one closer to mine before sitting next to me.

  “What’s a hot toddy?” I guessed it was a drink but I didn’t know exactly. I hope it doesn’t have chili in it.

  “It’ll warm you up. A bit of whiskey, lemon, honey, ginger. That kinda stuff. Good if you’re cold, great if you have a cold. Good for getting kids to sleep too.”

  I laughed. “No chili?”

  He grinned. “Want me to put some tabasco in it?”

  I smacked him on the arm with a smile, again noticing how hard it was. “Don’t you dare.”

  I wanted to ask him about the club, but didn’t want to step on any toes or ask things that an outsider like me didn’t have any business asking. Fuck it, I don’t know any better. I’ll never learn if I don’t ask. “So the club. What do you guys actually do?”

  Jase raised a hand to his chin and tapped it before speaking. He’s cute when he’s thoughtful. If a guy like that can be described as cute. “A bit of this, a bit of that. We got a little security company – Sons of Mayhem Expert Security. And a bit of debt collecting. Some of us have regular jobs too.”

  “So what do you do?”

  “I manage the security business. Clubs, concerts, stuff like that.”

  “Shouldn’t you be working now then?” It was a Saturday night, after all.

  Jase laughed and took my hand in his. “I’m the boss. I manage when the others fuck up. That and I do the boring stuff during the week; talking to clients and shit.”

  Boss of a company? Vice President of a motorcycle club? Not bad. Not bad.

  “But that’s enough about my boring little life. I want to hear about you, Nicole.” He gave my hand a squeeze and then let our hands drop to my thigh.

  I raised my eyes in disbelief “Boring? If that’s boring then I’d hate to see exciting!”

  He laughed. “Tell me about you. What’s your major? When do you graduate? What do you want to do? C’mon, fill me in!”

  I sighed. “There’s not much to say about me. Let’s see, I’m majoring in Business Management and Communications, I’m twenty one years old, I’m—” My litany of boring facts was interrupted by a pleasant looking man who appeared to be in his forties. Well, as pleasant as a leather jacketed man with tattoos across his hands can look.

  “Jason, sorry to hear about the little bit of bother you got yourself in today. We should sue.”

  I watched on bemused as Jase rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we’ll get right on that Eag. What do you want?

  “Sorry to drag you away from the young lady,” What’s with all the ‘ladies’? “But you’re wanted. Bigfella wants to see you. He’s in his room.”

  Jase nodded. “Is he alone? I don’t need to see that again…”

  What’s ‘that’?

  Eag laughed. “Don’t worry. Some young chick in a nurse costume just left. You better get in there quick though if you want your turn at him.”

  I grinned as Jase rolled his eyes at Eag. “Fuck off.”

  Jase pushed his barstool backwards and turned to me. “Sorry. It’s about that thing earlier. I’ll be back soon. Promise. Don’t go anywhere, okay?” Before I could respond he pressed his warm lips against my cold ones for a second then turned away. I could get used to that.

  I watched him as he walked away until he disappeared down a hallway off of the main room. The bartender drew my attention back in his direction by thumping down two steaming cups on the counter. Two cups, but he’d already gone.

  I wrapped my hands around a hot mug and was relieved when Eag sat down to join me. I wasn’t exactly ready to go and mingle with this crowd yet. If Jase was with me I would though.

  Eag clinked his bottle of beer against my steaming mug.

  “Eag. Nice to meet you.”

  “Nicole. Likewise.”

  “So how do you know Jase?”

  “Oh, I met him through my roommate.”

  “Who’s your roommate?”

  “Lucy. Lucy Bennigan, I think she got initiated or something today.”

  “Lucy? I don’t know any… oh! You mean Juicy, right?”

  “Uh, I guess.” What’s with all these nicknames?

  I took a sip of the drink savoring the burn of the alcohol and the sweetness of the honey. Not bad. “So umm, ‘Eag’, that’s an unusual name.”

  He laughed. He placed his bottle down on the wood counter and held his hands out in front of me. What’s he doing?

  “Hold on.” Eag stood up, and before I knew it he was standing behind me, his body pressed up against the back of my barstool. What the hell is he doing?

  Ahhhh. I finally understood now that the letters on his hands were the right way around in front of me. Across the knuckles it read “L – E – G – A – L” on his left hand and “E – A – G – L – E” on the other hand. Legal Eagle.

  I understood the writing, but I still didn’t exactly get it. When Eag had sat down again I asked him, “So Eag is short for Eagle right. Why? Do you like the law or something?”

  He frowned. “I don’t like the law. I am the law.”

  I laughed. “What, like Judge Dredd?”

  He frowned again. “I don’t know what that is. No, I’m a lawyer.”

  “Was.” As if from nowhere Lonnie had appeared again. “You were a lawyer.”

  Eag looked insulted. “Same difference.”

  “Well, not in the eyes of the law. Maybe that’s why you’re not a lawyer anymore.”

eah, well at least I’m not from England.”

  Lonnie laughed at him. “Ah that razor wit is a delight. If I ever leave the Land of the Free, then the one thing I’ll miss is the wit of Eag.”

  I laughed at the pair of them. Lonnie’s funny.

  Chapter Eleven


  I sipped my hot toddie and felt the warmth begin to spread through my body. My goose bumps were gone and I was beginning to feel good.

  While Lonnie and Eag traded insults I let their voices fade into the roar of the loud rock music, my attention drawn by something equally interesting. Behind the bar was a mirror, and in the reflection of the mirror I could see the front door. As I took a sip that was closer to a gulp I saw an unlikely looking spectacle which caused me to turn around and watch.

  At the front door a rather out of place man entered. He was wearing round glasses which made him appear to be squinting, and he was wearing an expensive looking dress shirt and tie, and carrying a briefcase. What on earth is he doing here? Surrounded by rough looking men in leather he seemed very out of place.

  Then I watched something strange unfold. Lonnie went over and greeted him, and they shook hands and hugged. I couldn’t hear a word they said over the din of the loud rock music, but they clearly knew each other.

  The bespectacled man placed his briefcase on a table and raised his hands to his face. The man removed his glasses, and then undid his necktie. As he began to undo the buttons of his shirt I noticed that he actually filled it out very well; although he’d looked kind of dorky when he first entered, he was actually quite well built underneath.

  The man stripped off his shirt and my eyes bulged. The geek had been transformed. Underneath the dress shirt he was wearing a Harley Davidson wife-beater and I could now see the very visible tats completely covering his arms, giving him a full set of sleeves. Holy shit. Appearances can be deceptive.

  “That’s the Doctor.” Eag hadn’t said a word while I’d been staring. Apparently he’d been watching me watching the man.

  “He’s actually a doctor?” I asked, surprised and somewhat impressed. When I’d first scene him enter I would have believed it in an instant. But after seeing him turn himself into a full on biker-bad-boy the idea almost seemed preposterous.

  “Yep. A real doctor and a real Son.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit. He’s also the other VP.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought Jase is VP?”

  He looked at me like I was an idiot. How the hell am I supposed to know this stuff? “Well he is. And so is the Doc.”

  I watched as The Doctor made his way over to us.

  “Good evening Eag,” he looked at me seemingly confused, “you.” You?

  “It’s Nicole,” I said.

  “Uh-huh.” He didn’t seem interested in the slightest. Well fuck you buddy. The Doctor sat on the barstool on the other side of Eag and as they turned to face each other I was once again left alone.

  I finished my hot toddie and then reached for Jase’s. I’d just taken my first sip of my second drink when a welcome face appeared.

  Chapter Twelve


  I felt a thrill run through me as we left the raucous din of the main clubroom and headed down a hallway. Where’s he going to take me? My hand felt small inside his. Small, but it fit perfectly.

  He was giving me a tour, but I think we both knew that’s not all he, we, had in mind. Will we get more than a few minutes alone?

  “There’s a kitchen there. If you want something I’ll get a pledge to cook something up for you. Then down here are the rooms.”

  “The rooms?” Is he going to take me into a room? My mind began to wander as I thought about what he might do to me, and what I might do to him.

  “Yeah, sometimes the guys stay here. This one here, that’s Bigfella’s. This one is Brodie’s. Then the next one is Bottle’s. The others are for whoever.”

  I frowned. “You don’t get one?”

  “Nope,” he grinned at me. He’s hiding something! “I got the penthouse, baby.”

  I laughed. “The penthouse? Uh-huh. Sure.”

  He laughed again. “Seriously. Okay, it’s not a fancy penthouse or anything, but it’s still the penthouse. I mean, it’s what we call it.”

  I was intrigued. What did he mean? I continued to follow him as we passed the doorways and reached the end of the hallway. Jase opened a doorway that led outside to what I figured was the back of the clubhouse.

  The cool desert air filled my lungs and I breathed deeply. It was refreshing to be outside again after the mayhem of the clubhouse interior.

  I followed Jase around a corner to a metal spiral staircase. “Come on.” He continued to hold my hand behind him as he led me up the winding stairs to the roof of the Sons of Mayhem headquarters.

  When we got to the top he stopped. “Look.” He waved his hands up towards the sky.

  I looked up and gasped. It was beautiful. The music from inside was faint and now the night time sounds of the living desert were dominant. Up above the sky was blanketed with stars. It was a perfectly clear night.

  “Come on.” I was disappointed to look down, and then saw where Jase was leading me. Ahead of us, in the middle of the roof, was a trailer. Penthouse. Haha. Whoever heard of a trailer penthouse?

  Jase grinned, he seemed proud of it. “I told you it’s not much. But it’s mine. And it keeps me away from the ruckus downstairs. Wanta see?”

  “Sure.” What’s he going to show me?

  We stood facing each other inside his small trailer, his jacket still wrapped around my shoulders. My head spun, just a little, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the drinks or from the man in front of me.

  I thought back to a week before, when I’d finally decided I’d had enough of my boring life, and wanted something more exciting. Well holy shit, I guess my life certainly did get more exciting. And where the hell is Lucy?

  Jase’s voice was low and rich as he spoke, “What a day. But thank God I finally got you alone. I promised, right?”

  I nodded. In my lightheaded state and after the day I’d had I found myself becoming someone I’d never been before. Not a totally different me, but more confident, cocky. Seductive. “Oh yeah? What are you going to do to me?” Say it; say what you’ll do to me.

  He stepped closer to me. His eyes smoldered as they bore into mine. “What do you want me to do to you?” He raised his eyebrows slightly. I wanted him so bad.

  He pulled his jacket off my body and tossed it on to the back of a chair. His hands wrapped around my waist, half touching the top of my shorts, and half resting against the bare skin of my midriff. I found myself speaking words I’d never heard myself say, “I want you to touch me.”

  He rubbed his thumb gently across my stomach causing it to flutter and send shivers down my spine. His fingers slid down slightly, cupping my ass.

  “Like this?” he asked.

  More. More. Touch me more. Don’t tease me. “And kiss me.”

  Our eyes didn’t waiver as he pushed his lips to mine and he kissed me properly for the second time. And it was just like the first. His plump lips molded to mine and he tasted of whisky and ginger. He tasted of heaven.

  Our bodies pressed closer together and his hands roamed up and down, caressing my back, hands slipping under my tight t-shirt and attempting to slide down the back of my shorts. But they were too tight. I hope I get shot at every day if it can end like this.

  I felt his hands reaching towards the front of my shorts, to undo them. Not this time. It’s my turn.

  I pulled his hands away from my waist and lifted them to my shoulders. I broke away from his kiss and looked up at him for a moment. His eyes burned as I slid slowly to my knees, never breaking my gaze.

  He didn’t stop me this time as I reached for his belt and undid it without looking. I let my hand brush against the front of his jeans and felt him hard and bulging underneath. Just the gentle touch of my hand was eno
ugh to cause him to moan.

  As I undid the buttons of his shorts I felt his boxers pushing out. His eyes didn’t break contact with mine as I slowly licked my lips. My hands ran over his lower back, again admiring his hard body as I slipped them underneath his boxers.

  His breath quickened and he groaned again as I pulled his underwear down. My eyes flicked down momentarily as I watched his hard member spring back up, free, as it was released from his Calvins.

  I can’t believe I’m acting like this. I can’t believe I’ve never acted like this before. I parted my lips gently and let out a warm breath over his head. Wait for it.

  His hands slipped from my shoulders to my head. I could see the desperation in his eyes. You want to push my head on to you, don’t you? Can you wait? Are you going to push my head down on to you anyway? I don’t mind if you do.

  I breathed over him again, sensing him jump a little. Making sure my lips weren’t dry with a final flick of my tongue I pressed into his firm buttocks with my nails and pushed my mouth forward on to him.

  “Ohhh fuck.” Do you like that? As I stared up at him he closed his eyes as I wrapped my lips around his shaft and took him in my mouth. My gaze lowered as I watched him disappear between my lips.

  Slowly my mouth enveloped him, taking him as far down as I could. One of my hands strayed from his buttocks and gently clutched him underneath, rolling him around in my hand.

  “Oh God where did you learn to do that?” His rhetorical question went unanswered as I slid my mouth back up and then down again, running my tongue along and around him as I went. Where did I learn to do that? It certainly wasn’t from being with Mark.

  On my knees in slutty clothes in front of the tattooed biker I felt more attractive, and more aroused than I’d ever felt. Sure I’d been hit on at parties, told I’m sexy by random creeps, but I’d never truly felt it, at least not like this.

  With his jeans around his ankles and his hard member in my mouth, moaning as I sucked him in my slutty little outfit I felt a power I’d never felt before. Power over a powerful man. At least for now.


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