What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 107

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Jase slid his hands into my hair and began to move his hips. He let out quiet grunts as he began to thrust into my willing mouth. His fingers clenched together, pulling my hair, and I didn’t mind a bit.

  I let out moans of my own as my biker lover began to control the situation. Show me what to do, Jase, show me how to please you. Last time I used you, this time you can use me.

  The faint music and desert sounds from outside faded away as I became consumed by desire, and I literally consumed him. All that was left was him, hot inside me as he moaned and thrust between my lips. Faster if you want. Harder if you want. Use me Jase. Use me my tattooed lover. My nails dug into his tight ass as he fucked my mouth faster and faster, his grip on my hair tight enough to cause pleasurable pain.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck…” He’s about to finish. I dug the nails of my right hand harder into his buttocks, feeling the rippling muscles underneath as he made his final few thrusts. I gently squeezed him as he held my head still by the hair, dominating and controlling me.

  He filled me with his hot, salty-sweet seed. There was no thought of spit or swallow; it was swallow or choke as he emptied himself in my willing mouth, held tight by his fistfuls of my hair. I swallowed desperately, greedily. Give it all to me Jase. I’ll take it all for you.

  My head was held tight against his crotch as I ran my tongue around and over him, feeling the smoothness of the skin with my curious tongue.

  He seemed to awaken as if from a daze and released my hair, “Oh my God I’m sorry!”

  I languorously pulled my head up my eyes staring into his, as I slowly slid him out from between my lips. What’s he got to be sorry about? “It’s okay—” I began but I didn’t get to finish my sentence.

  The door burst open and drunken Lucy stumbled in. I felt blood rush to my already flushed face as my arousal rapidly turned to embarrassment and anger. “Hey!” I yelled at her as I quickly got my feet, my hand furiously wiping at my mouth. Jase meanwhile was pulling up his jeans, but he didn’t seem as desperately embarrassed as I did. He must be used to this.

  Lucy burst out laughing. “Sor-rry!” She raised her eyebrows at me and gave me a wink. I raised my hand to my chin and wiped away more saliva. I hope that’s just saliva. How embarrassing!

  “Sorry about that Jase. But you’ve got a meeting to go to.”

  Jase had his jeans pulled back up around his waist as he turned around to face the door and our rude interrupter. I could have sworn I saw a wistful look on Lucy’s face as his tight ass was covered up again. “You ever hear of knocking?” He sounds kinda pissed.

  Lucy giggled. She’s such an idiot sometimes. “I was going to knock, but I stumbled. I think there’s a log or something out there—” There’s no log. “—and I just fell right in!” A likely story. You wanted to catch us. You wanted to catch us fucking didn’t you? Well not this time!

  Chapter Thirteen


  Jase sat to the left of Bigfella. Opposite him sat The Doctor, the senior Vice President. Around the table the other members of the leadership council sat. T-Bone, Bottle, Lonnie, Brodie and Eag. The mood was serious.

  Jase looked at Bigfella, the President of the club, and the oldest member there. He was also the most striking as he had waist length gray hair which was always braided. After welcoming everyone he got down to business. “Jase, do you have any idea why the Mexicans would be after you?”

  Jase sighed. “Not a clue. Nothing. There haven’t been any S.O.M.E. problems with them. I’ve not been in any fights lately. I’ve not even spoken to any of them in weeks.”

  “Anyone else? Any ideas?” Big Fella looked around the table expectantly and seemed a little surprised at who answered.

  “I might have an idea.” It was The Doctor who spoke. In his current getup he looked every bit the biker badass, and his voice was firm and strong as he spoke, “I was reached out to last week. I wanted everyone to hear this. Sorry for not bringing up to you first Bigfella, but I think everyone should hear.”

  Jase leaned back in his chair as he listened, curious as to where this was going. “Who reached out to you? About what?”

  “The Koreans.” The room erupted in surprised gasps. The Koreans were into heavy shit and had not been friendly to the Sons in the past.

  Bigfella spoke again, “What the hell did they want?”

  “They want to do business. They have some product they want to move, and they want us to help move it. Through our security contacts and our regular networks.” The Doctor looked directly at Jase as he spoke. Jase was in charge of the security company the club run. As they provided doormen for a number of clubs and bars, they also controlled the drugs there. Weed, pills, coke, mostly.

  Bigfella looked at the octor, “Why’d they contact you?”

  The Doctor grinned, “One of their guys works at the hospital. They know we’re not real friendly to them, so I guess they thought speaking to me in the hospital would avoid any surprises. Or chances of confrontation.”

  Jase looked at the Doctor “So you told them to fuck off, right?”

  The other VP looked at Jase with a cold look. “I thought we should bring it to the table. And in light of today’s events, I think that was a good idea. Don’t you?”

  Jase saw Brodie catch Bigfella’s eye and received a nod in return, allowing him to speak. “Call me a fuckin idiot if you like,” he grinned good-naturedly as Bottle and Lonnie complied, “but what’s the connection here?” A couple of the other members nodded, not understanding the link. “What the fuck does the Mexicans going after Jase have to do with the Koreans speaking to the Doctor?”

  Jase thought he had a pretty good idea what was going on. Sitting forward again Jase spoke, “I guess the Mexicans got wind of what was up, and they don’t want us dealing with the Koreans. Right?”

  The Doctor nodded. “Yep that’d be my guess too. Approaching me in the hospital was stupid. Half the janitorial staff are Mexicans, and you know they all know each other. Everyone’s someone’s cousin twice-fucking-removed.”

  “Or fucking someone’s cousin,” said Lonnie to mumbled laughter.

  “Of course,” said Jase, “this just goes to show the Mexicans are fucking idiots. We’re not going to have anything to do with the Koreans, right?”

  Jase’s open question drew a couple of approving nods from the men seated around the table. Of course they weren’t going to have anything to do with the Koreans.

  The Doctor spoke again, “Of course, dealing with them is far too risky. I mean, it’s potentially a lot of money, but we’re doing well enough on our own, right?”

  The nods of agreement were halfhearted. They weren’t doing that great on their own. Jase felt several pairs of eyes looking at him. The security company was making a profit, but not that much. They weren’t exactly living big these days. But then again, what the fuck did The Doctor, or Bottle, or even Bigfella bring to the table for that matter? Lonnie and Brodie had a thing going with some women; putting the party chicks to work as they called it, but that shit hadn’t gotten all that far yet.

  “How much?” said the previously quiet man in the corner.

  The Doctor looked over, “Well Eag, let’s just say they talked six figures. Big six figures.” The room was filled with muttering as each of them figured out just precisely what that meant. It meant they’d be rich.

  Jase looked over at the Doctor, his voice was unimpressed as he asked, “And what exactly is it they want us to distribute? I’m assuming it’s not pot, we already do that and it’s barely a five figure business a year. It ain’t a six figure business a month.”

  “Crystal meth.” There was muttering around the table.

  Bigfella raised his voice, “We don’t deal that shit! We’ve never dealt that shit, and we ain’t gonna start now. Let’s vote it!”

  Jase breathed a sigh of relief, glad Bigfella hadn’t been swayed by the promise of more money than their club had ever seen. Bigfella had clearly seen the danger of further talk
when that much money was on the table.

  He should have guessed of course. Bigfella hated heroin with a fiery passion, and there were certain other drugs he lumped in together with it—crystal meth and crack were equally deserving of his ire.

  The Doctor spoke again, “Of course, you’re right, I just felt the issue should be brought to the table. All in favor of doing business with the Koreans say ‘aye.’”

  Only one man said ‘Aye’, and of course that man was Eag. Jase wasn’t surprised, if there was one thing Eag loved it was pussy, and if there was one thing he loved even more than pussy it was money.

  “The motion is denied.” Bigfella looked around the table. “All right. Go fuck some bitches and drink some fucking whiskey. Jase, Brodie, stay here a minute.”

  Brodie sighed and caught Jase’s eye. They both had things they’d rather be doing.

  “Sorry boys. Brodie, I want you to clear this shit up with the Mexicans. Let them know we ain’t doing shit with the Koreans. End this before it begins.”

  Brodie nodded. Jase could see the pride in Brodie’s eyes. He’d only been brought up to the leadership council a month before, and this was the first time he’d been given a direct order from Bigfella on serious club business. “I’ll get on it first thing boss.”

  Bigfella sighed. “Sorry Brodie. I want you to get out there tonight.”

  Jase saw Brodie look crestfallen. He knew exactly what Brodie wanted to be doing tonight. Or who, anyway. But of course he didn’t, couldn’t, complain. “Sure thing.”

  “Alright. Get with you.”

  Brodie pushed his chair back. “Later,” he said to Jase and they bumped their fists together. “Keep Juicy warm for me?”

  Jase laughed. “Uh-uh. That dirty girl’s all yours brother. I’m stickin’ with the sweetness.”

  “That what you calling her?”

  “Maybe I am.” Jase realized he quite liked the nickname. He’d have to start using it on Nicole.

  When Brodie had left and closed the door, Bigfella turned to face Jase.

  “Son, I don’t think I like this.”

  Jase didn’t like the sound of where this was going.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I sat next to my roommate, still pissed off. “You’re a real bitch sometimes, you know that?”

  Lucy giggled. “Sorry hon. I just wanted to see it for my own eyes.”

  “See what?” What the hell.

  “You know. Good girl Nicole getting down and dirty with a bad boy biker.” She giggled again. She’s weird.

  I let out a laugh. “Well I guess you missed out.”

  Lucy raised her eyebrows at me and leaned in. “Did he taste good?”

  I smacked her on the arm and giggled. “Lucy!” What is wrong with that girl! She was funny though. She knew how to make me feel embarrassed in a second.

  She wasn’t done teasing me yet though. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Let me have a taste.” Again, what the hell? I turned to look at her, not comprehending, until she pressed her lips against mine and ran her tongue across.

  “Oh yeah!” A prospect with long greasy red hair leaned in. “Don’t stop.”

  I pulled my head back sharply. “What the hell Lucy!”

  “Umm umm. Your biker bad boy tastes almost as good as mine.”

  I gave her a sharp look. She could be so annoying sometimes. “Hey BK, get me a beer, please?”

  “Sure thing.” A bottle appeared in front of me and I sipped it sullenly.

  Lucy ordered one of her own. “Sorry Nicole, I was just trying to have a little fun.”

  I sighed. “I know. But just…” I paused to think. “…just chill out a bit, would you? I’m not as wild as you.” I’m not, am I? Today’s been a weird day.

  Lucy grinned, pleased that my mood had lightened again. “Anyway, you looked pretty wild in Jase’s trailer. I saw you, on your knees with your hands all over his ass.”

  I let out another embarrassed laugh, “Can we please talk about something else now?” I guess I did look pretty wild.

  It looked like Lucy was about to say something when the red headed asshole made a reappearance. Rage surged through me as the asshole grabbed Lucy and me by the hair, and tried to shove our mouths together again. “Less talking, more kissing sluts.”

  We both resisted but our heads were being pressed inexorably closer together. Fucking asshole! In a rage I lashed out with my elbow and somehow caught him at the top of his stomach.

  The asshole let out an ‘Oof’ as we were both able to free ourselves from his grip.

  “Fuck you!” said Lucy as she span her barstool to face him and gave him a powerful kick in the stomach with her fuck-you boot.

  I don’t know what came over me as I joined her. The pledge was now doubled over and his head was at the perfect height for my boot. With a flex of my knee I sent it flying into his face. Fuck you asshole.

  “Is this prick bothering you?” It was The Doctor. He’d reappeared from the meeting room. Without waiting for a response he grabbed the pledge by the hair and marched off with him.

  Lucy looked at me wide-eyed. “I didn’t think you had it in you!”

  I just grinned. Adrenaline was pouring through me. Neither did I, Lucy, neither did I.

  I picked up my bottle of beer again and raised it to my lips, taking another sip, proud of myself, if still a little shaken.

  Lucy clinked her bottle against mine. “You are now a genuine badass Nicole. Now are you ready to get initiated?”

  Fuck. Initiated? I forgot about that.

  Luckily I didn’t have to think about that just yet as I saw my savior walking towards us.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Jase looked at Bigfella. “What’s up Bigfella?”

  He sighed. “I don’t know Jase, I don’t-fuckin-know. But something ain’t right.”

  Jase sighed. He agreed. He wasn’t sure why exactly, but he could feel it too. “What do you think is going on?”

  “This shit with the Mexicans. It doesn’t make fucking sense. Why the fuck would they target you in particular? You said you haven’t even spoken to them in weeks.”

  Jase nodded. “Yeah. It’s weird. I guess just because I’m a VP or something?”

  “Then why not The Doctor?”

  Jase thought for a moment before replying. “Well I guess he’s higher profile, right? A fuckin’ doctor at the hospital getting whacked would be major news. A fucking bouncer like me? Who’d give a shit, apart from the club?”

  Bigfella clapped Jase on the shoulder. “Plenty of shits would be given. But I don’t think that’s it. Why the fuck would they be so upset over us doing business with the Koreans anyway? It doesn’t make any fucking sense at all.”

  Jase nodded. “And there was one thing bothering me.”

  “What’s that?”

  Jase leaned forward. “Why’d they use fucking meth heads? They’ve got enough of their own guys. Why pay some incompetent white boy drug addicts instead of using their own men.”

  Bigfella nodded, his great mane of hair shaking as he did so. “Yep. Look Jase, I think someone’s got it out for you. Thing is, I don’t think it’s the Mexicans.”

  Jase nodded. It hurt to admit it, but it seemed to be the case.

  “Those assholes are still in the warehouse right? I know you spoke to them before, but I want them spoken to again. Spoken to hard.”

  With a grim face Jase nodded. He knew what that meant. The Doctor. With his medical training he knew better than anyone how to get information out of someone who didn’t want to speak. That, and he was used to blood and screams from working in an ER. It was dirty work, but sometimes it had to be done.

  “Alright. I’ll let him know. Anything else?”

  Bigfella sighed. “No. This is fucked though. Someone’s trying to fuck with us, and the only person I like fucking me are slutty young bitches. I do not want to be fucked by the Mexicans. I do not want to be fucked by the
Koreans. And I definitely don’t want to be fucked by whoever-the-fuck-it-is fucking with us right now.”

  Jase almost grinned; Bigfella certainly had a way with words. But the situation was too serious for that.

  “Now, I heard you brought some bitch in today. Good. Go fuck her and forget about this shit for a while.”

  Jase nodded. He wished he wouldn’t refer to her as a bitch, but he knew that was just Bigfella’s way.

  They stood and hugged, clapping each other on the back, before Jase headed out the door. He left the older man behind, who remained sitting at the head of the table, his brow furrowed as he sat and thought.

  Jase fought his way across the noisy clubhouse floor and then cursed. The Doctor was dragging away Red, one of the new pledges, from Nicole and Lucy. He hurried over.

  “Are you girls okay? What happened?”

  Lucy and Nicole exchanged glances and grinned. “We’re good. We took care of it.” They clinked their bottles together. Jase shook his head. Thank fuck for that.

  “Give me a minute, I gotta talk to The Doctor about something.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  With a cold bottle of beer in one hand and the other enveloped in Jase’s we crossed the floor of the clubroom to the booths on the far wall.

  Jase pushed back a table and slid in, pulling me behind him. He placed an arm over my shoulders and his hand rested on the bare skin of my midriff. That feels nice. Comfortable. I looked down and was ashamed to see there were still dirty marks from the time I spent on the floor earlier that afternoon.

  Glancing down I noticed my knees were also dirty. I was puzzled for a moment. They weren’t dirty when I got on the back of the bike. Oh yeah…

  Jase absentmindedly ran his fingers over my now warm skin send gentle shivers running through me. “Sorry about today. It’s been a long one huh?”


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