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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

Page 160

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Julie was scared, but it looked like a baby, not an apple. It had a big head compared to its body. Good God, was it an alien? But it was cute, and it was moving some. That was her baby and that was its heart beating.

  “The baby looks very healthy.” Dr. Blossom typed something on the keyboard.

  Julie grinned. That was good to know.

  Dr. Blossom started taking measurements and talking about all kinds of different things, which went in one ear and out the other. All she could concentrate on was seeing her little baby. Julie’s eyes were moist, but she held back. She took a quick glance at Mark and saw the love on his face as he stared at the monitor. She reached over, took his hand, and mouthed thank you. This was a wonderful surprise.

  She saw the emotion in his gaze. How this was affecting him. Was he sad? Or was he falling in love with her child?

  “Now, Julie, you’re not three months,” Dr. Blossom said.

  “I’m not?”

  “No, you’re in the middle of your fourth month. You’re about fifteen to sixteen weeks pregnant.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes. I’ll explain it all in a bit, but in a few weeks, you should come back for your ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. If you want to know.”

  Julie lit up. She would know what her little apple was soon.

  Dr. Blossom printed out a few pictures then cleaned up Julie’s belly. She handed the photos to her. “Mark said you hadn’t been to the doctor’s yet, so I want to get you started on prenatal vitamins. It isn’t too late. Do you have your yearly exam regularly?”

  Julie nodded.

  “Good. I have a few booklets for you. Before you leave, if you would let the nurse get a little blood work, I can get that into your chart. And we’ll set you up an appointment for your eighteenth week to see the baby again. Does that sound good?”

  “I might be back in New York then,” Julie said.

  “No problem. Just call and cancel if you do, and we’ll forward your chart to your doctor there.”

  Once the blood work was finished, and Julie had her goody bag from the doctor, she and Mark left. As she climbed up into the truck, she couldn’t believe she was four months pregnant and, in about two weeks, they could tell her if it was a boy or a girl. This was moving a lot faster than she’d imagined it would.

  “Ready for that coffee now?” Mark asked as he started the truck.

  Julie scooted over, thankful she hadn’t buckled yet, and cupped his face. Full of passion, she kissed him, not caring who could see them. She practically climbed into his lap, needing to be close to him. And he didn’t object. He gripped her ass, and all she wanted was to get back to the house with him so she could give him a proper thank you.

  She titled her head to deepen the kiss. She rubbed her hands through his hair and wished they could continue but, if this went any further, who knew what kind of town gossip would start.

  Pulling away, she got back in her seat and buckled. “Now I’m ready for coffee.”

  Chapter Eleven

  As soon as they were inside, Julie knew just what she wanted. Setting her half-empty coffee on the table, she crossed the room to Mark.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He gazed at her as if he knew just what she was thinking. Perhaps her eyes, full of passion, were letting him know. She grabbed a handful of his shirt and yanked him to her, not even taking her time. Her lips forced their way to his, and her tongue instantly thrust into his mouth. She shoved his jacket off and with a thud it landed on the floor. She tore at his clothes, needing him naked and close to her.

  Mark pulled back. “What’s the hurry?”

  “I want you now. That’s the hurry.”

  Taking advantage of not kissing him, she began to strip her own clothes off.

  “I can do that.” Mark reached out for her.

  “You’re not fast enough. I need this now, Mark. Right now.”

  She didn’t really understand what had come over her, but she needed the connection with him. Seeing the way he watched her now, she wasn’t sure he was at the same place as her, but he would be soon.

  Unclasping her bra, she let it drop to the floor. His blue eyes now looked like liquid passion. He was there. Right as she touched the button of her pants, he gripped her waist and yanked her to him.

  “God, you’re something, Julie.” His lips smashed into her as his hands tore her jeans off.

  She got back to getting him undressed, too. Pulling away, she took his shirt off and flung it across the room. This man had the most amazing chest and, each time she saw it, she had to touch. Lightly, she caressed his pecks. They were both now fully naked and, even though it was cold as hell outside, she felt hot.

  Gazing up at him, she said, “Take me to bed.”

  He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. As he carried her, she let her lips explore his neck. Once they made it to the bed, she was ready to take charge. She shoved him down and continued to explore his body in each and every place her lips could find. He had six pack abs and she licked and kissed her way around them back up his chest, sucking in a nipple. Once she finally made her way back to his lips, his eyes were blazing.

  Mark was no longer gentle with her. Lifting her off of him, he tossed her onto the bed, dragging her to the edge. She braced herself for the sound of a wrapper, but instead a warm mouth met her core, and she was lost. Her eyes closed and her mind was blank. The only sense she was experiencing right now was touch. And, oh, were those touches great. She gripped the edge of the bed as wave after wave of passion flowed through her like a stream.

  Her breath quickened and then she heard the familiar sound of something tear. Mark crawled back on the bed, pulling her with him. He looked into her eyes lovingly, and she gazed back, feeling her heart opening. She just might be in love with this man, and it was scary in the short amount of time she’d known him.

  Without saying a word, he entered her, their eyes locked. It was slow and, at the moment, it was about the love they were sharing. It scared the shit out of her. She gripped his backside and thrust up against him to break the slowness and get the hard passion back. Mark took her cue, and the urgency returned. He buried his head into the crook of her neck and pumped deep. She couldn’t hold off, lacing her hands around his neck, she tangled her fingers in his hair has her back arched. They both cried out as their release hit at the same time. She bit her bottom lip, trying to suppress the need to scream at the top of her lungs. The orgasm rocked through her and him until finally they both relaxed.

  Mark lay on her and she let her fingers linger on his lower back, drawing little circles. Having him still connected to her really made her feel as though they were one. She had never experienced the connection she had with Mark with anyone else. But did he feel the same for her, or was he just getting from her what he’d lost?

  He seemed to sense her mood change, rolled off of her, and pulled her to him.

  “You okay?” He pushed her hair from her face.

  “I’m great.” She smiled.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, Mark.” She rolled to her side and let her hands rub through his dark locks. “I’m absolutely wonderful. You have made my day in more than one way. And I hope I have shown you how thankful I am.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed her. “Oh, you have. You just being here is all the thanks I need.”

  Sitting up for a moment, she reached down and pulled the blanket up around them. “How about a short nap before dinner?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Julie snuggled into his side, where she seemed to fit perfectly. With all the emotions she had experienced today, she was exhausted. Now, with his arms wrapped tightly around her, she felt at home and safe.

  The next morning, as Julie sat alone at the kitchen table reading over the local paper, she found herself having a hard time focusing. She wondered if what she was feeling for Mark was real. It felt real. When she saw him, she wanted to be near him, and wh
en he was away, she missed him. When they’d been together yesterday, it had been more than just sex. There’d been a lot of love from both of them.

  They had moved into a regular ritual with one another, and she enjoyed it. He always made sure her needs were met. When he looked at her, he made her feel not only special but desirable. He knew she carried another man’s child, and it didn’t really seem to bother him. But that was a whole other concern on its own.

  Did he have true feelings for her or, when he looked at her, did he see what he’d lost? Did he think he could get it back with her and her baby? She knew he was still grieving. And the way he’d watched the baby on the monitor yesterday with such love… It somewhat freaked her out. If she was on the market for a father, he would be perfect, but she wasn’t. She needed to figure this all out. And there was no way she could do that here. She was going to have to return to New York. She had no idea where she was going to stay there, but it wasn’t like she could stay here either and keep playing house. She had to get her life together and figure it all out. And she only had five months.

  She closed the paper, realizing there was no reason to continue staring at words that weren’t even registering. She headed outside and jogged toward the mailbox. She’d forgotten to check it yesterday, and it had been two weeks since the last postcard. Her mom had to be somewhere, and she needed some insight. She was in luck. In the mailbox, mixed with the bills, with a glossy card.

  She flipped it over and saw her mother had just left Atlanta, Georgia. She assumed now her mom was going to keep heading south and maybe stop in Florida. On the back, though, there was a different message than her typical one. It was made out to her.

  Love you, Julie. Hope you enjoyed the snow while I basked in the heat of Georgia.

  So her mother knew she was here and just hadn’t called her back. Why? Well, she intended to do her best to find out.

  Julie stomped back inside, taking care not to slip on the ice. She made a mental note to let Mark know they needed more salt out here. Neither of them needed to risk falling.

  Once she was safely inside, she continued her angry march straight to the phone and dialed her mother. Just as she expected, the voicemail picked up. Rolling her eyes, she left a message. “I’m sorry I missed you on my trip home, but I have to go back to New York soon. Maybe you’ll call me then. Love you, and enjoy your trip.”

  Mark would be home for lunch before long. Might as well get cleaned up and get something started for them to eat.

  “Mark, your work is magnificent,” Seth Hampton, the town’s sheriff, said. “You just have a way with wood. This new entertainment stand just might outshine my TV.”

  Mark laughed. “I doubt that. That’s a pretty impressive TV you got there. Hope you’re expecting me for Super Bowl Sunday.”

  “Of course. Party’s at my place.” Seth arranged a more serious look on his face. “So tell me about Julie. What’s she doing home?”

  “Just came to see her mama.”

  “But Mama ain’t here, and you are. Rumor has it you two were snowed in together.”

  Mark ran his hands through his hair. “Guess I just got lucky.”

  “Lucky. Yeah, I’d say so. Wish she was sticking around. She’s definitely a looker.”

  Mark’s blood burned. He was always known for being jealous, but it was best to watch his tongue. He didn’t want to say anything he’d regret. “Yeah, pretty hot.”

  “Did you guys … you know?”

  Was he serious? Mark shook his head.

  “I wouldn’t blame you if you had.” Mark clenched his fists. Seth noticed and took a step back. “Sorry, man. That was really rude of me. I should know better.”

  “Listen, you need me to send some of the guys out to help you load this up in your pick-up?”

  “That would be great actually. Looking forward to you seeing it all set up. See ya, man.”

  Mark nodded. He knew Seth’s talk was innocent. It was just typical guy talk. Everyone in town was curious as to why Julie was here, why she hadn’t known her mom was gone, and what had happened between them during the blizzard. If there was one thing his parents had taught him, though, it was to respect your and others’ private lives. He had never been one to kiss and tell. Sure, Julie was someone he’d love to shout to the world he had kissed, but it wouldn’t be fair to her. Especially since he really had no idea what her plans were.

  She’d let on a few times that she was returning to New York—which was the last thing he wanted. He wanted her to stay. He could help her with the baby, support her until she was ready to get back to work.

  A light bulb then seemed to literally light up above his head. He knew exactly what she could do for work. He had no doubt she would be successful with it. Thank God it was lunchtime. He was going to hurry home now and tell her.

  He hollered he was leaving then went to his truck and took the short drive back to what was starting to feel like Heaven. He loved returning everyday to the house and seeing Julie there. It was something he knew he’d never tire of.

  Pulling into the driveway, he saw the smoke coming from the fireplace. She must have been piddling around again with mastering how to build a fire. It was cute and, each time she did it, she did the best little dance he had ever seen.

  As he came through the front door, that was exactly what he saw. Today, though, she was dressed in cotton pants, but her hair and make-up were done. He sure would have loved to see that fine ass in jeans as she wiggled.

  “Hey!” She jogged over and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Lunch is done and waiting on you. Sloppy Joes.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Mark followed her to the kitchen, and she told him to have a seat while she put the finishing touches together. Once she was done, she placed a plate in front of him packed with two sandwiches and tater tots. This was the unhealthiest thing he had seen her make yet. Maybe she was getting over whatever health kick she had been on and realized meat was good.

  “I need to head to town later,” she said as she sat down. “It happened. My belly popped. I can’t button my jeans any longer.”

  “It was bound to happen.” He couldn’t wait to see the tiny bump.

  “Yes, I guess you’re right about that. I actually think I felt a light flutter today. It kind of felt like someone was scraping me with a fingernail lightly on the inside of my belly. Strange really.”

  “Really? That’s great. It’s getting so much more real now, I bet.”

  “It is.” She took a bite of a tater tot. “Got a postcard from Mom. She just left Atlanta. She knows I’m here. The card was addressed to me.”

  He couldn’t believe Margaret had yet to call her daughter back. “Why hasn’t she called then?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  “Maybe soon.”

  They finished eating, and Mark told her to sit while he cleaned up. Since he had most of his work done, he figured he could take a longer lunch break than usual. There was just one piece he needed to add a first layer of polish to, and he would be done with all he could do for the day.

  “So let me see this bump.” He dried his hands.

  A big grin crossed her face, and she pulled her shirt up for him to have a little peek. He’d just been down there last night and, sure enough, there was a little bit more of a bump there than before. He walked over and placed his hand on it. She gazed up into his eyes. He was in love with this girl, and there was no way he could let her leave. He leaned down to kiss her, but the doorbell sounded followed by pounding.

  “Who the hell is that?” He went to find out as the person kept pounding on the door. Whoever it was, it had to be an emergency with all that racket.

  Mark opened the door and had no idea who the man standing there dressed in a suit was. A glance around the guy showed a Mercedes sitting in the driveway. He had a good idea now. He knew just who it was.

  “I’m here to see Julie,” the man said.

  “Mark, who is it?” Julie asked as
she came up behind him. “Jeremy, what are you doing here?”

  Jeremy tried to enter the house, but Mark stood firmly in the doorway.

  “It’s cold out here. Can I please come in?” Jeremy snapped. “Julie, tell this brute to get out of my way.”

  She placed her hand on his forearm. “It’s okay, Mark.”

  He spun his head around and looked at her. Was she crazy? This man had just threatened her, and now she wanted to just let him into the house. Whatever. He took a step back and let the man inside.

  “Thanks,” Jeremy said as he came in and shut the door behind him. “Could you give us some privacy?”

  “No.” Mark was not backing down. There was no way he was leaving Julie alone with him.

  “What I have to discuss with Julie does not concern you.”

  “Jeremy, its fine. Just say whatever you have to say,” Julie said.

  “Are you seeing this guy?” Jeremy pointed at him.

  “What do you want, Jeremy?” Julie asked, obviously as irritated as Mark was that Jeremy was here.

  Jeremy studied Mark some more. “I’m sorry for the other day. I shouldn’t have said those things I did. I was just making a point. I don’t want the baby.”

  Julie walked over to her purse and dug through it. She handed a picture to Jeremy. Mark was certain he knew what the photo was of.

  “That’s my baby. In two weeks, I will know if my baby is a boy or girl. You don’t have a baby.”

  Jeremy only glanced at the picture before handing it right back to her. “It’s too late for the abortion, isn’t it?”

  “It was never an option.”

  “Do you really want to raise a baby on your own in New York City? Because I’m signing away my rights, so you can’t get a dime from me.”

  “I’ll make it somehow,” she said.

  “If you put it up for adoption, you can come home after to me.”

  Mark couldn’t believe this man. Did he think he was that damn special? “She’ll never come back to you.”

  Jeremy looked him up and down again. “Julie, are you involved with this man?”


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