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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

Page 165

by Lauren Hawkeye

  She liked to be prepared even if she wasn’t having sex so she enjoyed being the one with the condoms. She was on birth control but had never had sex without protection. “I like to have safe sex.” He arched his eyebrows but took the box out of her hands and opened it to pull out one of the black wrappers. He took off his underwear and her mouth grew dry. He was bigger than she thought. Yes, she had been with men that were well endowed but he put her largest lover to shame.

  She enjoyed watching him slowly place the condom on him, and then he took her by surprise by not going to her but laying on his back on the bed with his hard cock jetting up.

  “You are in control, Evangeline.” He rested his arms behind his head and gazed at her challenging her. She grinned and crawled to him, then she placed one leg over him and leaned forwarded to brush her lips against his.

  Unhurriedly she started to rub herself on him, and deepened their kiss by twisting her fingers in his hair. He moaned when she lowered herself on the tip of him and she slowly moved up and down on him. Taking him slow, she could still feel him stretching her. She opened her eyes and found him staring at her, and she knew at the moment she would do anything he wanted to have this again.

  His hands found her hips and he gently lifted her up and down; she threw her head back and moaned as she grind on him.

  “You look even more stunning when you are on the edge of your release.” She brought her eyes back to his and was speechless. She wasn’t sure what to say to that, and didn’t have time to respond because he flipped her to her back. “I love your slow and easy but I want to make you scream for me, Evangeline.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her ankles together.

  He grinned down at her as he started to move faster in and out. One of his hands rubbed and slightly pinched her clit. She felt her release building and she gasped. She wasn’t going to last too much longer and when he arched his hips up a little hitting her spot she couldn’t stop herself from exploding around him. Angelo dropped his head to her shoulder and bit down when he slammed into her groaning her name.

  Neither of them moved, she kept her legs wrapped around him and he kept his mouth on her shoulder. She didn’t want this moment to end, she didn’t want the awkward morning after or wondering if he will call. That was why she was always in charge of her sex life, but Angelo stole that power from her and made her believe in the possibility of more.

  “I need to use your restroom,” he lifted his head and kissed her nose then smiled. “I will be right back.” She nodded and moaned again when he pulled out of her. “I promise before the night is done I will make you come with only my mouth on you.” He winked at her and walked towards her bathroom.

  Angelo had had many lovers but there was something about the stunning Evangeline that made him think of his future. He had seen pictures of her but none of them were new, and when she agreed to let him interview her he knew he would need more. After what he just done with her he wondered if one night was enough.

  He had done his research on her and she had never been with someone in public. He took off the condom and grinned seeing how hard he still was. He had been that way all day since he kissed her, when she ordered him to kneel he grew instantly hard.

  It had been almost a year since he had taken a lover, and he knew he would have to make Evangeline come more tonight. He would keep his promise to make her come with only his mouth, and he couldn’t wait to fulfill that vow.

  He walked out of the restroom and stopped. She was facing him with her crystal blue eyes closed. He wouldn’t do what she expected and leave, but he walked to where his underwear was and pulled them on. Then he climbed into bed behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. He smiled when he realized how she fit perfectly against him.

  Evangeline woke up with a weight around her waist, she glanced down and saw a bronzed arm. Angelo was still there and asleep in bed with her.

  “Ready for me to fulfil my promise again?” he whispered into her ear and she jumped. He rolled on top of her and grinned down at her. “What’s wrong?” his eyes search hers. She was scared he would find what she was hiding.

  “You’re still here,” she said in amazement. During the night she had woken up and he had satisfied his promise to make her come with only using his mouth. His eyes investigated hers, and he kissed her hard stealing her breath and her thoughts.

  “Angel, I told you I wanted to show you how a relationship could be a good thing.” He winked at her as he moved off of her, she propped herself up on her hand and stared at his naked bared muscled bottom.

  “What are your plans for today?” She asked him and he turned around.

  “I have to give my interview with you to my editor. You should let our photographer take a picture of you in your office.” She hated having her picture taken, she didn’t like to be fawned over. “It would make my article,” he said as he gathered his clothes and walked off to the bathroom. She didn’t move until she heard the shower, she grabbed her black floor length silk robe and tied it around her waist.

  It was just after six AM in the morning and she wasn’t sure where her life was heading. Yesterday she knew what she wanted to be the best in everything but now she questioned if she could add a relationship with her charming Italian.

  She pressed the button on the coffee maker, and almost instantly the smell of coffee filled the air. She twisted around to find her new lover watching her, and for some reason she felt embarrassed. Even though hours ago she was screaming his name and digging her nails in his back.

  “I like knowing you are completely naked under that thin robe,” he moved to her with such grace that he stole her thoughts. “I got a call to go in early, so I already called a taxi.” He stopped in front of her, and took her face in his large hands. Normally the morning after either she was the first to leave or the man.

  “I could have brought you.” She said and he grinned down at her. He kissed her lips quickly.

  “You Evangeline Skyler, are a busy woman and I know if I want to be part of your life I need to let you do what you want. I liked waking up with you asleep next to me.” He leaned back in and kissed her forehead, and then he turned away but stopped at the archway in her kitchen. “I will call you later, have a good day Angel.” He winked and gave her one last glimpse of his dimple before walking of her front door.

  Chapter Four

  After Angelo left her house she went back up the stairs to her bedroom. There was a reason why she didn’t bring men to her home, she didn’t want to think about them when she laid down at night. Now her home would never be the same because when she closed her eyes, she could remember every touch and every kiss he had given her. She sighed as she strolled over to make her bed for the day. When she lifted a pillow it smelled of Angelo. Yeah her life was about to change and she wasn’t sure if it was for good.

  She jumped in the shower knowing Axel would be there to pick her up within an hour, and she didn’t like to make him wait. She thought back to what Angelo had asked her about updating her picture and how it would help him. She put some stuff in her hair and blow dried her hair.

  When she got down stairs Axel was sitting at her kitchen table drinking some of her coffee she made. He smiled at her, causing her to stop at the second to last step. Quickly he stood up glanced around the room for any threat but of course he didn’t find any. She didn’t stop because of any threat, but because of him. When he smiled at her something happened to her that she hadn’t let happen in so long. Her heart raced.

  “Ms. Skyler, are you okay?” he asked as he rushed to her placing his hands on her shoulders staring into her eyes.

  Clearing her throat she nodded. “I…felt dizzy for a…second.” She wasn’t sure if he believed her but he rested a hand on her back and took her arm. He helped her down the remaining stairs.

  “Would you like me to take you to a doctor?” he asked as he helped her to a chair. She shook her head. “Eva, I haven’t ever seen you sick. Maybe all of this stress is
finally getting to you. You are human after all and can only take so much.” He moved behind her but placed his hands back on her shoulders. He squeezed almost too hard, but it felt good.

  “I can’t afford to take a break right now.”

  “I think Sky Tech could be without you for a week.” She wasn’t too sure of that, many people in her line of business didn’t respect her because she was a woman.

  She stood up and he dropped his hands from her. “Thank you for worrying about me, but I am fine.” She glanced at him over her shoulder and found an unreadable face. “Let’s go,” she took a deep breath and walked towards her front door. On the table next to the door she grabbed her phone and purse.

  For once she didn’t allow him to open any of her doors, and he didn’t offer. He got in the car and swiftly pulled away from her house. Axel kept his dark sunglasses off and she caught him looking at her a few times.

  “I heard you had a date last night.” She glanced up at him in the rearview mirror and he was staring at her. “You know you should tell me when you do just in case you need me.”

  She arched her eyebrows and laughed. “I think on a date I wouldn’t want my body guarded.” Right now she wasn’t sure if she could handle what she was feeling for him. One thing her employees had to sign a statement that they would not become involved with another Sky Tech employee. She never made Axel sign it because he wasn’t her type, but neither was Angelo Giovanni.

  “It wasn’t that long ago when you were receiving death threats. And if I remember correctly you said you weren’t dating for a while.” She glared at him because she told him that in a moment of weakness.

  “My personal life is private, you know that.” He nodded and didn’t say anything else as he drove her to her tower. She gazed out of the window and watched as she passed the houses in her neighborhood. She chose to move here because the area was peaceful and if she ever had children she was surrounded with the best schools. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head back, and she saw chocolate brown eyes and a cute dimple.

  Ten minutes later Axel was parking in front of Skyler Tower. She unbuckled her seat belt and moved over to the door to let herself out. But she wasn’t fast enough, Axel was there assisting her out of the backseat.

  “What’s wrong with you? You are acting strange, and I don’t like it.” he said and she wished she could see his crystal blue eyes.

  She pulled her hand out of his grip and gave him her best smile. “I am fine, I’ll see you later.” She reached back in the car to retrieve her purse.

  Not looking back at her driver she sauntered into the building and didn’t stop to chat with Mike; she just wasn’t in the frame of mind to be friendly. When she sauntered out of the elevators she was greeted by Heather Johnson her personal assistant. She was a beautiful woman with short blonde hair, bright green eyes, and was a few inches taller than her.

  “Good morning Ms. Skyler.” She said with a wide smile on her face, and Evangeline smiled back at her.

  “How was your night?”

  Evangeline kept her life private and her assistant knew that. “I had a nice night in,” she answered.

  “Your meeting for nine has canceled.” That left her day open and she thought back to Angelo and having her picture taken.

  “Thank you Heather,” she walked towards her office and waited until she was in her closed office before pulling out her cell phone. She was never the type to get nervous when calling someone, especially a man. Her heart soared when she scrolled down to his name and pressed down to call him.

  She liked how he was leaving the contacting up to her, because if he pushed her too hard she would run. “Angel,” the pet name made her smile.

  “I’ve been thinking about what you asked, if you and the photographer can make it here before lunch I am open.” She sauntered to her desk and sat down. She unlocked the bottom drawer and placed her purse in it, she relocked it.

  “Miss me already?” She was starting to like his accent more because everything he said to her turned her on. “Because I have missed you Angel.” His voice seem to be lower and she grinned. She loved knowing she affected him like he affected her.

  “I might,” she said and grinned because she did miss him. She wanted to kiss him and take him in her office.

  “Angel hold on for one minute I need to talk to De to see if he can come with me.”

  “Okay, if not I still want to see you.” She held her breath as she said the words that she was thinking. She despised being this opened with someone that had the ability to hurt her.

  “I will come no matter what, I’ll be right back.” He said and she heard him place the phone down.

  She reached for her headset and plugged it into her phone. Then she placed her elbows on her knees and rested her head in her hands. She thought about her last real relationship when she was only nineteen. Her world evolved around Brad, and she thought their life was perfect. He was the star quarterback and she was the head cheerleader, they seemed to be made for each other. They started dating their freshmen year, and she thought he was faultless. Never did she imagine he was a fraud, they were planning on renting a house when they went to college because she wanted to be with him every chance she had.

  One day before they were supposed to leave, she went to his parents’ house to surprise him and she was the one that ended up surprised. She walked into his bedroom and found him fucking her sister. Melissa, her sister covered herself after Brad pushed her away, and he tried to talk to her but she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. She just marched out of the house with tears streaming down her face. Later she found out they had been having sex a couple of times a week for six months.

  Melissa and Brad were now married with no children, and their sister relationship had never mended after that. After all of this time it still hurt to know her sister was happy in the life that was supposed to be hers. She wondered if she was still with Brad if she would have this life she has now. She pushed herself harder after the break up because she wanted to prove to everyone that she was strong.

  She had kept Sky Tech small because she liked to know her employees, and she knew people said it was foolish. But she was on the top of the tech world, so foolish wouldn’t be the word she would use.

  She heard the phone being picked back up and she lifted her head out of her hands. “Sorry Angel, I will be there in a little. De can’t make it he has something else to do but he gave me one of the cameras.” That made her feel better, she didn’t like being around people she didn’t know. She was shy and didn’t want that getting out.

  “That’s fine, I will see you soon then?” she moved the mouse on her desk to turn on her computer.

  “I will be there in about forty-five minutes.” He hung up without saying anything else causing her to frown. She glanced up at the picture she had on her desk. It was with her parents and Melissa at her wedding. She should hate her sister but she didn’t. Melissa saved her from a life she would have regretted. The only thing she was giving up was a family, since she had always wanted to be a mother. She had told herself when she was ready she would most likely adopt.

  Her phone beeped and flashed informing her that Heather was calling her. “Yes Heather?”

  “Your sister is on the phone and said she really needs to talk to you.” Evangeline sighed and closed her eyes, not knowing if she was able to deal with her sister right now. But she knew she wouldn’t have a choice if she lied to Melissa she would show up at her office or worse her home.

  “Put her through.” There was a pause before she heard the click letting her know the call was transferred. “Hey Mel,” she said before her sister could say anything.

  “Hey,” she sighed. “So mom said I could have Thanksgiving at my house. I want to make sure you will be okay with it.” Since her sister married the only man Evangeline had loved she would make excuses to not show up or plan a vacation out of the country for any holidays.

  “I don’t know it is a week away.�
� She could still plan something.

  “Evangeline, I know why you don’t show up for family things and I get it I really do. But you have to think about this, our parents are getting older and they won’t be around for holidays forever. Then you will regret it.” She already regretted knowing that she had missed so much with her family. And it was all because she couldn’t get over what happened when they were younger.

  “I’ll be there,” she said and glanced up when she heard a knock at her closed door. She glanced at the time and only twenty minutes had passed since she talked to Angelo. “Melissa can we talk later, I need to get back to work.”

  “Fine but you can’t back out this time because I am giving you pie duty.” Her older sister laughed and it made her smile as she hung up the phone.

  “Come in!” she yelled and sat straighter when Axel walked in and closed the door behind him.

  “We need to talk,” he said as he made his way to a chair in front of her desk. He was wearing a long sleeve black button up shirt and light jeans that seemed to be molded to his body. Mentally she shook herself, but physically she stood up and nodded.

  “Yeah, we need to discuss what happen this morning.” She arched her eyebrows at him and he narrowed his baby blues.

  He didn’t sit in the chair but moved towards her. He stopped right in front of her with only inches between them, she caught her breath. “What’s going on with you? I have known you for a while and you are acting really strange.” His eyes explored hers seeking an answer.

  She smiled and took a chance by running her fingers in his short ash blonde hair and kissed him. At first he didn’t move, and when she wrapped her arms around his neck he moved his hands to her hips and pulled her closer. He deepened the kiss by taking her bottom lip in his mouth triggering her to open her mouth. His tongue tangled with hers making her whimper with her need for him. Chocolate eyes flashed in her mind, and she forced herself away from his sinful lips.


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