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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

Page 167

by Lauren Hawkeye

  “You are too good for him. Hell you are too good for me, but I am better than him.” They had many chances to get together but never acted on anything before. She knew that some men wanted what they couldn’t have and maybe that was what was happening between them.

  Gradually he lowered his head and she placed her hand on his chest to stop him. She hurt Angelo when she kissed Axel before and she didn’t want to see the pain in his eyes again. “I’m…involved with Angelo. We can’t kiss again, no matter how much we want to. Angelo won’t like it and it’s not fair to him.” She wanted to do more than kiss him she wanted to have him naked and under her.

  He grinned down at her as if he knew what she was thinking. “He means nothing to me, so why should I care what he will like?” he ran the back of his hand down her cheek and then cupped her face. “I have only ever cared about you, why do you think I have stayed with you this long? You know about the other jobs I was offered and I didn’t take them.” He was presented some great employments over the years but no matter what they offered he never gave in.

  “But I mean something to you, don’t I?” He narrowed his eyes and nodded.

  “Then please respect what I want.” She took a step back away from him and he let her, he stared at her as if he was trying to figure out what he wanted to say. No matter what he said, she would stand by what she wanted, and that was Angelo.

  “Fine but know I don’t like him and I don’t trust him. It seems a little strange that the day after you start seeing him your new stalker appears.” She glared at him because he was being paranoid.

  She forced herself to stand straighter and lifted her eyebrows. “He isn’t the stalker and I need you to find out who is.” She twisted around and grabbed the door handle in her hand, she turned it and opened it. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “I would like to be alone for a while, I have a lot I need to process.” She just didn’t want to see his disappointed eyes, or hear how she shouldn’t trust Angelo.

  He walked past her and she closed the door behind him. She just wanted to sit at her desk and try to figure out who was her new stalker.

  Angelo observed Axel walk out of Evangeline’s office but before he could stand up she closed the door behind her driver. Axel marched towards him and he knew that what the other man had to say wasn’t going to be warm and welcoming.

  “We need to talk…alone.” Axel said and looked at Heather.

  “You can use the conference room.” She said and Axel flashed her a grin causing her to giggle.

  “Follow me Mr. Giovanni.” He heard the rage in Axel’s voice that would terrify most men but he wasn’t like most men. He didn’t scare easily and if Evangeline’s driver/bodyguard wanted to be an ass to him he would take it because she was worth it.

  He followed Axel through the top floor office and as he passed everyone they would stop what they were doing and stare at him. He wondered what they were thinking. He smiled at a few women that waved at him. He knew he was good looking and what you would call a good catch.

  When he first moved to America and got his job at the paper he read everything there was on the beautiful but mysterious Evangeline. There was little information about her or her personal life. When his boss came to him and requested him to do anything to get an exclusive interview, he called a few times but Heather would always respond with the same answer that Ms. Skyler doesn’t do interviews. When he came to Skyler Tower he wasn’t expecting to ride in the same elevator as her.

  Axel opened the door and motioned for him to enter. Just like the entire building the room was remarkable. The walls were a dark red and the floor was black marble with a large cherry wood table that sat in the middle of the room. It had ten chairs on either side of the table that matched the table, and there were four large flat screens one on each wall. “I don’t like you.” Axel said as he closed the door behind them. “You think since you are good looking you can have whoever you want. Evangeline has been through a lot, and she doesn’t need to be hurt again. And you have heartbreak written all over your face.” Angelo didn’t say anything. He just walked to a chair and pulled it out to sit down. Axel sat across from him and placed his elbows on the table. He rested his head in his hands.

  Angelo smiled as he leaned back against the soft chair. “I understand you don’t like me, I wouldn’t like you if the roles were reversed. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t because she does.” The other man scowled at him and he couldn’t help himself as he laughed.

  Evangeline just finished a phone call with her sister company in England, and she ran her fingers through her hair. If things didn’t get straighten out over there she would have to travel there and handle things. Normally she would love to get out of the country, especially this close to any holiday that involved seeing her family. But she didn’t want to leave right now. There was just too much complication in her once easy life.

  For some reason there was something with Angelo that made her want more in her laidback life, but Axel had been there for her when no one else was. She laughed because when she watched movies or listened to a bestselling book on her MP3 player, she would hate when they had love triangles. Never thought they would happen in real life, and she didn’t do relationships. For him she was changing her rules. She couldn’t get over his kisses or his sweet touches.

  Her relationship with Brad didn’t make her feel like this; he never looked at her like either Angelo or Axel does. When Brad would touch her he never made her skin tingle. Maybe she didn’t love him like she thought. Maybe she loved the thought of him.

  She reached for her phone and called her sister. “Hey, Melissa.”

  “I get to talk to you twice in one day. Is someone dead?” She usually blamed her work for her being so busy, but the truth was she didn’t want to spend time with her sister. Once they were best friends, doing everything together. But since the day her heart was broken, she had spent less than a few hours alone with her.

  “I wanted to tell you I will be there for thanksgiving, and I was wondering if I could bring someone?” at this time she wasn’t sure who she was going to end up bringing, and Thanksgiving was only a week away. She was pretty sure Axel would demand he be there to make sure everything was safe, and Angelo was someone you wanted to bring home to meet your family.

  “Like…a boyfriend?” She loathed that word. It made her relationship sound infantile.

  “He is a man and a friend,” she responded and chewed on her bottom lip.

  “A man and a friend with benefits?” Melissa giggled and for the first time in a long time she laughed with her sister.

  “I guess you can say that, but Axel might have to come too. Something has come up and I might need him there for protection.” She glanced at her closed door and wondered if her two men were waiting on her. She had told them she needed some time alone, and they had given it to her.

  “Axel makes me nervous, but I will make sure there is enough food. What are you going to tell our parents about having two men by your side?” Personally she didn’t care what her family said because her mother thought she should be married with children by now. She would point out that her older sister was happily married and that she should be the one having babies. Her mother would tell her that Melissa would never be fit to have children and she knew her mother was right.

  “I’ll tell them it’s none of their business, because it’s my life.” Her sister laughed on the other end of the phone but she didn’t join her. She just glared out into her empty office.

  “Yeah right, we both know that won’t work.” Her sister got quiet and Evangeline wasn’t sure what she was going to say next. This was what it was like between them but it was the first time they have laughed in a while. “Can I come to your office tomorrow to bring you lunch? I know if you are under lockdown Axel won’t let you leave and I have something I need to tell you.” They hadn’t been alone in years, but she heard the desperation in her sister’s voice and knew she couldn’t tell her no.

  “I would love that,” she heard herself saying and her sister told her she would be in Evangeline’s office at one in the afternoon.

  A few minutes after her phone beeped letting her know that she had an incoming call from the office, most likely Heather.

  She pressed the speaker button on her office phone, “Ms. Skyler may I come and speak with you?” Heather asked.

  “Of course, come in Heather.” Evangeline’s personal assistant knew about her last stalker, and she was sure Heather was feeling bad that she had a part in helping this person today.

  Heather walked in. She had pushed her short blonde hair behind her eyes revealing small gold hoop earrings. “I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I never imagine that you would have another stalker. Axel has talked to me and told me that everything you get must go through him now, and I will make sure of that.” Her big green eyes were gleaming with her unshed tears.

  Evangeline stood up and strolled to her. She did something that she never had. She wrapped her arms around the other woman and Heather stood there frozen. “What happen isn’t your fault. I will always attract unwanted attention because of who I am.” Evangeline moved away enough to look at her. “I don’t want you to blame yourself, do you understand me?”

  Heather nodded and a small smile lifted at the corners of her lips. “I know, but I remember the hassle from last time and now you have a new boyfriend.” Her eyes widen and Evangeline took a step back because her assistant didn’t need any more comforting. “Do you think he is involved? He is the most recent thing in your life.”

  Evangeline was getting tired of hearing Angelo being everyone’s main suspect. “I am trusting my gut on this and saying it’s not him.” She thinks whoever is behind this was someone that knew she already had one stalker.

  “I hope you’re right because I can see you really like him. I have never seen you date before but I have to admit I always thought you and Axel would get together.” She wondered if anyone else thought that because she didn’t until yesterday. “Angelo left this for you.” She handed over a white folded piece of paper that had her name on it.

  All that was on the paper was his address and his name.

  Chapter Seven

  She had Axel bring her home before she went to Angelo’s since she wanted to have a change of clothes. She had a feeling she would be staying the night even though Axel told her it was irresponsible. She got into her BMW with her driver watching her leave. She knew he was just looking out for her, but it didn’t make a difference. She knew Angelo wasn’t behind the note that was delivered to her.

  Pulling into the striking condo complex she wondered what else her Italian lover did to live in such a nice part of town. She had looked at a couple of condos here until she realized she wanted a house. As she slowly got out of her car she grabbed her small black duffle bag before she walked towards the beautiful colorful stained glass doors, she pulled out her cell phone to send him a quick text.

  Hey I am here, I will be up shortly. She pressed send, and keeping her phone in her hand, she started to walk towards the door. A doorman opened the door for her, he had salt and pepper hair with dark blue eyes. Her phone buzzed in her hand notifying her she had a new text message.

  Can’t wait to see you. She beamed because she liked how he couldn’t get enough of her. It made her feel desired.

  “Welcome, Ma’am.” She lifted her head and found a man in a well-tailored suit and bright green eyes was standing in front of her. He was very handsome but he didn’t come close to the man waiting up stairs for her. He had his dark hair slicked back and a smile plastered on his defined face.

  “Hello, I am here to see Angelo Giovanni. He is expecting me.” She knew the security was tight here which was the reason why she looked at this building in the first place.

  The doorman gazed at her for a moment and then he recognized her. She saw his whole body change and his eyes lit up. “Yes Ms. Skyler. I was informed that you were coming here tonight, please come inside and follow me.” He said as he moved out of her way to allow her to pass. Warm reds and polished gold filled her vision. The man passed her and motioned her to follow him with his hand, and she did.

  He strolled them passed the normal elevator and to a one that said PRIVATE, and once again she wondered just who she was becoming involved with. He scanned a blank white card and the doors opened, she walked in and he handed her the card.

  “Angelo told me to give it to you when you came. All you have to do is press the close button and when you reach his floor you will have to scan the card to open the doors again.” He pointed to a card reader in front of her and she nodded. “If you have any questions you can press the yellow button and it will ring me at the front desk.”

  She grinned at him, knowing he was doing his job by being nice to her but she didn’t care. “Thank you.”

  He grinned at her. “You are nicer then what I read in the paper ma’am. Enjoy your night Ms. Skyler.” He said as the doors slid quietly close, her heart started racing because she really didn’t know much about Angelo.

  Closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the cool metal wall she thought about everything that had happened today. From her incredible night with a man from her dreams, to her passion filled kiss with Axel and to her new stalker. Axel had doubled checked to make sure Robert, her first stalker was still in prison. He still had another eight months.

  The elevator beeped when the doors opened and her eyes flew opened. Placing the card in the reader the doors slid open. She found Angelo standing in the opened doors, his eyes were taking her in and she didn’t like how much he seemed to always see.

  “Hello Angel,” he said and lifted his arms for her. He didn’t move towards her and she knew was leaving the next move up to her. He knew her better than she did. She was the one that normally controlled her relationship and they only consisted of sex until…him.

  He changed when he got home into a pair of light blue jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. His raven black hair was wet from a shower and curling at the ends, she didn’t know he had curly hair until now. Licking her lips she threw herself into his warm embrace.

  She hadn’t allowed anyone be her rock in a long time and it felt good knowing she had someone in her corner. She knew that Axel was always there for her, but Angelo opened more up inside her and she knew she should run scared but her feet wouldn’t move. He tighten his arms around her back and she buried more of her face into his hard bronzed chest.

  “I am so happy I have you to turn to right now. I don’t think I could go through another stalker again without someone there to hold me up.” She turned her head to the side and he ran a hand slowly up and down her back.

  “I’m sorry you have to go through this again, but you are right about one thing I am here with you.” She rotated her head up to look at him and he was staring down at her. “And I understand why you don’t like to be in the public eye, I didn’t know about you being stalked before. If I did I would have told my boss to fuck off, I already called the editor and asked him to pull my story.” Her heart swelled with his words because he could lose his job with his demand.

  She brought her hands to his face and ran her fingers down his cheeks then she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You are too good to be true, but you shouldn’t have done that. You could lose your job.”

  He grinned down at her. “I won’t lose my job besides if I did I wouldn’t mind because I don’t want to put you in harm’s way.” His lips brushed hers and her eyes flickered closed. “Come and eat dinner before it grows cold.” He reached down and took her hand in his. Then he reached for her small duffel bag and put it around his shoulder.

  Glancing around, she took in his condo. The carpet was a thick cream color and the walls were a tan with white trimming. Pictures of all around the world covered the walls and a few with Angelo with other people. He led her to a wide opened kitchen, dark wood was everywhere from the floor to the cabinets and the kitchen tab

  “Your home is beautiful…it’s you.” She said as she turned to look at him. She liked seeing where he lived because it showcased him in a different light to her. He was humble and cared for what he wanted in life. He enjoyed being surrounded in beauty.

  He smiled a sweet smile just for her and she allowed herself to dip her finger in his dimple that has been on her mind all day. “Angel, my home is nothing like yours.” He dipped his head to her neck and lightly kissed her causing her to shiver. “But you are right about me surrounding myself with beauty I have you with me.” He sat her bag down at the floor and led her to the table.

  He let go of her hand and pulled out her chair; she sat down and grinned. She could get used to him like this, and she wasn’t sure if she should be scared or happy to where her mind and heart was taking her.

  Watching him walk towards the stove he pulled out two black plates, keeping his back to her he placed the food on their plates. Garlic, chicken and something she couldn’t recognize filled her nose making her mouth water. He spun around with the two plates full with chicken alfredo, her favorite.

  “I asked Heather if she knew your favorite meal and she told me you were a sucker for chicken alfredo.” She nodded and her stomach chose that moment to growl loudly. He laughed. “I guess I chose correctly,” he sat the food in front of her and sat his next to her.

  He reached for the white wine that was chilling in a bucket on the table, he poured her a glass and then his. She seized her first bite and flavor exploded in her mouth and she moaned. Swallowing she glanced at him. He was sipping his wine with a small grin on his handsome face.

  “This is the best alfredo I have ever had.” He winked at her and took his first bite.


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