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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

Page 177

by Lauren Hawkeye

  “I like the idea of being stuck with you because that means you are mine.” She pulled far enough away from him and beamed at him.

  “We better get out before we give Axel a heart attack.” She said and Angelo looked behind her. She twisted around to open the door and they both got out.

  Axel, James, and Ryan box her and Angelo in. She didn’t like that everyone was being overprotective of her. When she walked into the lobby she was surprised to see Mike smiling at her behind the large desk.

  “Good morning Ms. Skyler.” Mike said and she grinned as she walked towards him. She was so happy to see a familiar face, and he was one of the hardest workers she had working for her.

  “Good morning Mike, how are your daughters?” His light green eyes seemed to sparkle.

  “My daughters received an incredible package a few days ago filled with name brand clothes, purses and shoes.” Evangeline had gone through her closet to find some of her old things to donate but she decided to send it to Mike’s house for his daughters. She knew they would love it and besides she had way too many things in her large closet.

  “I have a lot of stuff still at my house that I never use. You and your daughters should come by.” She placed her hand on his and grinned.

  “Thank you so much, they were so happy and tried everything on. I will cook you one of my family’s gnocchi with duck sauce and bring it to your house, if you would like it.” She nodded and he patted her hand.

  “I would love that but do you mind cooking for my boyfriend?” The man who had been her security guard for five years glanced behind her to where she knew Angelo stood.

  “If he is good to you then I don’t mind.” She laughed and nodded.

  “He does, so just pick the day and let me know. Have a good day Mike.” She moved away from him and grinned at Axel. She mouthed thank you, to him and he just nodded.

  James pressed the button for the elevator and Angelo took her hand in his. She looked up at him and he had a huge smile on his angelic face. “You called me your boyfriend.”

  She smiled and glanced at the elevator. “I did because man-friend doesn’t sound right together. I still despise that word because you mean more to me than that.” He brought her hand to his lips and she turned her attention back to him. His alluring lips gently brushed her knuckles.

  “Angel, I like hearing you say it. It makes me yours.” Normally she hated to show affection in public but with him she didn’t care who saw.

  “You are mine.” She said as they stepped into the elevator with Axel following behind them. He was the one to press the button and she and Angelo leaned against the wall.

  When the elevator opened Heather was standing there and her standard smile wasn’t on her face. When her green eyes landed on Angelo she glared. “Good morning Ms. Skyler. I wasn’t expecting you in today.”

  Evangeline smiled at her personal assistant. “You know me, I hate sitting around doing nothing. Besides I would have driven both of these men crazy if I stayed home.”

  Heather plastered a smile on her face and nodded. “Is Hayden in my office?”

  Heather bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “No ma’am, he is in his old office.” When they opened Skyler Tower they both took the largest corner offices. She picked her office because it wasn’t far from the elevator.

  She turned to Angelo and patted his chest. “Will you wait for me in my office? I want to speak with my partner alone.” She wasn’t ready to hear what Hayden would say to her about her choice in a “boyfriend”. When Angelo left her she had bent down to pick up the papers and had read every one of them.

  “I will be in your office, Angel.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. She twisted around and started to walk towards the other corner office.

  She knocked once on the door and walked in, her partner was sitting behind the desk that matched hers. “Lisa, I have to call you later. Eva just barged into my closed office door. Some people have no respect.” She grinned and made her way to the chair in front of the desk and sat down. “I love you too baby. I will be home soon since Eva is still standing.”

  He pressed a button on his Iphone and sat it on his desk. “I bet your wife misses you like crazy.” Since he had met Lisa they were barely apart.

  He grinned and leaned back in the chair and propped his feet on his desk. “I haven’t had the time to tell you but she is a few months pregnant now.”

  “Oh my gosh! Congratulations.” She stood up and walked to him.

  He raised up and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to be a daddy, and I am freaking out.” she grinned as she pulled away. He would make an amazing father.

  “Well it’s a good thing you have Lisa on your side.” He laughed and hugged her tighter and she gasped.

  He moved away from her and considered her. “How badly are you hurt?”

  She smiled and turned around to walk back to the chair. “I’m pretty banged up, but I am alive so that is all that matters.” He narrowed his eyes as he walked to the other chair next to her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this stalker? I would had helped you any way I could.” She knew he would have, but now that she just found out about Lisa she needed him there with her.

  “Hayden, I know you would have but I have Axel here to protect me.” He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.

  “Look how well he protected you the other night.”

  “If I was driving I would have been killed.” She placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled because she knew that was the truth. “I am fine, but you need to get back to England to your wife.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Okay but if things get worse I want you to call me.”

  She placed her hand in front of him and he shook it. “Deal.”

  Axel was holding a box that was already opened when she walked out of Hayden’s office. “This came for you and I didn’t want to show you but I know you would have been pissed if I kept it from you.” She would have because she liked to know everything when it came to her life.

  She took the box and walked towards her office, she didn’t want everyone watching her. When she closed the door behind her Angelo stood up from the couch where she had sucked on him. That must have been on his mind as well because of the large grin on his face.

  “I guess my stalker is still alive.” She held up the box and he swore. “I know, but I need to see what he is sending me now.” She strolled to her desk and sat down.

  Slowly she lifted the top of the box and gasped. Inside was pictures from the accident, she was passed out with blood all over her. This irrational person was close enough to touch her and it made her shutter with her fear. She skimmed through the pictures most were of her with a couple of Axel.

  “Holy fuck, let me see those.” Angelo said and she shook her head as she pulled the box out of his reach. He has to look at her broken and bruised body she didn’t want him to see her like that. He told her he was the one to find his wife’s bloody body and she had seen the crime scene photos. Evangeline didn’t compare to his late wife’s but he didn’t need to see her like that.

  “I don’t want you to see me like that.” She glanced up at him and he looked like he wanted to say something and argue with her.

  He closed his chocolate brown eyes and slowly nodded. “Fine, but I don’t like you keeping things from me.” She sat the box down on her desk and walked to him. He still had his eyes shut when she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his rapid heartbeat.

  “I’m not keeping things from you, I just don’t want you to see me bloody.” She looked up at him and he was staring down at her. He slowly lowered his head to hers and kissed her.

  “Fine, but blood doesn’t bother me Angel. I want to find this person before they try to hurt you again. I can’t lose anyone else I care about.” She removed her arms from around his waist and framed his handsome face.

  Staring into his eyes she knew she needed to tell him how she felt because life was s
hort and you never know what will happen. “Angelo, I am in love with you.” His eyes softened when she spoke the words that terrified her.

  “You love me?” he asked as he lowered his face to hers with a huge smile. She nodded because she wasn’t sure if she could say those words again…at least not right now. “If I could make love to you without hurting you I would. I love you too Angel.”

  Now that Evangeline Skyler had found love she was scared to death she was going to lose him somehow. She wrapped her arms back around him and held him tightly to her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After she told Angelo she loved him she had to get some work done. She placed the photos of her and Axel in her desk because they seemed to be screaming at her to look at them. Angelo did want he promised he hadn’t left her side. He had stayed in her office all day and played on his phone.

  Axel was trying to use his friends in the police department to find out anything about the accident. Axel said he blacked out for a few minutes and when he woke up no one was around. She despised knowing her stalker was able to touch her and she couldn’t do anything to stop him.

  A knock at her door had Angelo springing to his feet.

  “You need to settle down, I’m sure it’s just Heather.”

  He turned his heated gaze to her. “Settle down? I will not settle down until this stronzo is caught.” She did not know Italian but the way he said stronzo she assumed it was a curse word.

  She walked towards him and took his hands in hers.

  “Angelo, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you to settle down. But I will still live my life I won’t be hidden away until this stronzo is found.” She tried to duplicate his accent but failed and he laughed.

  He tugged her hair behind her ears and smile down at her. “Do you even know what stronzo means, my love?” She grinned because she liked that he called her my love. She shook her head.

  She forced herself to move away from his warm body and walk towards the door. Heather was standing there holding her purse. “Ms. Skyler, are you heading home?” Evangeline glanced at her Audemars Piguet Royal Oak diamond watch and frown.

  It was after seven and didn’t even realize it. “Yes, let me grab my things and Angelo.” She turned around and found Angelo holding her purse.

  “Let’s go home Angel.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they met Heather by the elevator.

  Heather kept her eyes straight and Evangeline felt a cold vibe from her. “Heather is everything okay?”

  Heather closed her eyes and when she reopened them she smiled at Evangeline. “Yeah, I’m just really tired. So I don’t mean to be unsympathetic. How are you doing Ms. Skyler?”

  Evangeline glanced at Angelo quickly and turned her attention back to her assistant. “I’m still alive, so I guess wonderful.” Heather blinked her eyes a few times to keep herself from crying.

  “I was freaking out when I saw what happened to you on the TV. I tried to call Axel but he didn’t answer and when I showed up at the hospital they told me that only family could see you.” She didn’t know Heather had tried to see her but Axel had told her that he immediately told the staff that only family could see her. There were reporters that were trying to sneak back to her room to take the first pictures of her.

  The elevator opened and they walked in. “I’m sorry about that, but you could have called Axel he would have made sure you got to see me. I am still really sore but besides that I’m fine.”

  Heather smiled at her. “I see that, and you and Angelo seem happy.”

  “We are, and I am a complete jerk for leaving in the first place. I will never allow anything to come between us.” Angelo said and pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her and locked his fingers together.

  “I’m happy for you two. I haven’t seen Ms. Skyler so happy before.” Heather said as the doors opened and was stopped from walking out by Axel.

  “I need you three to go in the security office. Someone called in a threat ten minutes ago.” Axel took her hand and led her to the security office with a door that had a special lock that only opened from the inside.

  Before he could leave she grabbed his hand, his aquamarine eyes found hers. She loved him in a different way than Angelo but she didn’t want to lose him to her psychopath stalker.

  “Please be…careful.” Her voice broke on the last word and his eyes softened.

  “Eva, I am always careful but I do hope I catch this fucker. He hurt you and I am not fine with that.” He took her by surprise by kissing her cheek and walking towards the door. “When I am out lock the special lock. It won’t unlock unless you type in your code.” She nodded and he closed the door behind him, she typed in her code 1009.

  She heard a bunch of metal clicking together and then a loud beeping sound. She covered her ears and backed away from the door.

  When the beeping stopped she moved to Angelo, he took her hand in his. “It’s okay Angel, Axel is tough and smart.” She wondered if it bothered him that Axel had kissed her cheek when he left.

  “Angelo, I told you before I suck at relationships.” He closed his eyes and she knew he was frustrated with her.

  He took his hand away from hers and ran it through his hair. She glanced at Heather and she was trying not to pay attention to her and Angelo. “Relationships don’t need any promises or terms and circumstances. Just two people who love each other and sought after one another. And I know you have some type of feelings for him and I will deal with it in my own way. But I don’t share and I won’t start even with you.” He opened his eyes, she knew she had hurt him.

  She enclosed his face with her small hands. “I want us to last, and I will do everything to make sure I have you in my life. But you need to work with me. Axel is a part of my life. And you are right I do love him but not like I love you.” Axel was her most trusted friend, and Angelo was the one to open her heart back up.

  “I can’t lose you Evangeline, I won’t let what happened to my family be your fate.” She hugged him to her because she hurt for him. He had lost so much in his life and she would do everything in her power to get him justice.

  Five minutes passed before she heard a knock at the door. She got up and walked to the security monitor. Axel was standing there with James and Ryan.

  She pressed in her code to unlock the door and when it opened Axel strolled in. “The threat was bogus we didn’t find anything.” He turned his attention to Heather and grinned. “Are you doing okay Heather?” he asked her and she could swear his eyes lit up when he looked at her.

  Heather trembled and Axel moved to her. “Eva, do you mind if James and Ryan bring you home. I want to make sure Heather gets home safely.” She glanced at her personal assistant and slowly nodded. Heather looked terrified and Evangeline knew what it was like to go home to an empty house.

  “I don’t mind I trust the men you picked. Plus I have a sexy Italian to keep me safe.” Evangeline smiled at Angelo and was rewarded with his sexy grin that showcased his dimple.

  Axel nodded and turned his attention to the ex-rangers. “If anything happens to her I will hold you both personally accountable. James I want you to call me as soon as you check the house and Eva do not go in the house until you are told to.”

  She narrowed her eyes and he arched his eyebrows. “I believe I am the one who still signs your pay checks.”

  He crossed his arms against his bulky chest. “You are, and I am going to make sure you don’t walk into a freaking trap.”

  She knew he meant well because he always kept her safe. “Fine I won’t go in the house until James tells me to.” He nodded and she turned around to walk away. She just wanted to get home and to snuggle up to the man she hoped would be in her life for a long time.

  Once in the car no one spoke and even Angelo kept a little distance from her. She wasn’t used to him being so close and not touching him. She thought maybe he didn’t want to talk in front of the new bodyguards. So she reached inside her purse and pull
ed out her phone.

  I feel you are mad at me. She texted him and pressed send. His phone made a noise and he reached in his coat pocket to retrieve it. When he read the messaged he glanced up at her and then turned his attention back to the phone.

  When her phone buzzed in her hand and she looked down. Why would I be mad? I am tired of seeing him touch you. She frowned because she was getting exhausted of him being jealous over Axel. She had picked him didn’t he see that?

  She sighed and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Ma’am Axel would kick our asses if you don’t have your seatbelt on.” Ryan said and she grinned up at him as she buckled herself in the middle.

  “I’m buckled in.” She said and took Angelo’s hand in hers. She took a chance and looked up at him and found narrowed chocolate eyes. “You don’t get to look at me like that.”

  A small smile played at the corner of his lips. “I like it when you are bossy.” She laughed as she rested her head on his broad shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  When they pulled into her driveway she was told to stay in the car with Ryan and Angelo as James checked her house. All she wanted to do was to get inside, eat and then fall asleep in her lover’s arms. She knew that her new bodyguards were armed because she could see the holsters under their jackets.

  “How long have you known Axel?” she asked Ryan and his eyes found hers for a second.

  “I have known Axel since high school. We joined the army together and he has been trying to get me and James to come and work for you for years. We finally gave in when he pleaded with us.” She understood Axel liked to keep what happened when he was in the Rangers to himself and she wasn’t going to betray him.

  She turned her attention to her boyfriend and grinned. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Because you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen and you are all mine.” He grinned at her and winked.


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