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Law of Attraction (Tangled in Texas)

Page 26

by Alison Bliss

  “Damn it, Bobbie. You know why I left. I didn’t have a—”

  “Don’t you dare say it,” I told him, my eyes narrowing. “You had a choice. You just made the wrong one.”

  He ran his fingers through his dark hair. “God, baby. I missed you. Can’t you see that? I’m asking you to forgive me one last time. I can’t live without you. I need you.”

  My heart fluttered into my throat, but I was quick to respond. “No.”

  He walked up the stairs and onto the porch. “Please. Just hear me out.”

  I shook my head solemnly. “I said no. You left me. I needed you…but you weren’t there for me. For us.”

  “Goddamnit. I was sacrificing myself to save both of you. You and Austin. And I would do it again in a heartbeat because I can’t stand the thought of something happening to either of you.”

  “No, Seth. You have this need to be in control over everything. But you can’t control everything all the time. I can’t be with someone who could leave their family behind to go murder someone, no matter the—”

  “I didn’t kill him.”

  I blinked at him. “What?”

  “Bishop. I didn’t kill him. When I left here that night, I took your advice and asked Jake for help. The FBI was able to nail Bishop for kidnapping and murdering that little boy. He’s been arrested and going to spend the rest of his life in prison.”

  Relief washed over me. “That’s good. I’m glad to hear that. But you still left us to go on a mission.”

  “It’ll never happen again, I promise.”

  God, I wanted to believe him. I really did. But the one thing I’d learned from my past mistakes was to stop repeating them. I lowered my head. “I can’t, Seth. This thing between us will never work. When you left, you broke the one thing I had left to give you.”

  “Trust? Is that what you mean?”

  Moisture filled my eyes. “It was important to me. Maybe you’re this big, strong guy who other men can’t take down and isn’t scared of anything, but I spent most of that night praying that God saved you from yourself. I won’t do it again.” My voice quivered as I turned to walk away. “I-I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

  A low, strained voice came from behind me. “Leprechaun.”

  Instantly, I froze in place. After a moment of hesitation, I turned around to find Seth still standing there with his arms hanging loosely at his sides and his head lowered. I’d never seen him looking so defeated and vulnerable before, and the image was startling in contrast to the man I knew him to be. My mouth fell open, and I blinked incredulously. “What are you doing, Seth?”

  His head lifted and his tear-glazed eyes met mine. Then his lips parted as he repeated the safe word he’d given to me. My heart squeezed inside my chest. He’d once told me that if I ever did anything to frighten him that he would use it. At the time he’d clearly been joking. But with that one word, he was now showing me that he was afraid…of losing me. “Seth, please don’t.”

  “I have to. I never wanted to get close to anyone, but I found something I didn’t even know I was looking for. If this is what it takes to show you that I’m all in, then so be it. I’m scared to death of losing you. I love you, and I want you in my life. I’m all in, Bobbie. Marry me.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring as he knelt down in front of me.

  My pulse quickened as I released a breath. “Seth…”

  “If you tell me you don’t want me, then I’ll go. I’ll leave right now and never come back. Just don’t ask me to ever stop loving you. Because it’s not possible. I can’t do that. You mean too much to me.”

  I swallowed hard, though I was barely able to breathe. Even though he’d hurt me, I’d never wanted to be with someone so much in my life. No matter what my head screamed, my heart and soul belonged to this man. And they always would.

  Defeated, I dropped to my knees. All the hurt and anger that had been gnawing viciously at my insides for the past two weeks dissipated, leaving behind only my love for him.

  Confusion lit his eyes. “What are you doing, honey?”

  I blew out a shaky breath. “I’m surrendering. I can’t fight it. When you left, I was so scared that I’d never see you again.” I closed my eyes, recalling the moments of sheer terror I felt when he walked out that door. “I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you then, and I…well, I still feel that way.” I opened my eyes and glanced up at him. “I need you. More than I ever wanted to need anyone.”

  “God, sweetheart. You have me,” he said, gazing into my eyes. “All of me. I’m yours. Forever.” He pulled me into his strong arms and fell back onto the porch with me on top of him.

  Warmth filled me, and I laughed. “Seth, stop! What are you doing?”

  He pushed my hair out of my face. “Well, I promised myself that if you forgave me and came back to me, I was going to get you on top of me as soon as possible.” A wicked grin spread on his lips. “And you know I never break a promise.”

  I smiled. “Um, so about the ring…”

  He held the diamond engagement ring up in front of me, and the exquisite jewel sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. “Oh, you mean this one?”

  My eyes fixed on the lovely ring, but I fought back the urge to celebrate an engagement just yet. “You don’t have to propose to get back into my good graces.”

  He grinned at that. “I didn’t. I proposed because I want you to be my wife.”

  Excitement coursed through me, but I needed to know he was prepared for what he was getting himself into, so I shook my head. “But it’s a big responsibility. Jeremy signed away his parental rights two days after you left. So not only would you be taking on a spouse, but you’d also be taking on a stepson. Are you ready for that kind of commitment?”

  Seth shook his head firmly. “Austin will never be my stepson, Bobbie.”

  My heart sunk, and the excitement turned to sadness. I couldn’t fathom being with anyone who didn’t love my son as much as I did. Austin would always come first to me, even if that meant putting him before my own happiness. As much as it pained me, I knew I couldn’t marry Seth and pushed against his chest to move away from him.

  “Wait. Let me finish,” he said, tightening the hold he had on my waist. “What I’m trying to say is that Austin may have been born before I came into his life, but that boy is mine. Do you hear me? Mine. I want to adopt him and make it official. I want him to have my last name. Our last name.” He slipped the ring onto my hand. “I want us to be a family…the three of us.”

  Warmth filled my heart, and tears streamed down my cheeks. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll marry me and let me adopt our son.”

  I swiped away a tear and nodded. There was nothing I wanted more. “We’re all yours.”

  He pulled my head down until his lips brushed mine. “I’m going to make you both happy, I promise.”

  “You already have,” I told him, then sank into him for another kiss.

  Seconds later, Austin came running out of the house and jumped onto my back. Seth reached around me and grabbed him, sliding him off of me. He settled him on the porch next to him with his arm looped around Austin’s neck. “Buddy, I have a question for you. How would you like it if I lived with you and your mom on a permanent basis?”

  Austin’s eyes widened. “Like a dad would?”

  Seth grinned. “Yep. Just like a dad would.”

  Austin thought about it for a moment. “Can I call you dad?”

  “Yes. I’d love that, kiddo.”

  My chest swelled with emotion and more tears clogged my throat.

  “Does that also mean you’re going to kiss my mom and stuff like that?”

  Seth’s gaze locked with mine. “Yep. Every chance I get.”

  “Gross,” Austin said and then scrambled to his feet wearing the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.

  I sat up. “Where are you going, monster?”

  Austin ran for the house, but yelled out, “I’m going to tell L
ily that I have a dad like she does.”

  I was thrilled for him and completely understood the urgency and excitement in his tone. Hell, I was half tempted to run inside myself just to tell Emily that I was about to have a husband like she does. I probably would have if I thought she wouldn’t be able to figure it out on her own after Austin shared his good news.

  Seth jumped to his feet and pulled me to mine. “You ready to go home, sweetheart?”

  “Sure. But why the rush?”

  “I have a gift for Austin. I managed to find him another little spotted bull stuffed animal with white plastic horns. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s close. I’m hoping he’ll love that one just as much as he did the one that got destroyed.”

  The sweet gesture made me smile. “I’m sure he will.”

  Austin poked his head out of the front door. “Mom, Emily said I could spend the night with Lily. Is it okay?”

  I smirked, trying to contain my laughter. I had no doubt Emily was trying once again to get me laid. God, I loved that woman. And I was okay with her keeping my child overnight, but I glanced over at Seth to make sure he didn’t mind that Austin wouldn’t be coming home with us. Though I wasn’t used to discussing my decisions where Austin was concerned, I wanted Seth to know that I trusted him to make them. And Seth must’ve realized that because he grinned and nodded his approval.

  I turned back to Austin. “Sure, buddy. I’ll be right in to talk to Emily and then I’ll run home and get you some clothes to sleep in.”

  Austin let out a whoop and went back inside.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” I asked Seth.

  Seth grinned. “Mind what? Having a night alone with you? Why would I mind that? I can always give Austin his gift tomorrow. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” He winked. “Besides, I have something I want to give you, too. I was planning on giving it to you later tonight after Austin went to bed, but now we don’t have to wait.”

  I could only imagine what he wanted to give me. He was wearing that sexy little smirk that always dampened my panties, but I played stupid as if I had no clue what he was talking about. “Oh, you have a gift for me?”

  “Well, not exactly. But in about nine months, I’m hoping you’ll be giving me one,” he said seriously.

  Confusion ricocheted through me, and my eyes snapped to his. “What?”

  He grinned. “I want a baby. A daughter, I hope. The sooner, the better.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Nope. I mean it. I told you, I’m all in. And I want it all…with you. And that includes more children.” He dropped an arm over my shoulders. “Now let’s get going. I’m looking forward to taking my pregnant fiancée home before I end up ravaging her in the car.”

  I laughed. “Um, Seth, I hate to state the obvious, but I’m not pregnant.”

  He grinned happily. “You aren’t home yet, either.”


  I gazed down at my newborn baby girl sleeping so peacefully in her playpen under the shade tree in our backyard. How little Chloe managed to actually stay asleep with Austin, Lily, and Daniel making so much noise as they played nearby on the tree fort was beyond me.

  I turned toward the group of my friends who had joined us for a family barbecue and smiled. It was nice having everyone over at once. Well, usually, anyway.

  Emily kept refusing to tell everyone what her real name was, and all the boys were pissed about it. Jake was the only one who knew the answer to that question, but he was claiming that it was top secret information that he couldn’t divulge.

  “Come on, Emily. Give up the goods already,” Ox told her.

  Emily grinned. “Okay, fine. But only if you guys tell me your real name first.”

  Ox shrugged. “Hell, mine’s not a secret. It’s James. But all of you already know why people starting calling me Ox.”

  The whole group chimed in together, “Because you’re hung like an ox.”

  “Damn straight,” he said proudly.

  Emily laughed. “Okay, Cowboy, you’re up.”

  “I ain’t telling you assholes my real name. I’d never live it down.”

  “It can’t be that bad,” Emily said.

  “Wanna bet,” Anna replied, giggling.

  Emily sighed. “Oh, that’s it. Now you have to tell us, Cowboy.”

  He shook his head. “Read my lips. Nope.”

  Anna patted his hand. “They’re your friends. They aren’t going to make fun of you.”

  His eyes widened. “Have you met these crazy-ass people?”

  Emily tried to bargain with him. “Come on, Cowboy. I don’t want to say mine, either. But I will, if you will.”

  He groaned. “Fine. My real name is…Ashley Davies.”

  A hush fell over the group, and Jake squinted at him, trying not to laugh. “Did you say Ashley was your first name?”

  Cowboy rolled his eyes. “Yeah. It’s stupid, I know.”

  Everyone burst into hysterics.

  “Great. Thanks a lot,” Cowboy grumbled. “Some friends y’all are.”

  Emily tried to stifle her laughter. “Why Ashley?”

  “Because my mom thought she was having a girl and didn’t bother picking out a boy’s name. She cursed me for life with that dumbass name. That’s why I started calling myself Cowboy. Anything sounded better than Ashley.” He breathed a hard breath and gazed over at Emily. “Your turn. Tell us what stupid name your parents put on your birth certificate.”

  “Okay, fine,” Emily said. “My real name was Natalie. Natalie Marie Hart.”

  Jake grinned, but everyone else looked around at each other in confusion until Cowboy finally said, “What the hell’s so stupid about that name?”

  Emily shrugged. “Nothing. But Hank bet Jake fifty dollars that I could get you to give your real name up. Hank always bets on me and wins.”

  Cowboy chuckled. “You do understand that your own husband loses money every time Hank wins one of those bets, right?”

  “Well, yeah. But that’s what he gets for betting against his wife. You would think Jake would learn his lesson by now.”

  I laughed. “That right there is why you two are perfect for each other.”

  Seth stepped up behind me and slid his arms around my waist. “I know who else is perfect for each other.”

  I sighed and leaned into him. “You better be talking about us.”

  He kissed my neck. “Always.”

  I turned in his arms and locked my hands around his neck. “Do you have a minute? I want to show you something. I have a couple of presents for you.”

  He glanced down at my breasts pressing against his chest. “Does this involve you lifting your shirt for me?”

  I grinned. “No, but I think you’ll still like my gifts.”

  “Probably not as much as I like what’s under your shirt,” he said with a wink.

  I rolled my eyes. “Come with me.”

  I asked Anna to watch the kids and then led Seth around the side of the house where the nursery truck had unloaded fifty olive trees while my boys had kept him busy earlier in the day. The moment he glanced at them, he knew exactly what they were and grinned. “Were you afraid I was going to leave?”

  I shrugged. “Well, you did say that you liked the idea of being stationary. But I figured if you haven’t left yet, then you’re probably not going anywhere.”

  He locked his arms around my waist. “Sweetheart, you couldn’t get rid of me, if you tried.”

  “Good. Then I’ll go ahead and give you this back, too,” I said, pulling an envelope out of my pocket and holding it out to him.

  “What is it?” he asked, taking it from me.

  “Open it.”

  He did and eyed the money inside. “What’s this for?”

  “I’m paying you back what you loaned me. It’s five thousand dollars.”

  He grinned. “You might as well keep it.”

  “No,” I told him, shaking my head adamantly. “Look, I know we’re married n
ow and that we share everything. But when you loaned me this money, we weren’t. I told you I would pay you back and I meant it.”

  “I don’t think you understood me. I want you to keep it. Not only because we’re married but because tonight, I’m expecting to see you in nothing but your heels.” He waggled his brows.

  I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Are you kidding? I’d do that for free.”

  “Oh really?” He smiled and pulled me closer, grinding his hips against mine. “So what do you think about sneaking off to the bathroom for old time’s sake while no one is looking?”

  My brow arched. “Hmm. Okay. But only if we make a little bet of our own. First one to have an orgasm loses?”

  A smug grin curved his mouth. “All right. But you know that’s going to be you, right?”

  I kissed him and then shrugged. “Guess that means we both win.”

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  As always, I want to thank my amazing husband, who has supported each of my writing endeavors with genuine enthusiasm and sincerity. You have always been my number one fan, and you know I’m yours as well. To my boys, Matthew and Andrew, you make me proud daily and I love you both very much.

  Big thank you hugs to my family and friends for always supporting me: Mom, Dad, Brenda, Andrea, April, Amanda, Annita, Rebecca, Sarah, Terry, Deborah, Annie Ruth, Bobbie Jo, and so many others.

  From the bottom of my heart, thank you to my wonderful agent, Andrea Somberg, for always being there when I need her. I don’t know how I got so lucky. To my critique partners, Carol Pavliska and Samantha Bohrman, you ladies are the best. Big hugs go out to Samanthe Beck, who didn’t hesitate to provide me with another awesome quote. You rock, sister!

  To my editor, Candace Havens, I’m thrilled to have such an insightful editor in my corner. Thanks to my publicists, Riki Cleveland and Shayla Fereshetian, for all the hard work you put in with your marketing efforts. Also, thanks to Crystal Havens, Liz Pelletier, Katie Clapsadl, and anyone else at Entangled that I might have missed. I’m thankful to be able to work with such amazing people.


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