Blissful Tragedy

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Blissful Tragedy Page 7

by Amy L. Gale

  “Don’t underestimate his stupidity.”

  Van shakes his head and looks over at me. “So, why were you so upset before, when we were on the phone?”

  I take a deep breath and sink back into the couch. “I’m sorry. It was nothing, just forget it.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “From the second we met you’ve told me exactly what’s on your mind. That’s a rare find in a woman.”

  I sigh and twirl my hair around my fingers. “I was just thinking about the time we met backstage. I remember all of the women trying desperately to get your attention and it worries me.”

  He gently lowers my hand and tucks my hair behind my ear. “That shouldn’t worry you. You’re the woman who got my attention.”

  “Yeah, but I’m here and you’re miles away. Someone else may catch your eye in my absence.”

  “So you think because we’re not with each that I’ll be with someone else after the show? Is that what you think of me?” His lips form a hard line and he stares intently into my eyes. This talk is not going according to plan. He’s not getting it.

  “It’s not that.”

  “Then what?” he asks.

  I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, wiping my palms against my sweatpants. Well, I guess it’s now or never. “It’s just that you’re surrounded by women who want to be with you. They’re gorgeous, half-naked, and persistent. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be with them since we never really talked about what’s going on with us.”

  He jerks his head back slightly and lowers his eyebrows. “Since we never talked about what’s going on with us, let’s talk about it now.”

  Wow, this night is turning out to be nothing like I expected. My heart starts racing. Time’s up! Stay or walk away? There’s no way I can walk away from him, I’ve really known that from the beginning. No matter what the rational part of my mind tells me, I’ve been his from the first time those emerald eyes locked onto mine.

  “I think I’m upset and jealous because I’m not sure how you feel about me or exactly what you want out of our situation,” I say while fidgeting with my fingers.

  “I want you and only you and I want you all to myself. That’s how I feel and exactly what I want.”

  Wow! I have to give him credit. He really does tell it like it is.

  I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head. “You do realize being apart makes this difficult, right? Especially when you have women throwing themselves at you every night.”

  He brushes my cheek and lifts my chin. “You do realize that you have an ex-boyfriend who’s still in love with you, living a few streets away, right? That also makes things difficult, especially when you’re lonely and I’m away.”

  I raise my eyes and stare into the emerald abyss. “You’re right. Plus, we’ve really just met and trust takes a long time to build. The distance only makes it harder.”

  “Well, that’s an easy fix,” he says. “Come on tour with me.”


  My jaw drops and my eyes widen. All the air suddenly escapes from my lungs and I gasp. “Are you serious?”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything. It’ll be great. You’ll get the chance to travel the country, see the sights, and find a mud pit in every state.”

  I squint and pull my eyebrows together. “Have you really thought this through?”

  He shrugs. “What’s there to think about? We want to be with each other. I’m on the road and you have the next few months off. It’s perfect.”

  The grin on his face and the gleam in those emerald eyes renders me helpless. He’s right and everything he’s said sounds logical. But reality doesn’t always follow logic. We’ve only been together three times so far which makes today our third date.

  “Um, do you realize that me going on tour with you means we’ll be practically living together for the next few months? That’s a pretty big step.” I twirl my hair around my fingers.

  His lips press together in a slight grimace. “As long as you don’t turn into a werewolf when there’s a full moon, we’ll be fine.”

  I can’t just make a decision on a whim; someone has to be the voice of reason. I need to weigh the pros and cons and have all the information before making a choice. Yeah, that’s easier said than done. I can’t think clearly when Van Sinclair is near me. Everything about him makes me come alive, as if there’s an electric current flowing through my body breathing new life into it. How can I resist him? He’s both my strength and my kryptonite.

  Van falls silent, gazing at me as he interlocks his hands and stretches his fingers. He’s obviously not thinking about the possibility of this turning into a disaster. He’s following his heart, and frankly I’m jealous that I’m having trouble doing the same.

  I think back to my conversation with Jenna at the beach. She basically told me that Van was never in a relationship with anyone, nor did he ever want to be in one, until he met me. Ah, Van Sinclair wants me exclusively! My heart flutters. Unfortunately, since he’s never been in a relationship, he doesn’t understand how one works, especially when you’re together twenty four-seven. I guess ignorance is bliss and I’ve never seen him look more blissful than he does right now.

  His eyes lock with mine. I’m a prisoner, restrained by burning passion. My body quickly ignites with the fire that only burns for this man. A unique energy charges through me, unmatched by anything else on earth. There’s no way I can ever choose to let this feeling be lost. No more thinking! It’s time to take a leap of faith.

  “Ok. Let’s tour the country together.”

  He exhales, grabs my cheeks, and plants a sweet kiss on my lips.

  I pull away and slowly tap my lip. “No promises on the werewolf transformation, I haven’t been in the midst of a full moon in a while.”

  He grips my hips and jerks me forward until our bodies meet. “It’s gonna be so awesome!”

  I lean in, placing my lips against his ear and softly whisper, “Well, we still have some alone time, which I imagine will be hard to come by when we’re on tour.”

  “Excellent point!”

  His fingers softly stroke my forearms on their travels to my cheek, causing an array of goose bumps to grace my skin. Leaning in slowly, he brushes his mouth against mine, gently sucking on my bottom lip. A burst of molten lava passes through my body as the passion in his kisses grows with each passing moment. Whoa, he scoops me up in his arms, his lips never leaving mine, and walks into my bedroom. Electricity surges through me, causing a plethora of tingles to encompass my body as he lowers me onto the smooth sheets, hovering over me.

  His silky hair falls into my face and gently, but sensually tickles my skin. My breathing increases as his hand travels down my back, gently lifting the hem of my shirt and continuing underneath it. Every hair on my body stands on end when the soft fabric glides against my skin on its way over my head. An uncontrollable beat, races through my heart as passion floods my body.

  I grasp the bottom of his T-shirt and yank it over his head, slightly touching the bumpy washboard of his sculpted body. The view is amazing. He slides his jeans down and rips off my sweats. We lay naked and vulnerable, side by side. My body boils into a frenzy as I press myself against his body, feeling every bit of him.

  I open my legs slightly and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him on top of me. Our breathing becomes rapid as his hands caress my breasts, fondling my nipples. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale as they move to my waist. My hands descend, gently rubbing and exploring his flesh. He moans and reaches down to his jeans, retrieves a condom packet, and rips it open. He hovers over me again, kissing my lips softly.

  Our hands entwine as he slowly enters me. I gasp and let out a slight moan. We move in a slow and steady rhythm as he gently kisses my lips, his hands never losing their grip with mine. My heart is ready to beat out of my chest as every inch of his body gently meets with every inch of mine. I inhale and hold in a breath as he pushes himself inside of me. God, he never fails
to impress. I exhale and groan in ecstasy. My thighs quiver and my heart drums as adrenaline surges through my body. Our bodies ignite with passion. I clutch his back, deeply pressing my fingers into his flesh as I find my release right in time with his.

  There’s no comparison between having sex and making love. I swear the earth just moved and I traveled into another realm. My entire body is awakened, not knowing what it was missing until this moment. My heart melts into a puddle. We lie in each other’s arms and slowly drift off to sleep.

  I wake, still in Van’s embrace. Ah, my favorite place to be.

  He opens his eyes and stretches. “Good morning.”

  I stifle a yawn. “Hope you’re ready for a nice home cooked breakfast. One cannot live on diner food alone.”

  “I’ve been eating on the road for the past six months,” he replies. “Home cooking sounds amazing.”

  Once in the kitchen, I start making coffee. Huh, looks like I left the hall light on. No shocker there. My mind’s been a little preoccupied.

  Van walks up behind me and puts his arms around my waist, reaching around to kiss my cheek. “Do you need any help?”

  I lay my hand on his forearm. “No, I’ve got this. You relax.”

  The aroma of the fresh ground beans heightens my senses. My eyes travel over each peak and valley of Van’s finely chiseled torso. God he’s so sexy, sitting at my kitchen table wearing jeans and no shirt. I tremble as I bring him a cup of coffee, spilling a little on the table.

  “I could get used to this,” he says as he pulls me onto his lap.

  I’m sporting my Devil’s Garden T-shirt with panties. Apparently, my morning attire has the same effect on him as his does on me. I snicker and pull myself up to start cooking.

  I’m barely able to steady my hands to crack the eggs. His eyes are burning through me as I whip up some scrambled eggs, pancakes, toast, and sausage. The aroma of the kitchen is mouthwatering.

  “I had no idea you’re such a great cook,” he says in between mouthfuls of food.

  I smile, catching my bottom lip in my teeth. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Van Sinclair.”

  “I can’t wait to be enlightened.” He raises his eyebrows.

  “Oh, we’ll have lots of time for enlightening,” I say. “Since you don’t have a show until Friday, are you opposed to staying here until then?”

  “We can stay here. You can get your stuff ready and join the tour with me Friday,” he says as he stabs a pancake with his fork.

  Oh my God. I cover my mouth with my hand, and then quickly drop it to my side. I only have a few days to pack for the next few months. Where do I begin? “So, how does one pack for a cross country tour?”

  “Just bring one or two of everything. We stop at Laundromats and we can buy anything you might forget.” He sips his coffee.

  This task sounds much easier for a man.

  “Are two suitcases ok? I don’t think I can get everything into one.” I twirl my hair around my fingers.

  “Sure, whatever you need.”

  I take a deep breath. “Did you discuss me joining you on tour with the rest of the band? I want to make sure everyone’s ok with this, especially Jenna.”

  “I told everyone. They’re fine with it. Jenna encouraged me to ask.” He pats my thigh.

  “Ok good. I certainly don’t want to cause any animosity between you and your band mates.” I let my head fall back. “I’ll have to leave for a weekend in August for my sister’s bachelorette party.”

  “We’re always close to at least one airport,” he says.

  I tap my fingers on the table. “I wish I could reach Brooke in Mexico to let her know. I’ll have to leave her a note. She can call me when she gets back.”

  Van winks. “Sounds like you have everything figured out. Now, you’ve got me here until Friday. What will you do with me?” He smirks. “Oh, I can think of a few things.”

  My insides vibrate and quiver as I clean up. Who would’ve thought I’d be dating the lead singer of a rock band and going on a cross country tour? Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this. It’s almost surreal.

  Van is mine for the next few days. No star struck fans, no crowds, no time constraints and no agendas. Every second counts! It won’t be long before the chaos of touring resumes.

  Van retreats to the couch. “We’re all set. We fly to Connecticut Friday morning, and then we’re off,” he says, barely able to contain his smile.

  I grin from ear to ear. “What would you like to do while you’re here? Are there any local places you want to see before we take off?”

  He scrunches his eyebrows. “Are you kidding me? I don’t want to see anything but the walls of this apartment.”

  I plop next to him on the couch and lean back, sinking into it. “Well then, it looks like we’re having a date night right here.”

  We talk about music and movies, our favorite sights to see, and foods to eat; just like a real date. I’m sure he’ll eventually get bored hearing about Sydney and her upcoming wedding, college life at Lakeview University, and my roommate Brooke. I’m confident I’ll discuss those topics to death while on tour. He listens intently to the saga of me and Jesse, right down to the tragic end.

  “I think you’ve got more excitement in your life than I do,” Van says. “You make me sound boring.”

  I bite my lip. “There’s not a boring bone in your body.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Miss Waters, are you flirting with me?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of such a thing, Mr. Sinclair.”

  My fingers ache, desperately wanting to touch him. He’s so irresistible sitting shirtless on my couch in his perfect fitting jeans, just like a model in the middle of a photo shoot. Can he be any more enticing? I may not get many opportunities like this on the road so I need to strike while the iron is hot, and it doesn’t get any hotter than this.

  I stand up and stretch my arms over my head. “Well, I think I need a shower,” I say as I pull my shirt over my head, dropping it on the living room floor. I slide down my panties, shifting my weight from side to side and creating a small pile.

  His mouth falls open and his eyes widen.

  “Are you coming?”

  He leaps off the couch and quickly slides out of his jeans, leaving them on top of my clothes. “Let’s go!”

  I turn on the water and move closer to Van, rubbing myself against him. He lets out a deep sigh and holds me close, pressing his impressive body against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, raking my fingers through his hair. His eyes lock onto me, burning through my soul. I’m rendered breathless, captivated by this enchanting man. My skin prickles and each of my nerve endings stir. He presses his lips against mine, gently running his tongue along them. My heart beat races, strong and steady like a raging river. We step into the shower and let the warm water engulf our bodies. The heat and steam heightens my senses, adding to the passion.

  He wedges me against the wall of the shower, kissing me and caressing every inch of my body. We’re so close, not even air can get between us. I’m breathing so hard I’m about to explode. I need him and I need him now. I raise my knee, positioning it against his waist and lift my hips to push myself against his erection. He backs away from me.

  I exhale deeply and narrow my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “My jeans are in the other room,” he says, touching the back of his neck.

  Why is he so concerned about his jeans? Brooke is in Mexico so there’s no chance of anyone walking in on us. I inhale deeply and pull him close. Ah, I finally understand. I start kissing his neck and softly whisper in his ear, “I’ve been on the pill for years. It’s fine.”

  “Are you sure? I’ve never been with anyone without using one.”

  I’m breathless. A radiant smile forms. Of all the women in his past I’ll be the first to experience Van Sinclair flesh to flesh.

  “Yes, I’m one hundred percent sure.”

  I push him against the wall of the shower an
d explore his body with my hands. My fingers slide down his chest, gradually working their way down. The soapy water accentuates every chiseled muscle of his body. Running my tongue down his sculpted abs, I continue my seduction. He groans and lets out a sigh as I consume him with my mouth.

  I bring kisses back up his chest and neck to his lips as my hands continue to caress his manhood. He grabs my hips and pulls me toward him. Slowly and sensually, I graze my fingertips against his torso and move them up to his neck. My heart hammers against the walls of my chest. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds me against the wall and enters my body. We both moan with pleasure as he thrusts himself inside of me over and over again. Pleasure fills my core and I find my release. He yells out as he comes inside of me.

  We face each other, letting the water hit our bodies. I’m breathless, panting for air. He places his forehead against mine and brushes my hair away from my face. His emerald eyes stare deeply into mine. My heart is still beating out of my chest.

  “That was intense,” he says. “It’s a first for me.”

  I just had Van Sinclair in a way no one else ever did.

  “I’m glad I was your first,” I say as I chuckle. “We’re like teenagers, I’m yours and you’re mine.”

  “I’m definitely yours and I hope you’re mine,” he says, nuzzling his lips against my neck.

  “I’m completely yours, Van Sinclair.”


  I thaw some frozen pasta sauce, boil some spaghetti, and continue to revel in the afterglow of our sensual shower. The classic Halloween is playing on the horror channel at eight o’clock. Spaghetti always pairs well with a slasher film and after finding out both of us love horror movies, it’s the perfect activity for tonight.

  I take a deep breath. Is my mouth watering from the sweet smell of the tomatoes and garlic or from the perfectly chiseled rock god sitting beside me? I scoot closer and rest my head on his shoulder. Ah, I’m in paradise.


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