Blissful Tragedy

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Blissful Tragedy Page 8

by Amy L. Gale


  Looks like it’s time to start getting myself ready for the tour. I carefully select my outfits and accessories. As usual, I over pack, trying to think of everything I may possibly need. The first thing that goes in the suitcase is four months worth of birth control pills; more than I need, but also something I don’t want to run out of. How did I end up with a whole suitcase filled with shoes, make-up, and hair products?

  Van peeks his head in the doorway. He laughs as he peruses the amount of items that I’m packing.

  How the hell can guys live out of a duffel bag?

  I did it! I managed to cram my life for the next few months into two suitcases. I’m ready, and this time I’m truly and completely ready.


  Connecticut welcomes you, boasts a sign along the road. My palms start to sweat. It’s tough to be the outsider among friends who have known each other for years. Hopefully, I’ll make a good impression so they’ll welcome me into their circle. I take a deep breath as the taxi pulls up to the front of the amphitheater. Jenna is standing outside.

  Van tips his chin. “Hey Jenna.”

  She waves. “Hey. The guys are inside setting up for the sound check.” She nods toward the backstage entrance.

  “I’ve got to get ready for our show. You should check out the tour bus. We’ve got a hotel room for tonight and we hit the road tomorrow morning.” Van gives me a soft kiss on the lips and flashes a sexy smile.

  Jenna holds her hands to her mouth, forming a homemade megaphone and yells after him. “Don’t worry Van, I’ll show her the ropes!”

  Van turns to us, pointing at Jenna. “Don’t scare her away Jenna, I’ll know who to blame if she’s not here when I get back.”

  “I don’t scare very easily. You should know that after watching Halloween with me last night.” I shout, giggling. Judging from the death grip I had on his arm for first hour of the film, it’s safe to say I both love and fear scary movies.

  He rubs his arm. “Yeah, I think your finger prints are still embedded in my bicep.” He yells and shakes his head as he walks toward the amphitheater.

  Jenna smirks. “Welcome to the highway of hell.”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t downplay all the luxury that awaits.”

  Around the corner of the parking lot in the back of the amphitheater is the silver and black tour bus. It’s really nice from the outside, much larger than a passenger bus. I pull my bags toward this iron horse that I’ll call home for the next few months.

  “I’m not gonna lie to you, life on the road sucks. It’s cramped inside and we’re all basically on top of one another. We have to put up with each other’s annoying habits and there’s really nowhere to run.”

  I shake my head. “You make it sound so glamorous.”

  “Don’t freak out. I’m really glad you’re coming with us. It’s hard being the only girl with four guys. Now I can finally talk about things other than which actress has the best ass.”

  “I can’t wait for such intellectual conversation.” I laugh.

  She snickers as she raises her eyebrows at me. “Honestly, Van is the happiest I’ve ever seen him. I don’t know what you did to tame the wild beast.”

  “I don’t know either, but I hope I keep doing it.”

  My suitcases barely clear the hallway as I walk onto the bus. She’s right, it is cramped. On the left is a small kitchen with a stainless steel sink and black granite countertop equipped with a hot plate that’s ideal for cooking nothing more than grilled cheese. A few wooden cabinets hang above and below the sink. My eyes travel across the kitchen to the two tables and benches that resemble restaurant booths. I’ll scratch cooking breakfast off my list, so much for trying to impress everyone with my culinary skills.

  Down the hallway are two massive black couches facing a huge big-screen TV mounted on the wall. There’s a table in the middle of the floor, along with a stocked bar against the far wall. We can all relax in style, assuming we can all agree on a movie.

  Past the TV area is a small sitting space with a large bathroom to its left. Cool, there’s a shower. Beyond the sitting area are some drawers, cabinets, and closets. Last but not least is the sleeping area. More like glorified bunk beds, two on the top and two on the bottom, on each side of the bus. I sigh and exhale deeply. How am I supposed to sleep like this? Thank God I’m not claustrophobic! These are clearly the worst sleeping arrangements. Sardines in a can have more space.

  Jenna glances at me, noticing my look of disgust. “Welcome to motel hell,” she says as she waves her arms. “Don’t worry, we usually get hotel rooms. We only sleep on the bus if we have a long way to travel without time to stop. I already cleared out two drawers for you and you can share Van’s closet.”


  Yay! Everything surprisingly fits into the spaces I’m provided. Things are looking up. I gaze around and examine the area. What have I gotten myself into? Jenna flips through the channels on the TV and we sit on the couch. She’s being extremely nice to me and going out of her way to make things comfortable. I guess she’s been lonely too. If I wasn’t here she’d be alone, waiting for the guys. A Walk to Remember is on the movie channel.

  My mind wanders to thoughts of Brooke. How am I going to survive without her? We haven’t been apart for more than two weeks in the last four years. Thank God for cell phones and modern technology.

  Footsteps smack against the floors of the bus. Jeeze, it’s like a herd of horses are stampeding. The guys plop on the couch next to us.

  “Oh God, now we have two chicks to fight over the TV with. I can’t watch this shit! It might make me sterile!” Chaz puts his hands on his head and sinks into the couch.

  “Well that would be a plus for humanity,” Tyler replies.

  Jenna slaps Chaz’s arm. “Way to make her feel welcome, asshole.”

  “I’m only kidding. Lexie, welcome aboard. It’s gonna be a fun, wild ride. Plus, with you here I’ll get double the girls, mine plus Van’s.” Chaz is actually serious.

  “Glad I could help,” I say with an eye roll.

  “You’ll just have to ignore Chaz, the rest of us do.” Van shakes his head. “What do you think of the bus?” He places his hand on my thigh.

  I grimace before I can stop it. “It’s nice although I’m not really keen on the sleeping arrangements.”

  “It won’t be that bad, I promise.” Van puts his arm around me, holding me close.

  “I’m excited you’re here Lexie, now Jenna has a shopping buddy. Apparently, I don’t have the best fashion sense,” Marcus says.

  What a nice guy. He’s truly happy that Jenna will have a girlfriend on the road. How can she survive without female companionship? Every woman needs her girlfriends.

  “Thank you.”

  “Guess what Lexie, I’ve planned a late dinner for the four of us after the show tonight. We’re going on a double date to Villa Italia!” Jenna exclaims.

  Thank God Jenna is so excited to have another couple in her midst. It’s nice to know someone other than Van wants me on tour.

  “Awesome, then Chaz and I have the bus to ourselves tonight,” Tyler says.

  “Well, to ourselves and some fine ladies,” Chaz interjects, slapping Tyler a high five.

  Wow, I hope I don’t kill the two of them in the next few months. Jenna must have the patience of a saint.

  “We go on stage in an hour. Who wants a drink?” Tyler asks.

  “Definitely me,” I reply.

  Van looks at me, wrinkling his brow. “I know it’s a lot to take in at once. When you get past the initial shock, it’s actually kind of fun.”

  Tyler grabs us each a bottle of beer. We relax on the couch and watch TV, waiting for the show to begin. It’s like we’re all hanging out at a friend’s house.

  “It’s just about show time,” Marcus announces as he stands up, grabbing Jenna’s hand.

  “Ok, move ‘em out!” Chaz exclaims.

  We all exit the bus, and hea
d toward the amphitheater. I walk slowly, twirling my hair around my fingers as the chatter of hundreds of people fill the air. My heart beats faster. Is it possible to get stage fright when you’re not even in the band? I lift my eyes and scan the crowd. Scantily clad female fans stare at us and cheer for the guys as they make their way toward the stage. Chaz blows kisses at some of the more attractive ones. I guess half-naked groupies are now part of my everyday life.

  Jenna and I stand on the side of the stage while the guys gather their equipment for the show. Chaz walks out onto the stage first, taking a seat behind his drums. The fans start to hoot and holler. The euphoria from thousands of people cheering for you has to be magical. Next, Tyler and Marcus walk out and start playing their intro music. Van lifts my chin, plants a kiss on my lips, and then runs onto the stage to start the show. My heart goes wild, skipping beats and racing. Please don’t let me pass out. The enormous smile stretching along my face lights up the amphitheater.

  Van’s so sexy onstage. Every inch of him is always incredibly appealing, but onstage everything is amplified. The bright lights illuminate his perfect body, accentuating every peak of hard muscle underneath that T-shirt clinging to him, and the energy he conveys through his music is unmatched by anything else. Everything about him radiates.

  I’m weak in the knees! Is it possible to resist the urge to tackle him and ravish his body? My sexual side is awakened.

  Jenna turns toward me and winks and then focuses her attention back to her guitar hero.

  My hair tickles my back as we sway to the music and dance at the side of the stage. Our boys look over at us every so often, flashing a sexy smile. Jenna and I have an odd connection as very few people would know exactly how it feels to be in this situation.

  The guys gradually make their way to us. My self-control is at an all-time low. I’m breathless and every hair on my body is standing on end from the unique electricity flowing within me. My sexy rock god is walking toward me, smiling. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard on the lips. He pulls me into a tight hug.

  “I’m pretty sweaty; I can’t believe you want to be near me right now.” Van flinches back, brushing his wet hair back with his hand.

  I lean in closer, trying to erase any distance between us. After watching him have complete control over the crowd, I yearn for his body to overpower mine. “You’ve never looked sexier!”

  Van presses his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry, but we have to hang around for a little while, sign autographs, and meet the fans; the whole nine yards. Jenna will kick everyone out when it’s time for dinner. We’ve got a hotel room for tonight so you can explain to me again exactly how sexy I look.” Van raises his eyebrows, seducing me with his smile. He wipes himself off with a towel, grabs two beers from the ice bucket, and takes my hand.

  Déjà vu floods through me as I remember meeting the band after their show a few weeks ago.

  “You were backstage before so you know what it’s all about. These people are our fans who support our music. It’s only right to give them some of our time so they know we appreciate them.”

  “I understand, and I think it’s great.”

  “Just remember I’m only interested in anyone I talk to as a fan. It drives Jenna crazy to see Marcus talking to girls. Remember the first time you met her backstage? Don’t get mad or upset. This is just P.R. You’re the only one I want, ok?” He fixes his emerald eyes onto mine as he waits for my response.

  “I know what you’re saying. I’m a pretty jealous person by nature but I promise I won’t take it out on you. I know you’re just doing what you need to do.” I softly kiss his lips.

  The room looks similar to the one at the Lakeview amphitheater where I met Van. There are droves of half-naked women running up to the guys, asking for their autographs, and professing their love. My muscles tighten and I grind my teeth. I already can’t stand watching these women flirt with my man.

  Ugh! Really? There are actually girls asking Van to sign their chests. A lump forms in my throat as I watch them pose for pictures with him. I close my eyes tight and take a deep breath. What’s wrong with me? He just told me this is all P.R.

  Jenna walks over to me, her arms crossed over her chest. “This is definitely my seventh level of hell.” She glares at the women talking to Marcus.

  “Wow, now I can understand why you were such a bitch to me the first time we met. I want to kick everyone’s ass in this room.” I fold my arms and sneer at the scantily clad women in my field of vision.

  “I know. It comes with the territory, but it definitely sucks. I guess misery loves company because I’m happy you’re just as annoyed as me. Luckily, it only lasts about an hour.” She glances at her watch and sighs.

  “I’m starting to think that this experience is going to make me a bitter person.”

  “I’m living proof of that,” Jenna says, “I used to be a cheerleader.”

  We both start laughing.

  Finally, schmoozing time is over. The four of us take a cab to the Villa Italia while Tyler and Chaz continue to entertain some chosen females back on the bus.

  Jenna’s smile is radiant. She bounces in her chair. “This is so exciting! We’re actually going on a double date.”

  I chuckle. “I think I just caught a glimpse of that cheerleader poking out.”

  Marcus laughs. “Captain of the squad.”

  “Yeah, and Marcus was the quarterback and captain of the football team,” Jenna replies while rubbing his back.

  I look over at Van and bite my bottom lip. “And what did you do in high school?”

  Marcus interjects. “Well, if there was a golden gloves team he would have been their captain. He was a brawler in high school.”

  Jenna slaps Marcus’s arm.

  I look at Van, raising my eyebrows.

  “I had a lot of anger issues back then,” he says, slightly wincing.

  He’s definitely holding something back, but I won’t press the issue.

  We have the place all to ourselves, one of the perks of being the last patrons of the night. I brush my hand over the white linen tablecloths and snatch the fancy linen napkin peeking out from under the plate. A rainbow of sparkling light illuminates the table from the candle reflecting off the exquisite crystal water goblets.

  The waiter gawks at Van and Marcus. “Uh, do you guys want to hear our specials?” He repeatedly clicks his pen.

  Jenna smiles and flutters her eyelashes. “Yes, and we’d like a bottle of champagne.”

  He blushes. “We have a chicken marsala special served family style with pasta with vodka sauce, meatballs, and salad.”

  Marcus cracks his knuckles. “We’ll have that.”

  The waiter takes a step back and looks Van and Marcus up and down. “Coming right up.” He jots down the order and leaves.

  I take a sip of my water. “I guess he’s not used to tattooed rockers.”

  Van shakes his head. “He better not spit in our food.”

  Jenna grimaces. “Ugh, gross. We’re in a fine dining restaurant. Plus, it’s family style and he wouldn’t do that to Lexie and me.

  We both burst into an array of giggles.

  The waiter returns with our champagne. He tries to hold in a smile as he pops the cork and fills Jenna’s glass.

  Marcus grabs the bottle from him. “Ok dude, we’ll take it from here.” He grits his teeth.

  The waiter holds up his hands and walks away.

  Jenna puts her head on Marcus’s shoulder. “Jealous are we?”

  Marcus exhales and pours us each a glass of champagne. “Yeah, I know. You have to put up with the groupies, I have to put up with the waiter.”

  Van rolls his eyes.

  We each raise our glass while Jenna makes the toast: “To a great night, with great friends, new beginnings, and an awesome tour!”

  We all clink our glasses and drink.

  My breathing slows as my eyes prickle with tears. I’m already missing Brooke. Toasting had become
our tradition during college. Tomorrow, she’ll find my note. My stomach rolls. I’m sure she’ll have a lot to say about this rash decision. Regardless, I still can’t wait to hear her voice.

  The conversation, company, and food are superb. Jenna’s full of surprises. Who would’ve thought she’d go out of her way to welcome me? It’s the perfect end to my first night on tour.

  I yawn as I enter the taxi cab. Van and Marcus booked rooms at the Marriot a few miles away, although, in reality Jenna most likely took care of the details. The long day is catching up with me but I’m definitely not too tired to stay awake with Van. I guess I have to adjust to a rocker’s schedule, up late into the night and asleep most of the day.

  Van pushes open the door to our hotel suite and gently pulls me inside. He quickly closes the door and traps me in between his perfect body and the cold, wooden door. “Now, you mentioned something about me never looking so sexy.”

  His soft breath caresses my face. Goosebumps erupt and my stomach quivers as the unique electricity flows through me. “I don’t know if that was true. You’re looking pretty sexy right now,” I whisper and nibble the lobe of his ear.

  He lets out a deep sigh and places his hands on my hips. His body presses against mine; Hmm, even the thick denim of those jeans can’t hide how sexy he is. He slams his lips against mine with animal-like passion. Our hands are all over each other as articles of clothing are quickly being removed and scattered all over the hotel room. My heart hammers and my body trembles. I’m just about panting as I push him onto the bed and jump on top of him. Feverishly kissing his neck, I run my hands all over his body. He breathes heavily and rolls on top of me, kissing my lips, neck, and breasts, while caressing me from head to toe. I want him so badly, I can’t take it anymore.

  “Van, please, I want you now.”


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