Book Read Free

Blissful Tragedy

Page 24

by Amy L. Gale

  He presses his forehead against mine. “It won’t always be like this. Who knows, maybe you’ll eventually stay with me. I know you said that after the tour ends we’ll be together one way or another. You know you can stay here, right?” Van nibbles on his bottom lip.

  “That’s why I left some clothes and my toothbrush.” My heart beats faster, pounding against my chest.

  “You can bring all your clothes and toothbrushes here permanently.” He bites at his lip, slowly lifting his eyes.

  Oh God, is he suggesting we live together? I do love it here, but am I ready for that yet?

  “We’ll talk about everything after you finish your tour. One thing at a time.” I press my lips against his, weaving my hands in his hair.

  I’ll have lots of time to think about our future while he’s away. No need to make any rash decisions now.

  He pulls away and exhales forcefully, blowing his hair around his face. “I can’t wait until this tour’s over.” He wraps his arms around me and presses his forehead against my shoulder.

  We stay in each other’s arms until it’s time to leave for the airport.

  Time for another cheesy airport scene! We arrive at the terminal and Van walks me to my gate. We hug and kiss each other until the last possible second, then Van disappears into the crowd and I make my way to my seat.

  The plane is only half full so I have a row of seats all to myself. Ah, the silence of the red eye! I stretch my legs, place my head onto a pillow, and begin to drift off to sleep. The exhaustion of the day has caught up with me and I just want to shut my mind off so I can relax. I reach into my purse for a mint. What’s this? I wrinkle my brow as I pull out a box. Huh, my name’s written on it, in Van’s handwriting.


  The pounding of my heart blares in my ears, cutting through the silence. My fingers shake as I glide them over the soft blue velvet. What could this be? My mouth is as dry as the desert sand. I swallow hard and stare at the small silver strip of ribbon wrapped around the box. Does this have anything to do with Jenna’s comment about commitment? My stomach flutters. Since I don’t have x-ray vision, it’s now or never. I take a deep breath, quickly tear off the paper, and open it up. It’s a key, hooked on a heart-shaped silver key chain, along with a note:

  You already have the key to my heart, so I want to give you the key to my home.

  Hopefully our home someday.

  Nuclear energy flows throughout my body. I hold the key to my chest and close my eyes. My cheeks erupt into a smile so wide they’re on fire. No chance of sleeping now. What would life be like if I live in Kansas with Van? I’d wake up every morning in a sea of purple satin, next to the most magnificent and enticing man alive; enjoy coffee on the porch swing and stare out into the endless green meadows, secluded from the rest of the world. I sink into the leather seat.

  Why can’t I stop time and stay with Van, in a true utopia? Reality is getting in the way of my happiness. I let out a deep sigh and press my head into the headrest. These next few weeks are going to be torture. The worst part is that I need to come to a decision soon. My stomach clenches. I want to stay with Van, but I don’t want to give up this dream job. How can I have it all?


  “We will begin our descent, fasten all seatbelts and shut off electronic devices,” the flight attendant announces, pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

  I gather my belongings and head to the baggage claim. I yank my suitcase off the belt and roll it onto the concrete floor.

  “Welcome home! Our apartment wasn’t the same without you.” Brooke lunges at me, almost knocking me over, and squeezes me tight.

  I hug her back with my free arm. “Aw, I missed you too. I can’t wait to get back and relax in my own bed.”

  Luckily, the airport is only fifteen minutes from our apartment. The short ride will come in handy when I’m dying to see Van. I let out a deep sigh, I already miss him. We pull into the driveway and make our way inside.

  I roll my suitcase to my room and collapse onto my bed, letting the sheets and mattress envelop my body. Ah, I get to sleep in my own bed. I stretch out as if I’m trying to make a snow angel in the sheets.

  “Jeeze, that’s starting to look erotic. Should I give you and your bed a minute alone?”

  I roll my eyes and sit up. “I think we’re just about done.”

  She walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. “Now that you’re back home, I want to talk to you about something.”

  I lower my eyebrows and turn toward her. “What’s up?”

  “Well, it was pretty tough staying here all alone while you were gone with Van, so Dean’s been staying here with me.” She bites at her lip.

  My chest tightens slightly. “That’s good, at least you weren’t lonely.”

  She fidgets with her fingers and looks at the floor. “I’m hoping it’ll be ok with you if he stays here permanently with us. We could split the rent three ways and I’ll make sure he helps with the chores.” She stares at me and waits, rubbing her fingers as she watches me.

  I place my hand on her shoulder. “That’s a great idea. Van will either be here or I’ll be visiting him so we’ll be in and out anyway.”

  Brooke squeals and pulls me close, hugging me tightly. “Thank you so much!” She jumps up off the bed, bouncing on her toes.

  I lug my suitcase onto the bed and open it. “Don’t feel obligated to watch me unpack, I’m beat anyway.”

  She skips off into the hallway. “We’ll start fresh in the morning.”

  Hmm, I missed comfy sweats. I twist my hair in a ponytail and prepare for a relaxing night. Finally, I finish unpacking. My heart flutters and my face flushes as I pull the box out of my purse and attach my new key chain to my everyday key ring. Why can’t I stop smiling every time I look at it? I reach for my cell phone and quickly text Van.

  I’m home and exhausted. I love my key more than you know.

  I pull the covers over my chest and rest my head on the pillow. My phone chimes. I dart up and check the screen.

  Hope you use it soon. Miss you already.

  How am I going to get through the next six weeks? It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours. This bed seems so empty, like my heart. I let out a heavy sigh and sink into the mattress, trying to alleviate the dull ache in my chest. My head falls back on the pillow; I’m physically and emotionally drained. My heavy eyelids descend, covering my field of vision and allowing me to drift off to sleep.


  Is Brooke banging around every pot and pan we own? I rub my eyes, stretch and roll out of bed. My mouth waters as I enter the kitchen. The aroma of fresh coffee, eggs and bacon fill the air. I inhale deeply, letting the delectable scent overcome my senses.

  “I figured it’s been a long time since you’ve had a home cooked meal.” Brooke whisks a bowl of scrambled eggs.

  “I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten something homemade.” I pour myself a cup of coffee, pull out one of the kitchen chairs, and take a seat.

  “We should have a girls’ day today. A little shopping, a mani/pedi, and some chick flicks later while you tell me your stories from the tour.” She fills our plates and brings them to the table.

  “Sounds great. Will Dean be included since he’s our new roommate?” I bite my toast.

  “He would love girls’ night,” she laughs, “but he’s staying at his own place for now. His lease isn’t up until October.” She nibbles on a piece of bacon. “I’ll stay at his place when Van comes to visit. My virgin ears don’t want to hear the things that may go on.”

  “Your ears may be your only body part that’s still virgin.” I wink.

  Brooke rolls her eyes and throws a potholder at me.


  The steam from the shower perks me up, invigorating my senses. I dry off and slip my Devil’s Garden T-shirt over my head, deeply inhaling as I pull it down over my body. Goosebumps form from Van’s scent, still locked in its fibers.

  Brooke s
hould advise celebrities on their fashion choices! I plop a pile of clothes on the checkout counter. Wow, five new outfits that I can mix and match to make ten different looks, plus a gray business dress that’ll be perfect for my meeting with Owen Jenkins tomorrow. Do I need anything else?

  We continue down the sidewalk, glancing in the enormous storefront windows. How convenient, a high end lingerie store. My eyes travel across the room as we walk inside. Dozens of racks grace the walls of the quaint space and feature every style imaginable. What should I choose to make a lasting impression?

  We root through the racks, trying to find the perfect item. I stop and pick up a velvet hanger holding a red and black lace bra with rhinestones and matching panties, a black garter belt, and red thigh high stockings with black musical notes on them.


  Brooke’s eyes widen. “Rocker chic and sexy. You need to buy it.”

  Amazing, I manage to acquire a new wardrobe for work and some sexy extras for my unforgettable nights with Van. What’s he doing right about now? I glance at my watch. It’s three o’clock. What time zone is he in today? Thank God Jenna is so good at managing the groupies. I shake my head, trying to block those particular thoughts from my mind as we enter the spa.

  It’s great to be pampered. I haven’t had the luxury of a mani/pedi in quite a while. “This is just what I needed.” I lean back in the massage chair and close my eyes.

  “The day is still young.”

  We walk down the strip, showing off our crimson nails, and browse through a few more stores. Evening is approaching. I twirl my fingers around my hair. It is almost time for Van to hit the stage. A thickness forms in my throat and I lower my gaze. Brooke is trying so hard to make the day special for us and my mind is somewhere else entirely. What kind of friend am I?

  “Let’s head home for phase two of our fun day.” Brooke opens the car door and slides into the driver’s seat.

  “I’m ready for more. What chick flick do you have in mind?” I pull my door shut.

  She taps her fingertips on the steering wheel. “Hmm, how about Pretty Woman followed by Thelma and Louise?”

  I chuckle. “Hookers and outlaws. Perfect.”

  Time to change into our sweats and make popcorn. We lay a blanket on the floor and lounge in front of the TV, picnic style. Emptiness fills the pit of my stomach. Does everything have to remind me of Van?

  “I got some cheap champagne for us to commemorate the occasion.” Brooke pours some bubbly into two plastic cups and hands one to me. “To a new chapter of our lives filled with more wonderful and crazy adventures!”

  We clink our plastic cups and sip the champagne. The bubbles tickle my nose. I guess I’m a cheap date. I’ve always preferred sweet wines and champagnes to the dry ones that cost a fortune.

  “Speaking of new chapters in our lives, are you excited about starting your new job?” She shoves some popcorn into her mouth.

  I sigh and my stomach rolls. “Excited but nervous. I hate not knowing what to expect. Plus, my boss is so confident, it’s intimidating.” I twirl my hair around my fingers.

  “Seriously? Your boyfriend is a rock star. If he doesn’t intimidate you, no one should.” She sips more champagne. “What’s going to happen with you guys now?”

  How am I going to find the answer to that question? I take a deep breath. “I have to make a decision when his tour ends. He wants me to move in with him in Kansas while he works on his new record, and then join him on another tour.”

  “Wow, that’s big.” Brooke pulls me into a side hug. “I don’t want to lose you, but I want to see you happy.”

  Tears well up in my eyes. I close them and rest my head on her shoulder. “I don’t want to lose me either. I did go to college and earn a degree that I’d like to use.”

  “You’ll know what’s right when the time comes. Don’t over-think everything and you’ll find your answer.” She rubs my shoulder.

  “You’re right.” I wipe a stray tear from my eye and sit back up. “Enough of this serious talk; let’s get back to girls’ night.”

  The champagne is going down way too smooth. I rub my eyes, trying to clear my fuzzy vision. Of course I drank more than I should have; time to call it a night and get some rest before my meeting tomorrow. I glance at the clock. Almost midnight. I dial Van’s number, he should be finished entertaining his fans by now. My heart skips a beat when he answers on the first ring.


  “How was the show tonight?”

  “Not even close to as good as when you’re here.”

  I blush and my cheeks lift into an ear to ear smile. “Can’t wait till Saturday.”

  “My ticket’s booked. I’ll be there at noon. I miss seeing those four walls of your apartment.”

  My body tingles as his sexy voice electrifies me. “You may only see the four walls of my bedroom.”

  “Even better.”

  Goosebumps spread across my skin. “My meeting’s early tomorrow morning but I had to hear your voice before I go to bed.”

  “Good luck. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Goodnight.”


  I open my eyes and glance at the clock, two minutes left before my alarm sounds. I quickly shut it off, stretch, and gaze out the window. Ah, a clear, sunny, beautiful day; not a cloud in the sky, just an endless view of blue. Maybe this picture-perfect scene is an indication of the rest of my day. Let the beauty routine begin. My new gray business dress looks great with my simple jewelry and black pumps.

  I pull into the Global Inc. parkade and step into the reception area. A blond sits behind the desk, her eyes following my every movement. My heart races as I walk up to her. Why am I so jumpy?

  I clear my throat. “Hello, I’m Alexis Waters. I have a ten a.m. meeting with Owen Jenkins.”

  “Hello Alexis, Mr. Jenkins is expecting you. Please go right in.” She points toward a dark wooden door.

  I walk into the large office as my boss begins to walk toward me.

  “Alexis, hello again. Please, have a seat.” He gestures toward a large office chair and sits behind his desk.

  I pat down my skirt and lower myself onto the cool leather chair.

  “Well Alexis, I hope you’ve enjoyed your summer. I’m looking forward to working with you. Do you have any questions about the position you will be starting on Monday?” He swivels his chair toward me and taps his pen on his desk.

  I twirl my fingers around my hair. “No, Owen. I think you explained everything to me the last time we met. I hope it’s ok to ask questions after I start. I may have some then.” In reality I only need the answer to one burning question.

  “Of course, please ask me anything,” he says as he grabs a folder from his desk and starts rummaging through the pages. “I’m sure you know Global Inc. represents a variety of products, from soft drinks to cars. I’m working on a project now which involves marketing and advertising for a jewelry line. I’m hoping to work on this project with you. You can show me what you’ve learned in college and I will teach you Global Inc.’s way of marketing a product for the masses.”

  Wait, am I hearing him right? This is a huge opportunity. New graduates seldom get to work on a project like this one. Maybe I really do have a prosperous future at Global Inc.

  My eyes widen. “That sounds wonderful, Owen! Thank you for this opportunity. I won’t let you down.”

  “Alexis, I’m a good judge of character. I can tell you won’t disappoint. Your hours will be eight-thirty to four-thirty but keep in mind that we may have to attend some presentations and business dinners.” He closes the file and drops it on his desk.

  “Thank you again, Owen. I look forward to working with you.” I stand up and shake his hand.

  Owen leads me out of the office by placing his hand in the small of my back. Ugh, that’s kind of creepy. I shake it off. Have I just landed my dream job? Wait until I tell Brooke!

  “I’m so happy for you!” Brooke pulls me into
a hug. “We definitely have to celebrate. I work late Friday, but when I get out we’re heading to Wildcats.”

  I can’t contain the smile on my face. “It’s a date.” I bounce on my toes.

  We both jump up and down and squeal.

  Well, I better get my apartment back to normal. If I can live out of two suitcases for months, I can definitely organize this place. I set out all of my business clothes for the work week right behind my sexy new lingerie for the weekend. Saturday night will be unforgettable!

  I clean up my room and do some chores around the apartment. Jeeze, I’m a horrible roommate. I left poor Brooke with all the work while I was touring with Van.

  On tour, I didn’t have to do anything other than wash my clothes. I didn’t even have to make a bed. As I vacuum and clean the bathroom, I desperately miss those days. Yep, just another perk of living with Van in Kansas.


  It is almost five o’clock Friday; time to start getting ready for the night’s celebration. I tie my black halter dress around my neck and pair it with high heeled boots. My brown curls hang down over my shoulders. I quickly glance in the mirror. Umm, my make-up is way too heavy; I tone it down a bit. No concerts tonight, just a college bar that we’ve been to many times over the past four years. Nothing elaborate, just a fun night with great friends at a familiar place. I step out of my room just as Brooke walks in from work.

  “Wow, you look hot! I just need to freshen up and we’ll be on our way.” She tosses her purse on the kitchen table and high-tails it to her room.

  “No hurry, we’ve got all night.”

  There are lots of reasons to celebrate tonight. Lightness fills my chest and the heat of the sun radiates through my body. In less than twenty-four hours I’ll have Van in my arms. My heart beats faster. Wait until I get my hands on him.


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