Time Raiders: The Seduction
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They’d known each other barely a week, but he’d blown into her world with his gorgeous blue eyes, bursting energy and boyish charm, and had swept her completely out of her bland, boring existence. In a single week he’d torn away all the layers of stuffy academia and stodgy routine that she’d drawn around herself for all these years like a shield. He’d reminded her how it felt to be alive.
And she’d loved the feeling.
Given time, she had no doubt she would come to love the man. Maybe she already had fallen more than a little in love with him.
And then she’d killed him.
What on earth had she been thinking to let him talk her into such a stunt? She was an idiot. A fool. Criminally negligent. She deserved to lose him after behaving so stup desperation to sav
Time Raiders: The Seduction
Copyright © 2009 by Cynthia Dees, Lindsay McKenna, and Merline Lovelace.
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