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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 21

by Michelle Love


  Okay so we travel home and Stephen looks at me in the rear vision mirror. Sienna has fallen asleep.

  "Nice night, was it?" says Stephen.

  "Yeah awesome, actually. The show was great and I enjoyed the after party immensely," I say.

  Stephen knows I am happy with his treatment of Sienna and concentrates on the road. Tomorrow we will spend the day doing boring stuff at home. I can't wait to just do nothing, tomorrow.

  The car approaches my gate and I wake Sienna.

  "Hey there sleepy, wake up we're home."

  Sienna rubs her eyes and her face looks very cute as she wakes up.

  "Oh, let me sleep in the car," she says groggily from her slumber.

  I watch as we go down the driveway and the automatic sensor lights come on.

  Sienna hops out and she is very tired. I wave goodbye to Stephen who continues back down the driveway and home.

  Sienna moves quickly upstairs and I untie her dress. She slips easily into bed and falls asleep after a quick pee and a yawn.

  I take my time getting my clothes off and enjoy a quick shower before jumping in next to her. I look at the ringlets in her hair and her nose as it crinkles up as she dreams. My Sienna is just beautiful and watching her with other men drives me crazy. In a good way. I am turned on seeing her be pleasured and it is very erotic watching her when she is taken by them. Stephen was in heaven this evening. My next idea is even more daring.

  I wake and Sienna is gone. The shower is running and I can smell cooked food, waiting downstairs. Mmm, yum. A weekend with Sienna. No distractions, just us for now.

  I go to the shower and she hops out, "Hey you be quick because breakfast is waiting."

  I get in and watch her dress through the glass. Her hourglass figure is so sexy, and I hurry to meet her as she goes downstairs.

  When I'm dry and dressed, I walk and see she has cooked bacon, eggs, tomato, and there is freshly squeezed orange juice and coffee.

  "Wow, this looks amazing," I say.

  Sienna passes me a plate and I use the tongs to serve myself. There is hot toast just popped from the toaster and butter as well. We sit down at the dining table and she smiles at me as we both tuck into our meals.

  "Jonathon, can I ask you something, please?" she says sipping juice.

  "Yes, go right ahead," I say puzzled and intrigued.

  "Well, I want to know if it makes you jealous, watching me with other guys? Most guys would be that way."

  I smile and finish my mouthful, "Jealous, but why? There's nothing to be jealous of?" I don't think she sees my point.

  "Well, most guys who are in love with a girl don't want her to be with other guys. You can't see what I mean can you? I mean in normal society, it's normal to be monogamous. Just with one partner."

  "Yes, I understand your point, but I don't feel jealous. Let me try to explain," I say. "So, you know how much I love you and want to please you as a man. In every way?"

  "Um, yes," she says.

  "Well, watching you be pleasured is extremely gratifying for me. I mean, I know I can pleasure you, but I want you to experience more. More than me, sexually. Do you understand?"

  "I think so. So, it's not just about getting turned on by it all?" she says smiling.

  "No, it is about seeing my beautiful girlfriend pleasured by men who know what to do with her. Who appreciate a woman. That's what turns me on."

  Sienna continues eating and is happy with the explanation I have given. It is reasonable, and it is also the truth.

  "Sienna, I love you," I say.

  "I know. I love you too, very much."

  We finish our breakfast and Sienna is set on learning how to use the dishwasher. I am reading a crime novel and I can hear her talking to the instruction manual as she tries to figure it out.

  "There… I have done everything you've asked, so when I push this magical start button we should see some movement. Are we clear?"

  I laugh at her and then I hear her again.

  "I knew you could perform for me!"

  The dishwasher is whirring and Sienna rattles around in the kitchen. I know she likes to do it, so I leave her happily looking and starting to cook.

  My freezer is full because sometimes I get a chef in to cook for me when I've had enough of the takeaway train. It can be too easy to eat Chinese and other non-essential foods dialled up. I don't want to do it all the time. I like to look good and work out when I can, during the week.

  "Wow, there’s so much food in your freezer," says Sienna.

  "I know. I have a chef that cooks sometimes. I love it!"

  Sienna continues and I read my crime novel. I look up and watch her every now and again so I can see her beautiful face concentrating on the recipe. Oooh, she's so gorgeous and I feel so very lucky. I can't wait to see what she cooks. I can already smell something good in there and it's not even lunchtime.

  My mind moves to my addiction again. I want to see Sienna pleasured even more and my thoughts are everywhere thinking about how I will play it so she is pleasured again soon.

  Mmm, that could be really good. Mmm, yes that's it! I will finally get the condo in the city. I can use it after work and I can stay in it during the week and get to work quickly whenever I want. I look for the newspaper that is delivered outside the front door on a Saturday.

  I walk back in and open it up on the coffee table. There it is, "New Development Stage One Ready. All amenities and luxuries, including spa, private views, and entertaining areas. Be Quick!"

  "Sienna, I'm just making a call. I'll be out the front."

  "Okay, I'm just wrestling with this recipe," she says.

  I grab my phone from its charge cord and take the phone outside after entering the number.

  "Hello, Blake Newgent here. Netherby Real Estate."

  "Hi, I'd like to look at a condo from your ad. The ones on Hallum Avenue."

  "Sure, there's one left, there. It is worth six point two million, and has the best views over the city."

  "When can we meet?" I say.

  "Anytime you like, really. I can be there in an hour."

  "Yes, see you in an hour. I'll meet you at Coffee Bella I'm Jonathan Ellis."

  "Great Jonathan, I'll be wearing a name badge and a suit. See you soon."

  I am so excited that I get Stephen to pick me up and he comes immediately.

  "Sienna, I'll be back in a couple of hours. I have to go into the city."

  "Okay, I'll try not to burn the food while you are gone," she says waving with hands covered in flour.

  I get to the coffee shop and the realtor is waiting for me and dressed immaculately.

  "Hi, Blake, is it?" I say.

  "Yes, please call me Blake. Um, Jonathan, can I call you that?"

  "Yes, please do. Let's have a coffee while you tell me about it."

  "Okay, sure. The condo has a one hundred and eighty-degree view of the city and there is a spa. Then a large games room and two enormous bedrooms. There is a kitchen/dining with an oven, dishwasher and stainless steel appliances. The marble top benches are Italian-made and the furniture is included in the price. There are beds, lounges, coffee tables, built-in wardrobes and more. You really need to see it. It is called Suella. All of the condos are named. This is the last one until stage two is built and that will be at least eight months away."

  I listen to Blake who is a great guy. He knows how to sell real estate, so we finish our coffees and head to the condo which is a two-minute walk from the coffee shop.

  We walk into the lobby and a receptionist nods and says hello to Blake. She looks very impressive and there are security guards in the lobby as well. So far, the boxes are ticked very well.

  We head into the lift and I am taken to the top floor. The Penthouse suite is where the condo Suella is located and I love it already. The top floor for my top woman. Oooh, yeah.

  The lift opens and across the hall is the condo door. The name is cursive, "Suella," it says.

sp; Blake opens the large door and I walk in. There is the city in a view through the window, with all the buildings and skyscrapers in full view. It is breathtaking and I can only imagine how good it will look at night when the lights sparkle through and we sip champagne on the balcony.

  I move to the window and I can see my office building towering up. It is exceptionally beautiful.

  There is a large movie screen. I notice the elegant fittings on the walls with modern art decorating the main room which opens to the large kitchen.

  The bedrooms are just down a small hall and the entertaining room has a large space with a spa surrounded by large slate and a billiard table and another movie screen. The chairs have holes for your drinks and recline back so you can watch a movie. There is a glass dome to let the light in, and at night the stars would be able to push through. It is magnificent and no expense has been spared, architecturally or design wise.

  "Blake. Where do I sign? I'll pay six point one million for it," I say.

  Blake is shocked at how easy the sale is. He gets the contract out and I begin to sign, knowing how much of a great investment it is, both financially and otherwise.

  "The others were five million but they don't have the same views or the dome."

  "I am happy with it, Blake. Thank you. Here is my card so you can contact me."

  I have one last look around and I am so happy with my investment. Blake follows me.

  "Should only be a ten-day settlement because you're paying cash for it."

  I turn and smile, "Yes I know. How exciting," I say.

  I know he has no idea what I'll get up to here. That's fine. I like keeping my private business, private. I have made him one hell of a commission and I dare say that Blake will be celebrating tonight as well.


  I wait for Jonathan as I sit and wait for the duck to cook. It's Duck L'Orange, and I have custard tarts baking away as well. I love cooking, especially for Jonathan.

  I decide to have a look at his library of books. I like reading and I am sure there'll be something in there while I wait for him to get back from the city.

  "The Art of Seduction," I read.

  The title is intriguing so I pick it up and start to read.

  "The art of seduction is based on all of the senses, Sight, smell, taste touch and hearing. Pleasuring your lover is very easy when you use all of these throughout your lovemaking and passionate times together. The body is aroused by its senses and you can use your knowledge to pleasure a partner, easily..."

  "Hey Sienna, I'm home. Something smells amazing."

  I place the book down excited to see him again. His sleeves are up and there's stubble turning me on. He’s so ridiculously handsome.

  "Hey, sexy. I thought I'd cook up a storm. Did you have fun?"

  "No, not really, I just had to meet a colleague and sort some stuff out."

  I could sense he didn't want to talk about it and so I changed the subject. I wanted to kiss him and see him. I wasn't in the mood for work stuff or anything.

  "Shall I run us a spa, while dinner is cooking?" I ask.

  "Oh, that sounds fantastic. You're spoiling me Sienna. I already love you, though."

  "I know, but you, bubbles and peppermint bubble bath is just too good to miss," I say kissing his neck.

  I run upstairs and let Jonathan relax for a while. He looks exhausted from the week and we need some R and R, that's for sure.

  I get back downstairs and Jonathan is asleep on the sofa. He is exhausted from our late night at The Moulin Rouge show. I decide to let him sleep a bit longer and check on dinner.

  It is baking away nicely. The tarts are ready so I pull them out, then Jonathan's phone rings and I don't want it to wake him so I answer it.

  "Hello, Jonathan's phone."

  I walk into the hall so I don't wake him.

  "Hello, who is this?" the voice says.

  "Hi, I'm Sienna. Jonathan is not available at the moment can I take a message?"

  "Yes, you can. It's Caroline. Caroline his girlfriend. I am safe and sound," tell him. "I'll be back home tomorrow."

  "Oh, I see," I say. "Home from..."

  "Afghanistan. I'll be there by tomorrow at noon. Please write this down. It's been four years since he's seen me. I was missing in combat. MIA, but I was set free. He’ll be so pleased."

  "Sure, I'll tell him. Actually, I think he's back. I'll put him on."

  I decide to wake him and I pass the phone to him, "It's Caroline, your girlfriend," I say.

  Jonathan's eyes widen and he grabs the phone, "Caroline, is it really you?"

  I walk to the kitchen and try not to listen, but my heart feels like it is skipping a beat.

  Jonathan continues, "But they said you were probably killed by the guerillas and they even did a funeral service. Your mom and brother were there. I just can't believe it. They and I said goodbye to you three years ago, at the barracks. It was a very sad day. Oh, God, your mom, and brother must be so happy. Yes of course, tomorrow is fine. I'll get lunch organized. I can't believe it. I am pinching myself right now."

  Jonathan listened as his girlfriend talked. I checked the duck and turned off the oven and sat with tears in my eyes. Jonathan Ellis had a girlfriend who had been in the military. Now she was going to waltz back after being MIA and take him back, so easily. Just like nothing else had happened.

  My mind raced and I was jealous. Jonathan was so happy to hear her voice and I imagined her. I bet she was blond with blue eyes and a way too gorgeous body. I hated the thought of her. My Jonathan was mine. I'd only known him for a short time but I loved him terribly.

  Shit! The spa. I raced up and managed to turn off the taps as the water teetered over the edge, threatening to billow over and reach the floor. I gently place my hand in and pull out the plug, thankful my common sense kicked in, before any mess was made.

  I stand and wait and think more about this Caroline woman who makes me so jealous I could burst. Not only has she finally been found, but now her ass will come here and ruin my relationship with Jonathan. No! I can't bear the thought of him not being mine anymore. I want to punch her and tell her to stay away. Something terribly primal is rising up inside me. I don't want to share him. I can't. I will not lose him either.

  I move back down to the kitchen. Jonathan eyes me through the doorway as he listens to Caroline. He is waving at me and smiling the biggest smile.

  I know he'll have to break it to me as easily as possible. I mean how can he not accept her back? I will always hate her. I can't believe how in love with him I am. Oh, no. My Jonathan is not going to be mine anymore.

  I feel my stomach cramp and pretend to look at stuff in the kitchen. Then the tears fall and I can't help but cry. I turn away so Jonathan won't see me.

  “Sienna, where did you go? I have to talk with you. It’s really important. Are you in the kitchen or upstairs? Sienna, I need to see you!”

  Part 8 Sought by Him

  A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance

  By Michelle Love & Catherine Vall


  I can definitely feel the excitement about Caroline. I've got to tell Sienna.

  "Sienna, where are you?" I say.

  I walk to the kitchen and she is in tears on the floor. I can't believe it!

  "Sienna, oh my God, what's wrong?"

  Sienna can't stop her tears as she negotiates the floor and stands up to look at me. Her eyes are pouring with tears and her mascara has made black lines down her face. My heart feels torn to see her this upset.

  "I, I know your girlfriend is coming home tomorrow. So, I'll just clean myself up and go. Can you get Stephen to take me home please?"

  "You mean Caroline?"

  "Yes, your girlfriend," she says, still wiping tears.

  I suddenly realize her dilemma. Caroline has told Sienna that she's my girlfriend and Sienna thinks it's a romantic connection.

  "Sienna, Caroline is my high school friend. She always says girlfriend, but she means a
girl who is my friend. I would never even consider her to... I mean ugh, no, she's definitely just my friend."

  Sienna wipes her eyes and looks at me with a puppy dog face.

  "God, I feel like such an idiot!"

  I think it's beautiful the way she has reacted. She obviously loves me a great deal. I love that she loves me so much.

  "Come on, let's get in that spa. We'll cover ourselves in peppermint bubbles and everything will be just fine," I say holding her tightly.

  "Okay, I'm so sorry. I really am so silly."

  We walk upstairs and my heart is hurting from seeing her so upset. I don't want her to cry or ever hurt in any way. Stupid Caroline! She never thinks when she speaks. I must tell her not to call me her boyfriend either. People can be hurt far too easily. My Sienna is not to be hurt like that. I can't bear it.

  I help Sienna undress and she is exhausted from crying so hard.

  "Thank you, I am sorry," she says with a puffy face.

  "It's alright Sienna, really," I say, trying to make her feel better.

  We hop in and I turn the jets on and they soothe us both. My mind is brought to Caroline and the fact that I'll see her again tomorrow. We don't usually like to get close to other people. That's why we got along so well in high school.

  Caroline and I were friends because we were the same. We told each other lots of things, secrets and desires. We only had each other. We never let anyone else in at all. Maybe that's why she was so obvious with Sienna. Saying she was my girlfriend. Caroline would find it hard to accept that I could love someone and tell them my desires. Mmm, maybe tomorrow might be awkward.

  "I don't know why it upset me so much," she says.

  I look at her and realize that Caroline might be a complete bitch. She was very strong-willed and in her mind, Sienna could threaten everything I'd worked so hard for, in her mind anyway.

  "Caroline is like a sister to me. She may see you as a threat. She has a heart of gold but she can be callous with her words, sometimes," I say trying to explain it.


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