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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 48

by Michelle Love

  ‘Damn right.’

  They laughed together, and he kissed her, sliding his hands down her body, molding them around her full breasts, hefting their weight in his cupped palms, brushing his thumbs over the taut nipples. The feeling sent shudders down her body, and she clenched her vaginal muscles as she thrust herself harder onto him.

  ‘I want all of you in me.’

  He grinned and deftly flipped her onto her back. ‘Then we’ll use gravity to help us.’ He pushed her legs further apart as he thrust his hips. She moaned as he sank balls deep into her.

  ‘God…yes….’ She tightened her legs around his hips, arching her back to take him in. He reached down to mold her breasts in his hands, pinched the hard nubs of her nipples. She loved his expression at these moments, the confidence, the surety that she was his, the joy he took in seeing her wild and abandoned under his touch. He caught her hands in his, pinning them above her head as he thrust harder, faster, tilting her hips, so he ground against her clit. Delirious with desire now, Isa almost sobbed as she came, so overwhelming was the rush of emotions flooding through her. Sam gathered her to him as he reached his own peak, his body convulsing as he exploded inside of her. Isa clenched her muscles around his pulsating cock, wanting to keep him locked inside of her. Sam found her lips with his, the kiss so full of feral, animal desire that she came again, her hair tumbling in damp waves over her shoulders. Sam ran his tongue along her jawline, pressed his hot lips to her throat. Isa closed her eyes, willing breath back into her exhausted lungs. God, would she ever get tired of this? The way their bodies fit together so perfectly – she knew they had been made for each other. And soon he would be hers officially. Her husband.

  She smiled up at him. He was studying her face with that intense, toe-curling, hot-as-lava look, no amusement in his eyes, just a fierce, all-consuming love. Damn…she felt her sex pulse and swell again under his gaze. He laid her back on the bed, settle himself next to her, trailing his fingers up and down her belly, making it quiver and contract. He brushed his lips against hers, lightly, back and forth. The gaze at each other for a long moment.

  ‘We need to go get rings,’ he said softly. ‘I want you to have the perfect engagement ring, one of your choosing.’

  She smiled, touching his face, tracing a line across his cheek with her finger. ‘I’m really not one of those women who have to have a huge rock. A simple wedding band will be enough for me.’

  He smiled, and she was glad he wasn’t insulted. ‘I thought you might say that. I’m fine with it, honestly. I do have something I’d like you to have, however.’

  He got up from the bed and reached for his jacket. From it, he pulled a long, thin black velvet box. ‘I got this out of our family deposit box today. It was my mother’s.’

  He handed it to her. His words, the soft expression in his eyes, made her chest ache, her hands tremble as she opened the box. Inside, a long, incredibly delicate chain, platinum she guessed. Intersected at inch long intervals were tiny jewels of every color. Sam picked it from the box and showed her.

  ‘Diamond, ruby, topaz, emeralds, amethyst – she was like you, loving bright colors but hating ostentatiousness. Dad had this made for her for their wedding.’ He draped it around her neck. ‘The longest piece hangs down your back.’ He fastened it and pulled her up so she could look in the full-length mirror. The chain glinted in the dull light, throwing shards of light onto her dusky skin. Isa felt the lump in her chest rising and tears spilled out onto her cheeks, but she smiled through them at him, turning so she could kiss them.

  ‘I have no words. I’m honored…thank you.’ Her voice broke, and he pulled her tightly to his chest.

  ‘You are the reason I breathe in and out every day,’ he murmured softly, his lips against the crown of her head. Isa pressed her lips against his skin and said nothing. She couldn’t form the words, could express how much she loved him, how completely he had changed her life. She looked up, gazing into his eyes, and he smiled, brushing her hair back from her face.

  ‘I know,’ he said softly. He sat back down on the bed, pulling her onto his lap. His eyes were serious now, and Isa suddenly felt a shiver of anxiety.

  ‘Isa…there’s something I need to tell you. No-one else knows not even Cal, but I wanted there to be no secrets between us. None.’

  She nodded, not wanting to interrupt. Sam drew in a deep breath.

  ‘You know what happened to my mom. The man who killed her… he was obsessed, out of his mind. It was a case of the old cliché ‘if I can’t have her…’ My dad was devastated, broken but it wasn’t enough for him that the guy would spend the rest of his life in prison. He used his money and called in favors. To cut the story short, it ended up with my dad and the guy alone in an abandoned warehouse.’

  Isa swallowed, already guessing where this was going. Sam’s arms tightened around her.

  ‘He beat the guy to death with his bare hands.’

  Hearing Sam say the words, the bleakness in his voice, ripped a hole in Isa’s heart. No wonder he was as scared as he was. She couldn’t even imagine. Sam sighed, resting his forehead against hers.

  ‘It was all covered up, of course, but Dad was never the same. He became closed off, distant. He married Cal’s mom out of duty – she was pregnant with Cal, but it was a loveless marriage. He barely looked at Cal. I tried to be the peacemaker, the middleman, give Cal, and his mom as much love as I could. Enough for me and my dad.’

  He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Isa tangled her fingers in his curls, pressed her lips against his cheek. He smiled wearily at her. ‘To see my dad, go from this happy, passionate man to this shell of a person killed me. It absolutely killed me. Because I didn’t understand how much she meant to him. My mom was my dad’s reason for being. Then the moment I met you, I finally understood.’

  She kissed him fiercely then, and he pulled her down onto the bed, on top of him. There were tears in her eyes. ‘As you are mine,’ she whispered, and he moaned as she pressed her body against his, her hand sliding down to stroke his cock. It stiffened, engorged with his blood as she slid her hand gently up and down it. She moved so she could take him in her mouth, her tongue sweeping across the wide crest of him. He felt the tickle of the chain around her neck on his thighs, felt her hand massaging his balls, her hand fisting at the root of him. It was a sublime pleasure, an utter release, chasing away all the tension in his body. The feel of her tongue lashing around him, her soft moans as she sucked, the hollows of her cheeks as she pulled him deeper…. Christ….

  ‘Never leave me…’ he gasped out as he came, his penis throbbing as he pumped into her mouth. She took it all, her hands still moving, wanting to prolong his pleasure.

  Finally, spent, he lifted her up so he could kiss her. ‘Promise me,’ he whispered against her lips.

  ‘I promise, Sam. I’ll never leave you.’

  And he believed her.

  Zoe, denied her fairy-tale Disney princess wedding, had insisted she wear a white dress and Isa had gracefully given in. The simple cotton clung to her curves, falling just below her knees, a delicate pattern of beading on the bodice, angel sleeves in the sheerest chiffon. Sam’s mother’s necklace and a red hibiscus – a nod to their island haven – tucked behind her ear completed Isa’s wedding look.

  Sam drew in a breath as she arrived at the courtroom, on a proud Seb’s arm and trailed by an already weeping Zoe. A discreet security man followed them, but Sam couldn’t take his eyes from Isa. She was glowing, her dark brown eyes shining and excited, her wavy brown hair falling almost to her waist, pulled over one shoulder.

  He bent his head to kiss her. ‘You’re so fucking beautiful,’ he murmured, knowing his cursing would make her giggle. It did.

  She looked him up and down. He was wearing a three-piece dark gray morning suit, cut to fit him perfectly. A red hibiscus was pinned to his lapel, and she touched it, sharing a knowing grin with him. To the others, it was a symbol of the island they would flying to later for their hon
eymoon; to Sam and Isa, the red bloom had a much sexier, dirtier, symbolism. They grinned at each other now, already desperate to rip the other’s clothes off.

  ‘If I could just interrupt the foreplay,’ Cal stuck his head between them, his grin knowing and cheeky. ‘They’re ready for us.’

  Isabel Flynn became Mrs. Samuel Levy in less than a quarter hour. The austerity of the courtroom, the efficient, practical vows they made, the paperwork – none of it made the event less special in their eyes, less romantic. Afterward, they all went to a local, lively restaurant and gorged themselves on steak and burgers. It was just the way they wanted it. Casual, filled with family, filled with love. Zoe hadn’t stopped weeping and later in the evening before she and Sam left, Isa took her aside.

  ‘I wanted to say thank you, for everything, Zoe. For you rescuing this stray dog all those years ago, for giving me something I never had. A family. We might not be blood, but you are my mother. I love you.’

  That set Zoe off into noisy sobs, and she threw her arms around Isa and hugged her tightly.

  Cal punched Sam lightly on the shoulder. ‘Proud of my big bro tonight.’ Sam grinned at his best man.

  ‘Thanks for being the coolest best man ever. I mean it, thanks for everything.’

  Cal grinned and mock-sighed. ‘If only Isa was a twin…’

  Sam smiled. ‘Sucks for you, man.’ He glanced at his watch. The one extravagance Isa was allowing was the private plane which would take them to the island – the plane that had the private bedroom on it, of course. He walked over to his new wife now and trailed a hand down her bare back.

  ‘Hey, you.’

  She turned and again he was struck by her beauty. She was his. He could hardly believe it.

  ‘Hey, hubby.’

  He grinned, ran his hands down her arms, and linked his fingers in his. ‘Our honeymoon awaits.’

  In the cab on the way to the airport, they couldn’t stop kissing. Stepping onto the plane, Sam chatted briefly with the pilot, while Isa settled in one of the chairs, pulling off her shoes.

  As soon as the plane had taken off, Isa unbuckled her belt, stood before him. She slipped the dress from her shoulders. It slithered down her body and pooled at her feet. Sam’s breath caught in his lungs. She pulled him to his feet, pressed her lips to his.

  ‘Take me to bed and fuck me, husband.’

  With almost a growl, he swept her into the bedroom, Isa’s fingers tearing at his shirt. He kissed her throat, her breasts down her soft belly to the mound above her sex. His fingers hooked in the side of her panties, pulling them down roughly and his face was buried in her sex, the soft scent of her, and the damp arousal like honey to him. His tongue glided along the soft crevice to the hard little nub. He spread her open with his fingers, admiring the glistening pink become a deeper ruby red as she became more excited. He looked up, over the curve of her belly, undulating with her ragged breathing to her exquisite face, flushed and luminous.

  ‘I love you, Mrs. Levy.’

  She cried out as his tongue delved deeply inside of her, lashing against the sensitive walls of her sex. Her fingers knotted in his hair almost painfully, but he continued his assault on her until she was begging him, almost weeping with anticipation, to fuck her now, please…

  His cock, ramrod-ready, already moist with pre-ejaculate was heavy with desire. He moved his body over hers, feeling her damp, hot skin beneath him.

  ‘Guide me in, my darling one.’ He murmured, his lips against her neck. He felt her hands on him, felt his cock respond to her touch, become unbearably hard. She guided the tip towards her ready sex, and he thrust into her hard, making her cry out. It spurred him on, thrusting as hard as he could, his hands pinning hers to the bed, his eyes locked on hers. She reached up to kiss him, her teeth nipping gently at his lip, her tongue exploring his mouth, caressing his tongue. A delirium set in with the both of them, an undoing, as if their marriage had unleashed something in them both, given them permission to be fully uninhibited. Their lovemaking was carnal, brutal, a sensory exploration of every part of the other’s body.

  Finally, exhausted, they collapsed on the bed, side by side, their bodies drenched in sweat, chests heaving with breathlessness. Sam turned his head to look at her, and she grinned at him. There was a silence then they both burst out laughing. Sam loved the sound of her laugh, so effortless, so carefree. We deserve this, he thought. We deserve our happy ending, so help me God we do.

  Isa propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at him. ‘You know what?’

  He grinned. ‘What?’

  She leaned down, put her mouth to his ear and whispered. ‘Don’t tell anyone but we got married today.’

  He chuckled. ‘No kidding. Do you feel grown up now?’

  She shook her head. ‘Never.’

  He grinned, running a hand down her silky skin. ‘You feel plenty grown up to me.’

  She mocked sighed. ‘I married a pervert.’

  ‘Takes one to know one.’

  She giggled and kissed him. He drew his hands up and down the soft skin of her back, studying every part of her lovely face – the large warm brown eyes, the tiny, almost invisible freckles scattered across her nose and cheek, the little mole at the corner of her left eye. Her mouth stretched out in a lazy smile.

  ‘Whatchoo looking at?’ She drawled, and he smiled.

  ‘Love of my life, my beloved wife.’

  She grinned and laid her head down on her chest. ‘This is the only thing that’s real.’

  He cradled her head and closed his eyes, hoping, for the love of god, that it was true.

  Cal was waiting for Seb when he came out of class. Seb was the straggler, pausing to stuff his books in his backpack. Cal knocked on the door jam, leaned against it. Seb looked up and grinned in surprise.

  ‘Hey! What’s up, what are you doing here?’

  ‘Well, I thought maybe I could persuade you to share a beer or two. Got something I want to talk to you about.’

  Seb smiled. ‘Sounds good. I got some time; I’m not meeting Lou until later.’

  The ‘Little Pig & Great Hog’ Bar and Barbecue, perched on the very edge of the golf resort, lured its clientele in solely with the delicious scent of its food. As Cal and Seb stepped from the car, Seb breathed the smell in deeply and sighed happily.

  ‘Best barbecue in the state,’ he told Cal, ‘And the beer’s cheap too.’

  ‘Not that you have to worry about that anymore,’ Cal smiled at his new brother. His words pulled Seb up short.

  ‘Oh right.’ He grimaced, slightly, holding open the door. He hated that Cal just assumed he would be okay with taking money from the Levy’s – he wasn’t okay with it. Isa might have married Sam, but as far as Seb was concerned, it didn’t change anything.

  Inside, a pleasant hum of noise, chatter, clinking glasses. A jukebox pumped out soft rock, the bartenders dealing efficiently with their customers.

  They found a table in the back and the waitress brought over chips and salsa, taking their order. Cal peeled his jacket off, hanging it neatly on the back of his chair, dug in his messenger bag and handed a newspaper to his brother-in-law. It was folded to the notices section, and Seb grinned when he saw the simple announcement.

  The marriage is announced between Isabel Eleanor Flynn. 28, of Bainbridge Island, WA, and Samuel Alexander Levy, 39, of King County, Seattle, WA.

  Seb smiled. ‘That’s nice.’

  Cal shook his head. ‘No, man, look.’ He tapped a notice on the other side, under the obituaries. ‘Fucking sick.’

  Seb frowned and looked where Cal indicated. It was like a kick in the guts. He paled, glancing up at Cal who nodded, his own face angry and pinched. Seb felt sick.

  In loving memory, Isabel Flynn. Murdered. May she rest in peace.

  ‘Fucker. Sick, twisted motherfucker.’ Seb could barely spit out the words. ‘I’ve really had my fill of this cocksucker.’

  Cal nodded. ‘Agreed. Look, what do you say, while Sam and
Isa are away, we really kick this investigation into gear? I know a journo on this paper, I can find out who sent the notice in.’

  Seb nodded. ‘Good. What else can we do?’

  Cal sighed. ‘I know Isa has said that her ex wouldn’t do this – what was his name again?’

  Seb rolled his eyes. ‘Karl Dudek.’

  Cal studied him. ‘What was your impression?’

  ‘I remember he was okay in the beginning; we got along just fine. He was possessive about my sister, though. Clingy, needy, stuff like that. I don’t think he’s the most confident guy and when she broke up with him, well, he flipped out. Not that it’s an excuse, but he had lost his job the same day. That’s why I tend to agree with Isa that it’s not him at first but now, I’m not so sure.’

  Seb’s handsome face had hardened as he reminisced. Cal took a swig of his beer.

  ‘Any chance you could reconnect? Get a read on him?’

  Seb hesitated then nodded. ‘Might be awkward but yeah, I think it could be a good idea. I honestly cannot think of anyone else who would do this. Weird it should happen almost as soon as Isa met Sam, though, don’t you think?’

  Cal nodded. ‘I do. I’m leaning towards the idea that whoever it is, they were already stalking one or the other.’

  ‘Good point. What about Casey Hamilton?’

  Cal rolled his eyes. ‘God, a walking nightmare. I have no doubt she’s crazy enough.’

  Seb stared out of the window for a moment. ‘What was her relationship with Sam? Isa said they were an item way before Isa met him.’

  Cal hesitated then let out a breath. ‘They were married.’

  Seb nearly spat out his beer. ‘What the fuck? Does Isa know?’


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