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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 109

by Michelle Love

  My nose is in his neck and I can’t help but to inhale his wonderful scent, a musky citrus and I’m reminded of Max. I pull back and take a lock of his long hair. “Your hair is prettier than mine,” I say and he laughs.

  “Your golden hair is much more beautiful than mine, Lexi.” His arm goes around my waist as he leads me to the make-up chair and I see an old acquaintance.

  “Cake, is that you?” I ask in amazement.

  “It is, darlin’ how’ve you been?” she asks as I pull away from the man whose name I don’t even know yet.

  I hug her and say, “I’ve been better, but I feel much better seeing you again. I’ve come a long way since the day you showed me who I really am.”

  “You sure have, honey.” She leans in and whispers, “You’ve given up your, V-card I heard.”

  I nod and blush. “He told you?”

  “Yes he did, and I couldn’t have heard better news. He came to see me last week and told me about this job. He told me the bad news too. Sorry about the baby and your loss, Lexi.”

  My heart beats fast as I hate to think about that at all, what could have been if it weren’t for the accident. “Thank you,” I say and brush away the one tear that got away from me.

  Cake hugs me again and I feel I’m about to burst into a flood of tears until the new, male model pulls me from her embrace. “No, we can’t have any tears. Let’s talk about other things like how gorgeous the three of us look together. My name is Ross Stevens, by the way.” He helps me to sit in the tall chair. “I’ve seen your previous work, and I had to be a part of it since your return.”

  Marcos sits in the chair next to mine and his stylist drapes a cape over him to begin his transformation into super-hot Marcos. “Ross contacted me last week and asked if we’d be interested in this shoot. I might have neglected to tell you that part, Lex.”

  I glance over at him as Cake rubs some magic potion all over my face. “You did, didn’t you?”

  Ross has already been in hair and make-up, and he stands behind me, I can see him in the mirror and can’t help studying his magnificent features. Chiseled features have soft edges around his jawline. His dark, chestnut brown hair falls in a sheet of cascading waves on either side of his tanned face. He bears a slight resemblance to Max and I wonder if that’s why Marcos accepted this gig and asked me to join in.

  The three of us, Max, Marcos, and I had a lot of fun when we did the shoots together before I was kidnapped. Maybe he wants something similar to that to happen again, only I’m not interested in Ross and that won’t happen. I can’t let it happen. It hurts too badly and I never want to feel like this again. I’d like it to stop hurting now, but I’ve come to the realization that’s a pipe dream and it’ll probably always hurt.

  As Cake lines my eyes with a dark, black eyeliner, Ross looks at me in the mirror. “Your eyes are so gorgeous, Lexi.”

  I look at his and say, “I think yours are a deeper blue than mine are.”

  “We’ll make a great looking couple on camera, you and I.” His hand touches my shoulder.

  Marcos chimes in, “You aren’t a couple, Ross. We are a threesome, remember.”

  “God, Marcos, don’t say it like that,” I say and give him a stern look. “We’re just all going to be in the pictures together, nothing creepy is going on, so stop talking like it is, you diddly dang boy!”

  Ross’s eyebrows raise slightly. “Diddly dang, huh?”

  Marcos laughs. “You’ll get used to her silly way of saying things. She’s a riot at times.”

  The cape comes off me in a swift motion quickly followed my Marcos’s and we stand up and follow the costume director to our dressing rooms. It’s a book cover shoot and I’m about to get considerably undressed. I’m handed a lacy, pink bra and matching panties and that’s it.

  After changing into the underwear set I come back out and a woman pulls at the garments to fit me the way they want them to. My eyes go wide as Ross comes out of his dressing room wearing tight, black boxer briefs with a monster size penis in them. I nod and ask, “Is that all you, Ross?”

  He smiles. “It is, thanks for noticing.”

  My eyes go to Marcos as he comes out in a thong, his tight butt cheeks making their debut to the world.

  “Nice butt, Marcos,” I say and find I’m blushing.

  Ross laughs. “Get that blushing under control, Lexi. You’re supposed to be the alpha female and we are your willing partners in this scene. The first picture is for the cover of a racy, erotic, adult book where you are the center of a love triangle.”

  I roll my eyes. “As if that would ever be a thing I could do. I hope the camera can catch me in a way that looks real because that’s so far from a thing I’d ever do.”

  Ross winks at me. “So you’re a one man type of woman then?”

  “I’m a no man type of woman,” I say and follow them to the set.

  Ross looks back at me. “You turned lesbian?”

  I giggle. “No, silly! I’m just done with relationships, that’s all.”

  Marcos looks at Ross. “It’s a long story with a sad ending. Let’s not go there right now. Maybe when we have drinks later this evening after the shoot’s over, she can tell you her horrific love story.”

  Ross looks back at me. “Horrific, huh? Well, maybe you’ll get through things faster with my help. I’m kind of irresistible as you’ll soon find out.”

  “I’m sure you are, but please don’t waste your time on me, Ross. I’m a lost cause, and I’d like to keep taking pictures with you so let’s just be friends and leave the rest out of it.” A whip is placed in my hand and Marcos is moved up close behind me as Ross is placed on his hands and knees in front of me. I look at the producer. “Really, Madge?”

  She nods. “Sorry, I didn’t write the book, I just took the job of producing the cover and your character is a real masterful bitch, so remember that and get the look of a woman who gets what she wants and she wants to dominate these two beautiful men.”

  It’s so far from what I want, but I need money to live so here I go.


  It’s been four months since I told Lexi it was over. I’d like to say I’ve dealt with it and it’s over, but I’d be lying. Though I’ve made no attempt to contact her or her me, I think of her some each day. I’ve dived into a new invention, it’s a glass treatment to make normal glass bullet proof in a much less expensive way than it has been done. Germany is interested more than anyone else at this point. I’ll be going to Germany once it’s perfected.

  The days have been fine, but I get lonely at night. I find myself reaching out to take Lexi in my arms some nights. I wake up and realize she isn’t there and never will be. It’s for the best though. Darkness no longer surrounds me, no more than usual anyway.

  I pull up to my place and see a black car in the drive and wonder why Hilda didn’t call me and tell me that I had a visitor.

  I go into the mansion and find a small man sitting in the main living room. “Hello,” I say. “I’m Max Lane. Are you here for me?”

  He nods and stands up, coming to shake my hand. “Hello, Mr. Lane. My name is Mike Lowenstein.” I take his hand and shake it. “Let’s sit down. I’ve some news for you about your mother.”


  “There really is nothing I want to know about her, Mr. Lowenstein.” I sit on the edge of the sofa.

  He takes the place across from me. “Well, I’m afraid as her only relative we have no choice but to contact you about this situation.”

  I sigh and sit back preparing to hear what my drug addicted mother has done now. “Give it to me.”

  The man leans up and clasps his hands together as a nervous look comes over his face. “Your mother is being let out of the rehabilitation center. She’s being placed on hospice as it’s been found she has stage four lung cancer which has spread to her brain.”

  A numbness flows through me with the man’s words. I blink a few times then finally find my voice, “So what does that have
to do with me?”

  Surprise fills the man’s face. “Everything! You need to make a place for her, so she can end her days peacefully.”

  I rise and pace back and forth. “She never made a peaceful place for me, so why should I let her leave this world in a way she never saw fit to make for me?”

  “Mr. Lane, the woman has maybe a month left.” He stands and places his hand on my shoulder. “Can’t you put your problems in the past for that amount of time? I’m sure you can find it in your heart to give your own mother comfort for a few weeks.”

  “I don’t know if you’re familiar with all she’s done. Her most recent act of horror in my life was killing my baby. I don’t wish to ever lay eyes on her again. I’m sorry I can’t help you out. Send her somewhere else. There has to be a place they send indigents.”

  The man pulls a paper from his jacket pocket. He opens it up and my name is signed on the bottom of the page. “Do you remember signing this, Mr. Lane?”

  I take the paper and recognize it as one of the many papers I had to sign to get her into the rehab center. I nod and hand the paper back to him. “I signed a lot of things to get her in there, she’s your problem now.”

  “No, she’s still yours to care for, Mr. Lane. This piece of paper states that you are her son and take the responsibility of paying for her care and in the case of extenuating circumstances you will take the financial responsibility and physical responsibility of her.”

  “Well, send her somewhere else and send me the God damned bill then!” I walk away from the man. “I don’t want to see her again, ever!”

  “Mr. Lane, I’m afraid I have no choice but to have her brought here. What you do after that is up to you, but we have to be let free of our responsibility of her, for insurance reasons.” Another piece of paper he produces as I turn back to look at him. “This is the paper which states she will be brought here tomorrow. The rest is up to you.”

  With quick steps I walk up to the man who I tower over. “The hell you will! I don’t want her here!”

  He places the paper on the coffee table and walks away from me. “She’ll be here tomorrow. The number for the local hospice is on that paper. I advise you to call them and they’ll come and get things set up for her. She’s in a great deal of pain. We’ll be sure that she gets here with enough pain killer to keep her comfortable, after she gets here that will be left up to you, Mr. Lane. Believe me, you don’t want to hear the wails of a person in that much pain when the pain killers wear off.”

  The man walks out and I find myself sitting on the sofa with my face in my hands. The clip clop of high heels fill my ears and I look up to see Hilda has come in the room. “Mijo, I heard everything.” She sits next to me and her small arms go around me.

  “I don’t want to see her, Hilda. What am I supposed to do?” I ask as I hug her.

  “Mijo, you know the answer. Don’t make me tell you what the right thing is to do. You’re a good man, you know what you have to do.” Her arms loosen and she pulls away from me.

  The only thought that goes through my mind is calling Lexi and getting her to help me, but I can’t do that to her. My mother killed her baby. I’m sure that’s the last thing she wants to do is come spend the last month of the woman’s life with her so I don’t have to.

  “Hilda, why can’t my life be simple? I mean I have all this damn money, yet it helps me with none of my problems. What good is it?”

  “Maybe this is meant to be something which will help you, Mijo.” She says as she takes my hand in hers. “You’ve had so much dealt to you in this last year or so. To be honest, you’ve dealt very poorly with it all. Perhaps this will help put things in perspective for you.”

  “I know you think I’ve judged Lexi too harshly.”

  “That’s not for me to say, it wasn’t me she hurt. I do have to say people make mistakes and she is human after all.” Her hand squeezes mine. “Her past made her who she is, that included the frightened woman she was. She got over that though. Your past made you who you are, a thing you’ve yet to deal with.”

  “If you knew the things my mother did to me, you’d hate her, Hilda.” My eyes search hers for some tiny bit of understanding.

  “There once was a man who lived a life without having committed so much as one sin. The man died at the hands of people who didn’t care about that. You know what that man said about the people who hurt him?”

  I nod. “I did have to attend church every, single Sunday when I was in the children’s home after all. I get what you’re saying. I guess I’ll have to deal with what’s mine to deal with then. I’ll do my best to put the things she’s done to me out of my head and do what I know is right.”

  “Maybe not put them out of your head, Mijo. Come to terms with them. It’s in you to do it, I promise you.” She hugs me and I feel as if I might cry.

  Why does so much have to fall on my shoulders?


  Ross’s breath is hot on my neck as his face is only centimeters away from it. Marcos’s bare chest is against my back and I am feeling very warm as my hand lingers on Ross’s tightly muscled, naked back. A bright light fills my eyes several times before the photographer says, “Great! I got just the shot I was looking for.”

  I relax and the men back away from me and I take in a much needed deep breath. Ross’s eyes catch mine as he pulls his head away from my neck. “I love the smell of your hair, Lexi.”

  “It’s whatever Cake uses to make my hair shiny,” I say and take the thin robe a young girl hands me. It covers the small bra and panties I’m wearing.

  Both men wear thongs so their butts show and we’ve found ourselves in demand for all the book covers of a twenty book series about a fearsome threesome. It’s making us all some really good money, but to be honest, I’m not real proud of my work.

  Kate doesn’t come to the shoots anymore. She told us she finds it too hard to see her husband all over me. I can’t say I blame her. The producer, Madge, comes up to us. “I have to get things ready for a bedroom shoot, there’ll be even less for you to wear, Lexi. So you three may as well go get some lunch and be back here in two hours.” She turns and starts to walk away.

  “Hey!” I shout, stopping her retreat which I find she’s making hastily. “What in the cornbread heck does that mean, Madge? I mean I’m wearing next to nothing as it is.”

  Slowly she turns back around. “So then you get it, right?”

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t. Tell me in some plain words.”

  “You’ll be wearing a nude thong as will the guys and nothing else.” She turns and takes off again.

  “I will not!” I shout.

  Madge keeps walking as the young girl who handed me the robe hands me a paper with my signature at the bottom of it. “She said to give you this. You can keep it, it’s a copy of the contract you signed to do these book covers.”

  Ross and Marcos look over my shoulder as I look over the paper and see the words, ‘some scenes will be done in the nude or nearly nude by all parties, by signing this contract you agree to these conditions.’

  I turn to Marcos. “Did you see this on your contract?”

  He nods and then Ross says, “I thought you knew, Lexi. Didn’t you read yours before you signed it?”

  “Obviously not! I’d never agree to this.” I say then step away from them.

  Marcos reaches out and grabs my arm. “Look, get dressed let’s all go grab something to eat and we can talk about this. It’s really not a big deal, Lex.”

  “It’s not your tits that’ll be on the cover of a book for eternity, Marcos.”

  Ross smiles and I find I’d like to punch him in his perfect face. “Get dressed, Lexi. It’ll be fine. Our asses are already on the covers of several of these books and you don’t hear us crying over it.”

  I stomp off to get dressed and wonder what the heck I can do to get out of this. I pull on a white T-shirt and my blue jeans and slip on a pair of flip flops and go out to find the guys waitin
g on me. They each take one of my hands and pull me along to go eat in the mall our studio is located in. I catch a glimpse of the bed that’s getting red, satin sheets put on it.

  “This is bad guys. What will they do to me if I refuse?” I ask as they tug me along with them.

  “Lexi, we’ve been doing these covers for the last three weeks and have been super close, so what’s the big deal?” Ross asks.

  Marcos gestures to a table in the food court. “You two go sit down and I’ll grab us some salads and waters. Lexi, you should get over this thing. You know you’re not going to refuse to do this and mess yourself up over something as trivial as your boobs.”

  Ross takes me to the booth Marcos pointed us towards and I slide in as he slides in next to me. I look up just as a couple of young women walk by us then stop and back up. One of them smiles and says, “OMG! It’s you guys, the people on the cover of the books we’re reading!”

  She looks at her friend and they both do a jumping thing then one of them pulls a paper and pen out of her purse. “Please sign this for us. No one will ever believe we saw you.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask as Marcos comes up with the food.

  The women turn and look at him and do a little scream thing. “You’re here too! I knew you three really had a thing going! I told you so, Jenny.”

  “No, we don’t,” I say and find Ross signing his name on the paper.

  “Who do we make this to?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Don’t sign that. No one knows our names!”

  The tall girl wearing green says, “Sure we do. I Googled all three of you. You’ll are gorgeous. Alexis, we’ve both been wondering about what happened to the first guy in the pictures with you and Marcos. You did a lot of things together then he just vanished. His name was Max something or other.”


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