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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 112

by Michelle Love

  “Max doesn’t want me to continue modeling. He said he understands about the commitment I made for the book cover deal, but after that he thinks I should put this behind me. Once we’re married, which I think will be soon, all that money he has will be mine too, at least that’s what he said.” I sit back and look over at Max’s back.

  A tug on my hand has me looking back at Ross. “Is that what you want? To be taken care of. I thought you liked being an independent woman.”

  I look at my hand as he has it clasped in his, tightly. “Ross, I want to be married to him, not a career.”

  “Why can’t you have both?” he asks with a devilish grin.

  “He lives in Houston and the work we do is here. I won’t be sending him home alone.”

  “Do you mean to tell me that a man worth over a billion dollars can’t buy himself another palatial estate in the area around Dallas, Lexi?” He pulls me close to him and whispers, “Don’t give in all the way, men can grow bored if their woman hands them everything they think they want. Make him meet you half-way and don’t quit your career just yet.”

  He makes sense, and he was right about after three times of not answering Max’s call he came to find me. But the bad part was I wasn’t there for him as his mother was dying and that’s like a real bad thing. But he did show up and ask me to marry him again so that’s a point on Ross’ side.

  A tap on my shoulder brings me out of the Ross cocoon and Max is frowning at me. “You about ready to go, Lexi? It’s been a bit of a long day for me, love.”

  I nod. “Of course.” Max stands up and pulls my chair out and takes my hand, lifting me up.

  “Did you tell your friends our good news?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I did. We all talk a lot while they stage us.” I laugh and look at Ross.

  Ross smiles and says, “We call it pillow talk.”

  Marcos kind of cringes as Kate shoots him a look that could kill. “You never told me that, Marcos!”

  Marcos looks across the table at Ross. “Do you have to tell every little thing, bro?” Marcos looks at me. “We need to get him a girlfriend so he can understand what it means to be in a relationship.”

  Max pulls me to him, his arm wrapping tightly around my waist. “Okay then. See you guys later.” We walk around the table and he looks at Kate. “You want to get the bag out of the diaper bag for me?”

  She reaches in and pulls out a bag from a jewelry store. “Here, take pictures. I want to see her face.”

  Max gives her a smile and out of the restaurant we go. I look up at him as we go out into the dark evening. “What’s that?”

  “When we get back to your place I’ll show you, but you can’t have it until it’s time,” he says as he opens the car door for me.

  I slide into the luxurious leather seat of his Jag and lean back into it. He gets in the driver’s side and I smile. “I missed this car.”

  He takes my hand and kisses it. “I missed you.”

  As we pull out of the parking lot and head towards my apartment I ask, “Max, do you think you’d like to get a nice place here and we could live here so I could keep on doing what I am now?”

  His gorgeous face looks confused. “You don’t want to go back to Houston?”

  “Well, it’s just that I have a great thing going on here and Marcos and Kate are living here now. It would be nice and I’d have something to keep me occupied too, just like you have your things going on.”

  “Is one of those things to keep you occupied, Ross?” he asks with a not so undetectable sarcasm to his deep, velvety voice.

  “Now don’t go getting all jealous on me, Romeo,” I say as I bring our clasped hands up and give his a kiss.

  “Jealous? I’m not real sure you see that dude like I do. He salivates over you, Lex.” His eyes meet mine. “You’re about to be my wife. I can’t very well let some guy drool all over you, now can I?”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s just his demeanor. He knows I love you with everything in me, Max. He wouldn’t try anything with me.”

  “I’m not sure he really has to, the way you’re all over each other during the shoots.” His face makes an awful frown. “It’s not a thing I want to see my wife doing, you know? The photo shoots were never this nasty when it was Marcos and us.”

  “I know, it started out really uncomfortable, but the guys have been so nice I got over it quickly.” I look out the window and try to picture how I’d feel if the shoe were on the other foot.

  “Want to know what kind of offer Devin was making me, Lex?” Max asks without looking at me.

  “Sure, baby, what was it?”

  With a quick glance he says, “He’d like me and this woman who is a gorgeous Hispanic woman to make twenty-seven book covers, as the couple in the series. He said our bodies look like they’d match up perfectly and our appearances match those of the characters portrayed in the book. The author even asked for me.”

  Ouch! There’s that ding dang shoe, and it’s on the wrong foot!


  Lexi vetoed the modeling gig Devin offered me. I have to admit, I’m relieved. It’s not something I wanted to do at all. All I can think about is getting Lexi in my arms and she needs to be naked.

  I wait in her small bed that is not nearly comfortable enough to sleep in for more than tonight. She’s in the shower. I couldn’t take smelling the cologne that’s all over her. Somehow I have to talk her out of wanting to do anymore modeling after this horrible book cover thing is done.

  I hear the water go off and seconds later there she is, standing in the doorway in nothing but a white towel. “Good, you’re still awake. I was afraid you might fall asleep. Not that I’d blame you, you’ve had one long day and on the heels of your mother’s death, no less.”

  “There’s nothing more I want than to hold you again, Lexi. You do realize it’s been months since we’ve made love, right?”

  Her smile captivates me, but I quickly lose focus on her face as she drops her towel and walks slowly towards me. “I do realize that, Max.”

  I’ve already undressed and I grow hard instantly at seeing her like this. “Damn it, Lexi, you are so fucking hot!”

  I’m sitting up in the bed with my back against the headboard and she comes to me and straddles me. Her deep blue eyes are mesmerizing and I can’t stop starring into them. “Kiss me, Max.”

  I cup the back of her head in my hands and pull her to me. Our lips touch and the magic flows through me, just as it has with every kiss we’ve had. I breathe her in, she smells of vanilla and strawberries. Her mouth tastes minty fresh as I run my tongue all over and tangle it with hers.

  I pull my mouth from hers to taste every inch of her body. I kiss her cheek then move down to her neck, making her groan. I smile and trail kisses down her throat, over her chest and take one of her breasts in my mouth as I take the other in my hand and squeeze it.

  Lexi arches her back and her ass moves over my cock which grows harder with each passing second. It’s been so long, too long and I find I can’t wait. In a swift movement, I turn her over and she’s lying on her back with a smile on her face. “Oh! Max, you are strong, aren’t you?”

  “I have to have you, it’s been too long. We’ll go slower next time. I’m about to explode as it is,” I say, and she nods so I thrust into her and she exhales as if I’ve knocked her breath from her lungs.

  Her fingernails run over my back as she arches up to me. “Yes, oh baby, I’ve missed you. Fuck me hard, Max.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear, baby,” I say then slam back into her.

  Her hot, wet pussy seems to be pulsing around me already and I thrust into her harder and harder, then grab her leg and pull it up so I can go deeper into her as she moans and tangles her hands in my hair, pulling me to her, then she leans up and takes my mouth with hers.

  I kiss her so hard her head sinks into the pillow as I ram into her over and over. Her breath is hot, and she’s moaning into my mouth, then she arches up and takes her
mouth from mine as she screams. Her body shakes and her vagina goes ultra-tight, sending me over the edge and I burst inside her, sending my juices into her as she quakes around my still pulsing cock.

  Soft kisses she leaves across my chest as she leans up and wraps her arms around me, pulling me down to lie on her. “I love you, Max.”

  I whisper in her ear, “I love you, Lexi.”

  I feel as if I have to be crushing her and try to roll off her, but she holds me tight.

  “Don’t move, not yet. I just want to feel you like this for a little while longer. I didn’t feel the real weight of how long it’s been until now.”

  Her words make me feel awful because it was me who sent her away. “I’m so sorry, Lexi. I promise I’ll never do that to you again.”

  “And neither will I. No matter what, we’re sticking together like we should have from the start,” she says then kisses me sweetly and I know home is wherever she is.

  “Do you want to see the wedding rings I bought today?”

  “Okay, you can get off me now, because heck yes I do!” I roll off and she sits up.

  Grabbing the bag out of the nightstand I open it up and take out the two black boxes. I hand hers to her and I open mine and put the ring on my finger. “It’s so crazy,” I say as she puts hers on and looks up at me, surprised it fits. “Both rings fit perfectly, like it’s meant to be.”

  “I wish I could keep it on, I don’t want to take it off, Max.” She looks at her hand and the rings on it then back at me.

  “Can you take tomorrow off?” I ask and cross my fingers she’ll say yes.

  “Why?” she asks with a smile.

  “So we can go to Vegas, why else?” I give her my best smile.

  She hesitates then throws her arms around me. “Yes, let’s do it. Let’s go tomorrow and get married!”


  Pulling her into me, I hug her tight and kiss the top of her head. Snuggling down into the bed I draw the blanket up to cover us both. She looks at her rings one more time and pulls off the wedding band and puts it back in the box, then I do the same. “After tomorrow they can stay on forever, Lex.”

  She turns back and snuggles into my chest. “I can’t wait, Max. I’m going to have such a tough time sleeping.”

  “I’m not, I finally have you in my arms and peace has found me once again.” I stroke her soft hair and hum a little as we both fall asleep.


  Madge was completely ticked off that I told her I was taking a four day weekend to get married and have a little bit of a honeymoon. She told me I was not holding up my end of the contract and I told her I didn’t give two flips about it. My soon to be husband could buy me out of that easily and if she wanted me to return after the four days to finish I would or she could find someone else. It didn’t matter to me at all.

  She caved and said she’d see me on Tuesday. I sit next to Max on his private jet as we cruise at a high altitude to Las Vegas. My stomach is a little jittery as I think about becoming his wife and all that entails. I look up at him then lay my head on his broad shoulder.

  His hand runs through my hair. “You ready for this, love?”

  “More than ready. I want us to be married like yesterday, Max.”

  His soft lips brush the top of my head as his hand takes mine and squeezes it. “Me too. I find myself thinking about how long we’ve been together, with all the stupid things in between. I’m thinking how, if we would’ve gotten married in the beginning how much could have been avoided.”

  “How dull is that, Max. Then there wouldn’t be any ups and downs and I think every couple should experience them, don’t you?” I ask.

  He laughs and his chest vibrates and I remember how much I love this feeling. “Okay, whatever you say, princess. I guess you didn’t mind all the near death stuff, but I kinda did.”

  I laugh. “You’re so sensitive. Near death you call it, I call those experiences life changing. I know it brought me to a whole new level of understanding and I think it did a lot for you too.”

  “I never told you this, but your new found love for all things and acceptance of the most horrific things I found to be annoying.” He ends his insult with a sweet kiss to my cheek.

  “Wow! Annoying, huh?” I look at him and find him smiling.

  “I don’t anymore, Lex.” His lips touch mine and take all the ire out of me.

  As he pulls his lips from mine I ask, “Do you suppose a day will come when your kiss doesn’t make me forget everything but you?”

  “I hope not,” he says with a laugh. “Yours does the same for me. You don’t know how hard I fought not to run to you when I told you to leave. I knew if you kissed me I would change my mind. In hindsight, I wish you had.”

  The pilot comes on the speaker, “Please fasten your seatbelts you two because we’re here!”

  “OMG!” I say and find I’m so giddy.

  Max gives me that monster great smile he has, and it’s time.


  I’m waiting in our hotel room for Lexi to change into the dress that we picked out, and it’s making me crazy how long she’s taking. I had my tux on an hour ago. I should have taken her to get her hair and make-up done, but she wouldn’t allow it, stating I needed to be looking at a version of the real her and not something someone created on her face.

  The door cracks open a bit and I spot her, then she almost shuts it again, but I jump up and run to grab it. “Just come out here and let me take a look at you. I know you’re being hard on yourself, like you always are.”

  She moans and lets the door go so I can pull it open. My eyes look up and down her gorgeous body as the white dress clings in places it should and flows over the areas it needs to. I smile and she smiles back. “So you like it?” she asks.

  I shake my head and see her frown. “Lexi, I love it, baby. You look gorgeous.” I take her in my arms and quickly grab the boxes with the rings in them and hurry her out the door.

  “Goodness, Max!” she says as I hurry her down the long hallway. “What’s the rush?”

  “Seriously?” I ask as I pause, but then hurry along again. “I have to get us hitched before something goes wrong and stops us again. I wish I had some power to teleport us to the little chapel thingy.”

  “What could happen?” she asks as I pull her along.

  “Don’t even ask that!” I say and pick up my pace.

  “I have on heels, you silly nitwit.”

  I slow a bit. I’d pick her up and carry her if she’d let me, but I know she won’t let me go that far. We chose a hotel only a short distance from the little white chapel where we decided would be the best place to get married in. It looks a lot like a tiny church.

  With only one street to cross I pray one of us doesn’t get hit by a bus or something worse. I stop at the street corner and see cars coming from both directions. “Damn traffic!”

  “Max, really the cars are far enough away, we can make it across.”

  I look at her in astonishment. “Lexi, this is you and me we’re talking about here. Only the worst things happen to us, remember. No, we’ll wait until there are no cars.”

  “But look, the signal says we can go.” She points up at the sign that tells us we can walk.

  “Look at those cars waiting at the red light. They could take off at any time and that would be just our luck. No, we wait until there are no threats.” I look nervously around to be sure there are no other hidden dangers lurking around to mess this up.

  My cell phone rings and I take it out of my pocket. “Who is that?” she asks.

  “Hilda,” I say as I answer. “Hello, Hilda. No, not yet. We’re waiting to cross the street. I’ll call you when we’re married, I promise.”

  “You have her nervous too, Max. Calm the diddly do down Mr. Fraidy Cat!”

  Finally I see cars, but they’re far away. I look at Lexi and decide I can take no chances, so I scoop her up and walk quickly across the street as she pounds at my chest and yells,
“Put me down!”

  Once safely across I do as she demands and take her hand and hurry to go inside the chapel. As we enter the small thing, I close the door behind us and say, “Safe!”

  Lexi smooths out her dress as an older woman approaches us with a sweet smile. “I suppose you two want to get married.”

  I nod and say, “We do. How long will it take?”

  “Well, it’ll be a bit. The minister just stepped out for lunch. You can wait or come back in about an hour or so.” The woman looks so sweet and I have to fight the urge to strangle her.

  I take Lexi’s hand and hold it to my heart. “But the sign says, open twenty-four hours.”

  “We are, darlin’ but the man was starving. He’s been real busy today. I have some champagne if you care to wait.” She gestures for us to follow her and I look at Lexi.

  “I guess we wait, or should we go on to the next one?” I ask.

  “Let’s wait. I like the way this one looks,” she says. So I lead her to where the lady has gone and we sit on one of the pews as she pours us something to drink and we wait.

  My heart is pounding and I drink the awful tasting stuff down in one long gulp. “How much longer do you think?” I ask the lady who smiles.

  “I’ll get you the papers to fill out so as soon as he gets here he can get started, okay?” She walks away and I get up and pace back and forth then decide that’s a dangerous thing to do. I could fall and break my leg, get a blood clot and die.

  Lexi is so damn calm and I can’t see how, she must be hiding her fears. “Don’t worry, Lexi, everything will be fine.”

  “Duh, I know,” she says with a laugh. “Come on, Max. Chillax a little. I know you don’t want me to say anything to tempt fate, but we’re here already. We made it.”

  I pat the pocket with the ring boxes in it and pull them out to look at them to be sure they’re in there and that hasn’t been messed up. As I open the boxes I blink to be sure I’m seeing what I’m seeing. “Look, Lex.” I hold the boxes out for her to inspect.


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