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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 123

by Michelle Love

  Maceo looked like he would like to pound Tyson into the ground but instead, he let Ori lead him out of the office. It was only when they reached the car that Ori started to tremble, as all the adrenaline left her body. As they drove back to the hotel, Ori told him everything.

  ‘He threatened to kill you?’ Maceo was beyond livid.

  Ori gave a humorless laugh. ‘Not for the first time, Maceo, he’s been doing that since he first raped me.’

  Maceo launched into a torrent of Italian curse words, some of which Ori understood but mostly she just let him rant. Finally, he looked at her. ‘I want to kill him.’

  She touched his cheek. ‘You and me both, baby, but it won’t help A.J. He’s the priority.’

  They stayed in New York for a week before finally catching a break. A woman, a secretary from Tyson’s office, called Ori from a payphone. ‘I know what that bastard is like,’ she told Ori, ‘so please don’t let him know I told you this.’ She told them where A.J. was being ‘held’ as she described it. ‘It’s not even a real place, just one of your step-father’s tax wrangles.’

  Ori and Maceo traveled up to the place near Westchester, with an entourage of Maceo’s staff. They outnumbered Tyson’s weak security team easily and then Ori was inside. She found A.J.’s cell, was appalled that he was locked-in. The half-siblings hugged each other. Ori saw how much weight A.J. had lost and despaired. Her brother looked close to the edge ‘Come on, we’re taking you out of here.’

  Maceo had arranged for them all to go to his friend Alex Milland’s place for a time before deciding what to do next. ‘It will be safer for both of you,’ he said to Ori and A.J., who smiled at him.

  ‘I like him,’ A.J. said with a grin and Ori flushed with pleasure. Maceo immediately fell into the role of big brother with A.J. and Ori couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude.

  One afternoon, late and Ori was taking a nap. Maceo watched her sleep for a while, studying every curve of her face, every line, the way her dark, thick lashes fell onto her cheeks. In his thirty-nine years, he had never felt like this about anyone. It was overwhelming. He pressed his lips to her forehead then went to find A.J.

  He found him in Alex’s study, hunkered down with a pile of books on the table next to him. A.J. grinned at him. ‘I hope Alex doesn’t mind.’

  ‘He wouldn’t. I’d hoped he’d be around more, but he’s so tied up in the investigation to find Viola’s killer.’

  A.J. nodded, his smile fading. ‘Poor guy. Is that what the police came to see you about yesterday?’

  ‘Yeah, they wanted to interview everyone Viola was friends or acquaintances with. I knew her first, you see, before Alex.’

  A.J. looked at him with interest. ‘I saw a photograph of her; she looks like my sister.’

  Maceo nodded. ‘The resemblance is uncanny, actually, not just physical but personality-wise.’

  A.J. looked bleak. ‘Maceo, Ori told me that my father threatened to kill her. I don’t doubt for a second that he’s capable.’

  ‘Nothing is going to happen to Ori, A.J., I promise you that.’

  A.J. stared out of the window. ‘I keep thinking…I’m Ori’s only tie to Dad – if it weren’t for me, she could be free.’

  Maceo felt a jolt. ‘Kiddo, don’t think like that. Ori would take your Dad’s abuse again and again as long as she had you.’

  There was a long silence. ‘He raped her.’


  ‘Do you think she was protecting me by not telling anyone? The police?’

  Maceo felt awkward. ‘I don’t know.’

  Another long silence. ‘Dad used to get in these rages. After Ori left home. He would rant and rave and drink himself into oblivion. Completely obsess about her.’

  Maceo got the feeling that A.J. was trying to tell him something. ‘A.J., whatever you need to get off your chest, if you need it to stay between you and me, that’s okay.’

  A.J. nodded, and in a halting voice, he began to tell Maceo just how much of a monster Tyson Janek was.


  ‘You’re quiet,’ Ori said as they got into bed that night, ‘Is everything okay?’

  Maceo tried to smile. ‘As long as you’re with me, it is.’

  He smoothed his hand down her side, feeling the dip of her waist, the curve of her hips. ‘Orianthi Roy, it’s been less than a month and look what you’ve done to me.’

  Ori smiled and pressed her lips to his. ‘Look what you’ve done for me. Thank you, Maceo. You’ve been above and beyond for a girl you didn’t know a few weeks ago.’

  ‘That’s not possible,’ he joked but then gathered her to him. ‘Ms. Roy, you have changed my life.’

  ‘And you mine,’ she smiled, as he rolled her onto her back, and wrapped her legs around him. Her body trembled at every silky touch of his hands and when his mouth found her nipples, she sighed and closed her eyes. God, this man. She gasped as his teeth grazed her nipples, one after another, felt the thick, hot length of his cock against her thigh. How on earth could any woman let this man out of her life?

  Maceo kissed her belly then moved down so he could take her clit into his mouth. She tangled her fingers in his hair as his tongue flicked around her clit, then plunged deep inside her, tasting her, making her crazy. She barely had to recover as Maceo moved up her body, and pulled her legs tight around his waist. His cock, huge and throbbing, slammed into her, and she moaned, as Maceo rammed his hips against hers, every nerve ending in her body on fire.

  ‘Oh, god, Maceo…’ She arched her back as she came, her belly against his, her vaginal muscles contracting around his cock, a hot rush overwhelming her then the feeling of his seed spilling into her as Maceo groaned her name. She never wanted this moment to end, this perfect moment, with this wonderful man.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms soon afterward but, plagued by vicious nightmares, Ori slept badly and at three a.m. gave up. Sliding carefully out of bed, she slipped into her t-shirt and shorts and wrapped her robe around her.

  She padded down to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator for some milk. Pouring herself a glass, she set it down on the counter to put the milk carton away, not seeing the man sitting in the corner of the room.

  ‘Hi, Ori.’

  She started with a small cry then when she saw it was Alex Milland, she laughed a little. Hand on her chest, she smiled at him. ‘I didn’t see you there. Sorry, I was just…’ She indicated the glass, and he nodded.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just for a moment, you looked just like her.’

  Viola. Ori’s heart twisted in sympathy, and she went to sit by him at the long kitchen table. ‘Are you okay? We were hoping to see you for dinner.’

  Alex, his eyes tired and sad, tried to smile. ‘More wasted time, I’m afraid. Did Maceo talk to the police?’

  ‘He did.’

  ‘Did you know he was the one who introduced me to Viola?’

  Ori nodded. ‘I did.’

  ‘I was thinking about that, just then when you came in and it made me wonder. Your resemblance to her…’

  Ori suddenly saw where this was going and felt alarmed. ‘Alex, you don’t think Maceo could have had anything to do with her murder, do you?’

  Alex sighed and rubbed his eyes. ‘No, of course not. It wasn’t like that – more like, you’re obviously his type so why then did he give Viola up to me?’

  Ori tried to smile. ‘We aren’t the same person no matter how much we look alike, Alex.’

  ‘No, of course not. I’m sorry. I’m so tired that nothing makes sense anymore. Let’s change the subject…how’s your brother?’

  ‘Doing better,’ Ori smiled at him, ‘I think he’s in love with your library.’

  Alex laughed. ‘Then he has good taste. You’re all are always welcome to stay as long as you like.’

  ‘You’re very kind. I really am sorry about Viola.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Alex drained his glass of scotch and stood. ‘I’m going
to try and grab some sleep. See you in the morning.’

  ‘Good night.’

  Alone, Ori wandered into the living room and slipped through the French windows into the garden. The grounds were beautiful, but now, here in the moonlight, Ori felt as if she were being watched. Was it just paranoia? She had kept the shock of Tyson’s threats internalized for the most part – not wanting to goad Maceo into doing something that would get him into trouble. But she was under no illusions that her step-father meant her harm. She could go to the press – her relationship with Maceo giving her some kind of credence, she supposed. The feminist in her cringed at that, but it was true. Maceo was as powerful as Tyson, if not more. His backing would mean they could take down Tyson – but there was still A.J. to think about. He was Tyson’s son, and Ori would hate to see him hounded by the press.

  Sighing, she went inside and went to bed, snuggling into the warmth of Maceo’s arms. Tonight was not the night to try and figure it all out. She was asleep long before Alex Milland opened the door to their room and looked in on them.

  ‘I want to find another facility,’ A.J. told them over breakfast. ‘Somewhere that’s hardcore, that Dad can’t finagle his way into. I truly believe I can get past all this crap if I get the right help.’

  Ori put her hand over her brother’s. ‘Whatever you want, A.J., I’m here for you.’

  ‘We’re here for you,’ Maceo corrected with a grin, ‘You deserve the best, brother, and both of you…you’re not to worry about the cost. I have it covered. Just pick the best one for you, A.J. and we’ll get you in there as soon as you want.’

  Ori, too emotional to speak, hugged Maceo and he kissed the top of her head. A.J. looked at him admiringly. ‘Maceo, man, I don’t know how to thank you.’

  A look passed between the two men of understanding, of brotherhood. Ori was aware they had talked, but she didn’t want to intrude. She looked up at Maceo, as A.J. started to talk to Alex, and she pressed her lips to his. ‘I love you,’ she said quietly, and Maceo chuckled, his eyes shining.

  ‘Ti amo,’ he murmured against her lips, and her heart soared. Maybe everything would be okay, after all.

  A week later – god, had it really only been three weeks since they met? – they were on their way back to Italy. A.J. had been transferred to a facility in California and although Ori was reluctant to leave him, A.J. had insisted she go back to her new life, her new job. ‘Try not to dwell on Dad,’ he said, ‘he can’t touch either of us now. Maceo is a good man. Enjoy yourself, Ori. You deserve every happiness.’

  Sometimes A.J. seemed much wiser than his eighteen years, Ori pondered now as she sat beside Maceo on his private jet. Now her thoughts were turning back to her new job – and her old friend. Lucia had returned from Monte Carlo and had been amazed at Ori’s news. Ori omitted the part where she and Maceo were sleeping together – are in love, Ori grinned to herself now – she wanted to tell Lucia that particular news face to face. She wondered if Lucia would be happy for her – or whether her friend would remonstrate with her for falling for her boss after Lucia’s warnings.

  She looked over at Maceo now. He looked glorious – but tired. He hadn’t been sleeping well, she knew, and deep inside, she was worried because it seemed like it had been since the I love you’s that he’d been restless. Was he regretting showing his hand so soon? He had said he was ready for commitment, but maybe it had all been too much. Her stepfather, A.J., the thing about Viola…it was a lot to put on a man who only a few weeks ago had been carefree and screwing his way around the world’s most beautiful women.

  Ouch. Ori pushed that thought away. No. Don’t dwell. Just live, and love and everything will be okay. Maceo looked up and caught her watching him. He grinned, and her insides went to mush. ‘Are you alright, Bella?’

  ‘I’m with you. Of course, I’m okay.’

  Maceo put his laptop down and slid next to her, taking her in his arms. ‘Il mio amore, when we get back to Venice, I would like you to move in with me. I want to know you are safe every minute. I want you to feel safe. And loved. Above all else, loved.’

  Ori was floored and suddenly nervous. ‘Really?’


  As she looked into his sea-green eyes, at their honesty, she knew what her answer would be.

  Lucia rolled her eyes but hugged Ori anyway. ‘I might have known. For what it’s worth, I’ve never seen him like this before, so I guess it must be love.’

  Ori was relieved that her friend was okay with her sleeping with her boss. She and Maceo kept things professional at the office, and she was grateful that she was learning from him too. She saw the way he dealt with his clients – he was definitely on the side of the artists and got them the best deals while maintaining good relationships with his buyers. His team too were ultra-efficient, and Ori found them all inclusive and helpful. Even Cassie had seemed to change her mind about Ori, and now she enjoyed the other woman’s company. They would often go for lunch together and talk about ‘back home.' Cassie was from Virginia, a Rhodes scholar and art historian by education. ‘I just wanted to come to Italy to travel but then I met Maceo, and that was that.’

  ‘Snap,’ said Ori smiling, but inside wondered if Maceo had gotten all of his staff the way he’d hired her – by screwing them.

  Cassie was watching her carefully. ‘No is the answer to the question you’re not asking,’ she said with a wry grin. ‘I had a boyfriend when I met Maceo, one that I loved very much. So, no, Maceo and I didn’t sleep together.’

  Ori was scarlet-faced. ‘I, um…’

  ‘Ori, let’s be real. Everyone knows you and Maceo are together. We’re cool with it, so relax,’ Cassie was grinning at her knowingly now, and Ori had to laugh.

  Ori rolled over in bed and stretched. It had been two months since she’d returned to Italy and moved in with Maceo and it had been bliss. Utter, complete heaven, she thought now. Her body ached pleasantly from making love most of the night, and now, on this Saturday, she and Maceo had plans to do…nothing. From the whirlwind of work, it was really the first time they had spent together that was free of work commitments and Ori was really looking forward to just hanging out with him.

  They had become good friends as well as lovers, equal partners in their relationship despite Maceo’s imposing wealth. Ori never felt at a disadvantage with him, even living in his opulent apartment.

  She wondered where he’d gone now – maybe to fetch some breakfast. She got up and pulled her robe around her naked body. As she suspected, Maceo was in the kitchen, fighting with his new espresso machine and cursing loudly in Italian. He was bare-chested, just in his jeans and she slid her arms around his waist.

  ‘Buongiorno, beautiful,’ he bent his head to kiss her. She kissed him back and in reply, opened her robe and pressed her bare skin against him. He groaned, and she giggled as he lifted her onto the countertop, pushing her legs apart and unzipping his jeans. ‘God, woman, you make me crazy.’

  He fucked her there, hard, until she was crying out his name in ecstasy and he was shooting hot, thick cum, deep inside her. Laughing and panting for air, they collapsed to the floor together.

  ‘Bella, I love to fuck you, I really do,’ he said, puffing for air, ‘but god knows how we’re going to get anything else done.’

  She wound her arms around his neck. ‘Today, my love, we don’t have to.’

  And so, they lazed around the apartment, making love and talking, sending out for pizza when they got hungry.

  The day went by too quickly for Ori’s liking. Maceo grinned at her sulky face. ‘Mio caro, tomorrow is Sunday, we can do it all over again.’

  But a phone call changed everything in a heartbeat. At first, Ori frowned at the unknown cell phone number on her caller i.d. but when she answered it, the blood in her veins turned to ice, and her legs gave way under her.

  Maceo took the phone from her and talked to the person on the other end. By the time he ended the call, he knew that Ori’s world had just collapsed
and felt helpless to know how to fix it. Not even his money could help her now.

  A.J. was dead.

  They told her it was a suicide but that they had not seen any signs of it. A.J. had been doing well in his new program, had even talked about getting an apartment away from the facility with a friend he’d met there. Everything had seemed good and when Ori had talked to him, he had been upbeat and positive.

  Then, Friday afternoon, an orderly had found him on the concrete path outside the building. He had leaped from the roof. He was killed instantly, his brains smashed from his head by the impact.

  A numb Ori let Maceo make all the arrangements for her, and they flew to California to claim his body and arrange the funeral.

  But Tyson Janek had gotten there first, and now, with the tragic suicide of his son, he was a media darling again, all past mistakes forgiven. Ori sat through a media circus of a funeral, arranged by Tyson. It had been the exact opposite of what A.J. would have wanted.

  Maceo kissed her gently. ‘Are you sure you’ll be okay if I go out? I won’t be long.’

  Ori nodded. They were in a hotel in San Francisco. Ori had not wanted to go back to Italy yet, wanted to be near A.J.’s grave a little while longer. Maceo had other plans. He was going to see Tyson Janek – not that he told Ori that. Tyson Janek was going to pay for what happened to A.J., and for what he’d done to Ori.

  He walked into the restaurant where Tyson Janek was eating breakfast with a weasely-looking lackey. Maceo strode up to the table and glared at the aide. ‘Fuck off. Now.’

  The aide paled but looked at Tyson who nodded. Maceo took the seat the aide vacated and stared at Janek.

  Tyson sipped his coffee slowly, seemingly unfazed in the face of Maceo’s overwhelming anger. ‘What do you want, Bartoli?’


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