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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 127

by Michelle Love

  God, what a fucking mess. But over the next few days, he couldn’t help returning to the idea that maybe, just maybe, if he could make Ori his, then maybe he would be able to get over Viola.

  Am I cracking up? He gazed in the mirror one morning a week after his lunch with Netta, paused mid-shave. You’re obsessing over your friend’s lover. Stop this. He told himself over and over to stop thinking about her…

  When he got into the office that day, he nodded to his assistant who had brought him coffee, when she asked him if he need anything. ‘Yes,’ he said and his voice was steady, ‘I need an open-ended plane ticket.’

  His p.a. took out her note pad. ‘Where to, boss?’

  He hesitated only for a beat. ‘Venice. As soon as possible.’

  When Maceo had suggested a week in the south of the country, Ori had agreed readily. A secluded villa on the cliffs overlooking Naples had been their base for the past two days now and now in the late afternoon heat, Ori lay stretched, entirely naked, on a lounger on the little balcony. She was half-dozing, her head resting on her arm but she felt his presence as Maceo came out onto the balcony. From the pause, she knew he was gazing at her, taking in her naked body and she couldn’t help but feel wildly sexy because of his scrutiny. A second later, she felt something drop between her breasts. Scented oil. It snaked down her belly and into her navel. She smiled and opened her eyes as Maceo followed the trail of the oil with his fingers. Over the las few days, his swarthy skin had tanned to a deep copper, only accenting the lightness of his green eyes. He was mesmerizing and mesmerized in equal parts as his fingers smoothed the oil over her skin. Ori met his gaze and slowly spread her legs so that he could follow the oil trail down. Maceo grinned, almost triumphantly, as he found her clit and rubbed it gently between his finger and thumb. He was wearing only a pair of white pants and she could see the bulge of his erection. She slid her hand over it, feeling the heat from it in her palm, stroking him through his pants.

  Maceo’s middle finger slipped inside her, caressing and he bent his head to kiss her breasts, her belly, his tongue circling her navel and dipping into it as it quivered under his touch. Ori unzipped his pants and Maceo stood to remove them, standing in all his priapic glory. His cock stood proud, thick and long against his belly.

  ‘You want me?’ He said softly and she nodded. He covered her body with his, tugging her legs around his waist and gently sliding all the way into her, filling her cunt until she gasped. He smiled down at her. ‘Do you like me to fuck you, pretty girl?’ He thrust his hips hard and pinned her hands above her head.

  Ori gazed up at him as they made love, the oil on her body making it easy for them to move even on the cramped sun lounger. Maceo got rough – god damn, she loved it when he did this, wrestling her onto the sunbaked tiles and fucking her again and again until she was completely at his mercy.

  It was night-time by the time they finally rested. Ori, catching her breath, grinned over at Maceo. ‘You drive me crazy, Maceo Bartoli.’

  He laughed. ‘Caro, voglio essere sempre dentro di te. I always want to be inside you.’ He rolled onto his side, and propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her. ‘Ori, marriage is never something I have aspired to, or perhaps even believed in – until now. I’m not asking yet – I don’t want to frighten you off or rush things. But is it something you desire?’

  Ori was taken aback. ‘Maceo...the only way I can think to answer that is to tell you that I want you. A piece of paper or a ceremony won’t change how I feel about you or us. I love you. That is all I need.’

  He bent his head to kiss her. ‘Then I am happy. Still,’ he said, ‘I would like to make a commitment to you, just a gesture to tell you that I belong to you.’

  Ori smiled. ‘Just your words are enough for me.’

  Maceo laughed but shook his head slightly. ‘You are not like other women, Orianthi Roy.’

  ‘I hope not.’

  But it was later when Maceo was asleep next to her, that she began to wonder what he really meant. Not like other women. Did he mean she was broken? Was he with her out of some misguided white-knight thing? She hoped not and she told herself it was just night terrors that was bugging her. She sighed and rolled onto her side. Don’t be paranoid. But she couldn’t but be wary; years of her step-father’s abuse made her question any man’s motives. She stroked Maceo’s dark curls – asleep he looked ten years younger than his thirty-nine years. She brushed her lips gently against his. ‘Ti amo.’ And she did love him, completely.

  She just wasn’t sure in her heart if she trusted him.

  He checked to see how many hits the website had and grinned. No doubt they had seen it. Good. Now they knew to be afraid, to be terrified. He assumed, when Maceo had found Ori unconscious but alive, if he had done the right thing by leaving her alive. The temptation to stab her to death right then had been overwhelming, his blade slicing into her tender skin, seeing the agony in her eyes, the horror, the blood.

  Soon. When he took her, he would take his time to kill Ori, not like Viola where the crossbow bolt had slammed into her body, severing her abdominal artery immediately. It had only taken her seconds to bleed out and die. No, Ori would suffer horribly before she died.

  He pushed away from his computer screen. He wondered if any of the other members of the club would avoid getting involved with women once they knew he was deadly serious.

  The Midnight Club would be brought to their knees by the time he had finished with them.

  Shiloh was deep in thought as she walked to Benoit’s office a week later. They had almost completed the plans for the new developments, the green spaces they had worked so hard on. Now, today, she and Benoit would present their plans to the Board. Shiloh was going over everything in her head when she suddenly heard Benoit’s raised voice. She hovered outside his door, curious. Benoit was speaking fast, in French, and he sounded angry.

  Shiloh started guiltily when Genevieve, Benoit’s assistant appeared behind her but Genevieve grinned at her. ‘He’s in a foul mood today,’ she murmured, ‘good luck with him.’ She rolled her eyes and grinned and Shiloh smiled uneasily back.

  ‘Should I go in?’

  Genevieve nodded. ‘He’s expecting you.’

  Still, Shiloh poked her head in see if Benoit would want privacy for his phone call but he waved her in and she sat in the chair opposite him.

  He finished the call by slamming the phone down and rubbing his hands over his head. Shiloh waited for him to speak.

  ‘Merde…well, that was Gaston D’Urberville.’

  The name sounded familiar but Shiloh frowned. ‘Is he on the Board?’

  Benoit nodded. ‘The presentation is cancelled. Shiloh, I’m so sorry but it seems my Board is more interested in profit than it is in social responsibility.’

  Her heart sinking, Shiloh stared at him. ‘The development?’

  Benoit sighed and she could see genuine sorrow in his eyes. ‘I’m so sorry, Shiloh. They won’t approve it. They will only consider boutique and high-end properties. Dammit, I thought I had them; at least four them swore to me we would have their backing…it’s such a kick in the gut.’

  ‘I don’t believe this…all our work,’ Shiloh’s voice was barely a whisper. ‘What the hell am I going to tell Miriam?’

  Benoit shook his head. ‘I’ll talk to Miriam, Shiloh.’

  ‘No, it’s not your job to tell her, it’s mine. God, she trusted me and I failed. I failed the city.’ Shiloh felt bleak and Benoit got up and dragged his chair around next to hers. He took her hands in his.

  ‘Sweetheart, these things happen. Miriam can’t blame you, at least you tried.’

  Shiloh gave him a thin smile. ‘That won’t be enough. She trusted me with something she wouldn’t normally trust anyone as junior as me with. She took a risk, and lost.’

  ‘She’ll understand.’

  Miriam did understand – but it wasn’t enough and Shiloh tendered her resignation to her boss. Miriam accepted it sadly.
‘These things happen, Shiloh. Learn from this.’

  At least the severance package would pay her rent for a few months but Shiloh felt bleak. Benoit immediately offered her a job with his company but Shiloh told him she couldn’t work for him – or rather the Board that had shattered their dream. A boutique hotel was swiftly erected on the green-belt land and Shiloh despaired at the world.

  The one positive thing was that Benoit Vaux had shown himself to be a good friend. He called her almost every day and came over, bringing take-out or even cooking in her tiny kitchenette. They took to walking Beau in the parks Paris still had left, chatting about everything and anything.

  Benoit would take her arm sometimes as they strolled but he never made a pass at her or made her feel uncomfortable.

  Uncomfortable. Ha, she thought now. The fact was that she was attracted to him; his machismo, his arrogance was tempered by his wit, his intelligence and his unexpected kindness. His dark brown eyes would settle on her blue ones and she would feel as if she were sinking into them.

  A rainy Saturday night in late spring, he asked if she would like to join him for dinner and she accepted. The city was busy as they dined in a small but exclusive restaurant.

  Shiloh was telling Benoit about the freelance work she was doing. ‘It’s mainly writing articles, blog posts, doing research but it keeps me busy.’ She was being distracted by his fingers which were stroking the back of her hand as it rested on the table.

  ‘That sounds positive.’

  ‘It is.’

  Benoit slowly took her hand and brought it to his lips. ‘I’m glad things are working out but you know there’s always a job waiting for you at my company.’

  She was mesmerized by his mouth against her hand. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Shiloh…I can’t tell you how sorry I am that our project didn’t work out. I’m not sorry that we spent all that time together and I think you know why.’

  His words made her stomach warm, her sex quiver. She met his gaze, desire sweeping through her. She felt tongue-tied. Benoit leaned over and brushed her lips with his. ‘You can’t deny this thing between us,’ he murmured, ‘it’s in everything we talk about, everything we do. I want you, Shiloh and I think you want me too. This doesn’t have to be complicated.’

  But it is complicated, she wanted to say but couldn’t form the words and before she knew it, they were in his car, racing to his penthouse. Everything in her was telling her to stop it, that having sex with this man would not be a good idea.

  But, god, she wanted him. As he drove, his hand was on her stockinged thigh, his fingers stroking her gently and all she wanted to do was grab that hand and push it between her legs. Feel how much I want you, Benoit.

  By the time they had reached his penthouse, she was quivering with excitement and Benoit, grinning almost triumphantly, pulled her into his arms, his mouth seeking hers hungrily. God, that kiss…Shiloh felt light-headed, almost delirious as he swept her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom.

  She tugged impatiently at his tie, discarding it and using her frantic fingers to unbutton his shirt. As she pushed the fabric apart, she sighed happily. His chest, broad and well-muscled with a fine scattering of dark hair, was solid and masculine – not waxed and buffed like so many of her ex-boyfriends had been. Benoit noted her admiration with a grin, then his hands were under her t-shirt, pulling it over her head. Her breasts, small and firm, had no need of a bra and his mouth found her nipple as he reached under her short skirt and ripped her panties from her. Shiloh could barely contain her desire as she freed his large, heavy cock from his pants and stroked it until it quivered and jerked in his hands. Benoit lifted her and moved so her back was against the wall then he thrust deeply inside her, making Shiloh cry out with pleasure. Benoit fucked her hard, his hips slamming against hers, his mouth rough on hers. Shiloh tasted blood but she didn’t care. Her fingernails clawed at his back, her teeth nipped at his bottom lip as his cock drilled deeper and deeper into her. She felt him come a heartbeat before her own climax hit; his cock pumping cum deep, deep, deep inside her as she called his name over and over.

  They tumbled to his carpet and began again, Benoit taking a moment to remove her skirt now, grinning down at her. ‘Guess what we’re going to do…again?’

  He went down on her this time, his tongue lashing around her clit, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as he tasted her. Shiloh trembled and bucked beneath him, begging him to fuck her now. Benoit acquiesced, almost brutal in his taking of her, dominating her body completely.

  She was still awake when finally, Benoit fell asleep in her arms. Shiloh’s mind was reeling, her body sated. It had been a night she had never expected or dreamed of, but what surprised more than anything was Benoit. A masterful lover, yes, but just now he had fallen asleep in her arms, totally vulnerable and totally unafraid to be that comfortable with her. She could barely reconcile these two sides of him. She stroked his hair back from his face. He looked almost boyish in the moonlight. If he was like this with her…how come he kept his guard up with other women? How come he hadn’t sent her back home after they’d had sex? Every preconception she had about this man was being blown out of the water.

  She just hoped the other shoe wasn’t about to drop.

  Maceo was surprised to see Alex at the gallery when he and Ori returned after their vacation. Alex was chatting to Lucia when the couple arrived and Alex hugged them both. Maceo bore him off to his office while Ori stayed behind to talk to her friend.

  ‘You look wonderful,’ Lucia said admiringly, ‘Naples and Maceo obviously agree with you.’

  Ori chuckled. ‘I can’t argue with that.’ She lowered her voice. ‘Why’s Alex here again?’

  Lucia shrugged. ‘I think he feels lost, wants to be around his friends.’

  ‘Doesn’t he have a job?’

  Lucia smiled. ‘When you’re as rich as Alex, other people do your work for you. Besides,’ and she studied her friend, ‘don’t you like him?’

  ‘Of course, I do,’ Ori rolled her eyes, flushing slightly, ‘it’s just when he looks at me, I feel as if he’s not seeing me, you know?’

  Lucia rubbed her back. ‘Hardy surprising but don’t worry about it. Alex is one of the good guys.’

  Ori nodded, sitting down at her desk and hesitating before calling up a website on her laptop. ‘Have you seen this?’

  She showed Lucia the news story. Her step-father was really milking the death of his son; now Tyson was publicly accusing the facility where A.J. had died of neglect and wrongful death. ‘My son’s death won’t be in vain if I can stop these jokers from telling vulnerable people that they can help them. Where’s the regulation? Where’s the training?’

  ‘Oh god,’ Lucia groaned, ‘Is it possible that your step-father could become more of an asshole or has he reached his limit?’

  ‘Oh, there’s no limit on it,’ Ori said through gritted teeth. ‘Look, I’m going to say something. I’m tired of Tyson blaming everyone else for his own failures.’

  Lucia looked worried. ‘Ori…are you ready to go up against him? I mean, really ready? Because he’ll try to destroy you.’

  ‘Let him try,’ said Ori defiantly, lifting her chin. ‘Both he and I know I could bring him down once and for all. I won’t play my whole card, just enough to irk him. Give him enough rope, etc. It won’t be hard.’

  Lucia mulled this over. ‘Ori…have you told Maceo what you intend to do? Not that you have to,’ she added hurriedly as Ori frowned at her.

  Ori sighed. ‘I have. He’s not happy about it but I have to do something for myself. I won’t hide behind Maceo’s position or wealth. It’s up to me to take Tyson down. For A.J. if nothing else.’

  ‘Seems like you could do with someone on the East Coast to help out.’ Both women started as Alex spoke; neither had seen him return. He smiled at Ori. ‘I could be your conduit, Ori. It might help you not to be in the same country as that asshat but I can keep an eye on his movements.�

  Ori half-smiled. ‘I’ll think about it. Thanks, Alex.’

  ‘No problem. Hey, look, Maceo says he’s busy this morning – how about I swing by later and take you two ladies for lunch?’

  Ori hesitated but Lucia nodded eagerly. ‘Yes, please, I could do with some distraction.’

  ‘I’ll pick you up at twelve.’

  At half-past eleven, Ori had caught up with her work and went to see Maceo. She updated him on progress for the exhibit as he watched her smiling. Finally, she looked at him through narrowed eyes.

  ‘What are you looking at, Mr. Bartoli?’

  Maceo grinned. ‘The woman I love. Just remembering how I made you purr like a cat this morning.’

  Ori laughed. ‘You have a one-track mind. Speaking of your woman, your woman is going to lunch with another man. How come your woman isn’t being taken to lunch by you?’

  Maceo looked repentant. ‘Rufus called from Oh Mio Mio. He wants to come by at twelve to talk about a possible collaboration.’

  Ori was impressed. Rufus Armando was one of Italy’s foremost gallery owners. If Maceo could land a collaboration, it would be a huge get.

  Maceo was watching her. ‘You don’t mind going out with Alex, no?’

  ‘Of course not, baby,’ she got up and leaned over the desk to kiss him, ‘Alex is a friend. Besides,’ and she flashed him a breast, making him laugh, ‘better you don’t have me all day…makes the anticipation even sweeter.’

  Maceo growled at her. ’Damn, woman, I don’t need to have ‘wood’ before my meeting.’ They both laughed and Ori stood, rearranging her blouse. Maceo stood to walk her out, kissing cheek and using the opportunity to murmur in her ear. ‘I’m going to fuck you stupid later, mio caro.’


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