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The Billionaire Bad Boy Plan

Page 130

by Michelle Love

  She sighed and leaned her head against the window. Even if its father doesn’t want me…

  Tyson Janek was tired of waiting. His career had been shot to smithereens and now he had nothing left. Well, not nothing, there was still his private fortune – he would never have to work again. But Tyson wanted fame above everything and if he couldn’t get it through politics…

  He found out where she and Bartoli were staying and putting together a reasonably sloppy disguise to throw her bodyguards off the scent. He figured if he went all out on prosthetics, it could be seen through in a moment. Instead, he shaved his head and wore his frameless glasses. His glossy, well-coifed head of hair had been his standout insignia, along with his blandly handsome face. Without it, someone wouldn’t be completely sure if it was him or not.

  It was ridiculously easy to gain entrance to her hotel – even easier to bribe some staff into helping him. He used one of his staff’s credit cards to book into a suite. He had to be careful; his bodyguard had reported back to him that the F.B.I. were talking to Ori. They might be with her. They might on the lookout for him.

  So, he let himself in the suite opposite Ori and Maceo’s and waited. She would be unprotected at some point; the Ori he knew hated to be cooped up. She would skip out for some ice from the machine in the hallway, or down to the lobby for some air and then he would take her. No elaborate plan, just grab her and stick the knife into her as many times as he could before her security came running. Easy.

  Ha, Tyson thought now, setting up a chair near the door so he could hear her door opening and shutting, snippets of conversations. Easy wasn’t the word I’d choose. Ori would die in agony, bleeding out before her bastard lover could summon the help she needed. Tyson didn’t much care for himself after that; they could put him in jail. Along as Ori was dead, he would be satisfied.

  His chance came three days later. He was listening to her talking to Maceo at their doorway, before kissing him goodbye and telling him to hurry back home. Tyson watched through the peephole as Maceo Bartoli took off. The other guy, the American seemed to be in the room with her but when Tyson heard him leave too, he risked going across to the door and trying it.

  He couldn’t believe it. It was open. His heart pounding, he darted back to his room and grabbed the knife he kept ready. It was long, thin and lethal.

  Tyson crept slowly over to Ori’s room and went inside. He walked silently through the apartment until he saw her. She was napping on the couch, stretched along the wide cushions. In her sleep, her t-shirt had ridden up and Tyson was distracted by the long expanse of silky brown midriff. He gripped the knife and stepped forward, crouching down to her level. God, she was beautiful…he placed the tip of the knife against her skin, anticipating how it would split, gush blood, how her eyes would open in shock and terror, her moans of agony...

  ‘Goodbye, Ori…’

  A hand clamped over his mouth and jerked him away from Ori’s sleeping body. He dropped the knife as he realized he could smell chemicals and that the room was fading around him. As he lost consciousness, he heard a voice next to his ear, say ‘Your death will be more merciful than you deserve, you piece of scum, more merciful than the one you were about to give Ori…you’ll never touch her again…’

  Tyson Janek knew then he was a dead man and that Ori, his Ori, had finally won.

  When Ori woke, it was already dark. She blinked; she’d only meant to sleep for an hour or so. Someone was banging on the door. ‘Miss Roy! Miss Roy!’

  She pushed herself off the couch and stumbled, still half asleep, to the door. Yanking it open, she was amazed to see her bodyguard almost frantic.

  ‘God, are you okay? Jesus, please, sit down, I’ll call 911.’

  Ori was completely discombobulated and let him lead her t the couch. ‘David, I don’t need 911. I’m fine; what are you…?’ She trailed off as she placed a hand on her belly to quell the rising panic – and her hand came away wet. She looked down.

  Blood. Ice flooded her veins…what the hell? She pulled up her t-shirt to find a shallow but definite stab wound just right of her navel. What the hell was going on?

  She suddenly felt light-headed and she must have paled as David, who was always professional with her, stuck his arm around her to steady here. He was talking rapidly into his phone, only pausing when she turned frightened eyes towards him.

  ‘I’ve been stabbed,’ she said in disbelief and he nodded, grim-faced, relaying that news to whomever was on the other end of the phone. A second later, she discovered it was Maceo, also frantic, as David handed the phone to her, she could hear him yelling her name.

  ‘Ori, mio Dio, are you okay?’

  ‘Maceo, calm down, I’m fine, it’s not very deep…I just don’t understand how it happened.’

  She heard heavy breathing as Maceo tried to gather himself. ‘Maceo…why was David pounding on the door? Has something happened?’

  ‘God, Ori…it’s Janek. He’s been found dead.’

  Shock rippled through her; shock but not sadness. ‘That’s…not important to us anymore.’

  Maceo sighed. ‘Look, David is going to take you to the emergency room and I’ll meet you there. Where the hell was Alex all day?’

  ‘Sweetheart, he has a job. I told him I’d be fine…’ Jesus, she had no idea what was going on and she suddenly felt exhausted. ‘Okay, look, I’ll go with David. You’ll be there?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Maceo, his handsome face lined with fear, wrapped his arms around her. The doctor smiled at him. ‘She’s fine, just a little cut. I’m more concerned about the sedative.’

  Maceo was confused. ‘What?’

  Ori touched his face. ‘They think I was drugged with some kind of sedative. That’s how come I didn’t feel it when I was stabbed,’ she looked to the doctor, who nodded.

  ‘We’ve called the police, obviously. Look, you have your antibiotics – I’d like you to stay in one night for observation.’

  ‘Oh, that’s not necessary.’

  ‘Yes, it is,’ Maceo interrupted her protest in a tone that she’d never heard before. Hard, angry, shocked. She nodded at him, squeezing his hand. Calm down.

  ‘Fine. Thanks, doctor.’

  Maceo pressed his lips to hers. ‘I’m so sorry, baby. I should have protected you.’

  She clung to him, needing to feel his solid, strong body against hers. She felt chilled to the core. Maceo buried his face in her hair and she suddenly remembered what he had told her.

  ‘Tyson’s dead?’

  She felt him nod. ‘They think he may have fallen from the roof of his building.’

  ‘Fallen or jumped?’

  ‘They don’t know exactly.’

  They sat in silence for a long moment. Maceo stroked his finger down her cheek and she leaned into his touch. ‘Ti amo. Let’s go home, Ori. It’s time.’

  ‘Agreed,’ she sighed and kissed him again.

  ‘Knock, knock.’ The doctor reappeared, looking uncomfortable. ‘Ori, the police are here.’

  Ori noticed the doctor didn’t look at Maceo and wondered at his attitude but gave her permission for the men to enter. Two police detectives entered the room, nodding at her.

  ‘Are you here about the stabbing?’ Maceo stood and offered his hand. The police officer ignored it.

  ‘No…it’s about the death of Tyson Janek.’ With a sympathetic glance at Ori, the officer reached into his pockets and drew out a pair of handcuffs. Suddenly Ori realized what was happening.

  ‘No, no, please, not that.’

  Maceo looked at her, his handsome face even more confused as the police officer reached for his wrist.

  ‘Maceo Bartoli, I’m arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Tyson Janek…’

  To be Continued..

  This Story will be Finished and published mid-March.

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  ©Copyright 2017 by

  Michelle Love- All rights


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