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The Helen Bianchin Collection

Page 235

by Helen Bianchin

  There were several stops for liquid refreshment as the day wore on, and after an alfresco lunch both little girls began to tire.

  ‘I’ll take her,’ Raoul indicated when Stephanie lifted Emma into her arms, and as she was about to protest Emma leaned toward him with arms outstretched.

  What could she say? To refuse would seem churlish. Besides, Emma was only copying Lucia, who was happily settled in the curve of her father’s arm.

  It didn’t take long for two little heads to droop against two male shoulders, and Stephanie tried to ignore the sight of her daughter nestled comfortably in Raoul’s arms. It looked natural, much too natural, and there was a part of her that wanted to tear Emma away.

  Don’t get too close. It’s unfair, she longed to hurl at him. But with Bruno and Adriana within hearing distance, there wasn’t much she could do except appear relaxed and at ease with the situation as they wandered in and out of several tourist and souvenir shops.

  Lucia stirred a short while later, and almost on cue Emma lifted her head, focused on her surroundings and pointed to where several cartoon costumed characters were mingling among the crowd.

  ‘Kenny Koala,’ Emma chanted with renewed energy, and there were photographs taken with each costumed character, then after time-out for refreshments, they slowly made their way toward the main gate.

  ‘It’s been a lovely day.’ Adriana leaned forward and caught hold of Stephanie’s hand. ‘Thank you for bringing Emma. Lucia has had a wonderful time.’

  ‘We’ve hired a cruiser and crew to tour the waterways tomorrow,’ Bruno relayed as they reached their respective cars. ‘We would like to have you join us.’

  Raoul inclined his head. ‘Stephanie?’

  She’d been on edge all day in his company. The thought of spending yet another day with him sent her stomach fluttering with nervous tension. ‘It’s very kind of you, but my mother is visiting from Sydney.’

  ‘Bring her, too,’ Adriana encouraged warmly. ‘Please, it will be fun to spend another day together, our last on the Gold Coast, for we leave on Monday.’

  Stephanie didn’t have the heart to refuse. After all, she wouldn’t be alone with Raoul. ‘I’ll check with Celeste and see if she has anything planned, then call you.’

  There was a general exodus of people and cars from the theme park, consequently it took a while to gain clear passage onto the highway. Although once there, Raoul was able to pick up speed, and it was after five when he pulled into her driveway.

  Extracting Emma, the booster seat, took essential minutes, and Stephanie could hardly refuse Raoul’s help. It followed that he came into the house, and Celeste seemed bent on offering him a drink, inquiring about the day, which together with Emma’s excited verbal contributions took some time.

  He could, she decided with unwarranted cynicism, have politely declined the drink and retreated within minutes. So why hadn’t he?

  Worse, he looked very much at ease and far too relaxed for her peace of mind as he conversed with Celeste. Cruising the waterways and an invitation to join them the next day was presented with superb verbal strategy, achieving his objective with a skill she could only admire.

  ‘I’ll be delighted.’ Celeste beamed warmly. ‘Perhaps you’d like to join us for dinner?’

  No, Stephanie silently cried, don’t do this. But it was too late.

  ‘Raoul may have plans,’ she interjected quickly, willing him to refuse.

  ‘No plans,’ he returned easily, meeting her gaze as he offered a faint musing smile. ‘Thank you. Celeste.’

  Fine, let Celeste entertain him. She had things to do. Bathing Emma was one of them, not to mention unpacking the holdall of drink bottles, fruit and a number of other comestibles essential to a day out with a young child.

  ‘If you’ll excuse me?’ She extended her hand to Emma. ‘Bathtime, sweetheart.’

  Emma’s cheerful questions and observations provided a welcome distraction, and afterward Stephanie took time to freshen up. Although she refused to change on the grounds that it would seem as if she’d done so strictly for Raoul’s benefit.

  ‘Raoul insisted on buying wine to go with dinner,’ Celeste indicated as Stephanie entered the kitchen. ‘He should be back soon.’ She expertly turned the roast vegetables and slid the pan back into the oven. ‘He seems nice, darling.’

  Nice? He was many things, but nice? Determined, overwhelming. Lethal.

  ‘No comment?’ Celeste teased, and caught her daughter’s wry glance.

  At that moment Raoul returned, and Stephanie busied herself setting the table, then helped Celeste dish the meal.

  Her mother was an excellent cook, and Stephanie fought hard to do justice to the food on her plate.

  ‘Do you have family, Raoul?’

  Here we go, Stephanie inwardly groaned. The maternal need for background details. She studiously avoided looking at him as she helped Emma with her vegetables.

  ‘Two brothers, Michel and Sebastian. Michel is currently in Australia with his wife. Sebastian and Anneke recently married and are at present touring Europe.’

  ‘Your parents live in France?’

  ‘My mother died a few years ago, but my father resides in the family home and continues to take an active interest in business.’

  ‘Do you live in a big house?’ asked Emma, her expression solemn as she waited for his answer.

  ‘Some of the time.’

  ‘Do you have a dog?’

  He gave Emma a warm smile. ‘Yes, two of them. And two cats, some hens and ducks, geese and a parrot who tells everyone who comes near him to have a happy day.’

  Emma’s eyes became very round. ‘A parrot talks?’

  Raoul’s eyes gleamed with latent humor. ‘Yes,’ he enlightened gently. ‘He really does.’

  ‘Is it very far away?’

  ‘Raoul lives in Paris, darling. Many thousands of miles on the other side of the world,’ Stephanie elaborated.

  ‘Can we come visit?’ Emma ventured, innocent of distance.

  ‘I would like that.’

  ‘Shall I serve dessert?’ Stephanie queried as she rose to her feet and began stacking cutlery and plates.

  A delicious lemon pie was an excellent complement, and she waived Celeste’s offer to take care of the dishes.

  ‘You cooked, I’ll do the dishes,’ she said firmly.

  ‘I agree,’ Raoul added as he stood and pushed in his chair. ‘You go and sit down. I’ll help Stephanie.’

  He probably hadn’t cleaned a dish in his life. ‘Thanks,’ she said sweetly. ‘You rinse, I’ll stack the dishwasher, then you can attack the pots and pans.’

  He shot her a dark gleaming glance, almost as if he divined her thoughts, and set about proving her wrong with quick deft thorough movements she found hard to keep pace with. He scoured pots and pans with considerable skill, and when they were all done he wiped down the sink bench, then leaned one hip against the bench and watched her finish up.

  ‘Why don’t you go put Emma to bed, while I make coffee?’

  It was worth it just to watch those beautiful dark blue eyes dilate and pink color her cheeks. As long as she was angry he didn’t have anything to lose, he determined as he caught hold of her chin and possessed her mouth in a brief hungry kiss.

  ‘How dare you?’ she whispered furiously, and heard his quietly drawled response,


  She walked from the kitchen without offering a further word, and when she returned he was seated comfortably opposite Celeste, conversing as if he’d known her mother for years.

  It was an acquired trait, an entrepreneurial strategy someone kindly disposed would term charm. Was it genuine? Celeste seemed to think so, and her mother was no fool when it came to judging character.

  ‘If you’ll excuse me, I must leave,’ Raoul intimated and rose to his feet. He took hold of her mother’s hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘Merci, Celeste, for the meal and your company.’

  ‘I’ll see you to th
e door.’ A few minutes and he’d be gone, then she could relax.

  He was close, much too close as she preceded him down the hallway, and before she had a chance to open the door he cradled her face and took possession of her mouth in a kiss that tugged at the very depths of her heart.

  When he lifted his head she could only look at him, her breathing as unsteady as her rapidly beating pulse.

  ‘Bonne nuit, mon ange,’ he bade gently. ‘Until tomorrow.’ He pressed the pad of his thumb to her lower lip. ‘I’ll be here at nine.’ His mouth curved with sensuous warmth. ‘Sleep well.’

  He opened the door and moved lightly down the steps to his car, and Stephanie watched as he slid behind the wheel, then reversed down the driveway.

  She closed the door, secured the locks, then reentered the lounge.

  Celeste wisely didn’t comment on the faint color tinging her daughter’s cheeks. Instead she mentioned a new social club she’d joined in Sydney, discussed two recent movies and refrained from mentioning Raoul’s name. At ten, she stifled a faint yawn, then indicated the need for an early night.

  Stephanie followed her down the hallway, closing lights as she went, and in her own room she stripped off her clothes, then indulged in a leisurely shower before slipping into bed to lay staring at the darkened ceiling.

  She must have slept, because when she woke sunlight was streaming through chinks in the wooden shutters at her window.

  A tap at her door brought her sitting up in bed, and Celeste entered with a cup of coffee in her hand.

  ‘Morning, darling. I thought I should wake you. It’s after eight.’

  Oh hell. ‘Raoul will be here at nine.’ She threw aside the bedcovers and reached for her robe. ‘Where’s Emma?’

  ‘Watching one of her videos. She’s had breakfast, and I’ve packed the holdall with most of the things I think she’ll need.’

  Stephanie took a sip of the strong, sweet coffee and felt its reviving effect. ‘Thanks, Celeste. I’ll grab something to eat, then change.’

  Stephanie chose fatigue-style beige shorts, a pale blue singlet top and slid her feet into trainers. Makeup was a thorough application of sunscreen cream, a light dusting of powder, and lipstick.

  Raoul arrived at nine, looking ruggedly attractive attired in casual navy shorts and a white short-sleeved polo shirt. He was fit and tanned, with the muscular build of a man who enjoyed exercise and physical fitness.

  It was easy to imagine him playing tennis, racquetball, or training in martial arts. He had the look, the physique, and displayed an aura of control.

  It was a beautiful day, the sun warm, with just the slightest breeze stirring the palm fronds and tree leaves.

  ‘Going on a boat,’ Emma relayed during the drive to Marina Mirage.

  A very large luxury boat, Stephanie saw as Bruno led them through the security gate and indicated the berth where the cruiser lay moored.

  For the wealthy tourist, private charter was ideal. Captain and crew, plus catering staff ensured a very pleasant excursion without any of the attending hassle.

  Celeste took delight in Lucia, and the little girl reciprocated twofold.

  ‘You remind her of her beloved Nonna,’ Adriana confided as they settled in the spacious midsection fitted and furnished as a luxurious lounge.

  It was evident Raoul and Bruno shared the camaraderie of long friendship, and Stephanie felt her pulse race each time she met his gaze.

  He stirred her emotions in a way no man had ever done before. And he knew. It was there in the faint gleam in his eyes, the sensual pull of his mouth as it curved to form a smile.

  Throughout the day he made little attempt to touch her, and then it was merely a light brush of his hand on her arm. Emma was generous in her affection, trusting with the unaffected instinct of a child. As far as her daughter was concerned, he was Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny rolled into one.

  And you, a persistent little gremlin taunted. What is he to you?

  Someone, she conceded cynically, whom she need regard with caution. There was the fear of being hurt, of being let down. And having to pick up the pieces. She’d done it once, and she didn’t want to do it again.

  Don’t think about it, she chastised silently. Enjoy the day for what it is—the company of charming people—and just be.

  The captain cruised the coastal waterways, the main Nerang river and the larger inland canals. So many beautiful homes lined the water frontage, many with large cabin cruisers moored at individual jetties. Landscaped gardens, huge stands of palm trees and swimming pools.

  The captain gave a commentary on various landmarks, and relayed anecdotes about several different men who had made and lost fortunes during the spasmodic “boom and bust” cycles over the years.

  After lunch the cruiser headed through the main channel to Sanctuary Cove, then retraced its path via Couran Cove, Stradbroke Island, passed Seaworld theme park, and slid into its berth at Marina Mirage shortly after six.

  It had been an incredible day, and Stephanie said so, thanking Bruno and Adriana as they disembarked.

  ‘Please, join us in our apartment for an hour or two.’ Adriana issued the invitation with warm enthusiasm. ‘I can make a salad, the men will cook steaks on the open grill.’

  ‘But you’re leaving tomorrow, you must need to pack—’

  ‘Only a few things,’ Adriana assured. ‘It is easier to have a wardrobe in each of our apartments. Please, it would give us pleasure for you to visit for a while.’

  ‘The girls are tired,’ Stephanie indicated. ‘It’s been a long day for them.’

  ‘I don’t think an hour will make much difference,’ Celeste offered as they cleared the security gate and entered the shopping complex.

  Two against one, Stephanie reflected wryly. Make that three, she mentally adjusted as she caught her daughter’s expression. Held in the curve of Raoul’s arm the little girl looked enchanting, her gold-blond hair so fair against the darker features of the man who carried her.

  Seared steaks, fresh salads, eaten with a crusty baguette cut in thick slices, and washed down with a light wine, then followed by coffee made for a appetizing repast, and a fitting relaxed end to the day.

  It was almost eight when Raoul drew the car to a halt outside the house, and he released a sleeping Emma from her booster seat, then carried her indoors.

  ‘Third door on the left,’ Stephanie instructed, leading the way down the hall. ‘I’ll change and put her to bed.’

  Five minutes later she entered the lounge. ‘Can I get you some tea, coffee? A cold drink?’

  ‘Not for me, darling,’ Celeste declined, and Raoul shook his head.

  ‘Thanks, but no. I must get back to the hotel. I have some work to do before I catch the early morning flight down to Sydney.’

  He was leaving? For how long? And why did she suddenly feel empty?

  ‘I’ll be back Wednesday evening, Thursday if I encounter any delay.’

  He turned to Celeste and bade her good-night, and Stephanie saw him to the door.

  ‘Thanks for a lovely day.’

  His smile caused her toes to curl. ‘I will phone from Sydney.’

  She met his mouth without conscious thought, angling her head to fit his, in a kiss that was dazzling in its intensity, and all too brief.


  STEPHANIE deliberately sought a hectic work schedule to ensure there was little time to focus much thought on Raoul. For eight hours each day she was mostly successful. Nights were the worst, for no matter how hard she tried, his image came far too readily to mind.

  He even managed to invade her dreams, and more than once she woke in a state of restless anticipation only to discover the image in her mind was precisely that…an image.

  He rang twice, relatively brief calls which were confined to inquiries about her day, and Stephanie was able to elicit only that he was deeply involved in delicate negotiations that could delay his return.

  Flowers were delivered to he
r office on Tuesday, with the words “Missing you, R” on the card. Stephanie kept them at work where the air conditioning helped keep them fresh.

  Deciding what to wear to the gala dinner on Saturday evening caused a thorough appraisal of her wardrobe, and she withdrew three suitable gowns, then discarded each one of them.

  What she needed, she determined, was something really spectacular…not flamboyant, but quietly and expensively spectacular.

  She found it at an exclusive boutique. A figure-hugging design in black with thin jeweled straps, and the saleslady’s approval merely added to her own. The price tag was astronomical, but worth every cent, she assured as she arranged for the hemline to be altered.

  So far, the marketing strategy for the film was on schedule, and she made a note to ring Alex Stanford. She really wanted a preview of the shots he’d taken.

  Wednesday evening Stephanie arranged for Sarah to baby-sit while she and Celeste went to a movie, a charming tale with an all-star cast featuring English women living in Italy during World War II. Afterward they stopped for coffee in one of several boutique cafés lining a trendy street current in vogue at Broadbeach.

  ‘I’m so pleased to see you enjoying a social life, darling,’ Celeste said gently as they waited for their order.

  ‘You mean Raoul,’ Stephanie responded without preamble.


  She shook her head in silent negation, assuring, ‘It isn’t going to happen.’

  ‘I think you should leave your options open.’

  A teasing smile curved her lips. ‘Celeste, are you suggesting I sleep with him?’

  ‘I’m your mother, darling. Mothers don’t encourage their daughters to—’

  ‘Indulge in wild sex,’ Stephanie completed, offering Celeste a wicked grin.

  ‘You deserve to be with someone,’ Celeste ventured quietly.

  A waitress delivered their coffee, and Celeste discussed the movie they’d just seen, the quality of the acting…a subject that lasted for the time it took to savor the superb lattes, before driving the short distance home.


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