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Billionaires In Love (Vol. 2): 5 Books Billionaire Romance Bundle

Page 80

by Glenna Sinclair

  “Food’s here.”

  Laura righted herself and closed the coat back over herself. The scent of rosemary and sweet potatoes invaded her nostrils, eliciting a very audible response from her stomach. Mason began pulling the takeout containers from the bag and arranging them on the coffee table.


  “Yeah. I thought a turkey dinner would be pretty tasty and not have all of the smelly side effects of Italian or Indian food.” He planted a swift peck on her lips before continuing, “You can take your coat off if it will make you more comfortable.” Mason flashed a knowing smirk in Laura’s direction.

  “Maybe when we’re done eating.” Her mood had shifted from aroused to wanting to reestablish a friendship again. “I’m curious, after all this time, how come you never got married?”

  “Well that’s a deep question.” He took a bite of his potato for a chance to think. “I have to think about that. You go first. There had to have been some bloke who wanted to marry you.”

  “Honestly, none of the relationships I had really got to that point…and that’s all I’m comfortable saying about it.”

  “Fair enough. I only had two long-term relationships after you left. The first was about a year later and lasted maybe two years. She began pressuring me about the marriage thing, and I just wasn’t ready, so that ended. The other one ended about a year and a half ago after being together about a year. I did contemplate marrying her for a moment, but she left her laptop open to her Facebook messages. Turns out she was really excited about marrying my money.” He cut into green beans and speared a few on his fork. “Everyone in between had been glorified bed-warmers. They just wanted to play games, and I wasn’t into that.”

  Laura had seen his photo a few times in the newspaper with some busty woman on his arm at an event, or on Page Six with some heiress on a beach in Mexico. She could count the number of times she had seen him in print on one hand, but each time she would toss the offending document in the recycling.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but I am happy and impressed that you managed to do something with your geeky little computer experiments. You’ve come a long way from eating ramen noodles out of a Tupperware bowl.” Laura gave his forearm a squeeze.

  She really was proud of him. Mason had spent a lot of his spare time in front of a screen running code and tinkering with his own software while still in school. At the time she hadn’t been sure that he would make something out of it, especially after he pitched a very expensive laptop out the window of their third story apartment.

  The pair continued to chat and eat. They were both very careful to keep the conversation about catching up on what they had done and accomplished since seeing each other last rather than hashing out old problems. They had agreed to move forward and start fresh, so the unspoken agreement was to treat the relationship as brand new.

  “I’m going to clean up. When I get back I had better find you on your knees and bare-assed.”

  Laura felt the uptick in her pulse. Looked like his surprise for her was a lesson in what he liked to do for fun.

  Chapter Eleven

  She watched him leave the room before sliding the coffee table out of the way and tossing her coat and underwear over the back of a leather armchair. She dropped to her knees and sat back on her feet just as Mason returned.

  He was still fully clothed, and he returned with what looked like a black silk laundry bag. Squatting in front of her, he caressed her face and kissed her gently. He pulled back and looked over her face with concern. “Are you ready to do this?” He didn’t want to attempt anything she didn’t want to.

  “You have no idea how ready I am.”

  “If you start to get overwhelmed just tell me to stop and I will, okay?”

  Laura nodded. “I trust you.”

  Mason fingered the gold ring dangling from her collar. “I’ve been looking forward to this. You look gorgeous in the collar.” He turned and pulled a long silk ribbon of fabric out of the bag. It was about two inches wide and several feet long.

  He threaded the fabric through the gold ring and wrapped each end around her wrists. To her surprise, he drew her arms behind her tied the remaining lengths around her ankles. The silky fabric was thin and soft, but surprisingly strong. The position he had her in thrust out her chest, effectively drawing attention to her breasts.

  Laura was nervous because of her inexperience, but the idea that she was fully disarmed and at the mercy of whatever Mason wanted to do thrilled her. Her body hummed with excitement as he drew her hair behind her back. The long, blonde tendrils tickled over the skin of her back, the sensation only heightening her already aware senses.

  Nuzzling his nose to her neck, Mason closed his eyes and inhaled. The oil he’d given her had warmed into her skin and mingled with her natural perfume. “Good girl. You listened.” He glanced over her shoulder. “And the tits look amazing like that, but I feel like they’re missing something.” He pulled his bag closer and fished out his next toy.

  While still behind her, he held what looked like a necklace of layered, delicate gold chains with a tiny gold mouth on either end. “The sensation may be a little strong, so let me know if it’s too much.”

  Shifting around to the front of her, he cupped each breast and drew her nipple into his mouth, first one, then the other. Laura sighed as he gently sucked and licked her; he took his time teasing out the sensation until Laura was panting with excitement.

  Mason fastened one of the little gold mouths to the left side. The tiny teeth bit into her sensitized flesh. The pressure slowly increased as Mason tightened the clamps. “That’s enough.” Laura’s words came out breathy and ragged. The pain was intense, but still immensely pleasurable at the same time. The weight of the dangling chains pulled on her red and aching nipples, only amplifying the pleasure. She was already wet and ready to go, and he hadn’t touched her yet.

  “You look so fucking exquisite.” He bent and licked the straining flesh.

  “Fuck.” It was almost too much. His tongue was a little over the top. “What do you want me to do now?”

  “Nothing.” And suddenly his mouth was on hers, ravishing, claiming. He stroked his tongue over hers, tangling his hands in her hair as he pulled closer so their bodies touched. The worn fabric of his t-shirt was like brushing against sandpaper to her aching nipples.

  She melted into him. Her hands tugged her restraints; she wanted so badly to touch him, to really press herself against him. She was wet and aching, and not entirely sure she would make it.

  Laura gasped into Mason’s mouth as his fingers slipped between her legs and parted her. He teased his fingers around her throbbing clit, culling small sounds of pleasure from her as he kissed her.

  He trailed his mouth around her jawline and found the sweet spot on her neck. He nibbled and fed as he fingered her. Laura thought she would go mad from too much sensation. It came from so many different directions – his mouth, his hands, the clamps – that her attention was being pulled to too many places. “Oh God, Mason. I’m going to come.”

  He turned his mouth to her ear. “I want you to come in my hand.” He slipped two fingers inside her. “I’m going to make you come until you beg me to stop.”

  His words were so hot. The orgasm came as commanded, hard and fast. Laura collapsed against Mason’s chest. Her knees could hardly support her weight as she went completely boneless.

  Mason sat her back on her heels and stuck his fingers in her mouth. “Suck on them. I want you to enjoy how good you taste.”

  Laura locked eyes with him as she drew his fingers into her mouth. She sucked deeply and curled her tongue around his fingertips, fully simulating fellatio.

  “Oh, you are so going to get it.” Mason moved around to untie her ankles. Laura’s shoulders heaved a sigh of relief. She hadn’t realized just how tight the binding had pulled her chest and shoulder muscles back. She rubbed the feeling back into her wrists. The bindings hadn’t been tied too tight, but she had
pulled against her restraints a lot harder than she thought.

  “What are we doing now?” Laura had just floated back down to earth, and already her body had started to ramp back up with anticipation.

  “Get on all fours.” Mason peeled off his t-shirt and tossed it to the side. He made quick work of his pants and boxer briefs as well. He was at the ready, fully erect and rock hard. Laura’s reaction to him always seemed to have him ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  Mason maneuvered behind her and played with her aching clit and opening from behind. “I’m going to take you fast, love,” he warned. Laura licked her lips and grinned like a Cheshire cat; that’s exactly what she had hoped for.

  Chapter Twelve

  Laura awoke the next morning in a tangle of beige Egyptian cotton and Mason’s limbs. At some point in the night they had made it to the bedroom, and he had wrapped himself around her and held on like a koala bear. She didn’t want to get up, but she had to pee in the worst way.

  Carefully, she pried herself out of Mason’s death grip and shuffled to the bathroom. She was sore in all the right places, each step towards the master bath serving as a reminder that she was well and thoroughly ravished.

  Being new to the whole submissive thing, she found the role wasn’t as difficult or intimidating as she had thought it would be. She was rather surprised to find that not only did she like it, but she was also quite good at it and comfortably slipped into her part.

  Clicking on the light was a shock. In the mirror staring back at her was a woman who had been well fucked and totally claimed.

  Tiny bruises decorated her neck and behind her ears, and her nipples were still swollen as well. She brushed her hand over them to test how they were holding up after the experiment with the clamps. They still stung and were hyper sensitized. “I hope those calm down, or it’s no top for me.” She whispered to herself.

  After emptying her bladder she slid back into bed and nestled up against her man. She was surprised to find him half awake and at full attention. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  “Mmm,” he groaned as he snuggled her closer, his erection pressing into her hip. “What do you say to a little morning exercise?” He rocked his hips against her as pressure to say yes.

  “Are you humping my leg right now?”

  “Maybe. I’d rather it not be your leg though.” He leaned in to kiss her neck as he continued to rub up against her.

  Laura laughed at that. “Sure, but be gentle then. You really took it to me last night, and my hips are a little sore.” Even as the words came out of her mouth she was being stirred up and knew she could totally go another round.

  Mason nibbled her earlobe and fingered her, drawing little noises of pleasure and approval from her. “We are so not getting anything done today, are we?” she asked.

  “I doubt it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Laura’s week flew by, and Friday came up really fast. Her weekend with Mason had been the most amazing time she had had in ages. They had explored the city, took in a movie, and went shopping, as he had promised. She had also spent a lot of time underneath him in incredibly uncompromising positions, which was probably her favorite part.

  The office since she’d returned on Monday had been a little out of sorts. The news about her and “the British billionaire” had spread like wildfire. It was strange to walk into the break room one day and be hardly noticed unless she greeted somebody, to walk in the next and have someone follow her around and want to ask her a million questions.

  She was finding it difficult to walk up to women her age. The college interns would just stare with a look of admiration and, strangely, a modicum of respect showing on their faces, but the older, professional women had changed completely. Laura couldn’t even bump into them in the bathroom without feeling like they were just talking about her. Three times already that week she’d entered a room and all conversation would stop. It was bizarre and a little upsetting.

  That night was her first official outing as a couple with Mason, and Laura could not wait. Daniel had been lovely enough to let her leave at lunch to go get pampered, but she suspected it was because he wanted her to rub elbows with the moguls who might show up so the magazine could either land an investor or a major story. She didn’t care. She was in desperate need of a haircut and had been for a couple of months, so she would agree to anything to just be able to get one.

  Laura was shutting down her computer and gathering her things to leave when Tammy peeped her head in the door. “Miss Ross, are you busy?”

  “Not at all, Tammy, I’m just getting ready to leave for the day. Come on in.”

  Tammy strode across the grey Berber carpet and handed Laura a plain white envelope. “This just arrived for you by courier.”

  Laura grinned in excitement. Mason was becoming so regular with the little gifts and messages, she was sure the sweetness would give her a cavity before long. “Thanks, Tammy. I appreciate you dropping this off.”

  Tammy lingered a bit by the desk, hoping to see if the letter was from Mason. She loved everything romantic and was one of the few women in the office not struck down by jealousy yet.

  “Thanks, Tammy. I’ve got to finish getting ready to go now.” Laura smiled and shook her head. Tammy was an amazing receptionist and was always prompt and pleasant with every person she encountered in person and on the phone. She was only a year removed from college, and her bright-eyed outlook and romantic sensibility hadn’t been completely destroyed by life in the city yet. Laura thought she was just the cutest thing.

  She turned the envelope over in her hands. There was no return address, only the address to the office building. In one smooth slice she dragged her letter opener under the seam and withdrew a yellowed page with one ragged edge, a page torn out of a book.

  As oftentimes the too resplendent sun

  Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon

  Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won

  A single ballad from the nightingale,

  So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,

  And all my sweetest singing out of tune.

  And as at dawn across the level mead

  On wings impetuous some wind will come,

  And with its too harsh kisses break the reed

  Which was its only instrument of song,

  So my too stormy passions work me wrong,

  And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.

  But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show

  Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;

  Else it were better we should part, and go,

  Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,

  And I to nurse the barren memory

  Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.


  “Huh. Oscar Wilde?” She thought the choice was rather interesting, since she had Mason had long since made up. “Maybe he was feeling wistful?” she told herself, and shrugged. She tossed the poem in her top drawer. Her appointment was in half an hour, and if she didn’t leave immediately she would be late.


  She dashed out of the elevator, her heels clicking on the beige terrazzo floor of the lobby. Being so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she didn’t notice the man eyeing her on her way out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I’m so nervous!” Laura kept tugging on the belt of her sheer Elie Saab gown. The fabric was layers of whisper thin satin and tulle. The top layer was fully studded with gold metal flowers and patterned with hand-sewn embroidery in shades of blue and silver. The color of the gown beautifully enhanced the color of her eyes and made her pale blond hair look nearly white next to it. The halter collar echoed the pearl-studded one that Mason had given to her before their play date, which may have been the selling feature. She looked like walking moonlight.

  Now in the car, Laura suddenly felt naked; the layers of sheer fabric, no matter how decorated, still made her feel like she was bare. She had her hairdresser curl and pin her ha
ir up into a messy twist with loose tendrils escaping, creating a much more playful mood than she was feeling in that moment. “This is really our first date, and it’s the biggest event I’ve ever been to.”

  As the minutes ticked down, the butterflies in her stomach ramped up. In that moment she was glad she was too anxious to eat anything. She was sure she would have vomited.

  “Relax, Laura. You look radiant tonight, and we’re going to have fun.” He reached out and curled a tendril around his finger. “We can stay as long as you’re comfortable. I do this every year, so it’s old hat for me.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Just say the word and we’ll leave.”

  Laura nodded and downed the last of her bottled water, but was looking forward to some booze to calm her nerves.

  “Mason, this was all too much. The dress, the shoes, and the fact that you somehow managed to strong-arm my hairstylist into fitting me in for a last minute appointment – which was super impressive, by the way. What did you do?”

  “You deserve all of this. It’s no trouble at all, except I’m not so sure I want you out in public in that dress anymore,” he chuckled. “You’re making it damn hard to look anywhere else. As for your stylist, that was actually easy. I offered him courtside Knicks tickets for the rest of the season. Thanks to me, he will fit you in whenever you want for the next six months.”

  Laura snorted. “That’s an awful big bribe for only an hour of his time, but thank you. Now maybe I won’t wait so long to get a haircut.”

  The car eased up to the curb. There were a ton of people rubbernecking over a velvet rope to get a glimpse of the next attendee. Mason’s driver opened their door, and Laura climbed out first.


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