Book Read Free

Grade A Ahole

Page 6

by Vanessa Booke

  "Bed. Now," I command.

  Olivia surrenders but not before stomping on the wood floor and giving me the cutest death glare. I can't help but chuckle. Even in her defiance she's adorable. I can think of another defiant female in my life who compels a similar reaction out of me. A certain student of mine who I can't seem to stop thinking about. Was she really meeting someone at the movies? Why was she walking in alone?

  "Parker, are we going to talk?"

  Scarlett's voice slices through my thoughts. My tempter gets the better of me as I growl into the phone.

  "I have no idea why you're calling Scarlett but if it doesn't pertain to our daughter then I don't want to hear it."

  "Parker, I think I made a mistake."

  I'm tempted to ask which mistake, when there's been so many.

  "Scarlett, we agreed to joint custody as long as we had limited contact." I repeat the same boilerplate language from our contract in an attempt to push her off the phone.

  "You're not even going to give me a chance are you?" Her voice is on edge. It cuts through the phone and straight to my chest. The emotion displayed is fleeting. It doesn't take her long to turn her voice to the sultry liar I've come to know.

  "Please, give me a chance."

  "Fuck no," I growl. The shocked inhale on the other line tells me my words had the biting affect I wanted.

  "What happened to you, Parker? You used to be so sweet."

  You happened. I want to scream the words into the phone, words I've longed to scream for so long, but I don't bother. There's no point in dwelling over the bullshit.

  "Should I call my lawyer?" I ask.

  "For fuck sakes, Parker. You can be so cruel."

  "Just spit it out, woman. I need to put our daughter to bed."

  My words are greeted with a silent sob on the other end. The sound of her crying leaves me feeling frustrated.

  "What's wrong?" I blurt.

  "Oh, so now you fucking care?"

  I don't care or at least that's what I tell myself. It's only half a lie. I care enough because of Olivia not because of some school boy fantasy regarding my ex-wife. In the words of Taylor Swift, my daughter's favorite singer, we are never ever getting back together.

  "I'm only asking this one more time. If you don't give me a straight fucking answer I'm hanging up," I warn.

  The sob on the other end of the line abruptly stops. Scarlett sniffles into the phone a few times before finally speaking again.

  "I left Miles."

  Miles. Fucking. Storm. Just the name is enough to send me off the deep end. Anger erupts from my chest and it takes every inch of willpower not to throw something across the room. I've never wanted someone to fall off the face of the earth, until him.

  I've read the tabloids. Miles had a fiancee before he slept with my wife. I was tempted on several occasions to reach out to the woman. To convince her to take part in a twisted revenge fuck, but it didn't take me long to realize I didn't care enough to really hurt Scarlett or to lower myself to her level. Hating her takes effort. Ambivalence has always been the better play.

  "Let me guess, he got bored playing house with you? Or did he finally realize you're the cold fucking succubus that you are."

  "He slept with the maid and got her pregnant."

  I'm not fucking surprised. The little I know about their relationship isn't good.

  "Where should I pass on my congratulations?"

  "You're such an ass."

  "You put your bets on the wrong horse, Scarlett. As I recall, a few years ago, he went off to win back his ex-fiancee's heart. You made the mistake of taking him back. Did you think he would ever really love you?"

  "I guess you and him have a lot more in common than you think," she taunts.

  "We have nothing in common. Don't compare me to your dimwitted boyfriend. Or should I say ex-boyfriend."

  "You never cared, Parker. You never chased me. When you found out about Miles, you just gave up on us."

  If only Scarlett could see how hard I'm rolling my eyes right now. Her voice grates my ears as it begins to break again. Why would I run after a woman who didn't love me back? Who didn't respect me enough to keep her vows?

  "What was I supposed to do? Forgive you for fucking him in our bed?" I ask.

  "You never even confronted him."

  "Why did I need to? I already knew the truth. Straight from the horse's mouth. You had no qualms about ruining the life we had together."

  "If you really loved me, you would've confronted him. You would've been pissed. Yelled at me. Cursed me out. Something. Instead you just walked away. You completely shut me out and you just left. As if it meant nothing."

  "Has it occurred to you that perhaps the reason why I left was because I didn't want to see you two together? That your actions gutted me?"

  "You pushed me away. And in a way you pushed me to do this," she says.

  "Sure, like I pushed you on top of his dick, right?"

  "I would've done anything for you, Parker."

  "You couldn't even keep your vows to me. What about the things you promised?" I seethe.

  A creak on the floorboards tells me I'm not the only one in the room anymore. I turn to see Olivia standing in the hallway again, pajamas on and hair brushed back. Her eyes glittering with tears. The one person I never wanted to hurt is the only one who truly matters in this mess. I drop the phone to my side, trying to think of what to say to comfort her.

  "Daddy, stop yelling at mommy."

  Guilt plagues me as I take in her tear-stained cheeks and trembling lip. I'm not sure how long she's been listening but even a minute is too much. The hate that spewed from my lips is not something I ever wanted her to hear. It's something I've tried to keep hidden and well away from her ears.

  "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Come here."

  Her small little frame drops into my arms and I hold her tight against me. The smell of her shampoo fills my senses as she nuzzles her face against my neck. A simple act that pulls my heart strings.

  "Daddy's sorry. It won't happen again," I say, kissing her forehead.

  I mumble a goodbye to Scarlett and then hang up the phone. I know the longer I stay on the line with her, the harder it'll be to keep my promise. Besides, I'm not sure what Scarlett expects me to do with this next information. I swoop down and pick up Olivia in my arms. I'm her knight in shinning armor. Only hers.



  Another Friday night alone. I wrap my coat tighter around me as I walk toward the discount movie theater on Main St. Fridays are my favorite, the Regal Oceanside Cinema plays back to back showings of classics like Casa Blanca and Psycho. Tonight's showing is one of my favorites movies - Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn. Vicky would kill me if she knew I came to see it alone. Coming from a family in the entertainment industry, movies have become a huge part of my life. It also helps that you're basically shunned in my family if you're not a movie buff.

  I pay the $3 movie ticket and then head inside for popcorn. My body slams into someone just as I'm about to step inside the movie theater. The force of the impact sends me spiraling forward, but firm hands catch me as I narrowly tumble down the row in front of me.

  "Shit. Watch where you're go -"

  The words die on my lips as I look up into a pair of familiar green eyes. Professor Grant? The is rocking a James Dean look with jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. It's almost the exact outfit he wore the night at the club. He penetrates me with his shred gaze, taking his time going over my disheveled appearance. He smells good. Like leather and cologne. The two remind me of summer nights and making out with high school boys in the back seat of my father's mustang. I blow a strand of hair from my face and finally step out of his grasp after several intense seconds.

  "Do you always make it a habit to crash into things like you're being chased by a serial killer?" His tone is dry despite the hint of humor behind his words.

  "Do you make it a habit of touching-" the smart ass rem
ark dies on my lips as I spot a blonde little girl standing next to him. Her hand reaches out to grab his hand as she steps beside his pant leg. "Oh, hello."

  She finally smiles at me and the sight of it its nearly damn contagious. Her eyes are the same color as sea foam, a striking mix of blue and green. It's the only similar feature Professor Grant and her seem to share. Who is this adorable little girl? Professor Grant glances down at her and then back at me. He's silent for a brief yet awkward moment as I stand there waiting to be introduced. Maybe he doesn't want to introduce me?

  "This is Olivia, my daughter."

  Daughter? He has a daughter? The furrow over his eyes deepen as he studies my face. I'm not sure what's more shocking the fact that he procreated with his cheating ex-wife or that he's managed to raise a sweet little girl despite being an asshole.

  "It's nice to meet you," I smile awkwardly. "Olivia is one of my favorite names."

  "Thank you," she grins. "Are you my daddy's girl friend?"

  Oh. Awkward.

  Professor Grant clears his throat and shoots me small smile before addressing his daughter. He points at me with her hand still intertwines with his.

  "Olive, this is a student of mine…Josie," he says, looking back at his daughter. "She's still learning some words have multiple meanings."

  Did he just call me by my first name? Olivia looks up at Professor Grant with a wide grin. This little girl loves her daddy and there's something sickeningly adorable about it. Olivia looks at me and then grabs my hand. The gesture takes me by surprise. Her friendly demeanor is disarming. I refuse to like Professor Grant but this little girl is sneaking her way into my heart. A skill she must've acquired from her father.

  "Is my daddy a good teacher?" she asks.

  I want to laugh. A bright flush kisses my skin as I glance up at Professor Grant. He stares at me with a slight smirk to his lips. I linger a little too long on his lips and he catches me. Shit. Look away. My heart races like I'm back in middle school standing in front of a crush. Waiting to find out if I'll be rejected or kissed.

  "He's the best," I grin. "Maybe you can teach our class someday."

  She laughs and shakes her head with a shy smile. Professor Grant leans down to whisper something in her ear and hands her a $20. She nods her head yes and then skips over to the concession stand behind us. He waits until she's out of ear shot before speaking.

  "The best?" he asks, standing back up and taking a step closer. "Ms. Wilde, you haven't seen the best of me." The air between us grows heavy. The smell of his cologne hits me as he leans into and places his lips next to my ear. I shiver involuntarily and I curse my body for reacting so. "The best is you bent over my legs with your ass in the air and your pussy bare to me. Begging me to lick you."

  "I don't beg," I say, flushed at the raw ache building between my legs. Memories of the poem I was forced to read sends my heart racing. How can this man be so annoying and yet turn me on so easily?

  "You'll beg for me," he says a little too confident. The arrogance of this man is astounding. I'm tempted to tell him that he's all talk but I fear it's not true. Parker would keep his word and I would lose my heart. Olivia returns with a bag of popcorn, and hands her father the change from the $20. She looks up at me and extends the bag my way.

  "Are you going to see the movie with us?" The excitement in her voice is adorable. Before I have the chance to object, Professor Grant interrupts me.

  "I think Ms. Wilde is probably meeting someone here tonight."

  Slick. Very slick. If I deny his assumption, I admit to coming here alone. Olivia waits with an anxious expression for me to deny what he's saying. As much as I would love to spend time with his daughter, that also means spending time with Professor Grant. Something I can't afford at this point.

  "You're right, I am meeting someone tonight," I say, pointing to another theater.

  His gaze darkens at my lie. The irritation in his expression is unmistakable, despite the calm and collective voice I hear behind me. The tick in his jaw is a dead giveaway.

  "It was nice to meet you Olivia," I say. "Good night, professor."

  I turn my back to him and walk away biting back the smile that threatens to break free. Two can play this game.



  Twenty-three never looked so good. It's my birthday weekend and the best thing I have planned is Buffy reruns and chocolate cake pops. My favorite dessert despite the extra ten pounds they added to my thighs, which is another reason why I convinced Vicky to exercise with me. Sweat slides down my back as I step off my bike and follow my best friend into the women's locker room.

  After one hour of ass-kicking Soul Cycle, my body is feeling both energized and close to collapsing. I wipe the sweat off my love handles and between my breasts. A trail of it has formed all across my skin, leaving heavy sweat marks all over my workout outfit.

  "So, I have a surprise for you."

  I turn toward Vicky, my confusion obvious on my face. "I told you, no gifts."

  "Well, technically, this isn't a gift from me. It's a gift from Derrick. He said he knows this really great lawyer you might be interested in. His name is Noah Delanco."

  "Wait, how long have you been seeing Derrick and not telling me about it."

  Vicky blushes. "Well, he told me thought I wasn't that into him. Apparently, his brother, told him that I didn't seem as interested in him as he was with me."

  Professor Grant tried to sabotage my best friend's happiness? What the hell?

  "So, birthday girl, what do you think?" My hand stops mid-wipe at Vicky's question. Shit. This could end up being worse than the last time Vicky set me up with a fro-yo eating hipster who bragged about women's equality, up until we were in the bedroom. Apparently, going down on a girl was a hard limit for him. "Derrick knows him?"

  "Yes. Apparently, he's good in bed too." Vicky adds with wiggle of the eyebrows. She's been way too happy lately, and I guess I know why now. Getting laid by Professor Grant's hot, younger brother seems to have its perks.

  "I don't know," I say with a weak smile. Tonight was supposed to be another long night of rewrites. There's no way I'm giving Professor Grant the satisfaction of giving me another F on our upcoming assignment.

  "I promise if he's a dud you can leave at any time."

  "This way, ma'am."

  The young host standing at the front of Cielo directs me toward the back of the hip, urban restaurant nestled inside of the Oceanside Village Hotel. Lights dance above me as we pass couples dining. Row by row each table sits filled with lovers hovering closely together. The cute Italian restaurant seems to be a popular destination and its no wonder with it's lush green garden patio that sits adorned in candles and lights. It's like we've entered the Garden of Eden.

  We're almost to my table when I hear a voice behind me.

  "Ms. Wilde."

  I turn to find Professor Grant sitting at a small table, a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle in the other. He's dressed in slacks and a white dress shirt with the collar open. The casual look is both surprising and far too tempting. My heart races and his gaze pierces me with an icy expression. I shiver despite the warmth of the night air.

  "Professor Grant, I'm surprised to see you here," I say.

  He quirks an eyebrow at me before pouring the last of his wine.

  "Why is that Ms. Wilde? Do I not seem the type who likes to eat?"

  "I was almost certain that you were a robot," I say, biting back a smile. A perfectly sculpted robot with an irritatingly-sexy ass.

  "Despite what you may think, I do enjoy conventional things like talking, eating -"

  "Fucking," I mumble.

  Shit. Did I just say that out loud?

  "What was that, Ms. Wilde?" His eyes sparkle with mischief.

  My cheeks burn as I watch the slow smile light up his rugged face. Holy smokes, Batman. He definitely heard me.

  "Miss, your table is this way."

  I look back to realize the host lead
ing me was just privy to our entire exchange. The young man smiles and gestures to a table in the back. Before I have a chance to pull away, I feel fingers curling around my wrist.

  "Are you meeting someone?" Professor Grant asks.


  "Is this a date?" He presses. Why the hell is he asking so many questions?


  With that confession, I feel his fingers loosen their grip as he retreats back to his glass of wine. He looks up at me with an expressionless stare.

  "Have a good evening." I step away feeling as if I've just been dismissed. I leave him behind feeling a knot building in my stomach and the farther I walk the stronger it grows. To my surprise the host stops abruptly and points to a table only a few feet away from Parker's view. Before I have time to object or the chance to tell the waiter our table is much too close I realize Noah is there waiting for me.

  "You look beautiful," he says, as I approach. His eyes drink me like a man starved for water - or pussy.

  A blush sets in as I contemplate how to handle this awkward situation. Only a few tables back is Professor Grant, a man who absolutely drives me insane and yet I can't stop thinking about him. I'm tempted to look back to see if he's watching us.

  "Thank you," I say, as Noah hands me a single rose. He leans and brushes a kiss on my cheek. The gesture is far too intimate for a first date but I'm not completely surprised. Vicky warned me that her cousin was handsy.

  The man sitting in front of me is the epitome of a Hollywood Elitist. Noah sits back in his chair surveying me before snapping his fingers at a nearby waiter and ordering a drink for him and me. He watches me with a smile as he orders a plate of steak and lobster for himself. I grind my teeth, reigniting my bad habit from childhood. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a man who orders for me. I never understood why it's such a big turn on in Romance novels. To my dismay, Noah orders me a Kale salad instead of the juicy bacon cheeseburger I so desperately wanted.


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