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The Searchers

Page 47

by Glenn Frankel

  McMurtry, Larry, “The Conquering Indians,” New York Review of Books, 55:9, May 29, 2008.

  ———“Texas: The Death of the Natives,” NYRB, 53:14, Sept. 21, 2006.

  Miller, Edgar K., “A Visit to the Homes of Quanah Parker and Geronimo,” The Indian School Journal, III:2, 1907.

  “Mystery of Prairie Flower, Daughter of Chief, Solved,” Wichita Falls Times, May 3, 1959.

  Parker, Baldwin, “Life of Quanah Parker, Comanche Chief,” August 29, 1930 (PPHM).

  Parker, Baldwin, Jr., “Quanah Parker Lives,” (as told to Bill Schardin) Focus, 3:4, Autumn 1985.

  Parker, James W., “Defense of James W. Parker against Slanderous Accusations Preferred Against Him,” 1839 (Bancroft).

  Pearce, Roy Harvey, “The Significances of the Captivity Narrative,” American Literature 19 (1947–8), 1–20.

  Peattie, Donald Culross, “The Ballad of Cynthia Ann,” American Heritage, 7:3, April 1956.

  Pratt, R. H., “Indian Civilization: The Potency of Environment,” The Independent, 43:2202, Feb. 2, 1891.

  Price, Byron H., “The Great Panhandle Indian Scare of 1891,” Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, LV, 1982.

  “Quanah Lies Beside His Mother,” Cache Register, March 3, 1911.

  “Rachel Plummer Narrative,” 1926, no publisher listed.

  “Records of an Early Texas Baptist Church,” Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, XI:2, Oct., 1907, pp. 85–156.

  Reid, Jan, “The Warrior’s Bride,” Texas Monthly, Feb. 2003.

  Smith, Burton M., “Anti-Catholicism, Indian Education and Thomas Jefferson Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs,” Canadian Journal of History, 23:2, Aug. 1988.

  Sneed, R. A., “The Reminiscences of an Indian Trader,” in Chronicles of Oklahoma, 14:2, June 1936.

  “Story by Ex-Gov. J.P. St. John’s Wife,” Indian School Journal, IX:12, Oct. 1909.

  Tate, Michael L., “Comanche Captives: People Between Two Worlds,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, XXII:3, Fall 1994.

  “A Texan of the Texans: Stories of Governor Ross as an Indian Fighter,” Galveston Daily News, June 30, 1890.

  “Texas Indians—Report of Messrs. Butler and Lewis,” Letter from the Secretary of War, 29th Congress, 2d. Session, Doc. No. 76, Feb. 8, 1847.

  “Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas,” Texas State Archives and Library Commission,

  West, Derek G., “The Battle of Adobe Walls,” in The Battles of Adobe Walls and Lyman’s Wagon Train 1874. Canyon: Panhandle-Plains Historical Society, 1964.

  Unpublished Papers and Manuscripts

  Birdsong, Aubrey, “Reminiscences of Quanah Parker,” 1965 (Fort Sill).

  Cochran, Walter C., Reminiscences, 1930 (Briscoe).

  Gholson, B. F., Recollections of B.F. Gholson, Told to J.A. Rickard, August 1928 (Briscoe).

  Kiek, Marcus, “Brain-Tanned Buffalo Hide,”

  Linzee, E. H., “Development of Oklahoma Territory,” self-published mimeograph, 1950 (Claude Hensley Collection, Western History Collection, University of Oklahoma).

  O’Quinn, Eugene G., “Quanah—The Eagle: Half-White Comanche Chief,” 1981 (Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History).

  Parker, Ben J., “Early Times in Texas and History of the Parker Family,” undated (Briscoe).

  “Recollections of H.B. Rogers,” told to J. A. Rickard (Briscoe).

  Rivaya-Martínez, Joaquín, “Becoming Comanches: Patterns of Captive Incorporation into Comanche Kinship Networks, 1820–1875.”

  St. John, Susan Parker, “Notebook” (Briscoe).

  Scott, Hugh, QP Interview with Captain Hugh Scott, 1897 (Fort Sill). Also available at Neeley Archive (PPHM).

  “Skinning and Butchering a Bison,” video presentation, Panhandle-Plains Museum Historical Society, 2001 (PPHM).

  Sommer, Charles H., “Quanah Parker: Last Chief of the Comanches,” mimeograph, Oklahoma Historical Society, August 1945 (OKHS).

  Taulman, Araminta, Interviews with Mrs. R. H. King, July 5 and Sept. 13, 1926; and with Mrs. Turnbill, Sept. 24, 1926, handwritten notes (Briscoe).

  ———Interviews with Mrs. J. J. Nunally, 1926 (Ibid.).

  Taulman, Joseph and Araminta, “First Regularly Organized and Constituted Protestant or Non-Catholic Church in Texas—Still in Existence,” 1937, unpublished (Briscoe).

  ———Taulman Notebook No. 8 (Ibid).

  Parts III and IV (Alan LeMay, John Ford, and John Wayne)

  Archives and Collections

  Ronald L. Davis Oral History Collection on the Performing Arts in America, DeGolyer Institute for American Studies, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX

  Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University

  Frank S. Nugent Papers

  Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (MPAA), Beverly Hills

  Academy Oral History Program

  Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington

  John Ford Papers

  L. Tom Perry Special Collections Library, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

  Argosy Pictures Corporation Archives

  Merian C. Cooper Collection

  Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin

  Harper & Row Papers

  Maurice Zolotow Papers

  University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Warner Brothers Archives

  C. V. Whitney Papers (CVW) (family-held), Saratoga Springs, NY

  Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA, Los Angeles

  Alan LeMay Papers


  Aitchison, Stewart. A Traveler’s Guide to Monument Valley. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur, 1993.

  Anderson, Lindsay. About John Ford. London: Plexus, 1999.

  Barden, Dan. John Wayne: A Novel. New York: Doubleday, 1997.

  Blake, Michael F. Code of Honor: The Making of Three Great American Westerns. Lanham, MD.: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2003.

  Bogdanovich, Peter. John Ford. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.

  ———Who the Hell’s in It: Portraits and Conversations. New York: Knopf, 2004.

  Buscombe, Edward. Injuns! Native Americans in the Movies. London: Reaktion Books, 2006.

  ———The Searchers. BFI Film Classics. London: British Film Institute, 2000.

  ———Stagecoach. BFI Film Classics. London: British Film Institute, 1992.

  Canutt, Yakima. Stunt Man. New York: Walker and Company, 1979.

  Carey, Harry, Jr. Company of Heroes: My Life as an Actor in the John Ford Stock Company. Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1994.

  Cary, Diana Serra. The Hollywood Posse. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975.

  Cather, Willa. Death Comes for the Archbishop. New York: Vintage Classic, 1990 (original edition Alfred A. Knopf, 1927).

  Corliss, Richard. Talking Pictures: Screenwriters in the American Cinema. Woodstock, N.Y.: Overlook Press, 1974.

  Cowie, Peter. John Ford and the American West. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2004.

  D’Arc, James. When Hollywood Came to Town: A History of Moviemaking in Utah. Layton, UT: Gibbs Smith, 2010.

  Davis, Ronald L. Duke: The Life and Image of John Wayne. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1998.

  ———John Ford: Hollywood’s Old Master. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1995.

  Dyer, Richard. Stars. London: BFI Publishing, 1979.

  Eyman, Scott. John Ford: The Complete Films. Paul Duncan, ed. Cologne: Taschen, 2004.

  ———Print the Legend: The Life and Times of John Ford. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999.

  Faludi, Susan. The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007.

  Finstad, Suzanne. Natasha: The Biography of Natalie Wood. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001.

  Fonda, Henry. Fonda: My Life. New York: New American Library, 1981. />
  Ford, Dan. Pappy: The Life of John Ford. New York: Da Capo Press, 1998.

  Friar, Ralph E., and Natasha A. The Only Good Indian … The Hollywood Gospel. New York: Drama Book Specialists, 1972.

  Gallagher, Tag. John Ford: The Man and His Films. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

  Hollywood’s Indian. Peter C. Rollins and John E. O’Connor, eds. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1998.

  Howze, William. The Influence of Western Painting and Genre Painting on the Films of John Ford. Connexions, September 2, 2011.

  John Ford in Focus. Kevin L. Stoehr and Michael C. Connolly, eds. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.

  John Ford Interviews. Gerald Peary, ed. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001.

  John Ford Made Westerns. Gaylyn Studlar and Matthew Bernstein, eds. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.

  Kalinak, Kathryn. How the West Was Sung: Music in the Westerns of John Ford. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007.

  Kaplan, James. Sinatra: The Voice. New York: Doubleday, 2010.

  Lasky, Jesse L., Jr. Whatever Happened to Hollywood? New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1975.

  LeMay, Alan. Painted Ponies. New York: Popular Library (paperback edition), 1958 (originally published 1926).

  ———The Searchers. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954.

  ———The Unforgiven. Harper and Brothers, 1957.

  LeMay, Dan. Alan LeMay: A Biography of the Author of The Searchers. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2012. Unpublished draft: Never Dull: The Life of Alan LeMay (Oct. 2007).

  McBride, Joseph. Searching for John Ford: A Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001.

  ———and Michael Wilmington. John Ford. London: Secker & Warburg, 1974.

  Moon, Samuel. Tall Sheep: Harry Goulding, Monument Valley Trader. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.

  Mortimer, Barbara. Hollywood’s Frontier Captives: Cultural Anxiety and the Captivity Plot in American Film. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000.

  Munn, Michael. John Wayne: The Man Behind the Myth. New York: New American Library, 2003.

  O’Hara, Maureen. ’Tis Herself: A Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004.

  The Old West in Fiction. Irwin R. Blacker, ed. New York: Ivan Obalensky, 1961.

  Parrish, Robert. Growing Up in Hollywood. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.

  Place, J. A. The Western Films of John Ford. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1977.

  Roberson, Chuck, with Bodie Thoene. The Fall Guy: 30 Years as the Duke’s Double. North Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Hancock House, 1980.

  Roberts, Randy, and James S. Olson. John Wayne: American. New York: Free Press, 1995.

  Rodengen, Jeffrey L. The Legend of Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney. Fort Lauderdale: Write Stuff Enterrpises, 2000.

  Sarris, Andrew. The John Ford Movie Mystery. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

  Saunders, Frances Stonor. Who Paid the Piper: The CIA and the Cultural Cold War. London: Granta Books, 1999.

  Schatz, Thomas. The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era. New York: Pantheon, 1988.

  ———Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981.

  The Searchers: Essays and Reflections on John Ford’s Classic Western. Arthur M. Eckstein and Peter Lehman, eds. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2004.

  Sinclair, Andrew. John Ford. New York: Dial Press/James Wade, 1979.

  ———Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America. New York: Atheneum, 1992.

  Smith, Paul Chaat. Everything You Know about Indians Is Wrong. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

  Smith, Henry Nash. Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.

  Stern, Lesley. The Scorsese Connection. Bloomington: Indiana University Press and BFI Publishing, 1995.

  Stevens, George, Jr., Conversations with the Great Moviemakers of Hollywood’s Golden Age. New York: Alfred Knopf, 2006.

  Tuska, Jon. The American West in Film: Critical Approaches to the Western. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985.

  TV and Screen Writing. Lola Goelet Yoakem, ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.

  Vaz, Mark Cotta. Living Dangerously: The Adventures of Merian C. Cooper. New York: Villard, 2005.

  Wagner, Robert J. Pieces of My Heart. New York: Harper Entertainment, 2008.

  Wagner, Walter. You Must Remember This. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1975.

  Warshow, Robert. The Immediate Experience. New York: Atheneum, 1979.

  Wayne, Pilar. John Wayne: My Life with the Duke. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

  Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt. High Peaks. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1977.

  Whitney, Eleanor Searle. Invitation to Joy. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.

  Wills, Garry. John Wayne’s America: The Politics of Celebrity. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.

  Wister, Owen. The Virginian. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1929 (original ed. Macmillan, 1902).

  Zolotow, Maurice. Shooting Star: A Biography of John Wayne. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974.

  Articles and Periodicals

  Arnold, Gary, “Hero’s Welcome for The Searchers.” Washington Post, Sept. 23, 1979.

  Bacon, James, “John Wayne: The Last Cowboy.” US, June 27, 1978.

  Barrier, Michael, “Fess Parker, An Interview by Michael Barrier,” 2003–4,

  Bissinger, Buzz, “Inventing Ford Country.” Vanity Fair, March 2009.

  Byron, Stuart, “The Searchers: Cult Movie of the New Hollywood.” New York, vol. 12, no. 10, March 5, 1979.

  Card, James, “The Searchers by Alan LeMay and John Ford.” Literature/Film Quarterly, 16:1 (1988).

  Dykstra, Ruthurd, “The Search for Spectators: VistaVision and Technicolor in The Searchers.” Kino, I:1, 2010.

  Ebert, Roger, “The Searchers.” Nov. 25, 2001,

  Eckstein, Arthur M., “Darkening Ethan.” Cinema Journal, 38:1, Autumn 1998.

  Freeman, Castle, Jr., “Owen Wister: Brief Life of a Western Mythmaker, 1860–1938.” Harvard Magazine, July–Aug. 2002.

  Hansen, Curtis Lee, “Henry Fonda: Reflections on 40 Years of Make-Believe.” Cinema, 3:4, Dec. 1966.

  Henderson, Brian, “The Searchers: An American Dilemma.” Film Quarterly, 34:2, Winter 1980–1.

  Hughes, Robert, “Art: How the West Was Spun.” Time, May 13, 1991.

  Jennings, Dean, “John Wayne: The Woes of Box-Office King.” Saturday Evening Post, 235:38, Oct. 27, 1962.

  Kennedy, Burt, “A Talk with John Ford.” Action!, Sept.–Oct. 1968, p. 6.

  Kiefner, Thomas, “Max Steiner,” in Film Music: The Neglected Art.

  Lethem, Jonathan, “The Darkest Side of John Wayne.” Salon, July 1997.

  ———. “Defending The Searchers.” Tin House, Winter 2001.

  Marcus, Greil, “John Wayne Listening,” in Movies. Gilbert Adair, ed. London: Penguin, 1999.

  McBride, Joseph, “The Pathological Hero’s Conscience: Screenwriter Frank S. Nugent Was the Quiet Man behind Director John Ford.” Written By, May 2001.

  McInerney, Joe, “John Wayne Talks Tough.” Film Comment, September/October 1972, 8, 3.

  Metcalf, Stephen, “The Worst Best Movie.” Slate, July 6, 2006.

  Nugent, Frank, “Hollywood’s Favorite Rebel.” Saturday Evening Post, July 23, 1949.

  McBride, Joseph, and Michael Wilmington, “Prisoner of the Desert.” Sight and Sound, Autumn 1971.

  Pippin, Robert B., “What Is a Western? Politics and Self-Knowledge in John Ford’s The Searchers.” Critical Inquiry 35, Winter 2009.

  “Playboy Interview
: John Wayne.” Playboy, May 1971.

  Pollock, Louis, “Alone—but Not for Long.” Motion Picture, 46:550, Nov. 1956.

  Scott, A. O., “How the Western Was Begun.” New York Times Magazine, Nov. 11, 2007, pp. 55–58.

  ———, “The Searchers: How the Western Was Begun.” New York Times, June 11, 2006.

  Stone, Robert, “The Search Party.” New York Times Magazine, Nov. 11, 2007, p. 58.

  “Trip to Monument Valley.” Arizona Highways, special issue, April 1956.

  “War Horse and the Influence of John Ford on Steven Spielberg.”, accessed Nov. 27, 2011.

  Warshow, Robert, “Movie Chronicle: The Westerner,” in The Western Reader. Eds. Jim Kitses and Gregg Rickman. New York: Limelight, 1998.

  “Welcome to Monument Valley.” Arizona Highways, April 1956.

  Unpublished Manuscripts

  Dan LeMay. “Notes on Indian Raids,” 2008.

  Nugent, Frank. “Diaries.” July 20 to Dec. 7, 1947.

  ———. “The Searchers: Revised Final Screenplay.”

  Shively, JoEllen. Cowboys & Indians: The Perception of Western Films Among American Indians and Anglo-Americans. Stanford: PhD thesis, 1990.


  A select list of films referenced in this book. Except where noted, all were directed by John Ford.

  The Battle of Elderbush Gulch (1913), D. W. Griffith

  The Squaw Man (1914), Cecil B. DeMille

  The Tornado (1917)

  Straight Shooting (1917)

  The Iron Horse (1924)

  3 Bad Men (1926)

  The Big Trail (1930), Raoul Walsh

  Sagebrush Trail (1933), Armand Schaefer

  Randy Rides Alone (1934), Henry Fraser

  The Dawn Rider (1935), R. N. Bradbury

  The Informer (1935)

  Stagecoach (1939)

  Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)

  Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)

  The Grapes of Wrath (1940)

  The Long Voyage Home (1940)

  North West Mounted Police (1940), Cecil B. DeMille

  How Green Was My Valley (1941)

  Reap the Wild Wind (1942), Cecil B. DeMille

  The Battle of Midway (1942)

  December 7th (1943)

  The Fighting Seabees (1944), Edward Ludwig

  Along Came Jones (1945), Stuart Heisler


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